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  • Musk warns Twitter rebrand to X will happen soon

    mattinoz said:

    The branding could end up being a good thing for Twitter, as it attempts to raise revenue following attempts to cut costs and numerous controversies. On July 15, Musk declared Twitter was "still negative cash flow," harmed by a 50% drop in advertising revenue and a heavy debt load.

    Read on AppleInsider

    Yer Nar can't see it working out so well given most the the need to rebrand is from Musk himself generating controversies. He should sell and let the new owners rebrand. 

    Unless that is the plan let them debrand as a sign of fixing the mistakes of the elon-era. Would explain why the branding is so "power-bro"
    AppleInsider must have gone nuts from trying to defend the indefensible. Is there ANYONE who hasn't made the connection between a White South African and the "free speech" stance who encourages all white supremacists to spew their racist filth on his platform? Anti-censorship unless you disagree with him.
  • Musk warns Twitter rebrand to X will happen soon

    I asked ChatGPT to write me a limerick about Musk's new "everything app" rhyming with crap.

    Here's what it came up with (in less than a second):
    In the world of tech, a great zap,
    Is the new "everything app" on the map
    But it glitched and went snap
    Now it's causing a mishap
    Leaving users to call it pure crap!

    No kidding, that is a direct copy and paste!

    Here's the haiku version:
    Tech's "everything app,"
    Glitches bring a sudden snap
    Crap, the users clap.

    Now for the riddle:
    I'm the tech marvel they sought to create,
    An "everything app," a wonder, first-rate,
    But glitches appeared, sealing my fate,
    Now users find me frustratingly innate,
    In disappointment, they often berate,
    Guess what am I?
    It's your turn to speculate!

  • Apple Vision Pro firmware hints at three distinct battery models

    Xed said:
    mayfly said:
    "Apple said at WWDC that the battery is not casually removable from the headset. There is a USB-C port on the battery for charging and directly powering the Apple Vision Pro."

    Just my uninformed opinion, but I think Apple missed an opportunity by attaching the battery this way. Better to put two USB-C ports on the headset, so users could just swap battery packs without it powering down. Weight gain would be marginal, and it would be easy to add a latch to prevent accidental detachment. Unless it's possible to attach a backup battery to the USB port on the battery. At this time, there's been no mention of that from Apple.
    Why assume that will power down when you disconnect the entrant battery pack?

    The 72° counter-clockwise turn to unlock the charging cable looks to be a very elegant design to keep excessive weight off the device.
    I think it's functional. But elegant? Not at all. Why is a shutdown every time the battery dies or you unplug it better than having a spare battery? For comparison, say you're on vacation, having lunch in the town square of Siena, in Tuscany, with your iPhone, or better yet, your Canon digital SLR. The church doors open, and a newly married couple emerges the priest. Suddenly, a participant releases a flock of white doves which ascend into the sky. But your battery is dead, and you can't preserve the memory for your friends and family. And yes, that's exactly what happened to us, on our once in a lifetime vacation experience.

    Proving once again Murphy's law that "whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time!" That's why it would be commodious to have a hot swappable battery.
  • Samsung leaks that Apple is still working on an all-screen foldable MacBook Pro

    geekmee said:
    And what problem does the foldable screen solve again?

    Keyboard mapping for any language.  Apple wouldn't have to make unique hardware keyboards for different markets.
    That may be of benefit to Apple, not so much to the enduser.
    king editor the gratewatto_cobrawilliamlondon
  • Apple Vision Pro firmware hints at three distinct battery models

    "They absolutely do have the jankiness I mentioned, you just don't notice it."

    If you can't notice it, what't the difference? It's only used for charging/powering, not data transfer.