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  • EU has very serious issues with Apple, says competition chief

    The “very serious issues” are:

    1) Apple is an AMERICAN company

    2) Apple is wildly successful

    3) Apple is not currently the EU’s welfare program. 

    Apple has already complied perfectly with the ridiculous rules set forth by the corrupt EU. 

    For some incompetent reason, the EU has since allowed Apple’s competitors determine how well Apple has followed the one-sided rules and based their follow-up attacks against Apple n the complaints of greedy companies. 

    It’s rather pathetic. Need to get some grown ups to take over the mess that is the EU. 
    This is a public service announcement: These regulations are put in place to protect consumers.

    What amazes me is that Apple has convinced a lot of the people that they are the victims from these regulations. Somehow, the EU is viewed that they are somehow just going after Apple. These regulations are put in place to go after monopolies, and unfortunately, Apple is one on iOS.
  • EU to settle Apple Pay NFC probe after Apple's concessions

    Apple should just. let it crash and burn.

    And them make a detailed video campaign about how the EU is taking away users freedom to choose a platform that is closed and secure.
    I agree!! Apple has always been great at propaganda!
  • Judge questions Apple's commitment to App Store payment alternatives

    rob53 said:
    Why does Apple has to have an alternative App Store payment process? When I go to any store, I pay the store. I don't pay the manufacturer of an individual product. I just don't understand why people can't see this. It's Apple's product so you pay Apple. 
    Exactly. And grocery stores charge shelving fees based on placement. Yet I haven’t seen the government go after that.
    The problem with this analogy is that you can go across the street to another grocery store. You have choices. With Apple, you just have their store and that's it.
    avon b7williamlondonLettuce
  • EU Core Technology Fee for small & non-profit developers pared way back

    londor said:
    Meson said:

    The difference is you can go and buy a game from another store (Game Stop, etc.) and Microsoft doesn't get the 30% commission.
    Of course they do, Microsoft gets a cut of every copy of a game sold anywhere whether it's a physical or digital copy. 
    You are correct. It seems that Microsoft does take a 15% cut on third-party games sold physically. It still doesn't make it right though.

    I'm not against Apple (or Microsoft or any other company) charging fees, but it needs to be reasonable. Charging fees for sales that are not going through your channel seems excessive, and typically the users are the ones who ends up paying for those fees through higher prices. I'm surprised that you seem to support this. The more fees that Apple charges, the more you pay for your apps/games. Developers will eat some of the fees, but they will pass on most of these excessive fees on to you.
  • EU Core Technology Fee for small & non-profit developers pared way back

    londor said:
    Imagine if Microsoft...

    You don't have to image it, Microsoft currently does that with the Xbox. Why is Apple's iPhone any different than Xbox, Playstation, etc?
    The difference is you can go and buy a game from another store (Game Stop, etc.) and Microsoft doesn't get the 30% commission. Only when games are purchased through their game store is their commissions. So if Apple allowed third party stores, then they would be the same as the Xbox. 