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  • EU hits back at Apple withholding Apple Intelligence from the region

    indiebug said:
    EU commission head is targeting Apple either because she has clandestinely sided with its competitors or as a means to milk American companies which are far ahead of European counterparts. EU is literally finding ways to squeeze money out of American tech giants. EU s policies are based on protectionism and jealousy towards Big American brands. This is awful and anyone with common sense can understand. Interoperability- nonsense. Next, make iMovie compatible with android. Why does not Microsoft make windows compatible with Mac? Why no android on iPhone.  All nonsensical hogwash 

    The EU commission requires owners of market-dominating operating systems not to set their own browsers as the default, but to show users a selection of competing browsers during setup, from which they should choose one as the default.

    The EU commission wants the owners of the market-dominating operating systems not to prevent app developers from advertising the sale of licenses in their own apps. 

    European iOS and iPadOS users shall become free to choose who they want to buy apps and content from. Apple shall not stay the monopoly reseller of apps for iOS and iPadOS in the EU. The EU does not want Apple to be able to continue to prevent certain apps from being available on iOS and iPadOS. European Users of iOS and iPadOS shall become able to freely develop, distribute, install, sell and buy apps for iOS and iPadOS.

    That is more freedom for European users, that is more freedom for developers all over the world who want to sell apps for iOS and iPadOS in the EU, that is less freedom for Apple in the EU.

    The EU commission demands that the owners of the market-dominating operating systems do not use the APIs of the operating systems exclusively for themselves, but that the owners of these operating systems allow all app developers to use the APIs of the operating systems so that there are more better applications that run on all operating systems.

    The EU commission does not require Apple to develop apps for other operating systems.

    avon b7williamlondonmuthuk_vanalingamspheric
  • EU hits back at Apple withholding Apple Intelligence from the region

    avon b7 said:

    And how did you reach the conclusion that the EU wants to *make* Apple release a product or feature in the EU? 

    She didn't say that. She said this:

    "I think that is the most sort of stunning, open declaration that they know 100% that this is another way of disabling competition, where they have a stronghold already."

    Firstly, it's clearly a personal opinion, and secondly, at this point in time at least, it is not far off the mark with regards to Apple's 'competition' issues within the EU. 

    I concur.

    Margrethe Vestager 

    “So Apple have said that they will not launch their new AI-enabled features in the IRS environment [the EU], and they say that they will not do that because of the obligations that they have in Europe. And the obligations that they have in Europe, it is to be open for competition, that is sort of the short version of the DMA. And I find that very interesting that they say we will now deploy AI where we’re not obliged to enable competition. I think that is the most sort of stunning, open declaration that they know 100% that this is another way of disabling competition, where they have a stronghold already.”

    Source: www.youtube.com/live/GmQ5SsMFbsU?t=4592

    Some background:

    Margrethe Vestager is the “Executive Vice President of the European Commission for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age”. The European Commission (EC) is part of the executive of the European Union (EU). It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission (directorial system, informally known as "Commissioners") headed by a President. There is one member per member state, but members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state. The EU Commission does not do anything that has not been agreed with the national governments of the EU member states.

    Some numbers:

    US GDP:  $28.781 trillion

    EU GDP: $25.399 trillion

    China GDP: $35.291 trillion

    US population: 334,914,895

    EU population: 448,387,872

    China population: 1,409,670,000

    My conclusion:

    Apple's management is perfectly free to leave the EU market or ship more or less worthless "light" versions of Apple technology into the EU, but Apple would not only lose access to a huge market, it would also lose access to the knowledge and support of a highly skilled workforce in the EU that not only uses Apple technologies, but also develops highly innovative technologies that Apple buys and puts an Apple label on.

    Vestager is not a lone wolf, but is acting in line with the wishes of the 27 national governments in the EU, including Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Czech Republic, Austria, etc. 

    The de facto influence of the EU goes far beyond this, because many non EU-member states in Europe cooperate closely with the EU for economic reasons or because they want to become members of the EU.

    It is clear that China is now the world's economic leader, which is currently mainly due to the fact that it has the largest population. China is currently developing into the new sole (?) superpower. But in China, the government is not democratically elected. And all people and company managers in both the America and Europe need to think carefully about whether they want to be dominated by China and its vassals in Russia, North Korea and Iran in the near future.
