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  • Apple Ring: Two decades of rumors and speculation about a smart ring

    I would be all over an Apple ring.  I wear an Apple Watch at night for sleep tracking because I wear a traditional watch during the day.  I am on my 2nd Oura ring, and they work great but the addition of a subscription is a deal breaker for many people (I’m grandfathered in).  What bugs me the most though is after about 2 years the battery life is terrible and you need to get a new one - with no new features and at full price.

    at least with an Apple ring I wouldn’t mind getting a new one every couple of years, because of the increased functionality and what I assume would be new features added over time.
  • How fast will A18 in iPhone 16 be? The iPad Pro's M4 can tell us.

    I believe M3 is missing the edge connector necessary to make an M3 Ultra.  The M3 is based on the TSMC 3mm/N3B node, which was created by TSMC as a limited run, just so Apple could have the first 3mm chip.  The M4 is based on the 3mm/N3E node, which we assume will support the Pro, Max and Ultra.

    So I don't think we will ever see a M3 Ultra.  I think we will see the M4 Pro, M4 Max, and then M4 Ultra.
  • Apple Notes in iOS 18 looks to up the ante with Microsoft OneNote

    mike1 said:
    I really hope they separate the scanning capability from Notes.
    It really should be part of Camera. Open camera app, select scan, take pic (scan). Ask me what to do with it (like a screenshot does). Message, email, save to Photos or Files, save as Note etc. 
    I often need to send PDF scans of documents. I never need to save them as a note.
    Using this feature as a part of Notes adds a lot of unnecessary steps and time to the process, including deleting the unnecessary note I just created.
    You can also scan in the files app and save them directly to your iCloud Drive.  This makes much more sense if the destination of the scan is NOT going into a note.
  • AirPods & Apple Watch market share insight opens debate on consumer choice

    avon b7 said:

    The problems arise though when manufacturers try to limit accessibility unnaturally to their platforms. That might be a different story. I don't know if that's the case. 

    Why is this a problem?  If you do't like the way the platform works, switch to another platform or just don't buy one.

    It's not Apple's job as a company to make it easy for their competitors to integrate with their products.  If it makes business sense for them to do so, then they will, if it doesn't then they won't.

    If you don't like the way Apple does business, they don't buy their products.  It's that simple.  Why should Apple have to do anything to help their competitors integrate with their platform?  We are talking about a cell phone platform that has at most a 50% market share in the US and less world wide.  The alternative platform is fully comparable and 100% a viable solution.

    All of these lawsuits are trying to tear down the very things that we Apple users WANT, and are a significant reason why we pay "the Apple tax" as people like to say.

    I don't want to be ablate side load apps.  I don't want to multiple app stores, and I don't want things like "walmart pay" to junk up my phone and ruin my iPhone experience.  We pay a PREMIUM the the privilege of NOT having to deal with these things.  I buy iPhones for all of my kids because i DONT want them to have Android phones and have to deal with the privacy and security issues there.  If one of my kids wants a Samsung phone that's fine, but they are on their own to buy one.

    It that same with Windows.  I don't want a Widows PC.  Haven't ever bought one and have paid a significant premium for Apple products for 40 years now.

    Call me an outlier if you will. but I think I am pretty representative of many Apple users today.  They won't even CONSIDER another phone.  Why should they?  NONE of the things these lawsuits are about are meaningful to them.  No one I know cares about side loading, or multiple app stores.  Hardly anyone I know even downloads third party software for their Mac's either.

    Don't even get me started on iMessage.  The whole argument on messaging is ridiculous.  Are we really crying over Green bubbles?  Do you REALLY want to send SMS messages through What's App?  Do you even understand that SMS messages are not secure and can't support large attachments like high resolution images and videos?  I know, what about Google's RCS support.  Personally, I don't care.  Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE that I would send this type of information has an iPhone.  I know this isn't true for everyone, but there are so many other options you can use as well.  Don't want to use multiple messaging apps?  Aren't you already doing that with Facebook messenger, and Instagram DM's, and Twitter/X DM's?  Why does this have to be any different.

    I get that some people WANT Apples to support Walmart Pay, or Google RCS, or download apps from the Epic App store, or from Joe's Web site, but the vast majority, and I am talking 95% or MORE do NOT want these features.  They just don't care.  What we DO care about is having these features ruin the platform that we actively sought out and selected because of these features.

    Bottom line, if you don't like something Apple does, you are free to complain about it, but don't expect Apple (or any other company) to make changes for things that are not in their best interest.  They are a publicly traded company whose primary job is to make money for their shareholders.  If you don't like that, then don/t use their products.  Don't try to take one f the most successful companies in the world and change it into something that will ultimately ruin the experience the those of us to DO enjoy using their products.

    That's the end of my rant.

  • Apple calls 128GB 'lots of storage' in new iPhone 15 ad

    128GB feels like it is a usable MINIMUM for the vast majority of people.  The 5GB iCloud backup limit is ridiculous but it's been short since they had 32GB iPhones.

    Buying more iCloud space is the smarter way to go.  With over 17,000 photos in my library and a 100GB iCloud photo library, my phone is a 128GB model and has 64G free.

    200GB of iCloud storage is $3/mo. or $36/year.  upgrading to 256GB is $100, which addresses the local storage but not the backup issue.  3Y of iCloud 200GB is about the same price, and gives you both the storage AND the backup.

    Buy more iCloud space, not more phone storage - especially if you upgrade your phone more than once every 3Y.

    That said, I don't shoot much video, so if you are shooting alot of 4K video, this may not work for you, but them I would say you aren't a typical user of the 128GB or even 256GB phone.