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  • Tim Cook confirms that Apple has been working on generative AI for years

    I'm sorry - but the excuses about Siri being crap because of privacy concerns just doesn't hold water.

    "Hey Siri - play Scarborough Fair". Now I have "Scarborough Fair" by Simon & Garfunkel in my library, and I'd guess this is the version that 99.9% of people would want 99.9% of the time and it's a track I've also asked Siri to play literally hundreds of times because it helps my toddler get to sleep.

    And yet, every time it is a gamble if she will play this, or some other rando version, or some other rando song completely. Siri learns NOTHING and doesn't even use the contextual knowledge available to make a reasonable guess of what you want.

    Or what about a simple query while I'm driving and I idly ask what year some actor died. "I can't answer that while you're driving". Is that to preserve my privacy or is it just because they haven't put in the work to make Siri be able to answer simple queries in natural language?
    CheeseFreezeforgot usernamedk49designrflyingdpelijahgbyronlCaffiend
  • Apple Music Classical begins rolling out to international users

    byronl said:
    dymmas said:
    You can’t download to listen offline.


    The app experience is great. Hopefully they adopt it for the Music app.
    How does the app experience differ to the Music app's?
    It's familiar. Shows music from the main Music app (matched and Added) that fits a classical Category.

    Metadata tagging in albums seems to be ordered more hierarchically by works rather than just a list of tracks. No option to download for offline listening on iOS. 

    I guess the bigger benefits will be around music discovery and help finding versions. For instance if I search for Mozart's Requiem it recognises that as one "Work" and comes back with 824 (!) recordings of it and seems to lead with an Editor's Choice and some classic recordings.

    Seems like they did an okay job to keep it familiar and keep any classical music you already have in Apple Music. 
  • Man blames Apple for bitcoin theft by fake app in App Store

    Well, I am victim-blaming here. Situations like this are literally the reason real banks for real currencies have FDIC oversight and mandatory deposit insurance, and why investment banks have SIPC oversight and insurance. This person intentionally opted out of that system. He decided to use unregulated banks, so the consequences of that decision are on him.
    So if this had been a fake app representing itself as the banking application of a regional bank and had defrauded the user that way, it would be Apple’s fault?

    Apple’s scrutiny of the app and its later releases, its failure to validate the publisher against a known entity, and its failure to stop the company using fake reviews to get close to 5 stars all mean Apple isn’t running the safe and secure App Store it claims  to.
  • Apple's iOS 13.2 release bricks HomePod for some users [u]

    Actually, it would appear you’re correct according to National Geographic:

    The odds of becoming a lightningvictim in the U.S. in any one year is 1 in 700,000. The odds of being struck in your lifetime is 1 in 3,000
    That doesn't seem right. If an average lifespan is 100 years and the first figure is correct, then you'd expect chances of being stuck to be no more than 100 in 700,000 or 1 in 7,000 (and really a bit less). has a one-year chance of one in 1.2 million and a lifetime chance of one in 15,000 with an estimated lifespan of 80 years. At least this is internally consistent.

    NatGeo might need to hire someone with statistics training.
  • Scammer pilfers $75,000 in bitcoin from Steve Wozniak

    vannygee said: Imagine a digital asset that is valued based on supply and demand
    It isn't really based on supply and demand because there is no limit to the supply. The digital "mine" will never run dry. There is no "search" for new sources. 
    Yes there is. There is a finite number of Bitcoin (21 million) that can ever be mined built in from day 1.

    I would say this is actually more of an issue because coins will get lost (or rather, the keys to claim them will) and no more can be produced to replace them.