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  • Apple denies claim China slipped spy chips into its iCloud server hardware [u]

    Our family compound is all retirees. Consequently, Bloomberg TV is running a fair piece of time, background or closely watched, to keep track of investments we have made to supplement Social Security.  If you watch Bloomberg over a period of time, you know the party line is Apple ain't great, doesn't deserve the success it enjoys, in general, regardless of generally positive commentary by guest tech analysts - Bloomberg ain't happy about Apple.

    If you catch the Asian feed - as I do to check on US and EU futures before I hit the sack - you'd know that one entity they dislike more than Apple is China.  Something that many analysts truly experienced and knowledgeable about the Chinese economy challenge them about.  On air.

    Oh, you may wonder why we continue to watch Bloomberg TV, etc.?  Many of their analysts and staff have the independence to differ - and often do on a range of topics.  In general, they are the best of a bad lot.  Their competition - for example CNBC or for real crap, Fox Business News - mostly sucks full time.
  • Samsung continues attacking iPhone and Apple Stores in ad campaign

    As a FORMER fan of Samsung TVs, I wouldn't waste a penny on any of their electronics. Of the last 3 of their TVs purchased, 2 needed 3-figure repairs for shoddy workmanship or components. The latter required joining a successful class action suit which revealed Samsung used a purchase of cheapo 10-year-old components someone found in a warehouse...to produce that batch of TV sets.

    Add in rotating jail time for family members chosen to run the company.and I'm buying almost any other alternative. They offer nothing to tempt me away from Apple.
  • Apple's recent software problems are bad, but shouldn't lead to knee-jerk personnel decisi...

    My parents taught me to read 76 years ago. They suggested I try not to waste time on reading STUPID. Trying to live up to that standard, this is the first I’ve learned of an attempted putsch on Apple leaders.
  • Editorial: More companies need to temper their Artificial Intelligence with authentic ethi...

    “Authentic ethics” in a nation where education has been going downhill for over 60 years - is about as useful as “thoughts and prayers”.
    muthuk_vanalingammaciekskontaktradarthekattallest skilcornchipJohnnyCanadianjony0watto_cobra
  • Apple sued over iPhone's alleged role in EgyptAir flight 804 crash

    There are no limits to human greed.