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  • Editorial: Apple note sends media pundits into a fit of histrionic gibberish

    This is the mother of all buying opportunities. Back up the truck and load up on Apple stock while you still can.
    I have a decent track record catching bottoms. Don't forget we have both the time and space between now and Apple's quarterly report.  Plus the 2 or 3 weeks after - when the sharks work to drive share price down. Two spaces in market traffic filled with garbage noise...and opportunity.
  • Editorial: Apple note sends media pundits into a fit of histrionic gibberish

    Bloomberg corners the market in economics and business talent. For one reason. Their competition is ideologically, editorially worse.  All the time.

    Being the best of a bad lot, a corrupt midden...means I watch Bloomberg TV a fair piece to acquire more direct knowledge of markets than I could elsewhere.  They corner the market in talent often allowed free rein.

    They also take the time and space to remind viewers who they hate.  Notably, China, Apple. The staff knows this.  So do their guests who often confront the party line with facts. When "expert" Martin What'sisname shows up on Bloomberg Technology I either hit MUTE on the remote or shift to CNN to see if they've accidentally wandered away from the omnipresent magazine format and fallen into offering a minute of news. Often a FAIL.

    It is what it is.  The best of a bad lot.
  • iPhone assembler Pegatron may move to Indonesia over tariff fears

    Always warms the cockles of my heart to see at least one classic American bigot parrot conservative blather about intellectual "property" theft.  US patent law is about as archaic as it gets and many nations refuse to cooperate with Uncle Sugar as the trade cop of the world. I listened to this crap for years in international commerce - whines over Japan, Taiwan, Korea - now, China.  All while I worked for American and English firms with higher QC standards then current in the GOUSA.

    Aside from cultural and commercial history forming different trade practices, no one holds a gun to purchasers' heads forcing them to sign contracts with provisions for process transfer. Don't want to deal?  Don't sign!  Try to find a tidy little Republican company in East Bumshoe, Texas, to make your widgets. Without the number of jobsite engineers Chinese contractors typically have on payroll to guide assembly line changeovers - BTW.

    Internationalized supply/production chains have moved the global economy higher, faster than insular 18th Century ideologues ever admit.  That rising tide has floated all our boats. Want job retraining, modernized production? Plenty of Western nations manage to do so. They haven't goverments run by a 2-party cartel that prioritize corporate tax cuts, obscene military budgets, over education and opportunity.
  • Apple's largest supplier reported 24 percent surge in revenues from OLED display, componen...

    And rumors are so important, eh?
  • It is past time for Bloomberg to retract or unequivocally prove the iCloud spy chip story

    By no means true of all Bloomberg analysts, their Far Eastern crew is notorious for anti-Chinese slander. I've seen guests on during segments with Rishaad Salamat laugh at him for his "straw man" questions on Chinese economics.  

    Not so incidentally, this kind of crap is why most professional-class economists sneer at twerps like Trump's pet economist, Peter Navarro.

    Truthfulness is a lot more critical to legitimate reporting than pop culture political acceptability. 