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  • Apple adds 100 emoji to latest iOS 10 beta, promotes diversity and gender equality

    Well, I can hardly say I'm surprised at the comments on here already. Diversity exists, get over it. Women can ride bicycles, they can swim, surf and run. Why is this such an issue for you?!

    Oh, is it because there's a rainbow flag in there? I see. You're annoyed that a chunk of the population who relate to that flag are now being included in your small world. Well, tough.
  • Apple hands out rainbow Apple Watch bands to commemorate LGBT Pride

    Errors occur in nature all the time, and homosexuality is a perfect example of error.
    Reference, please?

    Somewhere in the brain of every homosexual a critical error has occurred.
    Reference, please?

    In what other situation is an error encouraged or rewarded as it is in homosexuality in today’s media?
    I think gets to the point of your malice. Because someone is different from you, or from what you consider to be 'normal', you have an issue with it. You think infertile couples are disabled (which would make old people no longer capable of producing children, disabled). You want to say to us that you think all 'degenerates' (your word) should be locked up, kept away from the public because they aren't 'normal'. That's pretty horrific.

    How do you treat bisexuals then? I mean, they also have heterosexual sex, so are they okay in your worldview, or are they to be locked away for just half the time of a homosexual?

    Lesbians? Are they just as bad, and need to be locked up because they should be out there having heterosexual sex with one of your white, straight male friends after he's come home from the sports game and bar looking for his freshly-made dinner?

    You may ask yourself how this error affects you. The answer is simple. Homosexuality, despite what you are told to believe, can be indoctrinated.
    Reference, please?

    Why do you think the rate of children who “turn out” gay skyrockets in the presence of gay “parents”?
    Reference, please?

    When we ask for references, we'd really rather like scientific material and links from the past decade, say, rather than the 40-60 year old stuff you've been supplying. Also, nothing from religious sources, please. They are inherently biased against the subject, and do nothing to advance your argument.

    If you straight people would stop having gay babies, we wouldn't need to justify our existence.
  • Apple hands out rainbow Apple Watch bands to commemorate LGBT Pride

    k2kw said:
    If we're lucky maybe skil will move to the post Brexit Britain.
    Hey, you made him, you can keep him! We don't need people like him in Britain. His outdated, moronic, bigoted views are not welcome here.
  • Apple hands out rainbow Apple Watch bands to commemorate LGBT Pride

    Fupping hell.

    Any story that has even a remote reference to homosexuality seems to force the angry homophobes onto the forum to spout their bile.

    Look, homosexuality is natural.

    Oh, you think homosexuality ISN'T natural because it doesn't produce offspring? So, every time you have heterosexual sex you make a baby? No.

    What about infertile couples? They don't make babies, but they still have sex. Why would they bother? Given that an infertile couple cannot conceive a baby, using IVF would be an unnatural act. I mean, IVF isn't natural. Science made it possible.

    Old couples? They can't make babies, so they should stop having sex, right? No.

    How can you not understand that sex is not always for the creation of a baby?!

    From http://www.patheos.com/blogs/unfundamentalistchristians/2014/04/top-7-claims-for-same-sex-relationships-being-unnatural/: Many animal species, including humans, engage in non-reproductive sexual behaviour. Among humans, the benefits of regular sexual intercourse are myriad. Various studies have found that it: improves one’s ability to deal with stress; lowers blood pressure; boosts antibody production; burns calories; reduces the chance of a heart attack; improves self-esteem; deepens intimacy; builds trust; makes one more generous; raises pain tolerance; reduces the risk of prostate cancer; reduces incontinence; improves sleep; stabilizes the menstrual cycle; improves bone and muscle health; keeps one’s skin looking more youthful; promotes longevity; improves tissue repair; reduces cholesterol; reduces depression; increases creativity; improves flexibility; relieves nasal congestion; heightens the sense of smell and taste; slows tooth decay; protects against osteoporosis; protects against Alzheimer’s; helps prevent endometriosis; alleviates arthritis pain; lessens cramps; reduces the risk of breast cancer; increases confidence; reduces risk of stroke; and boosts energy.

    Still having heterosexual sex just to make a baby? No. Just admit it.

    So, tallest_skil thinks that being gay is a "mental illness"? Really? That old chestnut? AGAIN?!

    From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_and_psychology: Psychology was one of the first disciplines to study homosexuality as a discrete phenomenon. Prior to and throughout most of the 20th century, common standard psychology viewed homosexuality in terms of pathological models as a mental illness. That classification began to be tested in research, which hasn't produced strong empirical evidence regarding homosexuality as a disorder.

    Okay, so that leaves us with a couple of observations:
    1. Some on here dislike homosexuality, and use a myriad of terms and phrases to suggest it's a bad thing because it diverts from their view of the world (probably from an upbringing steeped heavily in one of the Abrahamic religions; sometimes not).
    2. Some on here dislike tomatoes, but they're intelligent enough to realise that disliking a tomato is a personal preference, and not the fault of the tomato. And thus, hatred is not evident.

    Sexuality is a spectrum; you're at one point on it, some people are at another point. Why is that so bad? What drives you to write multiple posts on a topic to tell everyone else that they're wrong, and your world view is absolutely unshakable and correct? You demand citations and evidence, yet provide none to back up your own assertions.

    I don't care what you do in your bedroom, and for you to care about what I do in my bedroom tells us more about you than it ever could about me.

    In short, grow up. Live and let live.
    singularitylondorfastasleepcrowleymattinozferdinandcckevin keedsd