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  • Tom Hanks film 'Finch' sets Apple TV+ film premiere record

    This movie is very enjoyable, basically an exploration into what it means to be human. A typically strong performance by Tom Hanks, it's definitely worthy of watching.

    Do yourself a favour and ignore negative nellies proclaiming otherwise, this is a great addition to the ATV+ catalog.
  • Compared: 14-inch MacBook Pro vs MSI GP66 Leopard gaming notebook

    Some trolls over at anandtech were touting their superior Clevo machines, and they were adamant the new MBPs are far, far inferior, way overpriced and hugely underperforming in *every* aspect compared to Clevo.
  • iPadOS 15 confirms Apple's M1-equipped iPad Pro is a V8 engine powering a Ford Pinto

    Exactly. Compare the iPad Pro to the Surface Pro. See what kind of jobs a professional in any field can get done on those two devices. The only thing holding the iPad back is iPad OS and Apple's extremely limited vision.
    Fucking yawn, and what a ridiculous strategy to compare ANYTHING to Micro$haft who never innovated anything but only stole and copied its way into a quasi-monopoly position. If you think the Surface is such a great device, get one and stop your fucking whining about Apple not copying that “hugely successful product.” [rolls eyes]

    In the meantime adults understand iPadOS is being upgraded every year, and with each upgrade it brings with it millions upon millions of users with varying use cases of the machine, and the new M1 in the iPP portends even more expansion of this OS in the future which is very exciting.

    This site, its articles and forum discussions turn more into yet another MacRumors wannabe every fucking day, how very Microsoft, nothing original whatsoever, just chasing the latest whatever fad for continued relevance.
  • New York State Senate passes right to repair legislation

    swineone said:
    swineone said:
    The average Apple tech is much less knowledgeable and skilled than quite a few independent technicianS. I would trust e.g. Louis Rossmann with my hardware over ANY Apple technician. I mean ANY. There is no technician working at Apple that could do their job as well as Louis does. BTW: I’m an electrical engineer, I design portable electronic devices, and I’ve spent quite a few hours watching Louis’ videos. He displays impressive skills. And often he has to fix a crap job done by, guess who, Apple technicians.
    Bullshit. And if he wants to become a certified repair person, I'm fine with that, but your other claims are pure bullshit.

    BTW, anecdotes prove nothing
    Nice argument you put there, “bullshit”. I’m fully convinced by this one magical word.

    Screw the actual facts, such as that Louis Rossmann quite often fixes Macs deemed unfixable by Apple. And especially, how he performs fixes much more cheaply (never mind environmentally friendly) than Apple by replacing the few targeted components that actually failed rather than whole boards at a time as the Apple technicians do — indeed, if his fixes weren’t cheaper than Apple’s, who would be crazy to hire him rather than Apple fix their devices?

    Plus, he does all of these things without proper access to repair documentation and knowledge bases, and most importantly, to the parts he needs. For those who don’t know: Apple has the awful habit of calling up an IC manufacturer and throwing their weight around to require the manufacturer to create a small variation of an existing part, with a trivial and technically unnecessary change such as swapping a couple of pins around. Then Apple won’t let the manufacturer sell the same part to anyone else but Apple or provide documentation on it. Thus, repair technicians can’t get ahold of it, and must take these parts from donor boards. This is simply the most actively user-hostile move by a company that I’ve ever seen in my life. It truly sickens me every time I think of it, especially when you consider all the (lying) marketing strategy from Apple trying to paint it as a nice, friendly company that just wants to help its customers and the environment. This one example brings all that illusion down.
    Anecdotes, like exceptions, prove nothing. One man is NOT better than *ANY* Apple technician. Your argument is so ridiculous, just stop.
  • Senator demands answers about Pentagon's warrantless spying on Americans

    "the DIA had adopted the belief that the rules didn't apply to commercial data that the government purchases"

    Scary to imagine how many *other* laws are broken using this exact form of mental gymnastics.