michael scrip


michael scrip
Last Active
  • Apple wants 27% commission for Dutch apps using third-party payments

    I think AppleInsider should write an article listing all the services that Apple provides developers for its 30% fee.
    Here's a good list:

    - we developers get up to 1 petabyte of user storage via CloudKit 100% free. Bear notes app does this and they manage 0 servers for their subscription-paid users.
    - we could submit 1000 app and app updates in a year which translates to Apple paying about 1000 man-hours worth of paychecks at about $30/hr or ~$30k for app review
    - we have free access to using Apple Maps instead of paying Google tons of money to use their mapping API keys (for those high volume users). this saves Yelp and Facebook a ton of money as well as small developers.
    - we get many more new features every single year via the SDK compared to Android (like ARKit, Core ML, SwiftUI, Vision, etc... just to name a few).
    - we get global distribution for free (including China, you know, where Google Play doesn't exist. also developers generally have to setup their own servers in China because of the great firewall, but if you used CloudKit, it just works without any extra setup).
    - we get app store curated editorial with a chance to reach front page in front of 500 million customers a week.
    - we have no credit card fees or international taxes to worry about
    - Apple provides support to customers asking for refund for an app and app store support in general
    - Testflight service is free (for public and private testing)
    - app store automatically creates many different binaries of our app and distributes device-optimized versions to each customer. a 1 gigabyte app with many different permutations of versions across hundreds of servers around the world means Apple is hosting about several terabytes in the cloud for us from one single app
    - push notifications/push notification sandbox servers
    - Web SDK version of cloudkit/mapkit so that you can use it for a web version of your app
    - Apple sign in
    - Mac notarization service which improves trust by the user for downloading an app from the web
    - yearly major releases of Xcode with new features
    - analytics dashboard and crash reporting
    - and the list goes on and on.

    From here:  https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/epic-games-unlikely-to-win-injunction-in-ongoing-fortnite-battle-with-apple-jury-trial-possible.2257511/page-10?post=28966869#post-28966869
  • Broadway shows turning to iPads to simplify production & cut down on waste

    My question unfortunately would be, wasting paper is much cheaper than buying iPads for the whole production crew and cast members. While I am 100% for saving paper this just seems like an overly expensive way to waste money rather than paper. 
    I think this has more to do with convenience rather than just paper-reduction.

    As the article said... the production "Pretty Woman" was updating 30 pages per day... for 12 weeks (84 days)... among 50 people.

    You're right... paper is cheap.  But distributing 126,000 pieces of paper over 3 months is a pain in the ass.  And there could be errors/delays if some people see the new pages and others don't.

    But with this method... all 50 people would see the updates instantly on their iPads.  And they can incorporate music and video in addition to hand-written notes.

    Yes... 50 iPads aren't cheap.  $329 minimum buy-in.  Plus Apple Pencil.  Plus AppleCare.  Plus a case.  You could be spending $550 per person.

    That's $28,000.  But at least the production company can keep using the iPads for future productions.

    It might sound expensive... but so is time lost if everyone isn't on the same page due to errors and/or miscommunications.

    Again... I don't think this is necessarily about saving paper... it's about having a smooth production.

    The $28,000 cost of iPads isn't even that high on the list.  To put it into perspective... the production "Kinky Boots" spent $150,000 on just hair and makeup. (1.1% of their $13.5 million budget)

    And they spent $350,000 on just the costumes (2.5% of their $13.5 million budget)

    Suddenly those iPads don't sound too bad... :)