Riddles of the past..

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I was going over some old files before they were sent to the trash I found these quotes from back in Dec 2001.

Someone who went but the nick codename wrote them.


"A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

"El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."

"The filling shall reveal a crust made from the Rosetta Stone."

"When the third sucessor of Artemis shall eat pie in the great desert, Artemis' twin shall rein with the agile Mercury and the obstinate Mercury before being eaten by the goldfish and this shall signal Trinity's return."


They seem like a random spew of old Apple code names (cube = trinity, rosetta = Ink, etc) but I figured why not post em here before I shitcan the file.

Someone... I can't remember who... had/has a sig that said 'I am (or I was) codename' so this could just been some pre-MWSF BS prank but either way rosetta (Inkwell) has since turned up and is real... (got lucky I guess).

Also I'm really hazy about this but I also remember something about a code name 'apple pie' (or Apple 3.14 something like that) and people trying to figure out what it was... I'm sure it was here but the dern search be broken... Does anyone remember that?

Oh well... comment if any of this rings a bell


[ 09-08-2002: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 121
    Check your PMs.

  • Reply 2 of 121
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Not that I care for whatever was implied by the original post, but okay, so...

    Dolphin = Nintendo GameCube

    Artemis = Power Mac G3 All-in-One

    Mercury = PowerBook G4

    What does any of the crap in between mean? Who cares? It's so vague and riddled, it could mean anything (on purpose.)

    Inkwell was leaked over a year ago, maybe more, with screenshots in OS 9 no less.

    [ 09-08-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 121
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>Not that I care for whatever was implied by the original post, but okay, so...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    implied by my post? I don't understand, I wasn't trying to imply anything.

    Also as per AI (when they published stories)

    Dolphin = water resistant display or laptop


    [ 09-08-2002: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 121
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    implied by my post? I don't understand, I wasn't trying to imply anything.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, the *original* post you quoted. Sheesh.
  • Reply 5 of 121
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    [quote]Originally posted by Brad:

    <strong>Check your PMs.

    Shhhh!! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think Brad aka Starfleet might be telling us he is also known as Codename. I always accepted Nostradamus? confession as the truth. . Whatever. Codename was fun because he got everyone's imaginations going, but whoever he was I think he just used that AI list of Apple product codenames to put together his cryptic prophecies. Yes, I, too, was a former member of the Codename religious movement, but time has opened my eyes. I am now reborn. Allenmcjones is the true messiah of product codenames. Hmmm? Their style is different, but could allenmcjones and codename be the same guy? They both love the idea of waterproof gear.
  • Reply 6 of 121
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by murk:

    <strong>Allenmcjones is the true messiah of product codenames. Hmmm? Their style is different, but could allenmcjones and codename be the same guy? They both love the idea of waterproof gear. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Interesting connection. You might be right. Yea I too think this was just something to pass the time till MWSF showed but it was fun trying to connect the dots for a while.
  • Reply 7 of 121
    Accoding to theAppleMuseum.com:

    Goldfish = Apple 16" color monitor

    Trinity = Cube

    Rosetta = Inkwell

    Artemis = All-In-One G3 (IIRC, Edu only)

    Holy Sh!t i just thought of something (somthing new for me <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> - third sucessor of Artemis (a CRT all in one)- the eMac. Think of the line like this : AIO G3, CRT iMac, and eMac.

    Mercuery = Powerbook G4


    Maybe that funny thing about Mercuery being eaten by goldfish, Powerbook with 16" screen? the Powerbook is due for an update anyway.

    I still have no clue about the pie thing.

    [quote] "El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."


    A hamartia is a tragic flaw. One of the big flaws in the Powermacs (El Capitan) is their cost. You gotta pay alot for the expandability. To me this points to a minitower similar to the cube. This could be a cheap machine that is around the speed of an iMac, no screen, and an upgradeable graphics card, processor, etc. Yes, this idea has be hashed, rehashed, and rehashed once again, but that's what it means to me.
  • Reply 8 of 121
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Found this (Credit to fellow AI poster: marcsiry) posted this past June.


    "A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin"


    My read:

    "A little bird [unknown] told that Trinity [the G3 processor, IBM's specialty] shall return, after eating pie [Apple Pi, the new interconnect strategy], more voluminous [greater internal bandwidth] than a dolphin [than the PPC chip in Gamecube, which is known for its massive internal bandwidth]."


    Dunno about you but this one sounds really close. Wasn't it said that the Power4 is more closly related to the G3 than the G4? Maybe not but that rings a bell.


    [ 09-08-2002: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 121
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    Dunno about you but this one sounds really close. Wasn't it said that the Power4 is more closly related to the G3 than the G4? Maybe not but that rings a bell.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It makes a heck of a lot more sense than attempts to mash 16" monitors, PowerBooks and Cubes together to come up with an answer to El Capitan.

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    "More voluminous" could also mean "more transistors." A POWER4-derived CPU with an AltiVec-alike onboard could easily fit that bill. Gobs of bandwidth is an IBM trademark, anyway.

    [ 09-08-2002: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
  • Reply 10 of 121
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    <strong>Gobs of bandwidth is an IBM trademark, anyway.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    &lt;HomerS dreaming mode&gt;

    Mmmm... bee.., er bandwidth...

    &lt;/HomerS dreaming mode&gt;
  • Reply 11 of 121
    Please... you guys sound like the folks that read Revelations (in the Bible) and tried to link it to Soviet troop movements, or more recently, Saudi Arabia and bin laden.

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 12 of 121
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by browncow:

    <strong>Please... you guys sound like the folks that read Revelations (in the Bible) and tried to link it to Soviet troop movements, or more recently, Saudi Arabia and bin laden.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, this forum is speculation about Future Hardware.

    Oh, and a little bird tells me that the codename for the Mot G5 is "Wormwood."
  • Reply 13 of 121
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    That's funny, I heard it's called "nutmeg"
  • Reply 14 of 121
    I do enjoy puzzles and riddles sometimes.


    Trinity = Apple's Cube codename, or

    = AIM (Trinity Alliance)

    = I.B.M. (reach'n here, 3 letter acronym)

    = Power4/derivative (dunno about this one,

    can anyone come up with the codename of

    Power4 or its derivative)

    Rosetta Stone = Apple's Ink codename, or

    = it was the key to understanding

    hieroglyphics, maybe a key to a

    better Mac architecture.

    Apple Pie = not sure why, but I think it is about

    Vector units.

    ------------ </pre><hr></blockquote>

    As alot of folks have said, recapping:

    El Capitan = PowerMac (the case to be specific)

    Dolphin = Nintendo Gamecube

    Artemis = G3 all in one

    Mercury = TiBook

    Goldfish = 16" color monitor

    Now translating the riddle, with help from everyone's posts I might add, don't want plagiarize (really reach'n here):

    "A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

    An anonymous source said that IBM shall return to be a primary CPU supplier to Apple after implementing a Vector Unit into their PPC CPUs, which will have a similar design, but higher performance than the CPU in the Nintendo Gamecube.

    "El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."

    The PowerMac's fatal flaws (thanks Spiffster), &lt;inadequate Bus throughput/CPU's that can't handle current technology and rely on old tech&gt;, will be responsible for IBM's return to Primary Supplier. **Not sure about the "Little Bother" part.** Could be Moto will rule in the consumer end of things.

    "The filling shall reveal a crust made from the Rosetta Stone."

    The CPU underpinnings rely on "state of the art" technology (ie. RIO or HyperTransport) that will revolutionize the cummunications structure of computing. **The "Ink" solution is S/W, to the best of my knowledge, and didn't seem to fit.**

    "When the third sucessor of Artemis shall eat pie in the great desert, Artemis' twin shall rein with the agile Mercury and the obstinate Mercury before being eaten by the goldfish and this shall signal Trinity's return."

    I liked Spiffster's revelation regarding the eMac and a 16"TiBook, so here's the last part:

    When the eMac is released, the iMac II and the TiBook will be the top sellers in Apple's lineup. The TiBook will get a 16" screen, which shall mark the return of IBM to primary CPU supplier.

    Far fetched, I know, but it was Fun.

    [ 09-08-2002: Message edited by: MacJedai ]</p>
  • Reply 15 of 121
    Amorph, i wasnt trying to mash all those things together to be an answer to the crapppy PMs. Only the cube part was. Each was a seprete speculation. Sorry if i confused you.

    I had no clue that the code name of the G3's code name was also trinity. Thats another thing to think about. But I don't think that is that important to the riddle.

    I like the idea of the other flaws of the Powermac (bandwith etc.). Thats an even better idea then mine. Thanks MacJedai.
  • Reply 16 of 121
    This is what I know:

    Goldfish was (is?) a codename for Moto's G5 (or was it G6?). This is from a ways back (read, 2 years or more), so anything can change, especially with Moto.

    Someone asked:

    The internal name for IBM's Power4 is Spinacker (Spin-ack-er)

    That is all.
  • Reply 17 of 121
    Spinnaker, more likely.
  • Reply 18 of 121
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    sail-on, my little honey bee - Slim Harpo
  • Reply 19 of 121
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    Dolphin = Nintendo Gamecube

    Artemis = G3 all in one

    Mercury = TiBook

    Goldfish = 16" color monitor

    Trinity = Cube

    Rosetta = Inkwell

    Artemis = All-In-One G3 (IIRC, Edu only)

    Looks like if we knew what was meant by "eating pie" we would be able to figure it out. Pie makes you fat, it's a number 3.1415... goes on forever, it's good, but I know not if pie is a code name for anything. Since everything else in the riddle seems to be.

    Actually I really think I know what it is.

    "A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

    Think pie makes you fat (round) it's also a number that deals with circles. Think Sphere! The cube shall return after becoming the G4 sphere, more bulky(this part doesn't matter so much) than the gamecube. You see it's just like all riddles some of it is important but not all. The important part is that it fits together. Trinity is a cube the gamecube is well a cube and a pie is round. So cube becomes sphere. That is all it means. The last part with the dolphin doesn't really have any real meaning it's just to get you thinking about cubes and spheres. You know apple already has round mother boards for the imac a sphere would not be hard for them to pull off.
  • Reply 20 of 121
    Remember that Artemis' twin == Apollo (in Greek mythology)
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