Riddles of the past..



  • Reply 61 of 121
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by iBrowse:

    <strong>Quickly reading this thread seems very cult like. Is this a sign that AI members are a bit too into Apple...? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes, quite frankly. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  • Reply 62 of 121
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    [quote]Originally posted by wormboy:

    <strong>Personally, I don't believe that "trinity" is a reference to the cube. I believe it is a reference to IBM, not AIM, but IBM.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Then would it make more sense for this translation to say that the G5 will come from IBM?
  • Reply 63 of 121
    Lemme take a crack at this. SOunds like fun.

    "A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

    A person who wished to remain anonymous told us that after Ink becomes fully realized, the Cube (or the technology it used) will be back (Uh, didn't Apple even say it might come back?), and it will have a brand new processor.


    A person who wished to remain anonymous told us that in order to fully realize the potential of Ink, the platform has to have much greater signal processing capability. This will lead to IBM returning to the AIM alliance and the design of a more powerful processor (or coprocessor) that allows this.


    "El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."

    Apple is holding back the specs of their consumer machines because they made bad decisions with the high end machines. Getting AIM back together will alleviate this by creating a new PowerPC processor that is affordable enough for consumer use, and more powerful than the IBM Gekko used in the GameCube.

    The Gekko is currently the most powerful consumer PowerPC chip on the market, actual clock speed notwithstanding. IMO, bandwidth constitutes power in a chip. The Gekko has gobs of it, maybe more than the G4. Dolphins do indeed roam...


    "The filling shall reveal a crust made from the Rosetta Stone."

    "the filling" of the pie == Mac OS X

    "the crust" of the pie == Ink and it's devices

    Ink replaces the mouse? Dunno, this one's weird.


    "When the third sucessor of Artemis shall eat pie in the great desert, Artemis' twin shall rein with the agile Mercury and the obstinate Mercury before being eaten by the goldfish and this shall signal Trinity's return."

    I can't quite get this one. It's too late at night, and it's worded like they wrote it on a crack bend...
  • Reply 64 of 121
    hoshos Posts: 31member
    Oh Boy!

    My turn!

    OK, my guess is that the code names aren't just Apple's.

    So, here's my thesaurus:

    <a href="http://macedition.com/nmr/nmr_20000522.shtml"; target="_blank">http://macedition.com/nmr/nmr_20000522.shtml</a>;

    Trinity = PowerMac Cube <a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/20038.html"; target="_blank">http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/20038.html</a>;

    Pie = ApplePI = Apple Processor Interconnect

    <a href="http://www.macedition.com/nmr/nmr_20020914.php"; target="_blank">http://www.macedition.com/nmr/nmr_20020914.php</a>;

    dolphin = G3 derivative in Nintendo GameCube

    El Capitan = original G4's case design (+ derivatives)

    little brother = GPUL = little brother to Power4

    (NMR link above)

    filling = motherboard

    crust = case

    Rosetta Stone = Rosetta = IBM's code-name for the 8-way MCM (MultiCore Module) used by the Power4

    Artemis = AIO, first successor = orig. iMac, second successor = eMac (all CRT), third successor = eMac replacement

    Artemis' Twin = Apollo = Moto's code-name for 7455

    Mercury = PB G4, so agile Mercury = iBook with 7455, obstinate Mercury = PBook with 7455

    Goldfish = Motorola built desktop G5

    <a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/20038.html"; target="_blank">http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/20038.html</a>;


    This gives us:

    "A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

    The Rumor Source said that the PMac Cube will make a comeback, but will run much faster, using the new ApplePI, and will be sized bigger than a GameCube- the GameCube being even smaller than the original PMac Cube.

    "El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."

    El Capitan's fatal flaw (expensive, older technology) will bring about a cheaper Cube, even though the new Cube will be very powerful, since it will be running the GP-UL (little brother to Power4). The "great desert where the dolphins roam" = living rooms where GameCubes sit = Consumer market!

    "The filling shall reveal a crust made from the Rosetta Stone."

    Again, the bus will use ApplePI to talk to the GP-UL, which will be arranged in some sort of multi-core module. Probably not 8-way though

    "When the third sucessor of Artemis shall eat pie in the great desert, Artemis' twin shall rein with the agile Mercury and the obstinate Mercury before being eaten by the goldfish and this shall signal Trinity's return."

    When the eMac's replacement arrives and is sold to the consumer market (and it will be built using the ApplePI bus), then the iBook will adopt a Moto 7455. At the same time, the PowerBook will still be using a 7455, until Motorola's future G5 arrives. At this time, the new PMac Cube will ship.


    Hey- that was fun!

    More speculation later,

  • Reply 65 of 121
    I like your interpretation HOS, almost as good as mine

    I espesially like:

    Little brother = GPUL

    didn't think of that.


    great desert where the dolphins roam = consumer (low end) market (or G3-land if you will). Sahara is a low end chip and the gamecube is a consumer product (that also happens to use a G3 class processor)

    However, I don't think that crust = case. Instead Ibelieve that:

    crust from the rosetta stone = POWER4 or derivate (or some POWER4 technology), since rosetta = MCM

    "Filling" could possibly be OSX, or it might simply be something used in apple PI

    I don't think for a second that trinity=IBM or AIM, as some people here believe. The posts have a clear pattern. All the names have obvious connotations that are products/tecnologies, mostly cases (or the models that use them) and processor technologies. The poster just doesn't seem concerned with the bussiness side of things. Just my opinion.

    [ 09-19-2002: Message edited by: LowB-ing ]</p>
  • Reply 66 of 121
    LowB-ing and HOS, I think you two are exremely close to nailing the riddle.

    I looked at it again (several times), and at first, I was trying to tie in the new IBM GPUL, but at the time this riddle was written ... well, it would've taken a heck if a crystal ball, because I think it was written before Motorola refused to include something in their G5 offering to Apple and Apple summarily refused Motorola's offering. Thus, Motorola removed the 75XX from their roadmap.

    So, taking into consideration that at the time of the riddle's writing, Motorola was 'still in the G5 game'. IMO, the key looks like this (based on a whole bunch of folks posts):

    Little Bird = informer, anonymous source

    Trinity = Apple's Cube

    Pie = Apple PI (Processor Interconnect)

    Dolphin = Nintendo Game Cube

    El Capitan = Current PowerMac Case

    hamartia = a benifit that is a fatal flaw

    throne = High end of the consumer market

    little brother = El Capitan's little brother, Trinity

    great desert = Apple's Consumer Market

    Rosetta Stone = New Main Bus

    Artemis = iMac

    3rd Successor to Artemis = eMac

    Artemis' twin = iMac II

    agile Mercury = Dual Gig and Dual 1.25 GHz Quicksilvers 167 MHz Bus

    obstinate Mercury = Dual 867 MHz Quicksilvers 133 MHz Bus

    goldfish = Motorola's G5

    So borrowing heavily from LowB-ing's post, basically quoting (my changes in bold)

    [quote]"A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

    A new cube is comming, and it's bigger. It is in fact bigger than the Nintendo gamecube. It will use a processor that has the new apple PI bus (or whatever apple PI is...)

    "El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."

    The current PowerMac's benefits are also its fatal flaw (high production cost, size, MPX Bus architecture), and is the reason why apple will use a cube-like case in the new powermacs (remember Dorsals posts about this, long ago?). The current PowerMac's little brother, the cube, will become the high end consumer offering.

    "The filling shall reveal a crust made from the Rosetta Stone."

    Apple PI (Processor Interconnect) shall connect to and use a new Bus Architecture (RIO or HT).

    "When the third sucessor of Artemis shall eat pie in the great desert, Artemis' twin shall rein with the agile Mercury and the obstinate Mercury before being eaten by the goldfish and this shall signal Trinity's return."

    The emac (or imac2? -it did come before the emac, but it's also a different beast, kind of.) or its successor gets &lt;snip&gt; apple PI. At the time there'll be Quicksilvers with two kinds of apollo G4, one of which will use a faster bus (the agile), and one of which will still use the MPX bus (the obstinate one -in the low end model) Alternative: one has 167 MHz bus, and one still has a 133MHz bus (also very obstinate IMHO). Shortly after the emac (or possibly imac2) gets the abovementioned processor upgrade, the G5 (goldfish) will replace the G4 in powermacs. This will signal the introduction of the new cube cases. <hr></blockquote>

    LowB-ing, very good on the Mercury thing.

    All of this makes it look like the "EL Capitan" is left out 'high and dry', but what if the Riddle was only part of the whole scene, and the "EL Capitan" had bigger and better things to do ... maybe become a 'true' Pro machine???

    Now flipping back to reality, we know that Moto removed the 75XX from the roadmap last November. The current crop of 85XX doesn't have all the necessary components for a desktop machine (is it do-able for a consumer machine though?). And finally we have GPUL to fit into the equation.

    edit: clarified key and added credits for key

    [ 09-19-2002: Message edited by: MacJedai ]</p>
  • Reply 67 of 121
    [quote]well, it would've taken a heck if a crystal ball, because I think it was written before Motorola refused to include something in their G5 offering to Apple <hr></blockquote>


    Well, let's see- our weird comments were written in Dec. '01, by someone going by the apt name of "codename."

    The IBM Power4 shipped somewhere during the middle of 2001, so the plans for the GPUL were on the drawing board no later than that; probably earlier, say 2000.

    With the 7450 having shipped in Jan. of '01, work on its successor (whatever they're going to call the desktop G5- 7500? FU-IBM? ) must have begun at the latest by then, if not earlier. So the plans for what's going to become the FU-IBM must have been laid down by 2000 as well.

    Regardless, there's plenty of time inbetween for our mysterious mole to have uncovered an Apple roadmap for him to share in Dec. '01.

    My 2¢ as always,

  • Reply 68 of 121
    HOS, I wasn't saying that IBM wasn't in it yet, but I was saying that Moto's 75XX was still on their roadmap and as far as we knew back then, Moto was still in the game. Nowadays, it's difficult to tell if Moto is "in the game" or just biding time.

    Thanks for clearing up some of the dates though. I forgot when codename gave us the riddle.
  • Reply 69 of 121
    since quicksilver is another name for metal called mercury i like the idea that mercury is referring to the towers. agile and obstinate? agile would imply flexiblility , obstinate- inflexible. might this be suggesting two types of towers? one more typically tower like which is expandable and the other more cube like in that it isnt... thought id throw that into the mix
  • Reply 70 of 121
    [quote]Originally posted by Spiffster:

    <strong>The AIM alliance refrence got me thinking. Each company would contribute something to this processor. IBM = multi-core design, POWER-4 architecture. Apple = Apple PI (processer interconnect, will replace the Max bus according the NMR). Moto = ???


    I am pretty sure that Apple will need two processor lines for its future: One for the pro and one for the consumer line. IBM will deliver the "G6" GPUL (Power4-derived proc) to high-end machines (starting Jan 2004), and Motorola will drive consumer devices with the "7500" G5 (has been renamed to "8500" in fall 2001, as far as I know) starting in 2003.

    This fits quite well in here:

    GPUL (by IBM) (no explicit codename in this riddle)

    G5 (by Mot) (Codename "Goldfish")

    So here comes my guess:


    A little bild told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin.

    --&gt; Unknown sources told that the Apple-IBM-Motorola alliance will return, after introducing the Apple Processor-Interconnect (PI) bus (in their products), that has more throughput than the CPU of the GameCube.


    El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam.

    --&gt; The big flaw of the PowerMac G4 (dog-slow busses) was the reason to re-invoke the Apple-IBM-Motorola alliance with a new product (GPUL) that becomes state of the art (risen to the throne) in high-end products. Consumer products ("little brother") will be equipped with the G5 (from motorola) and will still be better than the GameCube CPU.


    When the third sucessor of Artemis shall eat pie in the great desert, Artemis' twin shall rein with the agile Mercury and the obsztinate Mercury before being eaten by the goldfish and this shall gignal Trinity's return.

    --&gt; When the new iMac gets equipped with Apple PI, the Apollo G4 from Motorola will come to the iBook and to the PowerBook, before the latter will get an upgrade to the G5 (from Motorola). This will be a first effect of the re-invoked Apple-IBM-Motorola alliance.


    The filling shall reveal a crust made from the Rosetta Stone.

    --&gt; A new ink-based device is coming up that can store lots of information (multimedia data?).

    Okay, all just guessing, but you never know...

  • Reply 71 of 121
    With rumors of a G3+ Altivec suddenly sufacing, can anyone try and solve this riddle?
  • Reply 72 of 121
    the agile Mercury = OS X

    the obstinate Mercury = OS 9

    <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 73 of 121
    [quote]Originally posted by Stroszek:


    I suppose that one could argue that the LCD iMac is, in fact, the second successor, thereby returning the eMac to the coveted third place, but I think it would be difficult to argue that the eMac is a successor to the LCD iMac...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not at all.. the LCD iMac was released before the eMac, and therefore making it the 3rd succesor.

    [quote]Originally posted by Overhope:


    Maybe it's an allusion to an Apple games console? :eek: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well.. No...

    [ 12-26-2002: Message edited by: T'hain Esh Kelch ]</p>
  • Reply 74 of 121
    jobesjobes Posts: 106member
    [quote]Originally posted by Barto:

    <strong>I've recieved some cryptic info in my In-Box this morning... I'll post it here.


    hmm, sounds like someone is pretending to have a classical or pseudo classical education to keep this story going. most classics scholars i know can at least spell 'Caesar' in context though. Forget the Ides of March, beware badly-spelt rumours ;-)

    I grew up in a place called Rosetta: it was named in Victorian times. Finding the Rosetta stone proved invalubale for classical research as it provided a tablet to translate between Egyptian hieroglyphics and ancient Greek with a third language ... this opened up many previously undecipherable texts for understanding.

    I know Rosetta was a codename for Inkwell (which seems like a public beta in terms of functionality in 10.2 but mebbe good things will come of it). I was thinking Rosetta in this context was more akin to a transparent on-the=fly translation for x86 or Linux, possibly using Cocoa. This may raise the vexed issue of Marklar. The codename Marklar is interesting, if it stems from the Southpark episode I'm thinking of. The concept seemed to be that you could exchange different words or languages for one universal work, and still be understood.

    Or mebbe it's Carbon, where Carbon bridges the gap between Cocoa and the pre OS X builds.

    Whatever, assuming (oh god why am i anyway?) this old riddle from Codename is grounded in some nuggets of truth, I think Rosetta alludes more to 'talking' to other OSs than it does to tablet/handwriting technology.

    Any thoughts? Oh and happy Xmas too
  • Reply 75 of 121
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    And just to make things even more fun...

    <a href="http://www.thinksecret.com/news/g3gobi.html"; target="_blank">Gobi</a> is another 'great desert'. (Okay, so it's about 1/8 the size of the Sahara, but it's still frickin' big.)
  • Reply 76 of 121
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    I don't want to spoil the fun or anything, but don't take what Codename wrote *too* seriously... His story is one of envy, deception and treachery... I don't know how much I can say though, just regard his riddles as fun time-spenders, nothing more
  • Reply 77 of 121
    never mind

    [ 12-26-2002: Message edited by: chromos ]</p>
  • Reply 78 of 121
    After Tessera loses weight and gains more strength, it shall battle and prevail over fat columbus. Then Tessera will bow to the return of Trinity. Kihei will then be banished to the desert after losing weight.
  • Reply 79 of 121
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    Dammit, I thought I killed this thread...

    It just won't die!

  • Reply 80 of 121
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    I always thought that riddle came from the Lord of the Rings.
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