Riddles of the past..



  • Reply 121 of 121
    lowb-inglowb-ing Posts: 98member

    Originally posted by Algol

    "When the third sucessor of Artemis shall eat pie in the great desert, Artemis' twin shall rein with the agile Mercury and the obstinate Mercury before being eaten by the goldfish and this shall signal Trinity's return."

    if artemis refers to the All in one G3. The third successor would be the G5 imac. Artemis's twin could be the emac. Agile Mercury = iBook G4/Obstinate mercury=Powerbook G4. Lets pretend intel is the goldfish. All these lines rein until intel eats them all with x86 macs. Apple's switch to intel signals IBMs return to its previous position of not supplying G5s for apple.

    Except that agile Mecury is clearly the 12-inch PowerBook and Obstinate mercury is obviously the 17-inch PowerBook. "Mercury" was never a codename for any iBook AFAIK. And Agile/Obstinate are so very fitting descriptions for said PB's
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