Purported iPhone 5 benchmark score doubles fastest iDevices, outperforms Android's best

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A benchmark score logged on Sunday with Primate Labs' online Geekbench reportedly details the specifics of Apple's iPhone 5, with the new smartphone outperforming the average scores of every iOS and Android device on the website.

iPhone 5 Benchmark
Source: Geekbench

The online benchmarking site reportedly logged a score of 1601 from an "iPhone5,2" that was running iOS 6 on a dual-core ARMv7 processor clocked at 1.02GHz with 1GB of RAM. While it is not impossible to spoof device identifiers, the specifications line up with previous speculation that Apple's A6 SoC boasts a full gigabyte of DRAM and leverages a an ARMv7 CPU with custom-designed cores.

If legitimate, the iPhone5,2's score eked out the highest-performing Android devices, including the Asus-built Nexus 7 tablet and Samsung Galaxy S III. In comparison, no iOS device has surpassed the 800 mark, as last year's iPhone 4S netted a 631 while the third-generation iPad (CDMA) scored 734.

Benchmark Details

When the iPhone 5 was announced on Sept. 12, Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller said the new A6 chip doubled both the processing and graphics performance of the legacy A5 SoC. Also promised was an increase in battery life resulting in 8 hours of 3G or LTE talk time and web browsing.

The quoted performance bump and increase in power efficiency lead some to believe that Apple's A6 would be a quad-core CPU built on Samsung's 32nm fabrication process, however Sunday's benchmark data suggests the chip holds only two processing cores running at a higher clock speed than the A5 processor. Although the exact configuration Apple is using to achieve the huge performance gains while improving on energy consumption is unclear at this time, a full teardown and analysis of the iPhone 5 is expected to yield answers this week when the device officially hits stores on Friday.

Some customers who pre-ordered the handset on Sept. 14 are reporting that shipments have already begun ahead of launch-day deliveries.


  • Reply 1 of 145
    Any Fandroids will tell you they can overclock their Android phones. I mean OVERCLOCK! What that serve a purpose on a phone I don't know.

    Read r/Apple and you'll find....

    > For Apple, it is all about UX and efficiency, mind!
  • Reply 2 of 145
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    If real and accurate, then that score is incredible! It beats out every Android device in existence, including quad core CPUs and various other Android junk clocked at much higher rates! image


    When you combine this mega scoring, custom Apple chip and pair it with the ultra efficient and world's best mobile OS called iOS, you simply get the best damn phone in the entire world!


    I've said this before, but it wouldn't matter if a piece of crap Android device had a damn 8 core CPU and 4 gigs of RAM. At the end of the day, it still runs a poor OS called Android, which bogs down the whole system and requires much higher resources just to operate.


    Don't worry Fandroids, there is still hope for your phones. In five years time, there will finally be an Android phone released which will almost be as smooth as iOS. It will feature 16 cores, it will be highly overclocked and the phone will be 6 inches thick to accommodate the huge heat sink built into it. And even then, an old one core iPhone will be smoother than it, because of Apple's super efficient OS.image


    This score also bodes well for the next iPad. Apple is going to clock that higher than the iPhone 5 (which is at 1 Ghz now, up from 800 Mhz on iPhone 4s), and the iPad 4 (or whatever they call it) will be a screamer.

  • Reply 3 of 145
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member

    Isn't this more the truth http://mashable.com/2012/09/16/iphone-5-disappointment-comic/


    Apple is a hardware company... and the hardware is getting better and better.

  • Reply 4 of 145
    Impressive. If that is true, android must be really inefficient when they have quad core and 2 gb ram...
  • Reply 5 of 145
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Overclocking presents other problems with battery life AND reliability and might possibly violate the warranty. If it doesn't violate the warranty, but it does produce higher failure rates, then I would tell every Android user to over clock every phone they get their hands on to the point where they either have to constantly buy new phones or return under warranty, which the mfg will probably lose profits and go out of business for too much failure in the field. Or these Android idiots will no longer be able to buy new phones because that make them go broke, or they'll switch to Apple and not that anymore. hahhahahaha. That's a win for Apple.
  • Reply 6 of 145
    mauszmausz Posts: 243member


    Originally Posted by ros3ntan View Post

    Impressive. If that is true, android must be really inefficient when they have quad core and 2 gb ram...


    What's impressive with besting a Galaxy S3 with 0.8%, while that S3 has been out for 4 months, or a tegra 3 device with 0.1% while that same tegra 3 has been out for almost a year ?


    It's already well known that a Qualcomm S4 with dual krait cores is about the same speed as a quad core ARM A9 device, depending on the task at hand.


    Within the next months we'll see the first real A15 dual cores, and even A15 quad cores, which will probably double these figures again and be made available in android/wp8 devices in Q1-2013.


    That is if you thinks these figures are relevant for the user experience (which iOS fans always say is not the case right up until iOS/Apple device wins a benchmark)

  • Reply 7 of 145
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    I'm sure part of it is due to an Anobit SSD controller which probably helps, and I don't think Apple is going to release those patent designs elsewhere.
  • Reply 8 of 145
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member

    Well goes to show that having a quad core in your phone doesn't mean its the best performer.  LOL.

  • Reply 9 of 145
    mauszmausz Posts: 243member


    Originally Posted by mausz View Post


    What's impressive with besting a Galaxy S3 with 0.8%, while that S3 has been out for 4 months, or a tegra 3 device with 0.1% while that same tegra 3 has been out for almost a year ?


    It's already well known that a Qualcomm S4 with dual krait cores is about the same speed as a quad core ARM A9 device, depending on the task at hand.


    Within the next months we'll see the first real A15 dual cores, and even A15 quad cores, which will probably double these figures again and be made available in android/wp8 devices in Q1-2013.


    That is if you thinks these figures are relevant for the user experience (which iOS fans always say is not the case right up until iOS/Apple device wins a benchmark)


    What might be impressive is not the score itself, but the score relative to its power usage, but that remains to be seen as no data is available yet. And that result should also be compared to the used lithography.

  • Reply 10 of 145
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    If real and accurate, then that score is incredible! It beats out every Android device in existence, including quad core CPUs and various other Android junk clocked at much higher rates! image


    When you combine this mega scoring, custom Apple chip and pair it with the ultra efficient and world's best mobile OS called iOS, you simply get the best damn phone in the entire world!


    I've said this before, but it wouldn't matter if a piece of crap Android device had a damn 8 core CPU and 4 gigs of RAM. At the end of the day, it still runs a poor OS called Android, which bogs down the whole system and requires much higher resources just to operate.


    Don't worry Fandroids, there is still hope for your phones. In five years time, there will finally be an Android phone released which will almost be as smooth as iOS. It will feature 16 cores, it will be highly overclocked and the phone will be 6 inches thick to accommodate the huge heat sink built into it. And even then, an old one core iPhone will be smoother than it, because of Apple's super efficient OS.image


    This score also bodes well for the next iPad. Apple is going to clock that higher than the iPhone 5 (which is at 1 Ghz now, up from 800 Mhz on iPhone 4s), and the iPad 4 (or whatever they call it) will be a screamer.


    All good points, but it still doesn't have the stylus, a kickstand, a helipad, tennis court, jacuzzi, and the screen is way too small compared to to 4.68395542205306495079367933677$^&$$&.394662 meter screen on the Samsung Galaga Epic SIII.


    Whatever way you look at it, size still matters.


    That's why I'm holding out for the iPhone 10:



  • Reply 11 of 145
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member


    Originally Posted by mausz View Post


    What's impressive with besting a Galaxy S3 with 0.8%, while that S3 has been out for 4 months, or a tegra 3 device with 0.1% while that same tegra 3 has been out for almost a year ?




    That is if you thinks these figures are relevant for the user experience (which iOS fans always say is not the case right up until iOS/Apple device wins a benchmark)

    Guess the fact that according to these tests the iP5 employs a single, dual core processor with 1 GB of RAM isn't significant until you point sneering at one to say 'see that iPhone - it's only got a single processor and 1 GB of RAM... silly deluded Apple fanboy probably doesn't even realise that'.

  • Reply 12 of 145
    mausz wrote: »
    What's impressive with besting a Galaxy S3 with 0.8%, while that S3 has been out for 4 months, or a tegra 3 device with 0.1% while that same tegra 3 has been out for almost a year ?

    It's already well known that a Qualcomm S4 with dual krait cores is about the same speed as a quad core ARM A9 device, depending on the task at hand.

    Within the next months we'll see the first real A15 dual cores, and even A15 quad cores, which will probably double these figures again and be made available in android/wp8 devices in Q1-2013.

    That is if you thinks these figures are relevant for the user experience (which iOS fans always say is not the case right up until iOS/Apple device wins a benchmark)

    this isn't allowed in these here parts...
  • Reply 13 of 145
    iqatedo wrote: »
    Isn't this more the truth http://mashable.com/2012/09/16/iphone-5-disappointment-comic/

    Apple is a hardware company... and the hardware is getting better and better.

    just a question...do you think a lot of us Android fans (not users, fans) LONG for an iPhone yet somehow are incapable of getting one of the most easily accessible devices ever?
  • Reply 14 of 145


    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    just a question...do you think a lot of us Android fans (not users, fans) LONG for an iPhone yet somehow are incapable of getting one of the most easily accessible devices ever?

    the vast majority? of course.


    after all is said and done, the android ecosystem is made of sub 300dollars plastic junk smartphones. the others are just a small percentage. even samsung's data confirmed that. how many nexus were sold again? 4? lol

  • Reply 15 of 145
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    just a question...do you think a lot of us Android fans (not users, fans) LONG for an iPhone?

    Not at all.

    Because you'd have to be perceptive enough to recognise what a great phone it was first before the longing began, wouldn't you?

  • Reply 16 of 145
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member


    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    just a question...do you think a lot of us Android fans (not users, fans) LONG for an iPhone yet somehow are incapable of getting one of the most easily accessible devices ever?

    I've been a member of AI for over 9 years.  For most of that time I didn't have anyone on my ignore list.  Now I do, including yourself.  Apple is relevant now to a much, much wider audience but resentments run very, very deep.  Apple cannot be the leader now, after years of irrelevance!  Are you one of those windoze users who looked forward to Apple's demise, only now to be frustrated to heck with its success?  In short, I do not care less what fandroids think, their opinions are totally of no interest to me.  I have an iPhone 4 that will be almost as useful after Friday once I have an iPhone 5 as it is today (except that I won't be taking calls on it).  I'm a hardware person, Apple is a hardware company, my kind of company!  So, all I'm prepared to say is give us all a break and go away.


    All the best.

  • Reply 17 of 145
    So last week when the current iPhone was clocking pathetic scores in this benchmark, the numbers didn't matter because it as all about the user experience. Right now, it's all about the numbers and how fast the new iPhone is. In a month or two, when the first Qualcomm S4 Pro phones are released and smash these scores, the numbers won't matter again because it will be all about the user experience. You can't have it both ways - either the benchmarks mean something and the iPhone is slower than other phones for 10 months of every 12-month release cycle or they don't.
  • Reply 18 of 145
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member


    Originally Posted by dazweeja View Post

    So last week when the current iPhone was clocking pathetic scores in this benchmark, the numbers didn't matter because it as all about the user experience. Right now, it's all about the numbers and how fast the new iPhone is. In a month or two, when the first Qualcomm S4 Pro phones are released and smash these scores, the numbers won't matter again because it will be all about the user experience. You can't have it both ways - either the benchmarks mean something and the iPhone is slower than other phones for 10 months of every 12-month release cycle or they don't.

    With the iPhone AND iOS you can have it both ways!  That is something you fandroids just do not understand.  Scores are fun, the user experience unequalled!

  • Reply 19 of 145
    y2any2an Posts: 207member
    Apple usually clocks on the low side to play conservative with battery life, so I am sceptical over this.
  • Reply 20 of 145
    Macs were always compared to Windows in the day in the same way: you could overclock a Wintel box to "out-benchmark" a Mac.

    However, why was it that in day-to-day use, a lower clocked, with less mHz PowerPC processor, with less RAM... almost always beat out a "comparable" Wintel box, especially when running WinXP?

    The reason simply: it's the perfect marriage of hardware and OS, not to mention that a motherboard has more to it than just the processor and RAM. How about cache for instance? Or the bus chips, etc.

    Here we are again, doing the exact same benchmarks and not taking into consideration the other things that Apple specifically designs (like the board and chip layout itself)... then marrying it to the OS with NO other instruction sets than what is needed. That's called efficiency.

    Are there really no other people that realize this? Even tech sites? As many have noted, you could throw 8 cores with 16gb RAM in a device, and if it is not optimized through the OS, it very well could be slower than 1 core/1gb set up.

    In a different thread here on AI, someone actually did point this out, in that even quad-cores from different manufacturers are completely different, and actually don't compare well at all, or should be.
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