Apple releases redesigned iOS 7 for iPhone & iPad with Control Center, AirDrop, iTunes Radio, more



  • Reply 221 of 247
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I finally got 7 installed on my iPad 3 and iPhone 4. Not bad really on both platforms.

    I seem to have a glitch on my iPhone where it lost its mind as far as installed apps go but I get updates - strange. On both machines I had to delete a bunch of apps and data to actually get the installer to run. This action in and of itself was goofy and had me wondering if I hung up my iPhone some how, it took forever to reboot.

    So far on the iPhone 4 I'm rather happy that the GUI works as well as it does, in some contexts it actually looks like performance increased. Something definitely got screwed up with App Store functionality on this unit, I will work that out later. I'm still disappointed with Apple and the fact that many apps got very minor functionality updates. For example it looks like I will still have to go to my Mac to get business contacts to sort by company name instead of the individuals name. This is important because I can remember a companies at times but not the actual contact. Like wise notes got no additional editing or formatting capabilities so to format a note one has to make a trip to the Mac. Pretty sad really. At least calendar got some love even if that means a few bugs.

    IPad is something else again. It suffers from the same lack of functionality improvements in many core apps just like iOS 7 on the iPhone. You would think that wasn't a problem with the extra screen real estate. Most activities though do appear to be faster now. Safari and its address bar is now screwed up and the behavior there has gotten worst with each software revision over the last 3 updates. One thing I did like a lot was the provision to down load the dictionaries, that has worked out nice. I'm slowly working through the apps to get a feel for operational improvements, honestly it is late it took a long time to reestablish all the apps and data removed to do the update.

    I don't want to sound negative here as iOS 7 is already pretty pleasing to me. Like I said for the most part it is snappy and apparently are few areas where performance is noticeably worst. That says a lot really. The keyboards seem to work all around better too, something that was bit flaky with iOS 6. Even editing and placing the cursor seems to work much better.
  • Reply 222 of 247
    Not happy they force to download iTunes 11.1, I been holding onto and using  10.7 because I don't like the revamped iTunes. Still have the 10.7 install, hope I can re-install and it works with my updated phone. At the very least I hope 11.1 is better than the first revamped iTunes from last year.

    You can use another computer...
    Any other one (a friend's perhaps?) would do the trick. Backup using iCloud so you don't have to store anything on your friend's computer, though.
  • Reply 223 of 247
    Gave it another 30 mins now says 30 mins
  • Reply 224 of 247
    Can anyone tell me where the "reader" button went to in safari?

    I can see the dad to reading list in the bottom control but not the top.

    Update- it's in the address bar to the left...a few very thin lines....Jeeeez
  • Reply 225 of 247
    Can anyone tell me where the "reader" button went to in safari?

    I can see the dad to reading list in the bottom control but not the top.

    Update- it's in the address bar to the left...a few very thin lines....Jeeeez

    Seems to be gone. Oh well, doesn't matter, really. Scales perfectly when in Portrait and double-tapping on the text in the article, and Safari goes full screen when in Landscape.

    edit: when it's available, there's a little icon, top left, in the URL bar:

  • Reply 226 of 247
    iOS 7 = really ugly, garish, tacky, and not much that's actually compelling... all at the same time. Blech.
  • Reply 227 of 247
    ipsofacto wrote: »
    iOS 7 = really ugly, garish, tacky, and not much that's actually compelling... all at the same time. Blech.
    I am afraid as many people love IOS 7, as hate it. I over 20+ equations have been in situations about IOS 7, 11 of which were dislikes (of those 11, 1 android lover)
  • Reply 228 of 247

    The new dock in iOS 7 is ugly, especially on the iPad.  It looks so bad that I have to wonder why no one with Apple spoke up and pointed this out before the update was released.  It is also way too big.  Combine that with the fact that user wallpaper photos are zoomed in so much that they look low resolution, and we have a serious problem.

    Apple's iPad has gone from having a beautiful appearance to one that looks very low rent.

    I suspect that Jony Ive has lost his creativity and that he may be so scary that Apple employees were afraid to tell him that the appearance of iOS 7 is hideous.

    I have purchased all four iPads over the years and an iPhone 4 and 5.  I am extremely disappointed with the look of iOS 7, and now I am looking at Android.  Apple’s profit is going to drop because of its ugly iOS 7.

  • Reply 229 of 247
    Originally Posted by Wilderness

    It looks so bad that I have to wonder why no one with Apple spoke up and pointed this out before the update was released. It is also way too big. Combine that with the fact that user wallpaper photos are zoomed in so much that they look low resolution, and we have a serious problem. Apples iPad has gone from having a beautiful appearance to one that looks very low rent. I suspect that Jony Ive has lost his creativity and that he may be so scary that Apple employees were afraid to tell him that the appearance of iOS 7 is hideous. 


    Utter frippery. Don’t you have anything better to do?


    I have purchased all four iPads over the years and an iPhone 4 and 5.  I am extremely disappointed with the look of iOS 7, and now I am looking at Android.  Apple’s profit is going to drop because of its ugly iOS 7.


    Just shut up and go away.

  • Reply 230 of 247

    Short Skill -- is that you, Jony Ive?  You certainly have some better things to do than posting here.  Such as fixing the ugly design of iOS 7.

  • Reply 231 of 247
    Originally Posted by Wilderness
    Such as fixing the ugly design of iOS 7.


    Guess you got lost out there.

  • Reply 232 of 247

    Originally Posted by Wilderness View Post


    Short Skill -- is that you, Jony Ive?  You certainly have some better things to do than posting here.  Such as fixing the ugly design of iOS 7.


    I agree. iOS7 is just plain ugly. It has no character, no elegance, no consistency. It looks like a UI from some Chinese newcomer. I wish I could revert my iPad to iOS6. 

  • Reply 233 of 247

    Concerning Weather info:  You might be interested in trying  And for the most comprehensive display you can set up the "classic" version.  The wealth of information on Wunderground is really amazing.  Completely adequate as a source of aviation weather...that good.

  • Reply 234 of 247

    You are right.  Not only ugly but not as useable due to lack of contrast.  In fact the entire ios7 is miserable due to lack of contrast.  It works ok, but it's really a lot harder to see.

  • Reply 235 of 247
    wilderness wrote: »
    The new dock in iOS 7 is ugly, especially on the iPad.  It looks so bad that I have to wonder why no one with Apple spoke up and pointed this out before the update was released.  It is also way too big. 
    Totally agree on the dock, one of my first thoughts was that it looked hideous, why anyone would think that a solid colour bar taking up 1 5th of the screen would be a good idea I will never understand. Other things I really dont like so far:

    - Keyboard still doesnt swich letters from upper to lower case, and the shift icon is now less obvious
    - Awful app icons. Why are they so bright? Why does safari have a white border? It looks like a junior designer did them and icons from 3rd party apps look better on the new design
    - Skinny wirery icons, just looks awful. By that i mean the icons on toolbars, they just look so week and dont stand out that im loosing them even though there in the same place
    - notes now looks like the most basic note taking app. It may have always been basic, but the old design gave it style. Now it just looks something that was made in a couple hours.

    A lot of other stuff I do like, but Apple stuff is usually polished and perfected. The dock and app icons are hard to get passed, its like a junior guy did it and nobody cared enough to fix them.
  • Reply 236 of 247
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    - Keyboard still doesnt swich letters from upper to lower case, and the shift icon is now less obvious


    Why should they? And it’s in the exact same place; how’s it less obvious?


    - notes now looks like the most basic note taking app. It may have always been basic, but the old design gave it style. Now it just looks something that was made in a couple hours.


    3,000,000,000,000% agreed. Notes was absolutely gorgeous and they RUINED it in both OS X and iOS. Note they haven’t yet changed the icon in OS X in the latest Mavericks, nor have they both the icon and design of Reminders therein. They really need to just go back to the way Notes was.

  • Reply 237 of 247
    Battery life has been hammered on my iPhone 4S since upgrading. I went to bed with 93% charge, awoke with 7% only 7 hrs later. Wifi and Bluetooth were both off, and the only apps running were phone, messages, email (fetch, not push), and clock. Haven't we been here before, Apple???
  • Reply 238 of 247
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,305member
    mm1337 wrote: »
    Dude you can have cure for AIDS but you wont get to restore to iOS 6 :)

    Backup is not backup of iOS its backup of its contents (sms,apps,settings etc).

    And even if somehow with help of God or Darth Vader you do restore to iOS6. You wont be able to restore backup from iOS 7 to iOS 6 :)

    It's not impossible to go back to iOS6. . . yet. Better be quick about it tho and you had to have been using 6.1.3 (or 6.1.5 if an iPhone5), Apple is still allowing that version to be restored tho the firmware itself has to come from this page

    If your really want to do it 9to5 has an article explaining how. It's not a straight forward restore but doesn't appear very difficult either.
  • Reply 239 of 247
    Originally Posted by Tom Acton View Post

    Battery life has been hammered on my iPhone 4S since upgrading. I went to bed with 93% charge, awoke with 7% only 7 hrs later. Wifi and Bluetooth were both off, and the only apps running were phone, messages, email (fetch, not push), and clock. Haven't we been here before, Apple???


    Same here with my 4S.. 6 hours and from a full charge and it's at 10%. I've switched off a lot functions too

  • Reply 240 of 247
    gatorguy wrote: »
    6.1.5 if an iPhone5

    6.1.4 I believe, but now I'm really fukcing ants (= Dutch equivalent to splitting hairs)
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