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  • Apple designer Jony Ive defends ditching home button, other tech in interview about iPhone...

    Jony Ive doesn't have to explain anything. Of course the internet know-it-alls who can run Apple better than Apple will cry about outdated features being removed but Jony and team are doing a good job moving the world forward.

    Apple execs like saying "it took courage" to do something. That's what they said when they removed the SD card slot from the Macbook Pro. I guess it took courage to ship a $3k under powered Macbook Pro that can't be upgraded... ever.

    "Under-Powered"? Yeah sure.

    And you can upgrade it when the next version releases. Since Apple products retain value you can sell your old Mac for $300 less than you paid and get a whole new computer for $300 instead of buying new components for your old computer. Way better deal.

  • Video for iOS & tvOS-exclusive game 'Sky' teases story, multiplayer elements

    I wish they’d port Journey to platforms other than Sony, but I guess that’s never happening.
    I wish they would port half the damn iOS library to TV. So many games are missing TV.
  • Experts split on whether police can use dead bodies to unlock an iPhone

    #TwinGate #MomGate #DeadGate

    Stupid FaceID has cause so many problems since release. /s
  • Video for iOS & tvOS-exclusive game 'Sky' teases story, multiplayer elements

    mike54 said:
    Apple should put more effort into gaming especially on the AppleTV. Can't Apple see the potential of gaming. Apple has loads of money. I'm sure they can have a dedicated department to push this. Apple has a good CPU and graphics base so push it to the max. Why are they holding back? iPhone iPhone iPhone, think outside the box.

    The Steel Series controller for AppleTV is good quality and is the most comfortable (better than PS4/xbox) but it lacks accelerometer, gyro, vibration. Apple should partner with and release a fully featured game controller and have it as a reduced priced bundle for the AppleTV. 
    Apple has the best unused tech for TV:
    Taptic Engine, 3D Touch, Motion Chip, Kinect tech, AR, Apple Watch etc.

    Taptic Engine for life like-haptics, 3D Touch for Siri Remote, M processor for fitness games, Yoga apps etc. Kinect-like tech for AR and party games, Apple Watch for it's various sensors, touch screen and pulse rate for horror games.

    Nintendo Switch is running this exclusive beauty:

    It's depressing to know an inferior console is running something that absolutely blows everything Apple TV is offering into the 90s.

    Even simple ports that attract players are skipping Apple TV like Roblox, Almost all console Indies, iOS ports like The Talos Principle, Eisenhorn, Asphalt Extreme and Infinity Blade. This frustration has gotten to the point where I've been actively messaging developers for support and offering work since I compose music and my friend designs sound effects. That's how desperate I've become.
    williamlondonspliff monkeywatto_cobramike54
  • Video for iOS & tvOS-exclusive game 'Sky' teases story, multiplayer elements

    I hope Apple invest in gaming. They totally bungled selling the Apple TV as a gaming platform. It has so much potential now it has the A10X chip. It must be faster than the Nintendo Switch. Shame its priced pretty much the same as an Xbox One S. Only some good exclusive games will attract people to the platform now.
    Why doesn't Apple just reach into the couch and acquire this developer?

    Seriously this Apple TV situation is irritating. In 2017 only ONE game will utilize the Apple TV 4Ks full capabilities(Still Unconfirmed).  One is scheduled for 2018 and possibly up to 2 games in 2018 so far.
    I have done hours of research and I've only found a handful of games that barely push the 4th gen A8 to it's full capacity.

    Another problem is android, YES the garbage knockoffs. Because of droid a lot of developers dumb down the visuals and power to accommodate everyone.

    The solution is easy, Apple needs to pump some money into developers to work EXCLUSIVELY on Apple TV. Games that are 100% made for the A10X chip, 4K Dolby Vision. Have an iPhone X and iPad Pro 2017? Fine it will be compatible there too but don't expect it on iPhone 4s or some garbage $50 ZTE droid.

    Give 1 million to acquire thatgamecompany, 2 million more for a few independent studios(Frictional Games, Fingerlab, Atypical Games, are good) and maybe another million for timed exclusives and back-catalog ports like GTA IV, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy.
    That's less than 5 million to kick the Apple TV in the a** real good.

    Take it to a Steve Jobs level and have the Apple developers mingle in a game studio at Park. Imagine that?

    Add in an exclusive deal for Mario Run TV and BAM, kids holiday console.

    For those jonesing for some gaming treat of some sort, my hours-long research:

    Games taking(some) advantage of the 4th gen A8:

    Subdivision Infinity, AG Drive, Sky Gamblers: Infinite Jets, Leo’s fortune, Sky Force, Radiation City, Infinite Tanks, GP Riptide Renegade, Morphite, Beat Sports, Modern Combat, Kill Shot, AfterPulse, Battle Supremacy,  Galaxy on Fire, Trials Frontier, Mr. Krab 2, Gods of Rome, Shadowmatic, Suicide Squad, Star Horizon

    Future games(possibly) taking advantage of the A10X:
    Sky, Inside by Playdead, Where Cards Fall

    Underrated Games to play:
    Yuri, Once Upon a Tower