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  • Hulu signs deal for Disney content landing over 50 movies

    cali said:
    Man if Apple bought Netflix and Hulu and merged them....

    Apple has already done their part to merge them. Ever hear of the TV App? Once Netflix finally releases an update with support for it (yes the ball is in their court to support it, which they can, and will).
  • Apple rumored to introduce 5" 'iPhone 7s' in 2017 with vertical dual-lens array

    qwwera said:
    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
     if it looks the same on the outside there really is no point to upgrade.
    If tried all week, I couldn't come up with a dumber or less true thing to say. The iPhone has looked like an iPhone for 10 fucking years. Its not changing to look like a Samsung instead. Get over it.
    anthony pattonwatto_cobramacpluspluscaliStrangeDays
  • App Store trends suggest top Christmas gifts: VR, drones, cameras, Amazon Echo

    I just don't get the appeal of something like Alexa. I have no desire to be speaking commands to some device in my house. I can use Siri on my iPhone or Watch which is always with me (no need to have multiple devices in all the rooms in my house just so I can have the same "experience" everywhere).

    I'd LOVE to hear someone's use case for Alexa that makes it such a wonderful device. Because I just don't see it adding anything to my life that my existing devices can already do. Especially not enough for me to buy a bunch of them to scatter all over my house.
    Even the commercials are utterly ridiculous and do not demonstrate a single real world use case. I will always prefer speaking Siri commands softly into my Apple Watch, or AirPods, over shouting across the room at Alexa (assuming Alexa is even in the room).
    ration al
  • Turkish authorities seeking Apple's help to unlock iPhone 4s found on assassin

    People have a right to private encrypted communication. If they become a criminal, they become a criminal. That doesn't change the rights people are entitled to.

    Why do they need to unlock his phone? So they can find out that he's a radicalized Islamist being influenced by other radical Islamists? Let me save you the trouble.
    equality72521tallest skil
  • AirPods selling out as quickly as they arrive at retail, Apple shipping orders faster than expected.

    I especially like the snarky bullshit video "review" put together by that firefox that writes for Macrumors, where he obviously likes them, wants to hate them, and makes sarcastic comments about how they are obviously not the best sounding things you could buy (no shit), and how they have no buttons on them.

    Did it ever occur to anyone that buttons on the bluetooth buds has always been a terrible idea, because the very action of touching them dislodges them from your ears? Whereas a double tap is a subtle reinforcement that keeps them pushed in? I've never used the buttons on any pair of bluetooth earbuds because its just ridiculously awkward. Much easier to just use the device itself. I've also never liked having to Press and Hold a button on lanyard to activate Siri...yet another thing Apple got right with AirPods.