G5 Rumors



  • Reply 281 of 483
    YOu know I thought that too. How could apollo compete with the new processors coming out. I don't believe it can either. The way it looks now though it will have too.
  • Reply 282 of 483
    [quote]And another thing, a lot of people seem to believe the G5 will be 64bit. Look at Motorola's roadmap <a href="http://e-www.motorola.com/collateral/PPCRMAP.pdf"; target="_blank">http://e-www.motorola.com/collateral/PPCRMAP.pdf</a>;

    "32 & 64 bit products"<hr></blockquote>

    Right. Exactly. The G5 will be 32 bits.... in the embedded market. Look at the g5 class that moto just announced. Its for the embedded market. Its 32 bit. Its altivec-less. Thats why the roadmap says what it does.
  • Reply 284 of 483
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by rickag:


    Another unconfirmed rumor.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, after reading the article-WOW. But, has that ever been done before? A Moto employee leaking a roadmap to a rumor/news site? Just the line "..we at Moto are pleased to say.." Would you leak info with a sentece like that? I know you would want to confirm where you work to legtamize the info, but it sounds too blatant to me. Dunno, eveything is getting confusing now.

    We have the G4 which tops out a 1ghz, the Apollo was supposed to be for portables, the Apollo may be the next tower chip but still tops out at 1ghz. Then we have the G5 which is for networks and maybe towers. It won't be ready, it will be ready.

    So you're telling me that in Jan we will see the towers at 933, 1.0ghz and dual 933? I don't see how people think we will get a 1.2 or 1.4 G4 Apollo when everything says it tops out at 1.0ghz. So then this show will suck, only 67mhz increase? Even if to hold off 6 months till July for the G5, it's still gonna suck.

    Getting depressed

    [edit: fixed too-wide URL - UBB apparently can't handle &lt;URL&gt; tags in quotes?? -Amorph]

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
  • Reply 285 of 483
    [quote]Originally posted by rickag:


    Another unconfirmed rumor.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Total BS!!......there will be NO! G5 at MWSF '02!

    [edit: fixed too-wide URL -Amorph]

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
  • Reply 286 of 483
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Phrogman:


    Total BS!!......there will be NO! G5 at MWSF '02!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's ok man, you don't need to get o upset
  • Reply 287 of 483
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    mm, a lot more people are starting to chime in about no G5 in Jan. This is from yourdailymac-

    [quote] We got this e-mail today about the future of the G5, it is from a source close to YDM:

    I would have to take this into consideration but things are delicate at the moment. I would prefer to have my exposure minimized. But I will tell you one thing concerning future PowerMac plans; I am almost certain there will be no G5 this January. It is almost certain the new machines will be G4's with better bus and process technology. Presently the 7450 only supports 133MHz at 64bits but the 7460 among other things will have a wider throughput and the ability to double pump. I will see

    what other details can be safely given with out any compromise.

  • Reply 288 of 483
    Two conflicting rumors:

    Faster G4s


    All part of the Steve Jobs Fog.

    I'd be willing to bet that half the "rumors" are actually disinformation leaks.
  • Reply 289 of 483
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bozo the Clown:

    <strong>Two conflicting rumors:

    Faster G4s


    All part of the Steve Jobs Fog.

    I'd be willing to bet that half the "rumors" are actually disinformation leaks.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Don't forget the plain "Fast G4s" no guarantee that the G4s will be "faster" in Jan, not if the G4s top out at 1.0ghz. That's the 3 conflicting reports.
  • Reply 290 of 483
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    Why did Motorola bother with the 7441/7451?

    As I understand it, it these to "new" chips supports a slightly better 2-level cache algorithm than the 7440/7450.
  • Reply 291 of 483
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    WOW :eek: doesn't due justice to this rumor.

    Actually, I posted that link to Geek.com because, of all the rumors about the G5, this seems the most blatant line of bologna.

    But it sure is a whole lot better than Motorola's roadmap. If your wishing, might as well wish for the moon.

    Just an adendum: I personally don't think we'll see a G5 in a computer @ least until the 4th quarter of (edit)NEXT year, if then. Remember the MPC8540 won't even be sampling until the 2nd quarter of (edit)NEXT year and it is a MUCH less complicated processor than any desktop CPU.

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: rickag ]

    [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: rickag ]</p>
  • Reply 292 of 483
    neomacneomac Posts: 145member
    I think we have been fools long enough. All these rumors are probably from a bunch of Wintel users jerking us around and having fun at our expense.

    It's time we wise up and just appreciate the great product that is Macintosh.
  • Reply 293 of 483
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by NeoMac:

    <strong>I think we have been fools long enough. All these rumors are probably from a bunch of Wintel users jerking us around and having fun at our expense.

    It's time we wise up and just appreciate the great product that is Macintosh.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I will/would if the new G4s have DDR and a faster bus
  • Reply 294 of 483
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    Well, after reading the article-WOW. But, has that ever been done before? A Moto employee leaking a roadmap to a rumor/news site? Just the line "..we at Moto are pleased to say.." Would you leak info with a sentece like that? I know you would want to confirm where you work to legtamize the info, but it sounds too blatant to me. Dunno, eveything is getting confusing now.

    We have the G4 which tops out a 1ghz, the Apollo was supposed to be for portables, the Apollo may be the next tower chip but still tops out at 1ghz. Then we have the G5 which is for networks and maybe towers. It won't be ready, it will be ready.

    So you're telling me that in Jan we will see the towers at 933, 1.0ghz and dual 933? I don't see how people think we will get a 1.2 or 1.4 G4 Apollo when everything says it tops out at 1.0ghz. So then this show will suck, only 67mhz increase? Even if to hold off 6 months till July for the G5, it's still gonna suck.

    Getting depressed

    [edit: fixed too-wide URL - UBB apparently can't handle &lt;URL&gt; tags in quotes?? -Amorph]

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Amorph ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A 67mhz increase....or even a 100mhz increase will be a ****ing joke.

    I love the "F-bomb censor"....it is my third time tonight using it!
  • Reply 295 of 483
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:


    A 67mhz increase....or even a 100mhz increase will be a ****ing joke.

    I love the "F-bomb censor"....it is my third time tonight using it!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yea, that's why I'm starting to get depressed. I would love for Apple to release a faster G4 with DDR and faster bus, I would be ELATED if they released a G5.

    But, if the G4 tops at 1.0ghz and we see how the last show was then we should expect the top of the line to bethe same old G4 running at 1.0ghz.

    forgive my happiness
  • Reply 296 of 483
    People, People

    There is no way that a g5 is shipping within the next 6 months. If there was a brand new PPC chip architecture on the market there would be tons more people with eval systems. Testing a new Chip, Chipset and Mobo is way to complicated to have be entirely tested in house. I remember when the G4 was being introduced multiple people were reporting using a test system.

    All i here about the G5 is BullDooDoo from the same jackOff. If I were to wager a dollar I would bet that the "source" is the guy at <a href="http://www.ihateapple.com."; target="_blank">www.ihateapple.com.</a> I bet he is ROTFL every day at the stupid nonesense, hope and desperation.
  • Reply 297 of 483
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    applenut is saying that he has heard from a very reliable "source" that G5's are definitely coming out at MWSF and the iMacs will G4's.

    Beat that with a stick....

    Also, I have heard rumors there may be up to 1200 test machines out there.....that sounds a bit high though....
  • Reply 298 of 483
    It's really impossible to gauge the likelihood of the G5 being released by just trying to see if there are a lot of test units out or not. Fact is, if you're not a developer or someone critical to Apple, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO KNOW. :eek: Apple's NDAs are a very powerful tool. Original iMac, PowerMac G4, iPod... all of these projects took us by surprise, and we never heard anything about test units.

    The iPod began development in January! How many people knew a thing about it then?

    Nobody here really knows how long Apple has been working with the G5 except for Steve Jobs and the G5 engineers. Period.
  • Reply 299 of 483
    The fact that we don't have G5 confirmation (I almost typed "Coformation;" must be getting close to MacWorld ) Doesn't mean squat. The fact that the rumor hasn't been squashed means the possibility exists.

    I think Jobs and Co, spread conflicting leaks (these things that yourdailymac prints and stuff from other sites I never hear about except when there's less than a month to go before MW). By doing that, they is know way we can know for sure. I'm sure the disinformation leaks are coming from "sources close to Apple." That should make you even more suspicious.

    Arghhhhhh! We don't really know anything, unless rumors get specifically denied (which does happen). That's all I'm trying to say!
  • Reply 300 of 483
    Just a thought -

    What about the nomenclature?

    Motorola hasn't denied the existence of the 8540. Is it unreasonable to assume that the initial G5 type 8500 (or whatever) is actually out there sampling? (I know that the difference is large - 8540 is embedded etc) but it is interesting.

    Also, the fact that the 'G5 is progressing well' and there has been no denial from Motorola or Apple about the application also yields some hope for the debut at SF. Remember all the rumors about the Xbox and the M$ denials of same - 'we have no intention of entering the console market at this time' (or something similar)?
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