Microsoft says Apple legal wanted 'Laptop Hunter' ads pulled



  • Reply 161 of 203
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Bilbo63 View Post

    Yeah, I'm not sure that this isn't just a publicity stunt. If it is true, the doofus at Apple who made the call should be canned.

    Yes, the laptop hunter ads clearly stretch the truth and mislead, but so do the get a mac ads to a certain degree.

    While I prefer MACs to PCs, I am a big believer in that old saying "you get what you pay for". I have used Macs for 20 years and have had very, very few problems. Our PCs at work are always requiring repairs and clean installs and are plagued with viruses and spyware. (yes we run virus software) The Macs just work. Day in and day out, they are rock solid,

    I am running the latest version of Mac OS on my six year old 17" PowerBook and it runs great as does my Adobe CS4. Try running the latest flavor of Windows on a six year old laptop!

    Yes Macs cost a little more, I'm okay with that, they're better. Even if the hardware was equal, the PC is crippled right out of the box because the OS is Windows!

    Unless you want to run software that does not exist on Mac, or play games. In which case, smooth as it is, OSX is the crippled one.

    Additionally, number of people having various problems with graphic cards, touch pads, power plugs... is big enough to say Macs don't just work for everyone. If you are not influenced by those problems, good on you. And lack of viruses is definitely a bonus - even if I don't see it as deal-breaker.
  • Reply 162 of 203
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Not trying to start a fight here either but you obviously haven't worked for a big enough company if this hasn't happened to you - there's a big, big, reason IT departments are so big, there are so many problems. I had a new video card driver pushed onto my machine and it made the primary application I use for my job (ANSYS so we're not talking about some tiny program here...) crash randomly (and quite often I might add) and then the IT dept had no idea how to get the old driver back and it took (no lie) 4 days to get the proper driver installed...

    And it is a PC thing - I've never even heard of anyone having that kind of a problem with a Mac...

    Yeah, clicking on "Roll back driver" button in Device Manager is really a task that requires days - heck, even weeks.
  • Reply 163 of 203
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Unless you want to run software that does not exist on Mac, or play games. In which case, smooth as it is, OSX is the crippled one.

    Additionally, number of people having various problems with graphic cards, touch pads, power plugs... is big enough to say Macs don't just work for everyone. If you are not influenced by those problems, good on you. And lack of viruses is definitely a bonus - even if I don't see it as deal-breaker.

    Apple has stood behind their products whenever I had problems. The publicized problems are high profile, but don't seem to impact the reliability & warranty work surveys much, such as the ones done by PC World. I don't recall any survey showing another computer company matching or besting Apple's reliability or customer service.

    As you say, OS X isn't for everyone. I do have a copy of Windows that I do use, but that doesn't mean I'm going to entirely abandon OS X because of the occasional program with no good Mac counterpart.
  • Reply 164 of 203
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Apple jacked UK prices up.

    Very arrogant of them to jack prices up like they did in worst recession since...

    Keep repeating that and maybe it will become true.


    They can dish it with the 'I'm a Mac'...but can they take it?

    Microsoft are now running certain ads with out of date and incorrect Mac pricing. Do you think that's OK? Perhaps Microsoft should just say that all Macs cost $20,000. That should get a few reverse switchers!


    Their desktop line kinda sucks. Mac Pro too expensive to get quad core performance. iMac nice but limited laptop on a stand. Mac Mini. Well. Grossly inflated price for a computer that has no k/b, mouse, Screen... Laptops look good again...almost but the Macbook white could stand being a hundred or so cheaper.

    So.. you want better specs and lower prices. How original.


    But even as is. Apple aren't reaching a raft of UK buyers who think they are too expensive.

    According to Gartner, Apple's last quarter UK figures were a high point. (Up 6%. Pcs down 6%) Why single out the UK?


    IF Apple are serious they will have to respond to that 'perception' of expensive and lower prices.

    Serious about what? The race to the bottom?

    Look, you don't like the specs. You don't like the prices. You are feeling hard done by. I understand. Truly I do, however concluding that Apple is making serious business mistakes, because you are unhappy is an emotional response not based on fact.
  • Reply 165 of 203
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by DanaCameron View Post

    I think Apple's and Microsoft's ads preach primarily to their respective choirs.

    I agree that many Mac users will get a kick out of the 'Get a Mac" ads.

    However, most of the 'preaching' in those ads is generally about common problems with PCs and Windows. Millions of PC users can identify with those problems. Indeed those people probably constitute a larger choir than the Mac singers.
  • Reply 166 of 203
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by MACsucks View Post


    My sociology teacher once said "The masses are morons." Ads like this, and their success might be proof. I don't mean to sound hateful or anything, but the ads are pretty dorky.

    Your Sociology teacher is correct and all of you are proof of it. Apples arent any better than PC's, maybe worse. It is proven that Apples have just as many vulnerabilities as PCs. But Apple make-up less than 5% of the market share for computers, so who do you think hackers and virus programmers are going to focus on? 5% of the market or 95% of the market? Yeah, maybe they dropped the prices of their laptops, but that still doesnt reduce the price of replacement parts, or the cost to get an Apple serviced. That is why a business will never use all Apples. Anyways, if you haven't figured it out, Apple over-charges for sub-par products, then tells everyone you have to have one to be cool, ie iPod, the airbook, or MacBook Pro. For every single one of those, there is a cheaper version with better features and functions from a different company. People need to wake-up and learn to think for themselves.

    Not to mention that number of home-brew programmers for Mac is much lower than PC programmers - even if you look at it relative to their market shares. If kid wants to learn programming (and eventually become a hacker), what are the chances he/she will choose Mac as a platform..?

    Maybe that is why SJ gives software like Garage Band with all Macs - it is better if kids make noise with the drums, rather than learn hacking skills
  • Reply 167 of 203
    kzbk81kzbk81 Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    I do suspect they may be effective - my wife of 11 years just bought a PC despite the fact that we already have 4 Macs in the house - one of which is hers a PowerBook G4 fully loaded with RAM and 10.5.x. I have a PC for work and I work on and support offices full of PCs - and I am not shy about expressing my opinion of Mac vs PC - but I guess she never listens to anything I say - because she after she bought it - she asked me which I think is better and she goes on to say that the Macs are too expensive. Coincidentally the next morning after she told me she ordered a PC - my work PC was stuck in a blue screen on boot regardless of safe mode etc as the result of an antivirus program update that moved some device drivers and rendered the system non functional until I took it to my company's IT department and had them run a custom boot disk and repair utility - the process including travel time only took half a day - but hey the PC is cheaper.


    Pathetic that people do not give value to real 'user experience'. How many times you can keep 'cleaning' and reformatting the disk? Do every Tom, Dick and Harry have access to an IT department to which can do all the great tricks?

    Remember your job is to use the PC to do work not to just work on the PC itself. Microshit has proven again and again it is not worth a look ever again (the so called flag ship products have sunk - have you ever heard of downgraded upgrading by paying money?)
  • Reply 168 of 203
    kzbk81kzbk81 Posts: 29member
    Category A:

    Bunch of people who just love getting their hands dirty and generally nothing to do after their employment. The work on PCs at work and do have a reasonable knowledge to call themself 'wizards'. As they do not have any big ambition - just surf, change ram, upgrade graphics card, upgrade hard disk - it is just pass time activity - they spend a lot more on installments. If you give a Mac to these guys - they are going to be upset.

    Category B:

    Freelancers or people who love to work and move up in their life. They do not want to dirty their hands - but love to be creative, write a lot and love music and visuals. They want a platform which is trouble free and safe to use. Mac suits them very well.

    If you are mixed up - the problem starts to crop. Dog loves bones - whereas a tiger needs meat.
  • Reply 169 of 203
    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    I agree that many Mac users will get a kick out of the 'Get a Mac" ads.

    However, most of the 'preaching' in those ads is generally about common problems with PCs and Windows. Millions of PC users can identify with those problems. Indeed those people probably constitute a larger choir than the Mac singers.

    ?how many of those millions of PC users who can identify with those common problems are actually swayed by the "Get a Mac" ads? I have the impression that many of them don't pay attention to Apple's commercials at all. I hope (and suspect) Apple's numbers contradict me on this.

    I have several PC-user friends who do, in fact, complain rather frequently about the many PC problems highlighted in the Mac ads. Sadly, the point of the ads (i.e., that a Mac is a viable alternative to all those PC headaches) still seems to be lost on them. Either the ads don't get through to them or they outright reject the notion of ever switching to a Mac, usually because they stubbornly cling to grossly outdated misconceptions about Mac compatibility and reliability (clearly not paying attention to any current information about Macs?neither from the ads nor from me). Some are cheapskates and think of Macs as too expensive, period. And still others, evidently, just seem more comfortable with what they already know, despite the headaches involved.

    Regardless, I've given up on trying to convert PC users to the Mac. They'll switch when, or if, they're ready. Until then, they're welcome to their viruses, spamware, malware, crashes and other such headaches that they willingly accept as "normal computer use." For many, their frustrations will continue to mount and eventually push many of them to the Apple ecosystem (the quality and seamlessly-integrated reliability of which will quickly and easily seduce them) despite Microsoft's clumsy advertising efforts to discredit Macs.
  • Reply 170 of 203
    Originally Posted by erinchris View Post

    About that premium lock, does Apple have a true gaming system. Premuim systems these days can hadle 30 GB of RAM and more as well as several GB of video memory and cost $10,000 or more noone has a lock on that.

    Yep, PCs are toys....Good only for gaming? (your statement, not mine)

    For a PC to handle 30 GB of RAM, you need to run Windows in 64-bit (which is very problematic with many drivers and games that use those drivers) I'd also like to see this Premium system that you speak of.
  • Reply 171 of 203
    dougoutdougout Posts: 1member
    In the UK, a member of the public can complain to the Advertising Standards Agency and if the complaint is upheld the ads would be pulled.

    And having seen (on utube) a number of the ads that microsoft has been running, most would be pulled as misleading

    Those that are criticising Apple for there actions over this are ignoring the fact that the Apple ads stated the facts, where the Microsoft ads are at best bending the truth or being deliberately misleading.

    It should be possible for Microsoft to make some valid points without resorting to the tactics used in the campaign referred to here.

    The last thing we need from any advertising campaign is misleading messages and plain untruths.
  • Reply 172 of 203
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Yeah, clicking on "Roll back driver" button in Device Manager is really a task that requires days - heck, even weeks.

    Considering I've only had "roll back driver" actually fix a problem 3 can see where I'm going here.
  • Reply 173 of 203
    Originally Posted by IT-GuySV View Post

    I meant your fridge... "sport"

    Oh, My bad
  • Reply 174 of 203
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Wow. You obviously have not spent much time working in an IT controlled, corporate environment.

    Quite the opposite actually. I just happen to work with competent people.

    I'm finding this little thread to be rather alarming in terms of what people are reporting about the IT department at their job. I work in northern VA / DC area, and around here IT is very big. To have an incompetent IT department means you aren't looking past your doorstep in the hiring process.

    Just as erinchris said, most of the time the problem lies between the keyboard and the chair.
  • Reply 175 of 203
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I can sure confirm this part at least.

    I also work in IT and in all honesty I think it's pretty Mickey Mouse around my workplace and I would say my skill level is on the fairly low end of things, but ...

    even I know that anyone who takes four days to re-install drivers doesn't know what the heck they are doing. The only alternative explanation is that they are talking about some kind of management failure rather than the quality of the IT support, but then these guys were also stupid enough to roll out the card in the first place without proper testing.

    Without the details, it's hard to know. It may be that they're backlogged for four days too. Four days of labor would probably cost the company more than the value of the computer. Scratch that, unless it's a workstation type desktop, one day of labor costs more than the value of the computer.
  • Reply 176 of 203
    Originally Posted by IT-GuySV View Post

    Oh boy!, seems your one of "that" kind of person who can't stand criticism. I'm not defending any OS, as a matter of a fact, I OWN a macbook with leopard and administer an OSX Server, I run several servers and workstations with Debian and OpenSUSE at work, and happens that i also run Several Windows Versions on Servers and Workstations also at work and including Windows 7 for personal effects. When any computer available my little 12 year old boy takes it and manages to do what most people do nowadays Internet, Email, Social Networking, Documents, and multimedia. So of it works for you GREAT.

    IT GUY


    See, the exception to the rule applies here, with that alphabet soup at the end of your post there it is clear you know how to maintain your computer, so yes a 12 year old will not have issues. These commercials do NOT apply to you. I am a service tech at a retail store, so I see the people these commercials apply to daily, (people that know how to use their computers don't take theirs to a shop for repair) I also use everything under the sun (Including Sun) and by far our problems are simply that Windows is NOT easy for a regular person to maintain. They've embedded the systems restore into the Hard disk on most of the PCs now to make it easier for the customer to just restore the OS. I came into that shop being the ONLY Mac OS user there, I now have seen all the 8 techs in the shop agree with my stance here. Cheap PCs are FANTASTIC for people that know not only how to use them, but how to maintain them. It doesn't help when we have to sell an entire aisle full of Windows Maintenance packages in the store, that in many cases are nothing more than a placebo. The worst thing these people do to their PCs are run registry cleaners....really? that should NOT be necessary, and in most cases they only make it worse. It is way too easy to fool these users with fake Anti-Virus software.

    Frankly I wish Apple would get off this kick, they have a really good product and should tout the benefits.
  • Reply 177 of 203
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    Yep, PCs are toys....Good only for gaming? (your statement, not mine)

    For a PC to handle 30 GB of RAM, you need to run Windows in 64-bit (which is very problematic with many drivers and games that use those drivers) I'd also like to see this Premium system that you speak of.

    Well I can't speak to 30gb, but I can say I've definitely seen 24gb systems. With this motherboard: and two sets of this kit: combined with (3) 2GB GTX285's: and you've got 6GB of shared video ram.

    As far as 64bit drivers, they really aren't as problematic as you think these days.
  • Reply 178 of 203
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Well I can't speak to 30gb, but I can say I've definitely seen 24gb systems. With this motherboard: and two sets of this kit: combined with (3) 2GB GTX285's: and you've got 6GB of shared video ram.

    As far as 64bit drivers, they really aren't as problematic as you think these days.

    Thank you this post saved me a little time. You can also go to Dell or any number of custom builders and price them out
  • Reply 179 of 203
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    Yep, PCs are toys....Good only for gaming? (your statement, not mine)

    For a PC to handle 30 GB of RAM, you need to run Windows in 64-bit (which is very problematic with many drivers and games that use those drivers) I'd also like to see this Premium system that you speak of.

    I said nothing like pc's are only for gaming. I was simply asking you if realized the premuim market is gaming systems and was not in the $2000 range.
  • Reply 180 of 203
    Originally Posted by erinchris View Post

    I said nothing like pc's are only for gaming. I was simply asking you if realized the premuim market is gaming systems and was not in the $2000 range.

    Kidding. For years people called Mac, toys, I find it interesting that people measure computers now a days on how well they play games. I measure it on how fast it can render a fly through for me.
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