The Ad goes something like this (Pay attention Apple!)
Scene starts out with STEVE JOBS (maybe on a college campus / Film Studio ) stopping a young lady on the street and saying "Hi, I have a challenge for you" "I want you to go into a store (Scene is in front of an Apple Store, not sure how to do this and use the college campus / film studio theme) and pick up a computer for under $2,000.00 (YES this is more then the Microsoft ad's, but there is a reason folks ?). Steve say's "Now there is a catch, this computer MUST be ready to plug-in and be ready to work once you turn it on". The girl says "I'm not sure what your saying Steve explains again, she says ok, I get it.
She goes and looks at computers / laptops, and a scene has her looking at a Dell X46212 CBD (or what ever these things are called) and asks if it has the needed software to do what she needs to to do, the clerk says now, but it's all right here. The clerk puts the laptop on the counter along with all of the software, adds it up and WOW "STICKER SHOCK"!!
She say's WOW I only have $2,000.00, the client says oh, no problem, here you go, and he hands her a Apple laptop (The scene shows the PC, with all of the software boxes on the counter, and her holding the Apple FOR LESS!)
I think you all get the idea.
Hey, some might say it's getting down to Microsoft's level, I say "Fight fire with fire". Show people what the real truth is.
Let us not forget, the clerk as also going to inform her about installing all of the software, the tech help that is available for when she NEEDS it ?
Remember folks, most people shop and "Get the picture" a lot better with pictures then words. Why I say this is, even though the current Apple ad's are cute, they don't put in front of people what they need to make a informed purchase.
Kinda sad actually, Apple has been bashing M$ for years and years with their marketing, finally M$ comes back and apple is threatening legal action, sounds like a spoilt brat to me. Frankly Apple ads while funny also contain alot of BS in them. I was hoping they would comeback with some classy strategy, this legal action is kinda pathetic.
It's not about bashing, it's about whether or not what they say about the competitor is true. If Apple's ads said something about Windows computers that were false, then all Microsoft has to do is issue a C&D. I think it's under the Lanham act.
As one person has stated in this thread already, does not matter if they adjust the price in the ad, in the end PCs are just cheaper.
True, but if the ad cites a specific number about a competitor and that number is no longer true, then the ad must be changed to be legal.
The Ad goes something like this (Pay attention Apple!)
Scene starts out with STEVE JOBS (maybe on a college campus / Film Studio ) stopping a young lady on the street and saying "Hi, I have a challenge for you" "I want you to go into a store (Scene is in front of an Apple Store, not sure how to do this and use the college campus / film studio theme) and pick up a computer for under $2,000.00 (YES this is more then the Microsoft ad's, but there is a reason folks ?). Steve say's "Now there is a catch, this computer MUST be ready to plug-in and be ready to work once you turn it on". The girl says "I'm not sure what your saying Steve explains again, she says ok, I get it.
She goes and looks at computers / laptops, and a scene has her looking at a Dell X46212 CBD (or what ever these things are called) and asks if it has the needed software to do what she needs to to do, the clerk says now, but it's all right here. The clerk puts the laptop on the counter along with all of the software, adds it up and WOW "STICKER SHOCK"!!
She say's WOW I only have $2,000.00, the client says oh, no problem, here you go, and he hands her a Apple laptop (The scene shows the PC, with all of the software boxes on the counter, and her holding the Apple FOR LESS!)
I think you all get the idea.
Hey, some might say it's getting down to Microsoft's level, I say "Fight fire with fire". Show people what the real truth is.
Let us not forget, the clerk as also going to inform her about installing all of the software, the tech help that is available for when she NEEDS it ?
Remember folks, most people shop and "Get the picture" a lot better with pictures then words. Why I say this is, even though the current Apple ad's are cute, they don't put in front of people what they need to make a informed purchase.
Have a great day folks.
then the girl says, hey wait I can't play left4dead and throws it out the window going 60mph
I think you're misrepresenting the facts. They ads weren't wrong at first. Several weeks after they were first aired, Apple changed some prices and added a less expensive 15" model.
At which point they became wrong, and it apparently took a call from Apple legal to change them.
It's not a big deal on its own, but the whole Kevin Turner episode turned it all into pure comedy.
So he's a liar? He said Apple called him about the ads, then they changed them. I think the fact that they changed them is evidence enough that there most likely WAS a call. So how is he a liar?
"I did cartwheels down the hallway," Turner continued. "At first I said, 'Is this a joke? Who are you?' We're just going to keep running them and running them and running them."
Yes sure, keep running the ads.... after you have changed them! Perhaps not an out and out lie.... but not the whole truth either.
And do you feel the price drop that Apple introduced was substantial enough for a large multi-million dollar lawsuit?
Yes and it appears that Microsoft agrees. It doesn't matter if the price drop was $10 or $1000.
It seems like such a waste of money to pull these. They didn't lie in the ads,
Yes they did lie. If you say that a computer costs $2000 when in reality it costs $1699 then that is, quite simply, not true.
The Ad goes something like this (Pay attention Apple!)... The scene shows the PC, with all of the software boxes on the counter, and her holding the Apple FOR LESS!)
And the ad concludes with the young lady sitting with the Apple notebook on her desk. The camera pans to the Mac's display where the reflection of her face can be seen so clearly in the glossy screen you could sware it was a vanity mirror. She then cries out, "OMG!" while she powders her checks, puckers and then paints her mouth with -- you guessed it -- lip gloss.
S It seems like such a waste of money to pull these
You think so? Are they working? Is there a point to having them? Because they seem to be way off message, not helping MS, and right up there with MS' earlier marketing abortions. And this was apparent from the very first Laptop Hunters ad.
Noy only did these pointless ads not help MS, they also had no effect on Apple's results, and in fact seemed to have had the exact opposite effect. They seem to be a perfect encapsulation of MS' new situation: Windows still has overwhelming unit sale market share, but it is now almost entirely at the low end of the market. Ewwww.
Seinfeld ads = failure
I'm a PC ads = failure
Laptop Hunter ads = failure
I wonder what MS' next brilliant marketing move will be.
It's not a big deal on its own, but the whole Kevin Turner episode turned it all into pure comedy.
Perfectly encapsulates the whole story... in just one line.
Every story I read about the whole Kevin Turner thing, summed it up as Apple whining and Microsoft winning. Then just a couple of days later Kevin cartwheels down to the ad agency and has to change the commercials.
If I were Apple (and I'm not) I'd strike back at those ads by pointing out to the public how little those PCs can manage at the out-of-the-box prices they mention. Especially glaring is the one with the self-made movie maker buying some cheap PC without ever mentioning how much she still will have to spend to actually get some movie-making software on the thing.
If you'll recall Apple's ad campaign in the 90's (sorry no link) this is the exact technique they used. Of course back then, the differentiation was hardware, not software.
It just works is pure BS as well as anything apple , microsoft and other companies spew out.
I love macs as much as next guy but please , i've had more trouble with my macbook pro than with any other computer in my life.
Mac Pro , trouble free , almost never crashes , even when working in number of high end apps.
MacBook pro , crashes all the time. Took it to Apple store twice and nothing came out of it. They changed couple things hardware wise but it's hardly what i'd call solid performer.
Mac mini is golden. No problems at all.
PowerMac G5 2.7 Ghz before i moved on to intel was nightmare to work with as well. Random crashes , kernel panicks. Apple changed RAM , HD , Video card and that piece of crap would never work right.
so i would hardly call macs any more stable than dells / hps etc etc....
So he's a liar? He said Apple called him about the ads, then they changed them. I think the fact that they changed them is evidence enough that there most likely WAS a call. So how is he a liar? ....
I think when you look at his picture, the idea that he really did "cartwheels down the hallway"pretty much has to be a lie.
Cartwheels are hard and solely the province of the young and fit, which he isn't.
Kinda sad actually, Apple has been bashing M$ for years and years with their marketing, finally M$ comes back and apple is threatening legal action, sounds like a spoilt brat to me. Frankly Apple ads while funny also contain alot of BS in them. I was hoping they would comeback with some classy strategy, this legal action is kinda pathetic.
I want to see a ad war.....
As one person has stated in this thread already, does not matter if they adjust the price in the ad, in the end PCs are just cheaper.
I want proof that that call actually happened. Apple Legal wouldn't make a phone call. They would mail a cease and desist order.
The truth smell test on this stinks to high heaven.
You think so? Are they working? Is there a point to having them? Because they seem to be way off message, not helping MS, and right up there with MS' earlier marketing abortions. And this was apparent from the very first Laptop Hunters ad.
Noy only did these pointless ads not help MS, they also had no effect on Apple's results, and in fact seemed to have had the exact opposite effect. They seem to be a perfect encapsulation of MS' new situation: Windows still has overwhelming unit sale market share, but it is now almost entirely at the low end of the market. Ewwww.
Seinfeld ads = failure
I'm a PC ads = failure
Laptop Hunter ads = failure
I wonder what MS' next brilliant marketing move will be.
Perhaps, Microsoft should start thinking about making a superior product, for once!
I think when you look at his picture, the idea that he really did "cartwheels down the hallway"pretty much has to be a lie.
Cartwheels are hard and solely the province of the young and fit, which he isn't.
When this story first broke about "doing cartwheels," one previous poster said, "Yeah, cartwheels right down the hall to the Legal Department!" Which I thought was pretty funny!
So true. When I was using Windows I never got anything done because I was always running down error messages and bugs. Macs are worth the price just because they work so well.
I think Apple should hire Lauren to do one of their ads. She is a actor for hire! She could admit she is cool enough for a Mac.
But really, it's all about trends. MS has been in a steady downward spiral for years now. Plunging Windows market share, plunging IE web share, a steady decline in stock value, numerous blunders in areas ranging from Windows to the Zune, etc. The list is just too long.
I wouldn't be surprised if they start killing off non-core projects, like someone else said earlier: Zune/Zune Marketplace, Windows Mobile, Bing/Search, etc.
Who knows, Ballmer's job might also be at stake. Although it's just as logical to assume everyone's waiting for the impact of Windows 7 to be felt, and the axe will start falling (or not) based on that.
But it's a slow process, like an old man easing into a bath tub.
The Ad goes something like this (Pay attention Apple!)
Scene starts out with STEVE JOBS (maybe on a college campus / Film Studio ) stopping a young lady on the street and saying "Hi, I have a challenge for you" "I want you to go into a store (Scene is in front of an Apple Store, not sure how to do this and use the college campus / film studio theme) and pick up a computer for under $2,000.00 (YES this is more then the Microsoft ad's, but there is a reason folks ?). Steve say's "Now there is a catch, this computer MUST be ready to plug-in and be ready to work once you turn it on". The girl says "I'm not sure what your saying Steve explains again, she says ok, I get it.
She goes and looks at computers / laptops, and a scene has her looking at a Dell X46212 CBD (or what ever these things are called) and asks if it has the needed software to do what she needs to to do, the clerk says now, but it's all right here. The clerk puts the laptop on the counter along with all of the software, adds it up and WOW "STICKER SHOCK"!!
She say's WOW I only have $2,000.00, the client says oh, no problem, here you go, and he hands her a Apple laptop (The scene shows the PC, with all of the software boxes on the counter, and her holding the Apple FOR LESS!)
I think you all get the idea.
Hey, some might say it's getting down to Microsoft's level, I say "Fight fire with fire". Show people what the real truth is.
Let us not forget, the clerk as also going to inform her about installing all of the software, the tech help that is available for when she NEEDS it ?
Remember folks, most people shop and "Get the picture" a lot better with pictures then words. Why I say this is, even though the current Apple ad's are cute, they don't put in front of people what they need to make a informed purchase.
Have a great day folks.
Kinda sad actually, Apple has been bashing M$ for years and years with their marketing, finally M$ comes back and apple is threatening legal action, sounds like a spoilt brat to me. Frankly Apple ads while funny also contain alot of BS in them. I was hoping they would comeback with some classy strategy, this legal action is kinda pathetic.
It's not about bashing, it's about whether or not what they say about the competitor is true. If Apple's ads said something about Windows computers that were false, then all Microsoft has to do is issue a C&D. I think it's under the Lanham act.
As one person has stated in this thread already, does not matter if they adjust the price in the ad, in the end PCs are just cheaper.
True, but if the ad cites a specific number about a competitor and that number is no longer true, then the ad must be changed to be legal.
And here is HOW to stop this madness.
The Ad goes something like this (Pay attention Apple!)
Scene starts out with STEVE JOBS (maybe on a college campus / Film Studio ) stopping a young lady on the street and saying "Hi, I have a challenge for you" "I want you to go into a store (Scene is in front of an Apple Store, not sure how to do this and use the college campus / film studio theme) and pick up a computer for under $2,000.00 (YES this is more then the Microsoft ad's, but there is a reason folks ?). Steve say's "Now there is a catch, this computer MUST be ready to plug-in and be ready to work once you turn it on". The girl says "I'm not sure what your saying Steve explains again, she says ok, I get it.
She goes and looks at computers / laptops, and a scene has her looking at a Dell X46212 CBD (or what ever these things are called) and asks if it has the needed software to do what she needs to to do, the clerk says now, but it's all right here. The clerk puts the laptop on the counter along with all of the software, adds it up and WOW "STICKER SHOCK"!!
She say's WOW I only have $2,000.00, the client says oh, no problem, here you go, and he hands her a Apple laptop (The scene shows the PC, with all of the software boxes on the counter, and her holding the Apple FOR LESS!)
I think you all get the idea.
Hey, some might say it's getting down to Microsoft's level, I say "Fight fire with fire". Show people what the real truth is.
Let us not forget, the clerk as also going to inform her about installing all of the software, the tech help that is available for when she NEEDS it ?
Remember folks, most people shop and "Get the picture" a lot better with pictures then words. Why I say this is, even though the current Apple ad's are cute, they don't put in front of people what they need to make a informed purchase.
Have a great day folks.
then the girl says, hey wait I can't play left4dead and throws it out the window going 60mph
I think you're misrepresenting the facts. They ads weren't wrong at first. Several weeks after they were first aired, Apple changed some prices and added a less expensive 15" model.
At which point they became wrong, and it apparently took a call from Apple legal to change them.
It's not a big deal on its own, but the whole Kevin Turner episode turned it all into pure comedy.
So he's a liar? He said Apple called him about the ads, then they changed them. I think the fact that they changed them is evidence enough that there most likely WAS a call. So how is he a liar?
"I did cartwheels down the hallway," Turner continued. "At first I said, 'Is this a joke? Who are you?' We're just going to keep running them and running them and running them."
Yes sure, keep running the ads.... after you have changed them! Perhaps not an out and out lie.... but not the whole truth either.
And do you feel the price drop that Apple introduced was substantial enough for a large multi-million dollar lawsuit?
Yes and it appears that Microsoft agrees. It doesn't matter if the price drop was $10 or $1000.
It seems like such a waste of money to pull these. They didn't lie in the ads,
Yes they did lie. If you say that a computer costs $2000 when in reality it costs $1699 then that is, quite simply, not true.
Something doesn't make sense here.
Yes but unfortunately it appears to be you.
then the girl says, hey wait I can't play left4dead and throws it out the window going 60mph
That line would make sense if more than a handful of girls play left4dead.
then the girl says, hey wait I can't play left4dead and throws it out the window going 60mph
Then I find it on the side of the road in good condition because of the unibody construction and use bootcamp to make it a great gaming machine.
Now THATS life without walls.
The Ad goes something like this (Pay attention Apple!)... The scene shows the PC, with all of the software boxes on the counter, and her holding the Apple FOR LESS!)
And the ad concludes with the young lady sitting with the Apple notebook on her desk. The camera pans to the Mac's display where the reflection of her face can be seen so clearly in the glossy screen you could sware it was a vanity mirror. She then cries out, "OMG!" while she powders her checks, puckers and then paints her mouth with -- you guessed it -- lip gloss.
S It seems like such a waste of money to pull these
You think so? Are they working? Is there a point to having them? Because they seem to be way off message, not helping MS, and right up there with MS' earlier marketing abortions. And this was apparent from the very first Laptop Hunters ad.
Noy only did these pointless ads not help MS, they also had no effect on Apple's results, and in fact seemed to have had the exact opposite effect. They seem to be a perfect encapsulation of MS' new situation: Windows still has overwhelming unit sale market share, but it is now almost entirely at the low end of the market. Ewwww.
Seinfeld ads = failure
I'm a PC ads = failure
Laptop Hunter ads = failure
I wonder what MS' next brilliant marketing move will be.
It's not a big deal on its own, but the whole Kevin Turner episode turned it all into pure comedy.
Perfectly encapsulates the whole story... in just one line.
Every story I read about the whole Kevin Turner thing, summed it up as Apple whining and Microsoft winning. Then just a couple of days later Kevin cartwheels down to the ad agency and has to change the commercials.
"Mac sales power Apple profits past forecasts"
If I were Apple (and I'm not) I'd strike back at those ads by pointing out to the public how little those PCs can manage at the out-of-the-box prices they mention. Especially glaring is the one with the self-made movie maker buying some cheap PC without ever mentioning how much she still will have to spend to actually get some movie-making software on the thing.
If you'll recall Apple's ad campaign in the 90's (sorry no link) this is the exact technique they used. Of course back then, the differentiation was hardware, not software.
I love macs as much as next guy but please , i've had more trouble with my macbook pro than with any other computer in my life.
Mac Pro , trouble free , almost never crashes , even when working in number of high end apps.
MacBook pro , crashes all the time. Took it to Apple store twice and nothing came out of it. They changed couple things hardware wise but it's hardly what i'd call solid performer.
Mac mini is golden. No problems at all.
PowerMac G5 2.7 Ghz before i moved on to intel was nightmare to work with as well. Random crashes , kernel panicks. Apple changed RAM , HD , Video card and that piece of crap would never work right.
so i would hardly call macs any more stable than dells / hps etc etc....
So he's a liar? He said Apple called him about the ads, then they changed them. I think the fact that they changed them is evidence enough that there most likely WAS a call. So how is he a liar? ....
I think when you look at his picture, the idea that he really did "cartwheels down the hallway"pretty much has to be a lie.
Cartwheels are hard and solely the province of the young and fit, which he isn't.
Kinda sad actually, Apple has been bashing M$ for years and years with their marketing, finally M$ comes back and apple is threatening legal action, sounds like a spoilt brat to me. Frankly Apple ads while funny also contain alot of BS in them. I was hoping they would comeback with some classy strategy, this legal action is kinda pathetic.
I want to see a ad war.....
As one person has stated in this thread already, does not matter if they adjust the price in the ad, in the end PCs are just cheaper.
I want proof that that call actually happened. Apple Legal wouldn't make a phone call. They would mail a cease and desist order.
The truth smell test on this stinks to high heaven.
You think so? Are they working? Is there a point to having them? Because they seem to be way off message, not helping MS, and right up there with MS' earlier marketing abortions. And this was apparent from the very first Laptop Hunters ad.
Noy only did these pointless ads not help MS, they also had no effect on Apple's results, and in fact seemed to have had the exact opposite effect. They seem to be a perfect encapsulation of MS' new situation: Windows still has overwhelming unit sale market share, but it is now almost entirely at the low end of the market. Ewwww.
Seinfeld ads = failure
I'm a PC ads = failure
Laptop Hunter ads = failure
I wonder what MS' next brilliant marketing move will be.
Perhaps, Microsoft should start thinking about making a superior product, for once!
"the value and choice of the PC."
Wow. Mac, it just works!
What is the value of crap?
value is also a highly subjective term. devious the way it is presented as objective...
I think when you look at his picture, the idea that he really did "cartwheels down the hallway"pretty much has to be a lie.
Cartwheels are hard and solely the province of the young and fit, which he isn't.
When this story first broke about "doing cartwheels," one previous poster said, "Yeah, cartwheels right down the hall to the Legal Department!" Which I thought was pretty funny!
So true. When I was using Windows I never got anything done because I was always running down error messages and bugs. Macs are worth the price just because they work so well.
I think Apple should hire Lauren to do one of their ads. She is a actor for hire! She could admit she is cool enough for a Mac.
lol. that's genius!
"Microsoft profits sink for the first time in 23 years"
"Mac sales power Apple profits past forecasts"
Hehe, I agree.
But really, it's all about trends. MS has been in a steady downward spiral for years now. Plunging Windows market share, plunging IE web share, a steady decline in stock value, numerous blunders in areas ranging from Windows to the Zune, etc. The list is just too long.
I wouldn't be surprised if they start killing off non-core projects, like someone else said earlier: Zune/Zune Marketplace, Windows Mobile, Bing/Search, etc.
Who knows, Ballmer's job might also be at stake. Although it's just as logical to assume everyone's waiting for the impact of Windows 7 to be felt, and the axe will start falling (or not) based on that.
But it's a slow process, like an old man easing into a bath tub.