"I did cartwheels down the hallway," Turner continued. "At first I said, 'Is this a joke? Who are you?' We're just going to keep running them and running them and running them."
Yes sure, keep running the ads.... after you have changed them! Perhaps not an out and out lie.... but not the whole truth either.
Yes and it appears that Microsoft agrees. It doesn't matter if the price drop was $10 or $1000.
Yes they did lie. If you say that a computer costs $2000 when in reality it costs $1699 then that is, quite simply, not true.
Yes but unfortunately it appears to be you.
1. When he says he won't stop running the ads, he's talking about running the laptop hunter ads. Not the ads that contain the old pricing from Apple. Even if they WANTED to run those old ads, putting a disclaimer at the start showing when the commercial was filmed would cover them. For Microsoft to run new ads with updated pricing simply shows that even the new pricing doesn't disrupt the initial point they were making. No lies were made here.
2. You're wrong. Car commercials do this all the time.
3. No they DIDN'T lie in their ads. They represented the correct price as it was at the time. Apple changed the price after the ads (which might show the ads worked) and now people are calling them liars.
4. Wrapping up your comment with a subtle insult wasn't needed.
And the ad concludes with the young lady sitting with the Apple notebook on her desk. The camera pans to the Mac's display where the reflection of her face can be seen so clearly in the glossy screen you could sware it was a vanity mirror. She then cries out, "OMG!" while she powders her checks, puckers and then paints her mouth with -- you guessed it -- lip gloss.
You think so? Are they working? Is there a point to having them? Because they seem to be way off message, not helping MS, and right up there with MS' earlier marketing abortions. And this was apparent from the very first Laptop Hunters ad.
Noy only did these pointless ads not help MS, they also had no effect on Apple's results, and in fact seemed to have had the exact opposite effect. They seem to be a perfect encapsulation of MS' new situation: Windows still has overwhelming unit sale market share, but it is now almost entirely at the low end of the market. Ewwww.
Seinfeld ads = failure
I'm a PC ads = failure
Laptop Hunter ads = failure
I wonder what MS' next brilliant marketing move will be.
Well take my mom for example. She picked up an asus notebook for 700 bucks and absolutely loves it to death. She's exactly the type of person those ads are aimed at.
My little brother got himself a dell laptop for school and hasn't had a single issue with it whatsoever. He enjoys it very much and I constantly see him on it when he's home. He was even given a choice by my parents between a macbook or a dell laptop. He's not an Apple hater or anything, he loves the ipod touch I bought him for Christmas.
So let me ask you, how are these ads not working any better than Apple's "I'm a pc and im a mac" ad? Who's to say that any revenue is generated from either. Apple lowered their prices didn't they? I could easily point to that and ignorantly say that's the result of the laptop hunter ads.
Microsoft has ramped up its advertising of Windows in a $300 million campaign with acclaimed advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky. The "Laptop Hunters" ads play up the notion that PCs offer more choice and value than Macs.
I still think the whole story about a phone call to Apple is bogus. Who these days (especially lawyers) call a rival company to tell them to please stop airing ads? Don't you think they'd write an e-mail or a letter? This story is just ridiculous marketing stunt by M$ and it's simply sad that it got so much attention...
Turner you're a dick!
actually, you CAN polish shit. first, let it dehydrate in the sun for a long time till it stops stinking; second, after it's dry and solid, lavishly brush it with varnish (the coating will help enclose what remains of the stink); third, let it dry for several hours; fourth, buff it good with a velvet cloth till it shines like the sun. and there you go, polished shit. gee, someone actually did cart wheels over this?
it's my first post , although i've been a reader for some time now.
On-topic: MS should have changed the ads, since apple updated their pricing and configs, but the whole mac vs pc pricing debate is far from over.
Just yesterday, a friend told me he was gonna get a 15" HP laptop. Of course, my first instinct was to try and persude him to get a mac. I was surprised to find how much the price difference was in reality. No matter how much I tried to emphasise the positive traits of the macbook, even I wasn't convinced. Especially since the EUR/USD ratio became quite unfavourable, I can't seem to convince anyone aymore that the mac is a good buy.
So, I wonder: are there any switchers left? Or is it only the ones that already had a mac who consider upgrading to a newer model?
actually, you CAN polish shit. first, let it dehydrate in the sun for a long time till it stops stinking; second, after it's dry and solid, lavishly brush it with varnish (the coating will help enclose what remains of the stink) ; third, let it dry for several hours; fourth, buff it good with a satin cloth. and there you go, polished shit. gee, someone actually did cart wheels over this?
I still think the whole story about a phone call to Apple is bogus. Who these days (especially lawyers) call a rival company to tell them to please stop airing ads?
It can and sometimes does happen. It's a gentleman's tactic to avoid the hassle of the letters, suits etc.
but I agree that Mr Turner painted it to be something that it wasn't.
the conversation was likely towards the legal department and went something like "It has come to our attention that your ad agency is still running a tv and internet ad showing models within the MacBook Pro line having prices of $1999 and $2499. As you might have heard, the prices of our machines have changed. We wanted to give you a chance to have those ads pulled and amended before further action must be taken. Thanks"
in other words, assume they weren't airing them on purpose, let them fix it, but let them know that if they don't make the correction they will be dealt with (using false advertising laws etc)
if Mr Turner and friends are so confident in their product, a drop in prices shouldn't bother them. And they shouldn't have been so nasty with spinning the story
oh and I wonder if Mr Turner is aware that his prize ad house creates all their work on Macs. yep, they sure do. Maybe someone should send him a little love letter on that one.
If the ad is very successful, why has all PC makers reported negative income for the quarter? Why did Microsoft report lost quarter this week, even after cutting $750 million in costs.
Well, the proof is in the financial data. Apple profit is highest ever. Microsoft just reported their first year of loss. Who is the winner here? Sure not Microsoft.
it's my first post , although i've been a reader for some time now.
On-topic: MS should have changed the ads, since apple updated their pricing and configs, but the whole mac vs pc pricing debate is far from over.
Just yesterday, a friend told me he was gonna get a 15" HP laptop. Of course, my first instinct was to try and persude him to get a mac. I was surprised to find how much the price difference was in reality. No matter how much I tried to emphasise the positive traits of the macbook, even I wasn't convinced. Especially since the EUR/USD ratio became quite unfavourable, I can't seem to convince anyone aymore that the mac is a good buy.
So, I wonder: are there any switchers left? Or is it only the ones that already had a mac who consider upgrading to a newer model?
Yet Macbooks are flying off the shelves. Apple rules the brick-and-mortar store $1000+ category. And that's a big category, to say the least.
If your friend is in the wrong income bracket or his budget precludes him from getting a Mac, then no amount of convincing will work.
When I see all the PCs at Costco I just can't help but think how cheap they look. It is no wonder they are less expensive. That's my personal opinion though. Maybe PC fans think the same about Macs.
So he's a liar? He said Apple called him about the ads, then they changed them. I think the fact that they changed them is evidence enough that there most likely WAS a call. So how is he a liar?
do you really think that Apple called him and whined about the ads. Also he made a comment to the effect "all those over a measly $100 price change" when I"m sure he knew it was triple that
I don't understand why Microsoft wouldn't be completely covered if they simply put "filmed 4/25/09" or something at the start of the ads. It seems like such a waste of money to pull these. They didn't lie in the ads, Apple simply changed the price, now suddenly they are exposed to a lawsuit? Something doesn't make sense here.
there are laws and regulations in the US about false advertising. a date is likely not enough to protect them from said laws.
look at another Apple sitch. Steve Jobs and his health. If we accept the notion that up until last January, Jobs health was not a determent to doing his job, then we have to accept that Apple had all rights not to say anything about the matter. HOWEVER if they made a statement it has to be a correct one. if they said that Steve was fine, just a little hormone issue, easy to fix when they knew flat out that his liver was failing, he needed a new one stat or he would die etc, then they broke a ton of rules. this is the question under investigation by the SEC even as we speak.
by a similar token, if a company is going to state prices they have to state a correct one. if it is a sale ad then when the sale period is over, they have to pull the ad because the price isn't valid anymore
I'd love for Apple to come out with a similar ad. I can see it now...
"Where is your PC now?"
Go back and interview those people 4 years down the road.
I used my PowerMac well over 6 years.
Congrats!I'm coming up on 6 years for my G5 dual 1.8GHZ and I am pretty sad that the only thing that is making me feel like I ought to upgrade is Apple slowly killing PPC support... first iPhone Dev, now Pro Apps. Makes me sad.
Started out with 512MB of RAM and a 300GB HDD, and now
I've got 7GB of RAM and 2x 1TB HDDs, and the ol girl is going strong!
i was just at the local coffee shop. i saw a woman sitting down with one of the new mbp's. i asked her how she liked it. she replied that she absolutely loved it. actually, the first statement was that it was beautiful. her second was that it was so easy to use.
she also said that her pc friends were giving her crap about getting a mac, but she said she didn't care. she just couldn't stop talking about it. i finally had to kindly make an exit.
I'd love for Apple to come out with a similar ad. I can see it now...
"Where is your PC now?"
Go back and interview those people 4 years down the road.
I used my PowerMac well over 6 years.
that's a good idea actually. i sold my G5 5 years after buying it for half of what i paid for it. I almost regret it but it was too loud.
"I did cartwheels down the hallway," Turner continued. "At first I said, 'Is this a joke? Who are you?' We're just going to keep running them and running them and running them."
Yes sure, keep running the ads.... after you have changed them! Perhaps not an out and out lie.... but not the whole truth either.
Yes and it appears that Microsoft agrees. It doesn't matter if the price drop was $10 or $1000.
Yes they did lie. If you say that a computer costs $2000 when in reality it costs $1699 then that is, quite simply, not true.
Yes but unfortunately it appears to be you.
1. When he says he won't stop running the ads, he's talking about running the laptop hunter ads. Not the ads that contain the old pricing from Apple. Even if they WANTED to run those old ads, putting a disclaimer at the start showing when the commercial was filmed would cover them. For Microsoft to run new ads with updated pricing simply shows that even the new pricing doesn't disrupt the initial point they were making. No lies were made here.
2. You're wrong. Car commercials do this all the time.
3. No they DIDN'T lie in their ads. They represented the correct price as it was at the time. Apple changed the price after the ads (which might show the ads worked) and now people are calling them liars.
4. Wrapping up your comment with a subtle insult wasn't needed.
And the ad concludes with the young lady sitting with the Apple notebook on her desk. The camera pans to the Mac's display where the reflection of her face can be seen so clearly in the glossy screen you could sware it was a vanity mirror. She then cries out, "OMG!" while she powders her checks, puckers and then paints her mouth with -- you guessed it -- lip gloss.
You think so? Are they working? Is there a point to having them? Because they seem to be way off message, not helping MS, and right up there with MS' earlier marketing abortions. And this was apparent from the very first Laptop Hunters ad.
Noy only did these pointless ads not help MS, they also had no effect on Apple's results, and in fact seemed to have had the exact opposite effect. They seem to be a perfect encapsulation of MS' new situation: Windows still has overwhelming unit sale market share, but it is now almost entirely at the low end of the market. Ewwww.
Seinfeld ads = failure
I'm a PC ads = failure
Laptop Hunter ads = failure
I wonder what MS' next brilliant marketing move will be.
Well take my mom for example. She picked up an asus notebook for 700 bucks and absolutely loves it to death. She's exactly the type of person those ads are aimed at.
My little brother got himself a dell laptop for school and hasn't had a single issue with it whatsoever. He enjoys it very much and I constantly see him on it when he's home. He was even given a choice by my parents between a macbook or a dell laptop. He's not an Apple hater or anything, he loves the ipod touch I bought him for Christmas.
So let me ask you, how are these ads not working any better than Apple's "I'm a pc and im a mac" ad? Who's to say that any revenue is generated from either. Apple lowered their prices didn't they? I could easily point to that and ignorantly say that's the result of the laptop hunter ads.
Microsoft has ramped up its advertising of Windows in a $300 million campaign with acclaimed advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky. The "Laptop Hunters" ads play up the notion that PCs offer more choice and value than Macs.
[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
Ironically, the ad agency created these ads using Macs!!
"I did cartwheels down the hallway," Turner said.
Was it videotaped?
We can have Monkey Boy Dance - The Sequel!
C......and the commercials will cobtibue to have their desired effect on the masses.
Have a cold?
Ironically, the ad agency created these ads using Macs!!
of course! ROFL
True, you can't polish shit
I still think the whole story about a phone call to Apple is bogus. Who these days (especially lawyers) call a rival company to tell them to please stop airing ads?
Turner you're a dick!
actually, you CAN polish shit. first, let it dehydrate in the sun for a long time till it stops stinking; second, after it's dry and solid, lavishly brush it with varnish (the coating will help enclose what remains of the stink); third, let it dry for several hours; fourth, buff it good with a velvet cloth till it shines like the sun. and there you go, polished shit. gee, someone actually did cart wheels over this?
it's my first post , although i've been a reader for some time now.
On-topic: MS should have changed the ads, since apple updated their pricing and configs, but the whole mac vs pc pricing debate is far from over.
Just yesterday, a friend told me he was gonna get a 15" HP laptop. Of course, my first instinct was to try and persude him to get a mac. I was surprised to find how much the price difference was in reality. No matter how much I tried to emphasise the positive traits of the macbook, even I wasn't convinced. Especially since the EUR/USD ratio became quite unfavourable, I can't seem to convince anyone aymore that the mac is a good buy.
So, I wonder: are there any switchers left? Or is it only the ones that already had a mac who consider upgrading to a newer model?
actually, you CAN polish shit. first, let it dehydrate in the sun for a long time till it stops stinking; second, after it's dry and solid, lavishly brush it with varnish (the coating will help enclose what remains of the stink) ; third, let it dry for several hours; fourth, buff it good with a satin cloth. and there you go, polished shit. gee, someone actually did cart wheels over this?
Hehe, I saw that Mythbusters episode, too.
True, you can't polish shit
I still think the whole story about a phone call to Apple is bogus. Who these days (especially lawyers) call a rival company to tell them to please stop airing ads?
It can and sometimes does happen. It's a gentleman's tactic to avoid the hassle of the letters, suits etc.
but I agree that Mr Turner painted it to be something that it wasn't.
the conversation was likely towards the legal department and went something like "It has come to our attention that your ad agency is still running a tv and internet ad showing models within the MacBook Pro line having prices of $1999 and $2499. As you might have heard, the prices of our machines have changed. We wanted to give you a chance to have those ads pulled and amended before further action must be taken. Thanks"
in other words, assume they weren't airing them on purpose, let them fix it, but let them know that if they don't make the correction they will be dealt with (using false advertising laws etc)
if Mr Turner and friends are so confident in their product, a drop in prices shouldn't bother them. And they shouldn't have been so nasty with spinning the story
oh and I wonder if Mr Turner is aware that his prize ad house creates all their work on Macs. yep, they sure do. Maybe someone should send him a little love letter on that one.
New Microsoft ad campaign? $1.3 Million
Apple cease & desist legal fees? $7,000
A competitor with an inferiority complex and a habit for shooting themselves in the foot?
Well, the proof is in the financial data. Apple profit is highest ever. Microsoft just reported their first year of loss. Who is the winner here? Sure not Microsoft.
it's my first post , although i've been a reader for some time now.
On-topic: MS should have changed the ads, since apple updated their pricing and configs, but the whole mac vs pc pricing debate is far from over.
Just yesterday, a friend told me he was gonna get a 15" HP laptop. Of course, my first instinct was to try and persude him to get a mac. I was surprised to find how much the price difference was in reality. No matter how much I tried to emphasise the positive traits of the macbook, even I wasn't convinced. Especially since the EUR/USD ratio became quite unfavourable, I can't seem to convince anyone aymore that the mac is a good buy.
So, I wonder: are there any switchers left? Or is it only the ones that already had a mac who consider upgrading to a newer model?
Yet Macbooks are flying off the shelves. Apple rules the brick-and-mortar store $1000+ category. And that's a big category, to say the least.
If your friend is in the wrong income bracket or his budget precludes him from getting a Mac, then no amount of convincing will work.
When I see all the PCs at Costco I just can't help but think how cheap they look. It is no wonder they are less expensive. That's my personal opinion though. Maybe PC fans think the same about Macs.
So he's a liar? He said Apple called him about the ads, then they changed them. I think the fact that they changed them is evidence enough that there most likely WAS a call. So how is he a liar?
do you really think that Apple called him and whined about the ads. Also he made a comment to the effect "all those over a measly $100 price change" when I"m sure he knew it was triple that
I don't understand why Microsoft wouldn't be completely covered if they simply put "filmed 4/25/09" or something at the start of the ads. It seems like such a waste of money to pull these. They didn't lie in the ads, Apple simply changed the price, now suddenly they are exposed to a lawsuit? Something doesn't make sense here.
there are laws and regulations in the US about false advertising. a date is likely not enough to protect them from said laws.
look at another Apple sitch. Steve Jobs and his health. If we accept the notion that up until last January, Jobs health was not a determent to doing his job, then we have to accept that Apple had all rights not to say anything about the matter. HOWEVER if they made a statement it has to be a correct one. if they said that Steve was fine, just a little hormone issue, easy to fix when they knew flat out that his liver was failing, he needed a new one stat or he would die etc, then they broke a ton of rules. this is the question under investigation by the SEC even as we speak.
by a similar token, if a company is going to state prices they have to state a correct one. if it is a sale ad then when the sale period is over, they have to pull the ad because the price isn't valid anymore
I'd love for Apple to come out with a similar ad. I can see it now...
"Where is your PC now?"
Go back and interview those people 4 years down the road.
I used my PowerMac well over 6 years.
Congrats!I'm coming up on 6 years for my G5 dual 1.8GHZ and I am pretty sad that the only thing that is making me feel like I ought to upgrade is Apple slowly killing PPC support... first iPhone Dev, now Pro Apps. Makes me sad.
Started out with 512MB of RAM and a 300GB HDD, and now
I've got 7GB of RAM and 2x 1TB HDDs, and the ol girl is going strong!
she also said that her pc friends were giving her crap about getting a mac, but she said she didn't care. she just couldn't stop talking about it. i finally had to kindly make an exit.