Also, I find it funny that her "budget" is $1700 and although the 15" macbook pro starts at $1700, you can actually get one for $1600 with the educational discount - isn't lauren supposed to be a student?
hhhhmmmm..... seems like a mac is well within her price range.
Look at the commercial again with google video. Tell me if u can see if it's the 2000 or 1700 model.
Well in the original ad they showed an image of a Macbook Pro. (New or old they all look the same). They showed the price: $1999.99. And the price ticket contained some specs.
In June Apple updated the specs of all their Macbook Pros and reduced the prices. That meant, that through no fault of their own, Microsoft now had a commercial that compared a competitors product with incorrect specs and pricing.
Microsoft's mistake was to continue to air the ad. Apple complains. A slightly hysterical Microsoft exec claims that annoying Apple was the best day in his career... and then legal tells him to change the friggin' ad... pronto!
The ad is edited and no price is mentioned. They still get to make a dig at Apple by mentioning a lower spec HD and "it seems like you're paying for the brand". So Apple wins a bit and Microsoft wins a bit. Hopefully end of storm in a teacup.
Just in case you are wondering why Microsoft didn't just switch their focus to the new $2000 Macbook... it's because neither they nor their agency are stupid. The whole premise of the ad is about searching for a computer with certain attributes for under $1700. There is now a 15 inch Macbook Pro hits that price range. To simply ignore that model would be just another form of deception. Their point has been made already.
BTW, nobody "reserves the right" to insult anyone on these forums. I'm sure the mods will be happy to explain why if you want to keep that up.
Just don't do it when one of them has a bad day. It's a little unfair, yes, but things got out of hand on this forum a month ago and around that time I wouldn't have shed much of a tear if several people found themselves locked out of their own accounts.
Just don't do it when one of them has a bad day. It's a little unfair, yes, but things got out of hand on this forum a month ago and around that time I wouldn't have shed much of a tear if several people found themselves locked out of their own accounts.
So far, in this thread, I have suggested that one poster was not making sense. I subsequently realised that he was not in possession of the full facts which possibly explained his non ... er ... sense. Personally I think that describing that as an insult is a little over-sensitive, I hope describing someone as over-sensitive is not an insult... and I hope that makes some sense. \
So true. When I was using Windows I never got anything done because I was always running down error messages and bugs. Macs are worth the price just because they work so well.
I think Apple should hire Lauren to do one of their ads. She is a actor for hire! She could admit she is cool enough for a Mac.
Our 1st Gen Intel iMac can run the activities of 3 accounts at once without batting an eye! The thing is just rock solid & still more beautiful than nearly all Desktop PCs. We can't even get Vista to run 2 accounts well on a brand new Core Duo PC at work, though it's less of a performance issue & more of how Vista wigs out & locks up accounts so you can't access them anymore!
I only wish it was 64bit cause Snow Leopard is making the little test Mac Mini I have at work scream!
Just think, Sony, HP, Acer, Toshiba etc are all sitting back letting MS advertise for them. MS's ads come across as they are selling laptops, cheaper, better, faster. The reality is the only thing they are selling is the OS on the machines. But heaven forbid MS make an actual machine to actually go head to head with a MB or MBP.
Apple's ads do not attack Sony, HP, Acer Toshiba etc who make the machines, they are attacking the OS itself (windows), or rather pointing out the elephant in the room-the well known crap of an OS.
MB out of the box is 100% ready to go, packaging & presentation, connectivity, ease of use, build quality leave a lasting impression & user experience.
The other units seem very plastic like, cheap looking (even when they try to copy others), and right out of the box they better load some virus protection asap... nothing like instilling confidence.
Can you imagine gas companies advertising for auto companies. Shell advertising for Ford, GM, Toyota etc cuz they need gas it to run.
It really is too bad Microsoft is acting like its ashamed of its OS. It never advertises any of its features. Features that might entice people to buy a PC over a Mac. This is what Apple does. Price isn't really feature. Its just a perceived value of what you're buying.
They do, haven't you seen the commercial with couple and their baby, telling how now they can organize their photos. Or the one with the cute little Asian girl importing and organizing her own photos? Isn't that enough reason to buy a Windows PC, to organize photos?
It seems MSFT doesn't want to tell users all they can do. I really don't think they understand the consumer, they think all people buy computers for is photo management and Netbooks. Silly MSFT.
$300 million on an advertising campaign illustrating how your OS runs on less expensive hardware - while not mentioning by the way that it can also run on all of Apple's computers made for the past few years. At about $200 a pice for a retail copy of Windows 7 - they could have simply given away 1.5 million licensed copies - then get a bunch of retailers to sell computers with no OS pre-loaded and let those retailers advertise their machines as ready for your copy of Windows 7 to be installed - simply insert the CD and start up the machine (or maybe power it on - then install the CD).
Or if the retailer offers services - advertise that you bring us your copy of Windows 7 and buy a blank machine and we will install it for you for some nominal fee.
Interestingly enough Microsoft's Ad-agency "Crispin Porter + Bogusky" clearly show a photograph on their website of their staff in an office using Mac's to do their work. They obviously couldn't see the value running Windows themselves. Whoops! Then again, they do clearly state on their site (referring to their newly opened UK office) "What better a place to practice the art of advertising that the site of a thousand years of bullshit. And we look forward to laying down a historic layer ourselves" I think we know what Crispin Porter + Bogusky really think of Microsoft.
Kinda sad actually, Apple has been bashing M$ for years and years with their marketing, finally M$ comes back and apple is threatening legal action, sounds like a spoilt brat to me. Frankly Apple ads while funny also contain alot of BS in them. I was hoping they would comeback with some classy strategy, this legal action is kinda pathetic.
I want to see a ad war.....
As one person has stated in this thread already, does not matter if they adjust the price in the ad, in the end PCs are just cheaper.
Yeah, well, that is what Apple do, like every spoiled minor - because they are so cute and small and allowed to do anything
So they keep throwing their little pebbles on next-door big boy's window, and when boy comes out to smack their cute little bottoms, they run home crying for mommy
do you really think that Apple called him and whined about the ads. Also he made a comment to the effect "all those over a measly $100 price change" when I"m sure he knew it was triple that
there are laws and regulations in the US about false advertising. a date is likely not enough to protect them from said laws.
look at another Apple sitch. Steve Jobs and his health. If we accept the notion that up until last January, Jobs health was not a determent to doing his job, then we have to accept that Apple had all rights not to say anything about the matter. HOWEVER if they made a statement it has to be a correct one. if they said that Steve was fine, just a little hormone issue, easy to fix when they knew flat out that his liver was failing, he needed a new one stat or he would die etc, then they broke a ton of rules. this is the question under investigation by the SEC even as we speak.
by a similar token, if a company is going to state prices they have to state a correct one. if it is a sale ad then when the sale period is over, they have to pull the ad because the price isn't valid anymore
So if Apple lower the price for, say, another $1.99, ad has to be changed again? And again? I wonder. I'm thinking MS just showed some courtesy.
Check out the posts on Neowin about this. Those poor Winblows sufferers aactually think that MS did what they did out of courtesy, because Apple would never be so "nice."
Lordy, how lost they are. I keep wondering what I was thinking when I became a PC user for a few years around 2002 before going back to Apple. Wasn't all that pleasant. Bah, I needed the experience I guess.
So if Apple lower the price for, say, another $1.99, ad has to be changed again? And again? I wonder. I'm thinking MS just showed some courtesy.
You're hurting the credibility of your argument by using absurd examples. A $300 cheaper model is nothing like $1.99, a 15% price drop is nothing like a 1% drop.
MS has lose their creativity with all their products due to the focus more on the business users, then the consumer. There has to be a balance and MS has lose sight of their consumer business. To be fair is understandable, since majority of its money is from the corporate world.
I am stopped using windows in 1999, after obtaining a demonstration of a G4 powerbook. I did not buy the PowerbooK, but G4 desktop and I have never looked back.
I now have macbook pro 15", G5 2.5Ghz Quad and still that G4 that is running still to this day and has never given me the blue screen effect, that I hated with PC.
My friend just bought a Sony VAIO and spend half the cost of my Macbook Pro and was teasing me about the price. Anyway couple of days later, he got the dreaded blue screen and had to return the laptop. My comment to him was "You get what you pay for" LMAO
But yet, no word on Apples commercials and how they FLAT OUT LIE by claming that Macs can't get viruses!?? WTF??? If Apple is so worried about the fact that Microsoft has dominated the market while sweeping them into a corner of near non existence.... Then maybe they should try doing something about those EXPLODING/CATCH ON FIRE ipods they've tried so hard to cover up... Or the fact that the reason macs cost so much is becuase of the molded plastic case they come in.
But yet, no word on Apples commercials and how they FLAT OUT LIE by claming that Macs can't get viruses!?? WTF??? If Apple is so worried about the fact that Microsoft has dominated the market while sweeping them into a corner of near non existence.... Then maybe they should try doing something about those EXPLODING/CATCH ON FIRE ipods they've tried so hard to cover up... Or the fact that the reason macs cost so much is becuase of the molded plastic case they come in.
It isn't a lie. Macs simply don't get viruses.
Apple isn't "worried" about anything. They are thriving in this recession. What's the worry??
Non-existence? Everyone follows Apple. Not bad for non-existence. It's like the entire industry has its brain turned off and is waiting for Apple's next move so it can follow suit.
50 million+ Mac users. In fact that number is higher, that's just a conservative figure.
And if you're going to keep trolling the way you are, you'll have a rather unhappy time around here.
hhhhmmmm..... seems like a mac is well within her price range.
Look at the commercial again with google video. Tell me if u can see if it's the 2000 or 1700 model.
Well in the original ad they showed an image of a Macbook Pro. (New or old they all look the same). They showed the price: $1999.99. And the price ticket contained some specs.
In June Apple updated the specs of all their Macbook Pros and reduced the prices. That meant, that through no fault of their own, Microsoft now had a commercial that compared a competitors product with incorrect specs and pricing.
Microsoft's mistake was to continue to air the ad. Apple complains. A slightly hysterical Microsoft exec claims that annoying Apple was the best day in his career... and then legal tells him to change the friggin' ad... pronto!
The ad is edited and no price is mentioned. They still get to make a dig at Apple by mentioning a lower spec HD and "it seems like you're paying for the brand". So Apple wins a bit and Microsoft wins a bit. Hopefully end of storm in a teacup.
Just in case you are wondering why Microsoft didn't just switch their focus to the new $2000 Macbook... it's because neither they nor their agency are stupid. The whole premise of the ad is about searching for a computer with certain attributes for under $1700. There is now a 15 inch Macbook Pro hits that price range. To simply ignore that model would be just another form of deception. Their point has been made already.
BTW, nobody "reserves the right" to insult anyone on these forums. I'm sure the mods will be happy to explain why if you want to keep that up.
I'll take my chances.
I'll take my chances.
Just don't do it when one of them has a bad day. It's a little unfair, yes, but things got out of hand on this forum a month ago and around that time I wouldn't have shed much of a tear if several people found themselves locked out of their own accounts.
Just don't do it when one of them has a bad day. It's a little unfair, yes, but things got out of hand on this forum a month ago and around that time I wouldn't have shed much of a tear if several people found themselves locked out of their own accounts.
So far, in this thread, I have suggested that one poster was not making sense. I subsequently realised that he was not in possession of the full facts which possibly explained his non ... er ... sense. Personally I think that describing that as an insult is a little over-sensitive, I hope describing someone as over-sensitive is not an insult... and I hope that makes some sense.
So true. When I was using Windows I never got anything done because I was always running down error messages and bugs. Macs are worth the price just because they work so well.
I think Apple should hire Lauren to do one of their ads. She is a actor for hire! She could admit she is cool enough for a Mac.
Our 1st Gen Intel iMac can run the activities of 3 accounts at once without batting an eye! The thing is just rock solid & still more beautiful than nearly all Desktop PCs. We can't even get Vista to run 2 accounts well on a brand new Core Duo PC at work, though it's less of a performance issue & more of how Vista wigs out & locks up accounts so you can't access them anymore!
I only wish it was 64bit cause Snow Leopard is making the little test Mac Mini I have at work scream!
Egg, meet face.
Just think, Sony, HP, Acer, Toshiba etc are all sitting back letting MS advertise for them. MS's ads come across as they are selling laptops, cheaper, better, faster. The reality is the only thing they are selling is the OS on the machines. But heaven forbid MS make an actual machine to actually go head to head with a MB or MBP.
Apple's ads do not attack Sony, HP, Acer Toshiba etc who make the machines, they are attacking the OS itself (windows), or rather pointing out the elephant in the room-the well known crap of an OS.
MB out of the box is 100% ready to go, packaging & presentation, connectivity, ease of use, build quality leave a lasting impression & user experience.
The other units seem very plastic like, cheap looking (even when they try to copy others), and right out of the box they better load some virus protection asap... nothing like instilling confidence.
Can you imagine gas companies advertising for auto companies. Shell advertising for Ford, GM, Toyota etc cuz they need gas it to run.
Just my 2cents on the MS ads.
It really is too bad Microsoft is acting like its ashamed of its OS. It never advertises any of its features. Features that might entice people to buy a PC over a Mac. This is what Apple does. Price isn't really feature. Its just a perceived value of what you're buying.
They do, haven't you seen the commercial with couple and their baby, telling how now they can organize their photos. Or the one with the cute little Asian girl importing and organizing her own photos? Isn't that enough reason to buy a Windows PC, to organize photos?
It seems MSFT doesn't want to tell users all they can do. I really don't think they understand the consumer, they think all people buy computers for is photo management and Netbooks. Silly MSFT.
Or if the retailer offers services - advertise that you bring us your copy of Windows 7 and buy a blank machine and we will install it for you for some nominal fee.
Kinda sad actually, Apple has been bashing M$ for years and years with their marketing, finally M$ comes back and apple is threatening legal action, sounds like a spoilt brat to me. Frankly Apple ads while funny also contain alot of BS in them. I was hoping they would comeback with some classy strategy, this legal action is kinda pathetic.
I want to see a ad war.....
As one person has stated in this thread already, does not matter if they adjust the price in the ad, in the end PCs are just cheaper.
Yeah, well, that is what Apple do, like every spoiled minor - because they are so cute and small and allowed to do anything
So they keep throwing their little pebbles on next-door big boy's window, and when boy comes out to smack their cute little bottoms, they run home crying for mommy
do you really think that Apple called him and whined about the ads. Also he made a comment to the effect "all those over a measly $100 price change" when I"m sure he knew it was triple that
there are laws and regulations in the US about false advertising. a date is likely not enough to protect them from said laws.
look at another Apple sitch. Steve Jobs and his health. If we accept the notion that up until last January, Jobs health was not a determent to doing his job, then we have to accept that Apple had all rights not to say anything about the matter. HOWEVER if they made a statement it has to be a correct one. if they said that Steve was fine, just a little hormone issue, easy to fix when they knew flat out that his liver was failing, he needed a new one stat or he would die etc, then they broke a ton of rules. this is the question under investigation by the SEC even as we speak.
by a similar token, if a company is going to state prices they have to state a correct one. if it is a sale ad then when the sale period is over, they have to pull the ad because the price isn't valid anymore
So if Apple lower the price for, say, another $1.99, ad has to be changed again? And again? I wonder. I'm thinking MS just showed some courtesy.
I'm thinking MS just showed some courtesy.
Microsoft broke some rules.
Apple complained.
Microsoft fixed it.
This is not about etiquette!
Microsoft broke some rules.
Apple complained.
Microsoft fixed it.
This is not about etiquette!
How true!
Check out the posts on Neowin about this. Those poor Winblows sufferers aactually think that MS did what they did out of courtesy, because Apple would never be so "nice."
Lordy, how lost they are. I keep wondering what I was thinking when I became a PC user for a few years around 2002 before going back to Apple. Wasn't all that pleasant. Bah, I needed the experience I guess.
So if Apple lower the price for, say, another $1.99, ad has to be changed again? And again? I wonder. I'm thinking MS just showed some courtesy.
You're hurting the credibility of your argument by using absurd examples. A $300 cheaper model is nothing like $1.99, a 15% price drop is nothing like a 1% drop.
I am stopped using windows in 1999, after obtaining a demonstration of a G4 powerbook. I did not buy the PowerbooK, but G4 desktop and I have never looked back.
I now have macbook pro 15", G5 2.5Ghz Quad and still that G4 that is running still to this day and has never given me the blue screen effect, that I hated with PC.
My friend just bought a Sony VAIO and spend half the cost of my Macbook Pro and was teasing me about the price. Anyway couple of days later, he got the dreaded blue screen and had to return the laptop. My comment to him was "You get what you pay for" LMAO
But yet, no word on Apples commercials and how they FLAT OUT LIE by claming that Macs can't get viruses!?? WTF???
Here... I've done the hard work for you.
Now find the Apple commercial that says what you claim.
If you can't then stop spreading untruths simply because your ideology prevents you from understanding words in a simple TV ad.
But yet, no word on Apples commercials and how they FLAT OUT LIE by claming that Macs can't get viruses!?? WTF??? If Apple is so worried about the fact that Microsoft has dominated the market while sweeping them into a corner of near non existence.... Then maybe they should try doing something about those EXPLODING/CATCH ON FIRE ipods they've tried so hard to cover up... Or the fact that the reason macs cost so much is becuase of the molded plastic case they come in.
It isn't a lie. Macs simply don't get viruses.
Apple isn't "worried" about anything. They are thriving in this recession. What's the worry??
Non-existence? Everyone follows Apple. Not bad for non-existence. It's like the entire industry has its brain turned off and is waiting for Apple's next move so it can follow suit.
50 million+ Mac users. In fact that number is higher, that's just a conservative figure.
And if you're going to keep trolling the way you are, you'll have a rather unhappy time around here.
I mean Apple is making end over end profits and Microsoft is... well... it isn't really is it?