Apple confirms annual iPod event for September 9



  • Reply 41 of 120
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    and such a low grade camera- no flash, no zoom?? ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz

    Originally Posted by mcmlxix View Post

    The camera is lame for me. When I take photos, I don?t want to use a toy camera. But I can see how the camera?s inclusion will be a hit with teens and extended teens taking pictures of themselves acting like d-bags to email to each other and post to social networking sites.

    In a more perfect world, said Touch will also have OLED.

    1) OLED? Yesss. My new Samsung TL320 has one - at least iPTouch size and it's nummy - off angle/axis and daylight viewing are both the best I've seen.

    2) re "lame" and "toy" cameras: the comment below saves me much of what I wanted to say, and I agree with it heartily, freeing me to add another angle:

    sure, the latest DSLR's and Red videocams are wonders, but step back, o thou gadget-spoiled generation and realize the camera in the iPhone today is leagues more capable as a photographic instrument than much of what the best photographers in the world (and some of the best in history) were using for many decades (let alone that it shoots color, and even moving images with sound).

    this cam is already responsible for a New Yorker cover, and world-reknowned photogs like Nan Goldin have worked primarily with low cost (film) cameras for decades. others work exclusively with very primitive cameras like the $20 Holga because of its less than perfect sharpness and even focus, or build their own lensless pinhole cameras with amazing results.

    my nephew constructs his own 1840's style gear and coats his own glass plates with egg albumin and chemicals to make his 45-90 second exposures, some of which are now in permanent curated collections. of course he also enjoys working with a medium format digital sensor and $5,000 lenses as well. most pros do.

    still, it's the vision of the mind behind the eye behind the camera not the tech of the gear which determines whether one ends up with "bad snapshots" or real art. the camera records the image, but the person understanding the limits of their gear determines whether it's memorable or mundane.

    and as GQB below notes, even many of those "bad snapshots" may end up becoming treasured heirlooms if they capture anything of moments and people you love.

    finally, I don't believe DaVinci would have bitched about "a toy" if someone could have traveled back and given him a Kodak Brownie, and plenty of film, paper and chemistry for it.....

    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    A 'low quality' camera that you actually have with you and use is infinitely better than a high quality one that's not with you.

    I had a high quality Cannon video camera for years, on which I recorded probably about 5 final hours of video. I dreaded lugging it along, and as a result, usually didn't. NEVER got spur of the moment, fun, memorable video on it.

    I got a Flip Mino (not even the HD version) and have recorded so much on it that I'm having to buy extra storage to keep up. And I now use my iPhone happily.

    People get WAY too hung up on the technical quality of photos and video and forget why most people use them... to get memories of their friends and families that you can look back on and enjoy. I have hundreds of horrible quality, Brownie photos from 50 years ago from my family that I wouldn't trade for anything, and I know I'll feel the same about the ad hoc video I've captured of my family as well.

    I can't wait to see what my daughter captures with the touch I'll be buying her next week.

  • Reply 42 of 120
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    1) OLED? Yesss. My new Samsung TL320 has one - at least iPTouch size and it's nummy - off angle/axis and daylight viewing are both the best I've seen.

    2) re "lame" and "toy" cameras: the comment below saves me much of what I wanted to say, and I agree with it heartily, freeing me to add another angle:

    sure, the latest DSLR's and Red videocams are wonders, but step back, o thou gadget-spoiled generation and realize the camera in the iPhone today is leagues more capable as a photographic instrument than much of what the best photographers in the world (and some of the best in history) were using for many decades (let alone that it shoots color, and even moving images with sound).

    this cam is already responsible for a New Yorker cover, and world-reknowned photogs like Nan Goldin have worked primarily with low cost (film) cameras for decades. others work exclusively with very primitive cameras like the $20 Holga because of its less than perfect sharpness and even focus, or build their own lensless pinhole cameras with amazing results.

    my nephew constructs his own 1840's style gear and coats his own glass plates with egg albumin and chemicals to make his 45-90 second exposures, some of which are now in permanent curated collections. of course he also enjoys working with a medium format digital sensor and $5,000 lenses as well. most pros do.

    still, it's the vision of the mind behind the eye behind the camera not the tech of the gear which determines whether one ends up with "bad snapshots" or real art. the camera records the image, but the person understanding the limits of their gear determines whether it's memorable or mundane.

    and as GQB below notes, even many of those "bad snapshots" may end up becoming treasured heirlooms if they capture anything of moments and people you love.

    finally, I don't believe DaVinci would have bitched about "a toy" if someone could have traveled back and given him a Kodak Brownie, and plenty of film, paper and chemistry for it.....

    Who's talking high quality camera? We were only requesting an average camera vs a low quality one. A camera without a flash is basically useless approx 20% or more of the time.
  • Reply 43 of 120
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Expect Ron Wood, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Mick Jagger to sign special edition iPods in the lobby after the event... word to the wise.

    Kind of like U2 which switched to RIM. If they did that the trade rags would rip them a new one.

    This room complained about U2 being too old. Give me a break. Bono is 49. Mick Jagger is 66 years old.

    Talk about scraping the barrel.
  • Reply 44 of 120
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    I can't wait to see what my daughter captures with the touch I'll be buying her next week.

    Well she won't be capturing many, if at all any pictures indoors with that camera presently in the iPhone without a flash.
  • Reply 45 of 120
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    That bit of data about the Beatles re-releasing their catalog on that Wednesday just about confirms that the Apple event will feature The Beatles on iTunes.

    Why else would they have the event on the Wednesday instead of the usual Tuesday.

    Because Monday is a holiday.

    The 2007 event was on Wednesday, 5 September.
  • Reply 46 of 120
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    That bit of data about the Beatles re-releasing their catalog on that Wednesday just about confirms that the Apple event will feature The Beatles on iTunes.

    Why else would they have the event on the Wednesday instead of the usual Tuesday.

    Because the back to school promo ends 9/8/09. Do think steve wants to give away a 3rd Gen iPod Touch with a new mac for 1 day.....
  • Reply 47 of 120
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    That bit of data about the Beatles re-releasing their catalog on that Wednesday just about confirms that the Apple event will feature The Beatles on iTunes.

    Why else would they have the event on the Wednesday instead of the usual Tuesday.

    What? A true Beatles fan would only buy these on CD anyway; the sound is infinitely better.
  • Reply 48 of 120
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    What? A true Beatles fan would only buy these on CD anyway; the sound is infinitely better.

    I think you meant to say the sound is "... technically better even though you won't be able to hear it."
  • Reply 49 of 120
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Not only will they NOT be dropping the classic, but it will come with a decent video camera.

    You'll be able to take / shot a movie, edit it, and upload it, all from your iPod!

    As for a "Beatles" version of an iPod ? just doesn't make any sense to me ? UNLESS, it comes loaded on a BIG Classic, or itouch, that is ONLY available with the Beatles library pre-loaded???

    I have a Classic, 2 nano's and 1 touch, and I don't know what they could come out with or announce that would have me saying "Oh, I want that!"

    They NEED to up-date their desktop units ? we might be a small number of folks, but we want our desktops to be up-dated.

    I'm sure they won't be announcing them here, but someone needs to start the rumor mill up on these.

    Others have said it, and I will again ? "it's got to be NEW and Exciting" "or they are wasting their time (to some degree).

  • Reply 50 of 120
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Who's talking high quality camera? We were only requesting an average camera vs a low quality one. A camera without a flash is basically useless approx 20% or more of the time.

    I got your point. You want to be able to squeeze off a sharp, contrasty image anywhere anytime just by the act of pointing your iThing at anything and clicking. Without, of course, sacrificing any battery life or the quality of any other components by squeezing an intelligent fill flash and zoom mechanism into the same amount of space, nor natch, increasing the price.

    Let alone having to think about composition, framing, wide angle/tele issues, how to use what light you do have, etc.

    Well I hope you get all that, and it'd be cool if you do.

    But I don't think you really heard a word I said. Or you'd realize you could move around a few lamps, place someone next to a lit window or even light a candle or two and end up with a nice, original moody composition instead of just another perfectly exposed static cliche photo.

    That is, you might have to work at it a little, and actually be creative, but you are generally NOT cameraless in the low-light situations you describe, even if you're limited. And just might end up with something more memorable and eye-catching than if you weren't every now and then....

    And of course, having a camera and vidcam at hand that's ready under any daylight and well-lit indoor conditions with you all the time without carrying another damn gadget everywhere is no asset at all, I guess.

    Those of you who bother to read my admittedly wandering posts at all have doubtless realized I'm an old fart. So all I have to say to you is, "get off my damn photographic RGB lawn, you spoiled JPEG brats!"

  • Reply 51 of 120
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I think you meant to say the sound is "... technically better even though you won't be able to hear it."

    BS- maybe you can't hear it but many of us audiophiles can.
  • Reply 52 of 120
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    I got your point. You want to be able to squeeze off a sharp, contrasty image anywhere anytime just by the act of pointing your iThing at anything and clicking. Without, of course, sacrificing any battery life or the quality of any other components by squeezing an intelligent fill flash and zoom mechanism into the same amount of space, nor natch, increasing the price.

    Let alone having to think about composition, framing, wide angle/tele issues, how to use what light you do have, etc.

    Well I hope you get all that, and it'd be cool if you do.

    But I don't think you really heard a word I said. Or you'd realize you could move around a few lamps, place someone next to a lit window or even light a candle or two and end up with a nice, original moody composition instead of just another perfectly exposed static cliche photo.

    That is, you might have to work at it a little, and actually be creative, but you are generally NOT cameraless in the low-light situations you describe, even if you're limited.

    And of course, having a camera and vidcam at hand that's ready under any daylight and well-lit indoor conditions with you all the time without carrying another damn gadget everywhere is no asset at all, I guess.

    Those of you who bother to read my admittedly wandering posts at all have doubtless realized I'm an old fart. So all I have to say to you is, "get off my damn photographic RGB lawn, you spoiled JPEG brats!"


    Oh yeah right- you're in a restaurant or at a party and you start requesting that you move all the light fixtures around to capture an instantaneous shot. Talk about - SHEESSHHH!!!!!!
  • Reply 53 of 120
    They better do something and fast. I have been loyal to Apple/Itunes since gen 2 and am on my 4th device, but I recently switched to Zune marketplace because it is such a good deal, The only reason I even have Itunes is to periodically update the songs on my Ipod. Not to mention, that Zune HD looks freakin' sweet.
  • Reply 54 of 120
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    BS- maybe you can't hear it but many of us audiofiles can.

    It's AudioPHile.

    Secondly, the douche bag level of the phrase "A true <insert band/device/etc> fan would..." is cranked to 11.

    Lastly, I'm really curious as to the future of the iPod/iTunes brand. I'm really excited about it, and fortunately my GF took my debit card from me for that week (mostly because it's my birthday that week, and she hates that I'm the kind of chick that buys what she wants), or I'd be friggen poor.
  • Reply 55 of 120
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by skottichan View Post

    It's AudioPHile.

    Secondly, the douche bag level of the phrase "A true <insert band/device/etc> fan would..." is cranked to 11.

    Lastly, I'm really curious as to the future of the iPod/iTunes brand. I'm really excited about it, and fortunately my GF took my debit card from me for that week (mostly because it's my birthday that week, and she hates that I'm the kind of chick that buys what she wants), or I'd be friggen poor.

    Thank you for the spellcheck.

    But seriously, do you know of many die hards of <insert band/device/etc> that would prefer a lame digital version of their favorite band or a CD version of it? For the liner notes alone!
  • Reply 56 of 120
    Is it just me, or did someone at Apple forget the date?

    Having an event on 9-09-09 and starting at 10AM....

    Hello - Couldn't they start at 9:09 on 9/09/09?

    1st post - tired of lurking
  • Reply 57 of 120
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Likely, however the 64 bit kernel apparently only runs on the most recent Macs with 9400 chip set so I wonder if there is really much of a performance boost to having 64 applications if the kernel is still 32 bit.

    As I understand it, the system can recognize up to 32 GB of ram with a 32 bit kernel, however a 32 bit application would be limited to using no more than 4 GB of that memory. The 64 bit application on the other hand would be able to access as much of the system memory as needed. Keeping the 32 bit kernel also avoids having a ton of driver compatibility issues that would be associated with requiring 64 bit drivers.
  • Reply 58 of 120
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    As I understand it, the system can recognize up to 32 GB of ram with a 32 bit kernel, however a 32 bit application would be limited to using no more than 4 GB of that memory. The 64 bit application on the other hand would be able to access as much of the system memory as needed. Keeping the 32 bit kernel also avoids having a ton of driver compatibility issues that would be associated with requiring 64 bit drivers.

    Thanks for the info. I guess in the case of MacBookPro3,1 late 2007 which I have, will not run 64 bit extensions but with respect to 32 gigs of ram, whenever the large density memory modules become available, my computer will likely be obsolete.
  • Reply 59 of 120
    bregaladbregalad Posts: 816member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    That bit of data about the Beatles re-releasing their catalog on that Wednesday just about confirms that the Apple event will feature The Beatles on iTunes.

    Why else would they have the event on the Wednesday instead of the usual Tuesday.

    In weeks where Monday is a holiday, Apple does its announcements on Wednesdays. It has almost always been so.

    I'm looking forward getting a 64GB touch, preferably one with a 6-7" display.
  • Reply 60 of 120
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Those "insider" sources claiming that the tablet will debut in early 2010 are probably coming straight from Apple executives. They want to make sure there is minimal dissapointment when the tablet doesn't show up at the fall music event. There have already been sources claiming that Jobs had given the go ahead for a 2010 debut.

    Once I heard that I knew it was for real. I say January at an event that would parallel Macworld. I'm guessing a special Apple campus event. And no, it's not going to be at CES either.

    Then how do we square the rumors of 10 inch Wintek touch screens manufactured for late summer delivery? If true, that's alot of touch screen inventory sitting around in warehouses until 1st Quarter 2010! Maybe there are multiple tablets coming at different launches, fall 09 and 1stQ 2010.
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