Purported shots of Microsoft's touchscreen device revealed



  • Reply 181 of 224
    This has to be one of the strangest and most laughable debates of all time. Neither apple's coming tablet nor this imaginary MS device merit any comparison. Finally Apple fan boys can return the taunts. You idiots are finally falling prey to the same anticipation you critcize Appple fans for. Even worse it's a bad fake video that's got you hot. At least Apple has enough class to not release tripe like this. The MS device is complete vaporware and a lame attempt to look like they are inovative. There is nothing real here and I can't beleive MS thinks a concept video ala knowledge navigator (a better concept video produced more than 10 yrs. Ago) says anything about what they can actually produce. The demo doesn't even resemble "surface". It's laughable how fake this concept is. Further, for anyone who thinks you can't flick to send images to another device (stupid feature but brought up allot here) but for .99 cents a simple app. already available from the store can do this.
  • Reply 182 of 224
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Jon T View Post

    1. Looks a good idea. But WinMo or Vista7 will make it a piece of garbage.

    2. Did Microsoft want something to be able to say that Apple copied them for a change?!? LOL

    3. Vaporware from Microsoft is normal. All the splash about Surface took them nowhere.

    4. After Zune, after retail, after Vista7, this is just the latest MS copy of Apple techniques. Trying to recreate the - 'ssshhh, get excited about what we're working on' effect that Apple does so brilliantly (but without having to do anything itself!).

    Overall, another good example of how Apple has changed the world.

    So what is MS copying from Apple with this concept..? Because it is really hard to copy nothing, which is all Apple gave us so far regarding their concept.
  • Reply 183 of 224
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Nintendo doesn't seem to have any problems making one -- out of PLASTIC no less...

    Worrying about hinges is silly.

    DS aside, there is number of hinged clam-shell mobile phones, and many notebooks can open their screens 180 degrees as well.

    Haven't noticed hinges were common problem anywhere.
  • Reply 184 of 224
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    So what is MS copying from Apple with this concept..? Because it is really hard to copy nothing, which is all Apple gave us so far regarding their concept.

    I think he's just saying that MS is trying to steal some of Apple's enviable mindshare thunder by getting people talking about the possible cool thing to come.

    Apple does this by releasing cool products and managing the run up and aftermath of those releases for maximum impact and drama. Speculation about the next "insanely great thing" is driven by the fact that Apple has, in fact, released a number of surprising and disruptive products over the years, so the sky's the limit when it comes to wondering what's next. The next Mac? The next iPod? The next iPhone? Who knows?

    MS doesn't really have this track record, so they have to get people invested in possible greatness however they can.
  • Reply 185 of 224
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Apple doesn't dangle 'table scraps' because if the did, MS would steal the idea.

    In additional, this thing doesn't "have multi-touch AND pen input"... it doesn't exist! This is a market wet dream, not a product.

    Its also called FUD, which is the only innovation MS has ever excelled at.

    Looking at this concept, it doesn't look like MS needs external source for ideas.

    Can they deliver their ideas, now that is completely different matter.

    But I'm happy to see at least where they are trying to get. It also shows some confidence, not being afraid to come out of the shadows first. I'd really like to see what is Apple working at.
  • Reply 186 of 224
    Originally Posted by the cool gut View Post

    Well .. this is how they handled the calculator:


    how can it take 10 seconds to load a calculator?
  • Reply 187 of 224
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Looking at this concept, it doesn't look like MS needs external source for ideas.

    Can they deliver their ideas, now that is completely different matter.

    But I'm happy to see at least where they are trying to get. It also shows some confidence, not being afraid to come out of the shadows first. I'd really like to see what is Apple working at.

    Putting up a concept video doesn't require or imply confidence, because nothing is at stake. If MS never makes a device like this, no one is going to demand to know what happened, because no one is saying they're making it.

    Now if MS held a special event and Balmer pulled the wraps off this puppy and showed it off and said it would be shipping by February then, yeah: amazing bravado.
  • Reply 188 of 224
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Looking at this concept, it doesn't look like MS needs external source for ideas.

    Can they deliver their ideas, now that is completely different matter.

    But I'm happy to see at least where they are trying to get. It also shows some confidence, not being afraid to come out of the shadows first. I'd really like to see what is Apple working at.

    The concept is awesome. But having followed this thread, I am beginning to question the motive behind leaking this concept video.
  • Reply 189 of 224
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    how can it take 10 seconds to load a calculator?

    There's something seriously amiss with that video...

    I have 2 each ZUNE HD/32gb players, and neither of them take more than 3 to 5 seconds (which is still longer than need be) to load the calculator App.

    Strange \
  • Reply 190 of 224
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    There's something seriously amiss with that video...

    I have 2 each ZUNE HD/32gb players, and neither of them take more than 3 to 5 seconds (which is still longer than need be) to load the calculator App.

    Strange \

    Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the bold tags, please.
  • Reply 191 of 224
    This looks amazing. I want it.

    Microsoft's biggest challenge will be finding a manufacturer that can deliver on the build quality implied by those renderings, at a cost people are willing to pay.
  • Reply 192 of 224
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    This looks amazing. I want it.

    Microsoft's biggest challenge will be finding a manufacturer that can deliver on the build quality implied by those renderings, at a cost people are willing to pay.

    I would suspect that Microsoft's biggest challenge will be to to write the OS and associated software, design the hardware, and make sure it all integrates nicely.

    As opposed to making a video that throws some concepts out there.
  • Reply 193 of 224
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by battiato1981 View Post

    This is as shown in the previous posters photo of the OLPC concept. So then you are talking about a laptop sized device and a lot more battery drain. Not to mention screen real estate waste for much of the time. Key to a tablet will be managing the screen real estate in a smooth and efficient manner.

    Perhaps a designer or video editor has a lot of need for two screens, but they wouldn't be using a handheld device to get that kind of work done.

    And hey, as an aside - a new global initiative for Apple - OTOK ... One Tablet, One Kid.

    It wouldn't be laptop size if each screen was 7-10 inches ... when folded it would approximate a hardcover book. This device would service "netbook demand' and the kindle market as well.
  • Reply 194 of 224
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    Am I the only one that realizes that this NonVendorFan always comes in at the beginning, spews a bunch of garbage, then is no where to be found? I swear this is probably the tenth thread I've seen this happen.

    It wouldn't surprise me at all if we found out he was a paid shill for some unknown company who has a hard time keeping up with Apple.
  • Reply 195 of 224
    Originally Posted by battiato1981 View Post

    Ok, I'm curious to know, what was great to you in the video animation ...

    I saw the clip but wasn't wowed. Tell me what I missed ...

    Ok. Well first. Windows mobile looks more like osx then window 7 does and my point is, if this is a refined 6.5 or new OS plus it's a msft product only like the zube meaning, no crappy 10,000 Chinese motherboard tablet clones, then msft might have something that works well and is the first step of releasing their OWN computer rather than just an IS that needs to go on 1000's of various hardware devices, ala pcs although going to win 7 will change thus too as msft will kill off xo, server 03, and all IT plan on upgrading. Vista never made a splash and maybe they will only have to worryabout one os down the road, two including software.

    This could also lead to msft computers, thus the stores. I think Apple may, even if remote, be in for a rude awakening if msft releases their own proprietary hardware similar to Apple. Next we'll see ape license the os to Dell, HP and a few others. This could be a game changer. Not because of the design but because of the control they would have over a product like this. Next would come a smart phone then perhaps TVs.

    Think about it. You really don't think the msft store is so they can sell zunes and windows7.

    I've been in the tech side if things for a very long time and this feels very, very real.
  • Reply 196 of 224
    The concept and context of such a device looks impressive if not a bit too specific. I'm looking forward to seeing which route Microsoft take. Will this device play music? Will I be able to organise my photos on it? Or is it mainly for productive use? Does it have USB ports or will I have to sync everything to it from my computer? Looks like they are really going for portability here.

    I appreciate the emphasis on the stylus. I'd love a portable tablet from either company with good handwriting recognition and an intuitive interface. Doesn't look like it will be happening anytime soon, but ideas are always interesting.
  • Reply 197 of 224
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by vinney57 View Post

    Nice video to demo a bunch of touch UI concepts that have been in play for several years now. However:

    Does anybody think that MS could actually develop a UI that smooth? (more accurately, manage the development)

    They already have... it's called The ZUNE HD -

    Maybe you should have a look ?
  • Reply 198 of 224
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    They already have... it's called The ZUNE HD -

    Maybe you should have a look ?

    Gizmo... is now reporting that there is very strong evidence that this IS NOT, I repeat, NOT vaporware....and that they have been working on this for three years. They also state that the zube excels at graphics.

    Again, I think this is real and thus the MSFT stores, no OEM partners, but their own computer.

  • Reply 199 of 224
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Gizmo... is now reporting that there is very strong evidence that this IS NOT, I repeat, NOT vaporware....and that they have been working on this for three years.

    Where are they reporting this? Actual links are helpful.
  • Reply 200 of 224
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Ok. Well first. Windows mobile looks more like osx then window 7 does and my point is, if this is a refined 6.5 or new OS plus it's a msft product only like the zube meaning, no crappy 10,000 Chinese motherboard tablet clones, then msft might have something that works well and is the first step of releasing their OWN computer rather than just an IS that needs to go on 1000's of various hardware devices, ala pcs although going to win 7 will change thus too as msft will kill off xo, server 03, and all IT plan on upgrading. Vista never made a splash and maybe they will only have to worryabout one os down the road, two including software.

    This could also lead to msft computers, thus the stores. I think Apple may, even if remote, be in for a rude awakening if msft releases their own proprietary hardware similar to Apple. Next we'll see ape license the os to Dell, HP and a few others. This could be a game changer. Not because of the design but because of the control they would have over a product like this. Next would come a smart phone then perhaps TVs.

    Think about it. You really don't think the msft store is so they can sell zunes and windows7.

    I've been in the tech side if things for a very long time and this feels very, very real.

    So, you think Microsoft is opening some stores in order to sell some new MS proprietary computer hardware that isn't compatible with or available to their OEM licensees?

    What a muddle that would be ...
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