Microsoft to pitch Windows 7 via home parties



  • Reply 21 of 110
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Samnuva View Post

    Anybody else find this absolutely hysterical?

    I couldn't stop laughing

    This would make a hilarious "I'am Mac" ad if Apple knows how to use it
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  • Reply 22 of 110
    jon tjon t Posts: 131member
    Notice that NonVendorFan isn't around because he's run off to plan and prepare his Vista7 party for one..

    Glad to see that Microsoft's marketing continues to be as bad as their products.
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  • Reply 23 of 110
    Make sure you have drapes on your windows. No telling what silliness Mac aficionados will go to to "enhance" your party. For more details, bing "pressed ham". First result will suffice.
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  • Reply 24 of 110
    OMFG M$!

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  • Reply 25 of 110
    Originally Posted by delreyjones View Post

    How does it relate? Apple and Microsoft are direct competitors. Microsoft has a huge number of customers. Apple wants those customers. Simple.

    Although I fail to see how a Win7 house party can affect Apple (which in itself says something about the MS side), maybe I should have rephrased this.

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  • Reply 26 of 110
    Originally Posted by jetlaw View Post

    I know this is probably a really obvious joke, but wouldn't there by a really high risk of Windows 7 "crashing the party!?"

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  • Reply 27 of 110
    Cougar? Check.

    Minority? Check.

    Onion dip, balloons, loser of the Ted Allen lookalike contest flashing gang signs?

    Check, check, check.

    Thrown in some caffeine for the cameraman, some nitrous oxide for the talent, and voila!

    You too can script your way through a spontaneous laff-a-minute evening.

    How can this not succeed beyond all possible expectations?
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  • Reply 28 of 110
    I cannot help but be unimpressed with the $300M budget for advertising their product, when they could have just subsidized the cost of the OS with that money. It would sell better if it were cheaper.
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  • Reply 29 of 110
    If this isnt a joke then it is a last gasp desperate strategy my Mircosoft to be hip.
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  • Reply 30 of 110
    Okay, I was having a pretty good day until I saw this!

    This is freaking hilarious! I don't care if it's legit or not. It almost made me pee myself a little.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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  • Reply 31 of 110
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Microsoft is promoting the release of Windows 7 by encouraging users to throw Tupperware-like house parties in celebration of the launch.

    The new campaign encourages participants to print out Windows 7 advertising banners for their home along with "host notes" outlining how to talk about Windows 7 in glowing terms. There's even a question and answer pamphlet, of which the official launch party web site recommends, "download and print this fun activity to keep the party going!"

    Missing from Host Notes

    Open all windows. Doorways may be crammed by folks trying to get out.
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  • Reply 32 of 110
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The new campaign encourages participants to print out Windows 7 advertising banners for their home along with "host notes" outlining how to talk about Windows 7 in glowing terms.

    The year... 2009!

    The OS... Windows 7!

    The Launch... Party down with those cool "geriatric" cats from Redmond!

    The Party Theme Song...
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  • Reply 33 of 110
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    One word - squirmfest
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  • Reply 34 of 110
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "This extra step is needed due to the amazing response we've had from people interested in hosting a local Launch Party."

    Interesting use of a word

    amazing |əˈmāzi ng |


    causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing : an amazing number of people registered | it is amazing how short your memory is.

    • informal startlingly impressive : she makes the most amazing cakes.


    amazingly adverb : [ sentence adverb ] amazingly, Alan escaped with a few cuts and bruises | [as submodifier ] an amazingly good idea.

    amaze |əˈmāz|

    verb [ trans. ] (often be amazed)

    surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment : he was amazed at how modern everything was | [ trans. ] she was amazed that Paul should notice her | [as adj. ] ( amazed) she shook her head in amazed disbelief.

    ORIGIN Old English āmasian, of unknown origin.

    Must admit, the copywriter certainly did himself proud. However he better collect his bonus before Balmer reads the obits.
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  • Reply 35 of 110
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Wasn't he in Pan's Labyrinth?
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  • Reply 36 of 110
    After watching that awesome video on how to throw a Windows 7 House party i can only conclude that MS doesn't want anyone under the age of 50 to willing use windows.

    Bonus activities FTW!
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  • Reply 37 of 110
    In all seriousness folks, check out the parties already planned.

    They even have a Launch Party World View. Maybe you will recognize a friend or two.

    And check out the comments, e.g., sunmd said...

    "Windows 7 will make snow leopard extinct. Going to be a sweet party." Amazing.
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  • Reply 38 of 110
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Even their parties have to be scripted? They have to outline how to talk about W7 in glowing terms?

    Are they just afraid of spontaneity and originality?

    That video was truly cringe worthy ^_^

    Maybe they should ask that little girl who's so gifted in working with her PC's photo software how to have a little fun?
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  • Reply 39 of 110
    Originally Posted by Samnuva View Post

    Anybody else find this absolutely hysterical?

    no. just sad
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  • Reply 40 of 110
    Originally Posted by Jon T View Post

    Notice that NonVendorFan isn't around because he's run off to plan and prepare his Vista7 party for one.

    Glad to see that Microsoft's marketing continues to be as bad as their products.

    No, it's actually because I have a life and don't spend 18 hours a day in this forum (Quadra 610, Abster2core, Sloppyism).

    I'd be at the Google Android Party where we can muti task.

    Apple Party.

    Joe, Pour beers for everyone. I can't I'm in an App right now, check with iPod it's allowed to do 2 things at once but only with other Apple apps. Better Check with every other Smart Phone and see if they are allowed to get beers for our guests.

    Ok, Great... We have Android, Palm Pre, Winmo now we can even talk at our Party and listen to music.

    Hey guys...

    The iPhone gets MMS on their Bricks on Friday. Let's send them some pictures and videos on Friday when they get a 10 year old feature.
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