I was officially invited to a Win 7 release party on October 25th this morning. I couldn't believe it - the friend knows where my loyalties lie, and they're very much not with Redmond.
His invitation was quite funny - he knows how ludicrous the idea is. But if he gets something in return from MS, he's willing.
haha, this is truly shocking - made me laugh, until I found this "modified" version of the advertisement, its far more funny to watch, it suggests that it is mocking a slightly different kind of party.. Funny as!! http://www.cabel.name/2009/09/windows-7-party.html
haha, this is truly shocking - made me laugh, until I found this "modified" version of the advertisement, its far more funny to watch, it suggests that it is mocking a slightly different kind of party.. Funny as!! http://www.cabel.name/2009/09/windows-7-party.html
7. Microsoft reduced its non-compost trash output by 50% in all cafeterias on its corporate campus by adding compost bins and replacing eating utensils with biodegradable alternatives.
Cheers MS that's my new chat-up line that, pure socialising gold!
I am signed up for this event. I invited a bunch of people that wont come. Basically so I can get a free copy of Win 7 to install on my next Macbook pro.
The box of party favors came last week. The balloons arent even printed.
epic fail.
The 'tote bags' have some of the most hideous painfully hip artwork I have ever seen. It looks like a program for a jr college group art show.
His invitation was quite funny - he knows how ludicrous the idea is. But if he gets something in return from MS, he's willing.
Why not hire Guy Kawasaki as an evangelist to go out and create lowal user groups.
haha, this is truly shocking - made me laugh, until I found this "modified" version of the advertisement, its far more funny to watch, it suggests that it is mocking a slightly different kind of party.. Funny as!! http://www.cabel.name/2009/09/windows-7-party.html
Where's this party?
7. Microsoft reduced its non-compost trash output by 50% in all cafeterias on its corporate campus by adding compost bins and replacing eating utensils with biodegradable alternatives.
Cheers MS that's my new chat-up line that, pure socialising gold!
Watch out for the Cougar!
EDIT: Link corrected
I couldn't stop laughing!!
Watch out for the Cougar!
Link is dead. What was it?
Link is dead. What was it?
Apologies, try; http://cnettv.cnet.com/special-repor...-50077452.html
The box of party favors came last week. The balloons arent even printed.
epic fail.
The 'tote bags' have some of the most hideous painfully hip artwork I have ever seen. It looks like a program for a jr college group art show.
epic epic fail