Microsoft to pitch Windows 7 via home parties



  • Reply 81 of 110
    is Microsoft Bob everyone is referring to the 'Paper Clip" animation in Word?
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  • Reply 82 of 110
    Originally Posted by polar315 View Post

    Pathetic...anyone notice that the comments are disabled for that video on I don't think there are any fun activities. I would go if there were enough drinks though.

    "but you have to make sure you have the right devices on hand..." :O

    "Can you believe that Microsoft put the launch of Windows 7 in our hands?"

    Uh, yes....
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  • Reply 83 of 110

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  • Reply 84 of 110
    Do you know the beauty of this thread? Only 1 troll, even the trolls can't defend this!

    "We got to have our party a bit early.... " Yah we can tell, now if they'd just tell us what you were smoking we'd be all set!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 85 of 110
    Originally Posted by stonefree View Post

    I'm looking forward to the "I'm a Mac" ads where PC tries to throw a house party.

    This whole Windows launch party concept reminds me of the BSD vs Linux comparison. Just substitute Mac and Windows, left and right, respectively:

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  • Reply 86 of 110
    I am hosting one of these parties. Before everyone slams me, I do love Mac and Apple products. We use primarily Apple at work (school I handle the IT work for). I have an MacBook Pro for work, which I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and I love.

    I also have a PC at home that runs Windows Vista (64-bit). I was willing to host some kind of "party" to get a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate to see if it is really better than Vista (without having to shell out the money for an upgrade or just running a trial).

    I believe it even said the guests will get some kind of "goodies" from Microsoft. We'll see what comes with the stuff from Microsoft.

    It is too bad I don't have my own (not the school's) Intel Mac Mini (or some other Apple computer) to install the Windows 7 on for the party. That would be pretty funny to post pictures of back on the party website.
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  • Reply 87 of 110
    Originally Posted by z_rand View Post

    I am hosting one of these parties. Before everyone slams me, I do love Mac and Apple products. We use primarily Apple at work (school I handle the IT work for). I have an MacBook Pro for work, which I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and I love.

    I also have a PC at home that runs Windows Vista (64-bit). I was willing to host some kind of "party" to get a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate to see if it is really better than Vista (without having to shell out the money for an upgrade or just running a trial).

    I believe it even said the guests will get some kind of "goodies" from Microsoft. We'll see what comes with the stuff from Microsoft.

    It is too bad I don't have my own (not the school's) Intel Mac Mini (or some other Apple computer) to install the Windows 7 on for the party. That would be pretty funny to post pictures of back on the party website.

    Just run it in Parallels and let people ask you about THAT. Maybe they will give everyone a ZuneHD and that way they can double their user base
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  • Reply 88 of 110
    If I throw anything, it will be my dinner.
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  • Reply 89 of 110
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Party Hosts, Party Hosts

    Party Hosts, Party Hosts

    Party Hosts, Party Hosts

    Party Hosts, Party Hosts
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  • Reply 90 of 110
    Sounds like pure desperation to me.
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  • Reply 91 of 110
    Originally Posted by z_rand View Post

    I am hosting one of these parties. Before everyone slams me, I do love Mac and Apple products. We use primarily Apple at work (school I handle the IT work for). I have an MacBook Pro for work, which I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and I love.

    I also have a PC at home that runs Windows Vista (64-bit). I was willing to host some kind of "party" to get a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate to see if it is really better than Vista (without having to shell out the money for an upgrade or just running a trial).

    I believe it even said the guests will get some kind of "goodies" from Microsoft. We'll see what comes with the stuff from Microsoft.

    It is too bad I don't have my own (not the school's) Intel Mac Mini (or some other Apple computer) to install the Windows 7 on for the party. That would be pretty funny to post pictures of back on the party website.

    Try reading off the official MS-provided talking points with a straight face.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 92 of 110
    Originally Posted by z_rand View Post

    I am hosting one of these parties. Before everyone slams me, I do love Mac and Apple products. We use primarily Apple at work (school I handle the IT work for). I have an MacBook Pro for work, which I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and I love.

    I also have a PC at home that runs Windows Vista (64-bit). I was willing to host some kind of "party" to get a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate to see if it is really better than Vista (without having to shell out the money for an upgrade or just running a trial).

    I believe it even said the guests will get some kind of "goodies" from Microsoft. We'll see what comes with the stuff from Microsoft.

    It is too bad I don't have my own (not the school's) Intel Mac Mini (or some other Apple computer) to install the Windows 7 on for the party. That would be pretty funny to post pictures of back on the party website.

    does ms have that much money that would pay trolls to post things like this?
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  • Reply 93 of 110
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    It wouldn't be a real party without a little 'dare'.

    I dare you to connect to the internet out of the box !
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  • Reply 94 of 110
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    If they took all the money spent on marketing, couldn't they have secured the OS?
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  • Reply 95 of 110
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Microsoft ... has since spent $300 million on [ad] campaigns ...

    I think they'd have better spent that money on Fixing the Windows OS ...

    P.S. : your picture of the new 'Mr Microsoft' with party hat is f-u-n-n-y
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  • Reply 96 of 110
    Haha, this is so lame.
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  • Reply 97 of 110
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    Microsoft welcomes you to the world of the bizzare.

    I mean surely this has to be a hoax or has to... I mean, fcuk I m lost for words...

    What a freak circus.

    Folks keep your kids away from ms, they have officially lost it.

    i agree

    i am truly in face pain from smiling at this all day .\\MSFT gets to hides its illegal monopoly with all the bizarre things they do .

    why is this AI news anyway ??
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  • Reply 98 of 110
    Next thing you know they'll even have tupperware on sell at these parties to keep your oem disk in.

    What a freaking joke.
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  • Reply 99 of 110
    My God. I have to laugh to keep from crying. Microsoft's campaigns over the last couple of years (Seinfeld w/ Gates, "Lauren" et al., "I'm a PC" and now these "Launch Parties") reek of desperation. It's as if they're throwing everything they can think of at the wall and hoping that something will stick. Meanwhile, Apple glides on by, churning out one wildly successful product after another.

    I really don't get Microsoft's desperation. They still have about 90% of desktop coverage, to Apple's less than 10%. Granted, Microsoft is losing credibility while Apple is gaining. But still, Apple isn't a direct threat to Microsoft. Microsoft's greatest threat is their own marketing department.
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  • Reply 100 of 110
    Originally Posted by Lancelot9201 View Post

    Next thing you know they'll even have tupperware on sell at these parties to keep your oem disk in.

    What a freaking joke.

    Yes, but it comes in only one color........Screen Of Death Blue.
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