Microsoft to pitch Windows 7 via home parties



  • Reply 61 of 110
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    I'd say it's obvious you've been doing your own party. I did not reply to you so get over yourself.

    Unless you're MJWeb or AI you have nothing that I know of you need to be concerned about. AI on the other hand has a lot to be worried about.

    Either AI Apologizes to every room that is up for posting tonight for the posting incase anyone saw the BS or I'll forward it to every Blog, News site and Computer Forum board i go to. I'm a personal iReporter on CNN and use it all the time.

    Psst. You're making a fool of yourself. Go and have a mug of hot cocoa and lie down for a while.
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  • Reply 62 of 110
    Steve Jobs was right when he said M$ have no taste.
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  • Reply 63 of 110
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    AI better pull this posting off their site. MS is going to sue your ass for everything you have and I'll make sure they know about it. I've got the screen shot and you have the user name with an email associated with it. Along with a posting to all the Tech site and news sites I frequent.

    Apology will be posted to all users for this BS.

    I registered an account here just to say

    NonVendorFan, were you dropped on your head as a baby?

    Honestly how about you type in "bags of crack" into google images and then sue Google for having images of drugs.

    How dumb can you actually get? Get M$'s c*** out of your mouth and stop being a moronic troll.
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  • Reply 64 of 110
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    No, it's actually because I have a life and don't spend 18 hours a day in this forum (Quadra 610, Abster2core, Sloppyism).

    I'd be at the Google Android Party where we can muti task.

    Apple Party.

    Joe, Pour beers for everyone. I can't I'm in an App right now, check with iPod it's allowed to do 2 things at once but only with other Apple apps. Better Check with every other Smart Phone and see if they are allowed to get beers for our guests.

    Ok, Great... We have Android, Palm Pre, Winmo now we can even talk at our Party and listen to music.

    Hey guys...

    The iPhone gets MMS on their Bricks on Friday. Let's send them some pictures and videos on Friday when they get a 10 year old feature.

    I have an extension on my iPhone called "backgrounder" which let's you run things in the background and quickly switch between apps, all i had to do is go through the AUTOMATED process of jailbreaking.

    Also I never realised that it was Apple's fault for the delay for AT&T's run out of MMS, I've been getting MMS for ages and who gives a crap, unless you're sending naked photos of yourself to that girlfriend you met on the internet I think email is a very free alternative. And iPhone users have been getting MMS via jailbreak apps anyways for ages
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  • Reply 65 of 110
    I heard a rumor that 'Clippy' killed himself when he heard about this.
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  • Reply 66 of 110
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    I am onboard.

    me too

    i am hold ing a zune moon party

    the theme song for this thread is

    :happy days at here again"
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  • Reply 67 of 110
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    No, it's actually because I have a life and don't spend 18 hours a day in this forum (Quadra 610, Abster2core, Sloppyism).

    I'd be at the Google Android Party where we can muti task.

    Apple Party.

    Joe, Pour beers for everyone. I can't I'm in an App right now, check with iPod it's allowed to do 2 things at once but only with other Apple apps. Better Check with every other Smart Phone and see if they are allowed to get beers for our guests.

    Ok, Great... We have Android, Palm Pre, Winmo now we can even talk at our Party and listen to music.

    Hey guys...

    The iPhone gets MMS on their Bricks on Friday. Let's send them some pictures and videos on Friday when they get a 10 year old feature.

    howd the troll party go last week ??
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  • Reply 68 of 110
    What kind of people need instructions on how to have a party?
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  • Reply 69 of 110
    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    Sell Windows 7 to 8 friends and

    is that steve ballmer's breakfast? 7 launch party, that's apple news?
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  • Reply 70 of 110
    Originally Posted by doyourownthing View Post

    is that steve ballmer's breakfast? 7 launch party, that's apple news?

    C'mon, be serious.

    If that was Ballmer's breakfast, he'd be skinny and crazy bastard, not just fat and crazy muthuhfuckah.

    Although, it WOULD explain why he sweats so much!

    Selling this kind of "product" is exactly how Microsoft still manages to keep itself afloat after years of releasing crappy products that they have to pay to keep in stores (the XBox strategy). They got the idea from the Reagan Administration and the CIA.

    The entire concept of Windows 7 parties is ridiculous and pathetic. And it's not just that, it's that someone at Microsoft actually APPROVED this! Then wrote a check!

    I guess MS figures they'll NEVER have lines in front of stores for one of their OS releases ever again, so why not take it in doors where it won't won't be embarrassed in the press with the inevitable comparisons to, let's say, an Apple Store opening in a suburban mall somewhere outside Chicago.

    When nobody shows up, because nobody cares, no one will know! Brilliant!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 71 of 110
    Heard at a Windows 7 Launch Party: "Here is a copy of Windows 7. Here is a bottle of vodka. Here is a gun." (via David Gerard)
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  • Reply 72 of 110
    Only getting people drunk enough with land them some Windows 7 purchases.
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  • Reply 73 of 110
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    The only question I have is where is the "young asian lady laughing" and the "mixed race baby playing with toys." Do they show up at the party later with Jerry Seinfeld?

    Yes, odd numbers work best. They needed a gay.
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  • Reply 74 of 110
    Microsoft welcomes you to the world of the bizzare.

    I mean surely this has to be a hoax or has to... I mean, fcuk I m lost for words...

    What a freak circus.

    Folks keep your kids away from ms, they have officially lost it.
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  • Reply 75 of 110
    Wonder if I can host a Windows 7 Trivia home party here in Brazil too!? Do they provide vomit bags in that kit???

    Seriously now, this has got to be a joke!!! Is it already 1st of April? It's unbelievable, how can one multi-billion dollar company make such HORRIBLE marketing! I think for the first time I feel bad about MS...
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  • Reply 76 of 110
    Originally Posted by TheBestMan View Post

    Holy smokes, I was oblivious to this as well and had to look it up. Yowza.

    Their marketers are worth their weight in comedic awfulness gold.

    OMG, that was Dean Cain, aka Superman of Lois & Clark TV series!

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  • Reply 77 of 110
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    First, they recommend that users need to install Windows 7 and play with it before hosting their party, calling customer service for support if necessary.

    Anyone catch the obvious audio edit that added in this line?
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  • Reply 78 of 110
    Watching that video made me cringe. So did reading posts by NonVendorFan.
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  • Reply 79 of 110
    Looks like a bunch of marketing people at MS have to justify their paychecks...
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  • Reply 80 of 110
    1950's 'viral' marketing...didn't read the whole article or all the posts, maybe they are just doing this on a limited basis to film to make in ads like 'Lauren'

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