AT&T announces time for iPhone MMS availability Friday



  • Reply 21 of 131
    I'm sure MMS is extremely popular among middle school girls. Not so much for professionals over thirty.

    Seeing as many email users have multiple email accounts along with the facebook account and twitter account. There is little need for MMS.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    It's faster - it's worth it. And it's extremely popular- that why Apple is finally bringing it. Apple says it's cool so now you should accept that.

    BTW you have it backwards-more people have cell phone numbers than email mail accounts.

  • Reply 22 of 131
    Seeing as how multitasking has helped the Pre and the Blacberry set their app development platforms ablaze. I see your point why is Apple lagging so far behind? 75,000 apps is nothing in comparison to BlackBerry's hundreds of apps or Pre's tens of apps.

    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    I won't pay for another iBone that can't multi task. What good is 75,000 apps when you have to run them one at a time.

    Maybe by the time my contract expires you'll have a camera on your iPhone (sorry meant iPod Touch) and Apple will let you have Google Voice but with No Flash.

    I'm tired of being thrown tid bits of last years crap for new upgrades. You're the rooms smart ass I'd think you'd have figured out, you're being hand fed Apple's Bull Shit.

  • Reply 23 of 131
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I'm sure MMS is extremely popular among middle school girls. Not so much for professionals over thirty.

    Seeing as many email users have multiple email accounts along with the facebook account and twitter account. There is little need for MMS.

    Tell that to Nokia. The largest phone manufacturer in the World. 80% of their phones don't have email but have MMS I'd call Bull Shit.

    Apple tried to mold their users into what they think you need.

    I'm a consumer, I know what I want and need in my products. I don't need Apple or Steve jobs to tell me.
  • Reply 24 of 131
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Seeing as how multitasking has helped the Pre and the Blacberry set their app development platforms ablaze. I see your point why is Apple lagging so far behind? 75,000 apps is nothing in comparison to BlackBerry's hundreds of apps or Pre's tens of apps.

    Google has more than 10,000 apps and lets face it they just have an Internet Browser and are a only a 5 year or so old company.

    Apple has 30+ years behind them to one up them. Oh... wait. they didn't on any level as of todays market.

    Hmmm. But hey, you got MMS. Be happy.
  • Reply 25 of 131
    Simply because a phone is capable of MMS doesn't mean that most people are using it. I've never found any reports about worldwide MMS use. We do know that hundreds of billions of emails are sent worldwide over a year.

    Every survey of the most used features on a smartphones, email is one of the top two most used functions on every survey. The primary reason for the success of the Blackberry is because of its email capability. What phone is successful because of its SMS/MMS capability?

    Well luckily for you as a consumer you have hundreds of phones to choose from. Why are you so focused on this one?

    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Tell that to Nokia. The largest phone manufacturer in the World. 80% of their phones don't have email but have MMS I'd call Bull Shit.

    Apple tried to mold their users into what they think you need.

    I'm a consumer, I know what I want and need in my products. I don't need Apple or Steve jobs to tell me.

  • Reply 26 of 131
    ..... (deleted for name calling and adding nothing else to the conversation)
  • Reply 27 of 131
    Soooo....... your logic is that since Apple only has 7.5x as many apps as Google and has only sold 40x more devices than Google, Apple isn't doing as good of a job as it could be doing?

    I don't want MMS, email works perfectly fine for me, and its free.

    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Google has more than 10,000 apps and lets face it they just have an Internet Browser and are a only a 5 year or so old company.

    Apple has 30+ years behind them to one up them. Oh... wait. they didn't on any level as of todays market.

    Hmmm. But hey, you got MMS. Be happy.

  • Reply 28 of 131
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Soooo....... your logic is that since Apple only has 7.5x as many apps as Google and has only sold 40x more devices than Google, Apple isn't doing as good of a job as it could be doing?

    I don't want MMS, email works perfectly fine for me, and its free.

    You obviously don't have Domino's 30 minute delivery deal Taco Bell. I'm waiting for my food. I'd MMS you but I can't. I'd call you but I'm listening to Pandora so I can't, I'd twitter you but I'm in Safari so I can't.

    So I'll resort to old school and text. Where is my food Taco Bell?
  • Reply 29 of 131
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Meh. I could take MMS or leave it. Was always a non-issue for me.
  • Reply 30 of 131
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I don't want MMS, email works perfectly fine for me, and its free.

    Taco Bell, so is MMS if you have a text plan with AT&T. I'm getting tired of doing your research. I'm waiting for my food.
  • Reply 31 of 131
    The first time I recall being called Taco Bell was in the 4th grade in 1982.

    Just in case you needed to gauge the originality of your wit. A 10 year old already made that joke 27 years ago.

    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Becuase you have never bothered to look up the facts. I'm not here to do your homework TacoBell but as long as your here, make yourself useful. I'd like an order of Nachos and 2 Burrito Supremes with hot sauce.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Reply 32 of 131
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    From what we've heard the iPhone uses a newer 3G only profile for MMS. That is the reason the original iPhone cannot use it.

    You Lie. Sorry, I just wanted to make you feel historic.

    My phone is jailbroken and activatemms makes it work just fine.

    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    What amazes me most about this pathetic update is that Apple screwed the original iPhone owners out of the update.

    Free piece of crap non smart phones have had this ability for years.

    Way to go Apple, stick it to the faithful user and make them upgrade their 2-3 year old phone for a feature that is a decade old.

    Jailbreak your phone. Go to cydia. Install activatemms. Be happy.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I'm sure MMS is extremely popular among middle school girls. Not so much for professionals over thirty.

    Seeing as many email users have multiple email accounts along with the facebook account and twitter account. There is little need for MMS.

    Apparently you've never sent a MMS from your phone to your Facebook account. The photo goes right into your photos and the text becomes the photo caption. This is ridiculously common.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Simply because a phone is capable of MMS doesn't mean that most people are using it. I've never found any reports about worldwide MMS use. We do know that hundreds of billions of emails are sent worldwide over a year.

    Yes but some of us do not need to help Nigerian Presidents or need our penis enlarged. I'm sure email is actually very much a generational issue as you stated. However there are a hell of a lot of people under 30 that I have to still communicate with and so MMS helps.


    Every survey of the most used features on a smartphones, email is one of the top two most used functions on every survey. The primary reason for the success of the Blackberry is because of its email capability. What phone is successful because of its SMS/MMS capability?

    Well luckily for you as a consumer you have hundreds of phones to choose from. Why are you so focused on this one?

    I would say many phones are now successful due to focusing on messaging. If you look at the number of phones advertised as "messaging phones" the numbers are quite high. SMS/MMS has gotten so popular it has basically driven the clamshell to extinction. Apple has done their part. There are now a zillion touch screen phones but in addition to that, there are just as many who have been redesigned to have qwerty keyboards and are sold for messaging.
  • Reply 33 of 131
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    I won't pay for another iBone that can't multi task. What good is 75,000 apps when you have to run them one at a time.

    Maybe by the time my contract expires you'll have a camera on your iPhone (sorry meant iPod Touch) and Apple will let you have Google Voice but with No Flash.

    I'm tired of being thrown tid bits of last years crap for new upgrades. You're the rooms smart ass I'd think you'd have figured out, you're being hand fed Apple's Bull Shit.

    Didn't you say that you still have the $100 Apple store credit from the 1st gen iPhone?! This mean that you are already out of your contract since the the credit was for people who bought their iPhones before the price cut in early Sept 2007. Next time keep track of your claims
  • Reply 34 of 131
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    My phone is jailbroken and activatemms makes it work just fine.

    I am not saying the iPhone is not capable because of hardware. There are SMS/MMS apps in the app store. The software Apple uses only uses 3g.


    Apparently you've never sent a MMS from your phone to your Facebook account. The photo goes right into your photos and the text becomes the photo caption. This is ridiculously common.

    I have the Facebook app on my phone, it works a lot better for sending pix to Facebook.


    Yes but some of us do not need to help Nigerian Presidents or need our penis enlarged. I'm sure email is actually very much a generational issue as you stated. However there are a hell of a lot of people under 30 that I have to still communicate with and so MMS helps.

    You guys always swing for the lowest common denominator. As though their is no texting spam.


    I would say many phones are now successful due to focusing on messaging. If you look at the number of phones advertised as "messaging phones" the numbers are quite high. SMS/MMS has gotten so popular it has basically driven the clamshell to extinction. Apple has done their part. There are now a zillion touch screen phones but in addition to that, there are just as many who have been redesigned to have qwerty keyboards and are sold for messaging.

    What phone is especially successful because of its superior SMS/MMS capability?
  • Reply 35 of 131
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Didn't you say that you still have the $100 Apple store credit from the 1st gen iPhone?! This mean that you are already out of your contract since the the credit was for people who bought their iPhones before the price cut in early Sept 2007. Next time keep track of your claims

    I purchased the 3G on the promise of MMS, Background Apps. Al of which were Bullshit for the 3G and still is until Friday (unless you accept Pop ups for notification as background). I think their worse than browser advertising. You're in a meeting wih your phone on the desk and you get a text. Hey Honey come home for lunch for a nooner.

    8 people in the room get to see you're getting lucky for lunch. Total Failure.

    Keep track of your life. I've got mine in order.
  • Reply 36 of 131
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    What phone is especially successful because of its superior SMS/MMS capability?

    The 100 million phones out there that don't buy into Apple's upgrade every year or be left out policy.

    There is more to mobile tech than they iPHone. In know it's hard for you to accept but it's not about "CURRENT FEATURES" MMS is a decade old and there are 10's of millions of phones that don't have email

    You're an Apple user so you need it explained. It's not all about you.
  • Reply 37 of 131
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    I purchased the 3G on the promise of MMS, Background Apps. Al of which were Bullshit for the 3G and still is until Friday (unless you accept Pop ups for notification as background). I think their worse than browser advertising. You're in a meeting wih your phone on the desk and you get a text. Hey Honey come home for lunch for a nooner.

    8 people in the room get to see you're getting lucky for lunch. Total Failure.

    Keep track of your life. I've got mine in order.

    So let me get this! You bought the 1st generation iPhone and based on what you've been saying you didn't like it. Then you went ahead and bought the 3G iPhone based on features that did not exist and were never promised and you complain about it?!

    It seems to me that there is no order and no logic in your life at all
  • Reply 38 of 131
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I am not saying the iPhone is not capable because of hardware. There are SMS/MMS apps in the app store. The software Apple uses only uses 3g.

    Actually the Apple software does not only use 3g. All ActivateMMS does is make the Apple software work.


    I have the Facebook app on my phone, it works a lot better for sending pix to Facebook.

    I'm sure the experience is enjoyable as I have it on my phone as well. It doesn't change the fact that lots of folks send loads of MMS messages to Facebook daily with no problems.


    You guys always swing for the lowest common denominator. As though their is no texting spam.

    I've never gotten a piece of text spam.


    What phone is especially successful because of its superior SMS/MMS capability?

    What phone? What are you talking about? There are entire groups of phones now advertised as messaging phones. Just because one of them hasn't crushed all the others doesn't change the fact that there are loads of them out there.
  • Reply 39 of 131
    Why are you trying to cast me as someone who only talks about the iPhone? In fact I've talked more about the importance of email to the Blackberry.

    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    The 100 million phones out there that don't buy into Apple's upgrade every year or be left out policy.

    There is more to mobile tech than they iPHone. In know it's hard for you to accept but it's not about "CURRENT FEATURES" MMS is a decade old and there are 10's of millions of phones that don't have email

    You're an Apple user so you need it explained. It's not all about you.

  • Reply 40 of 131
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    it's too bad the Pre can't multitask like the iPhone can, I like consulting the Internet during phone calls without having to hang up and call back.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Seeing as how multitasking has helped the Pre and the Blacberry set their app development platforms ablaze. I see your point why is Apple lagging so far behind? 75,000 apps is nothing in comparison to BlackBerry's hundreds of apps or Pre's tens of apps.

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