Apple plans Mighty Mouse makeover



  • Reply 41 of 164
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by gimpymw View Post

    I love hearing people bitch about the scroll ball on the mighty mouse like its the one thing that makes it or breaks it. I consider it a pretty decent OEM mouse although I find it a little small for my hand. I use it at work and like most people that use it I've had the ball get clogged with debris. I found a easy way to get rid of the obstruction. While the computer is off, or the mouse is unplugged or you kick on the desktop so that no window is active, while pressing down hard on the scroll ball spin it with your finger in one direction for a few seconds then do the same thing in the other direction. Doing this kicks out whatever particle that happens to be causing the obstruction pretty much all the time. I'm more frustrated now when I need to clean the underside where all the dust builds up along the ring than I am with any scroll ball issues. It'll be interesting to see what this new touch enhanced mouse is like.

    Congrats on having on the one Mighty Mouse that works. Maybe Steve Jobs has a working one too.

    I have 5 that are broken. Oh they work just fine, just don't try scrolling.

    I have to say the prospect of a new multi-touch mouse from Apple is very exciting indeed though. Didn't expect one to market so soon.
  • Reply 42 of 164
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by JasonBee View Post

    have two buttons.

    nope. one big a** button. and multitouch gestures.

    seriously folks, what if the future of the mouse is in fact the glass trackpad.
  • Reply 43 of 164
    brianusbrianus Posts: 169member
    Um. Apple hasn't sold a one-button mouse since 2005. What are you people talking about? Or are you just not familar with System Preferences or something??
  • Reply 44 of 164
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by M8689 View Post

    There's a kbase article with a video that shows how to properly clean the clogball:

    Thanks I had seen this and tried it to no avail, the tip earlier about alcohol and rubbing on a paper towel did the trick.
  • Reply 45 of 164
    Originally Posted by gimpymw View Post

    I love hearing people bitch about the scroll ball on the mighty mouse like its the one thing that makes it or breaks it. I consider it a pretty decent OEM mouse although I find it a little small for my hand.

    Well that's because for most of us it IS the one thing that makes or breaks it. According to you then the one thing that makes or breaks it is that you have big hands. Apple could make the scroll ball better if they wanted to (see my previous reference to RIM) but unfortunately they cannot do anything for your hands.

    Oh - and there is NOTHING that I can do to clean my mouse. I've tried everything. It scrolls down and right and that is it. Apple Genius said - just get a new one.....
  • Reply 46 of 164
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Congrats on having on the one Mighty Mouse that works. Maybe Steve Jobs has a working one too.

    I have 5 that are broken. Oh they work just fine, just don't try scrolling.

    I have to say the prospect of a new multi-touch mouse from Apple is very exciting indeed though. Didn't expect one to market so soon.

    I was in same position ... try the tip higher up using alcohol and paper towel. I have a working mouse again !!!
  • Reply 47 of 164
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    Once you get used to using a good mouse with good ergonomics and normal buttons... the Mighty Mouse is aggravating to use for anything other than casual internet use. In my experience.

    i've used a lot of different mice,trackballs, tablets etc over the years. for a lot of different functions. and setting aside photo work, for which a pen will always work best, the mighty mouse has neither been great or horrific.

    my only complaint is size. i wish they had made a junior size for kids smaller hands. my 4 year old nephew can barely get his hand in the right places to click correctly on a mighty mouse cause his hand is simply too small. I had to go get a notebook mouse for him. not that I mind but Apple is trying to push the family friendly side of the imac so it is a thought
  • Reply 48 of 164
    Originally Posted by JS29 View Post

    After getting a 13" MacBookPro for the wife a few weeks ago, I have really come to like the multitouch pad. I'd be happy with a similar stand alone multitouch pad for our iMac. I understand that many still love their mice, but it would be nice to have a choice of input devices.

    I could see this happening....I've got a BT new thin keyboard and after a couple of days to get used to it, I love it! What about a keyboard with a MacBook like 'glass' trackpad on the side or at the bottom of the keyboard?

    Get rid of the mouse/another cable.

    I hear you about the track ball on the mighty mouse. My BT is really annoying!
  • Reply 49 of 164
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    seriously folks, what if the future of the mouse is in fact the glass trackpad.

  • Reply 50 of 164
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Thanks I had seen this and tried it to no avail, the tip earlier about alcohol and rubbing on a paper towel did the trick.

    Doesn't matter--the hassle of having to do anything has been easily solved with a Macally IceMini. I have this weird thing about Macs: they should Just Work.
  • Reply 51 of 164
    intenseintense Posts: 106member
    I am excited to see the evolved concept of the mouse through apple's view. I hope it'll be released next week or the week after, i.e released very soon, and the tablet to be released soon as well ... maybe the mouse will give us a few hints about what the tablet would be like

  • Reply 52 of 164
    intenseintense Posts: 106member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    nope. one big a** button. and multitouch gestures.

    seriously folks, what if the future of the mouse is in fact the glass trackpad.

    most probably
  • Reply 53 of 164
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    How many here are disappointed with track pads on PC laptops? In my case it is the Dell supplied at work vs my MBP at home. If there is ever a sign of good engineering it is constantly trying to use a PC track pad like Apples. Apple has done incredibly well with this input method.

    I bring this up because somebody suggested a track pad for the desktop. The concept is interesting and frankly makes me wonder why Apple keeps trying to innovate the mouse when they have this excellent solution that has been well recieved.

  • Reply 54 of 164
    I hate the mighty mouse.

    I do think the scroll ball is a cool idea (like working in Photoshop, zoomed in and scrolling around rather than having to tap the spacebar to bring up the drag tool), but the rest of it is just so god awful:
    • slow tracking no matter how high I have the tracking speed turned up (then again, this may just be me; I run my mouse tracking so fast that most people can't use my computer)

    • The multiple "touch" interface works maybe 60% of the time

    • the scroll ball button is too sensitive; I'd scroll too fast viewing a web page and Expose would kick in

    • What's up with the 8" cord? I know it's designed to plug into the Apple keyboard, but seriously... 8"?

    I mean, Apple knocked it out of the park with the aluminium keyboards*, why can't they get a mouse design happening?

    I hate to say it, but the best mice out there right now are made by Microsoft. I love my Comfort Optical 3000 and my Bluetooth Notebook 5000.

    *Note on the aluminium keyboards: I understand the removal of the num pads. I mean, I bought one with a num pad and I never use the num pad and kind of wish I could saw it off. That being said, I understand some people need/want it, which is why Apple is smart keeping them around.
  • Reply 55 of 164
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Intense View Post

    I am excited to see the evolved concept of the mouse through apple's view.

    You mean form over function?

    Apple's designs based on looks for the mouse have always failed. Both the mighty mouse and the hockey puck look great next to the mac desktop but fail in real world use. Even Microsoft which has ugly mice work better in the hand.

    Anyway, the mouse is dead. Next.
  • Reply 56 of 164
    Hopefully they'll get rid of the stupid squeeze button. IMO it's just plain awkward to use. Likewise the single case works like crap for using two buttons because you have to remember to lift your finger up to click the other button.

    I seriously have to wonder if they can actually make a touchpad do something better than the humble scroll wheel. There is rarely any need for horizontal scrolling so a notchless wheel works great in OSX.

    They should also fix the mouse acceleration so we don't have to use either Microsoft mice (with their drivers that fix that) or USB Overdrive.
  • Reply 57 of 164
    I'm on my third Mighty Mouse right now, so any news of a multitouch replacement for the trackball would be excellent - and yeah, the industrial design of the mouse and the Apple Remote are both in need of an update. Good news all round.
  • Reply 58 of 164
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Or better yet, why a trackpad at all? Could not the 'multi-touch technology be integrated into the keyboard keys themselves where our fingers are already positioned?

    Hmmm. An Apple Multi-Touch Keyboard. Hard-touch for input, light-touch for navigation.

    Whoa! Interesting.......
  • Reply 59 of 164
    I'm believe the new MM will have a slick surface (glass that doesn't look like glass), similar to the multi-touch trackpads, but it would be interesting to see how they can successfully incorporate the multi-touch gestures on a iPad without the tablet capabilities (to keep the price down) might be more useful.
  • Reply 60 of 164
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Did you just say:


    venerable mouse

    About the Mighty Mouse!?
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