Microsoft's SideKick/Pink problems blamed on dogfooding and sabotage



  • Reply 61 of 158
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Does this apply to why Apple didn't acknowlede the DATA LOSS problem with Snow Vista until today when the press got wind of it.

    A fabricated article that is purely a way of diverting the Sheep from Apple's problem today.

    The Side Kick Data Loss is about the only thing in this entire article that can be supported by any backup data.

    Apple's F up (I did listen moderator) is as bad as Microsoft's Side Kick F up.

    At least Microsoft owned up to it on day 1 and T-Mobile stopped selling the problem.

    You sound like a Patriots fan who hangs out at Jets games to tailgate with Jets fans, but only talks about how the Jets suck. Why bother coming if you don't like the crowd?

    The Snow Leopard data loss thing, while sucky, is no where near the significance of this problem.

    First of all, the backups MS failed to do is exactly like what the people upgrading to Snow Leopard should have done. BACKUPS. However, having no control of the backups, or data in general, with no local files to fall back on leaves the Sidekick users out in the cold. Snow Leopard users shouldn't have had that problem, only a minor hiccup while restoring from their backups.
  • Reply 62 of 158
    Originally Posted by Spunkmeyer View Post

    I really feel empathy for any/all Sidekick users out there, who are totally screwed over through no fault of their own. You can't back up most of the data from the phone to a SIM, and unless you use a third-party utility and run Windows, you have no options.

    I don't feel anything but my ribs hurting from laughing so hard. Why would you get involved in a phone that didn't let you back up your data? Seriously, BitPIM couldn't do it? Databases in quasi-volatile memory? If it's written into flash, why would it reset on power loss? That is stupid.
  • Reply 63 of 158
    rbryanhrbryanh Posts: 263member
    "Oft evil will shall evil mar."
  • Reply 64 of 158
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Thanks for asking. No I'm not... You?

    You're welcome! No, I am not angry at at all. Just puzzled.

    You seem to be more bothered by the inconvenience of losing your dock/screensaver/desktop settings than the loss of contacts/sync/calendar data. Speaks volumes.

    I am sure mom's basement is cozy and warm.
  • Reply 65 of 158
    Originally Posted by technohermit View Post

    You sound like a Patriots fan who hangs out at Jets games to tailgate with Jets fans, but only talks about how the Jets suck. Why bother coming if you don't like the crowd?

    The Snow Leopard data loss thing, while sucky, is no where near the significance of this problem.

    First of all, the backups MS failed to do is exactly like what the people upgrading to Snow Leopard should have done. BACKUPS. However, having no control of the backups, or data in general, with no local files to fall back on leaves the Sidekick users out in the cold. Snow Leopard users shouldn't have had that problem, only a minor hiccup while restoring from their backups.

    I'm not a Jets Fan but I am watching the game right now because I need points for my Football League. I don't like the Jet's but if it's going to be a good game, I'll watch it.

    If you "have" to do a backup before you do an upgrade you don't have a lot of confidence in the upgrade. I do it out of good practice. 99% of consumers don't.

    OK, I pulled the percentage out of the air. The point is the good majority of Mac & PC users are dumb and clueless.
  • Reply 66 of 158
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Any "pink project" is bound to have a virus, or crab, or two
  • Reply 67 of 158
    Originally Posted by technohermit View Post

    I don't feel anything but my ribs hurting from laughing so hard. Why would you get involved in a phone that didn't let you back up your data? Seriously, BitPIM couldn't do it? Databases in quasi-volatile memory? If it's written into flash, why would it reset on power loss? That is stupid.

    My understanding is that nothing is kept locally. And the reality is, most people don't think of these things until there's a problem.

    My knowledge of the Sidekick is pretty limited, aside from the fact that I know it gained a substantial following in the hearing-impaired community when it was released because it offered capabilities that weren't offered by anyone else at the time. These devices, as much as a majority may consider them frivolous, are lifelines for some.
  • Reply 68 of 158
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Does this apply to why Apple didn't acknowlede the DATA LOSS problem with Snow Vista until today when the press got wind of it.

    A fabricated article that is purely a way of diverting the Sheep from Apple's problem today.

    The Side Kick Data Loss is about the only thing in this entire article that can be supported by any backup data.

    Apple's F up (I did listen moderator) is as bad as Microsoft's Side Kick F up.

    At least Microsoft owned up to it on day 1 and T-Mobile stopped selling the problem.

    This is as bad as Apple's screw up, you must be off your medication. MS will be involved in numerous lawsuits, contractual fines and negative PR that will affect their Azure services as well.

    In addition MS has probably decimated T-mobile's customer base for Sidekick with their lack of foresight and terrible risk management behavior. That basically means MS will be suited for loss of potential revenue and probably more than present loss, but projected earnings as well.

    Oh MS is trying to blame the Danger software for the failure (, again let's pass the buck and not take responsibility.

    taken from the link:

    Ms. Bishop declined to discuss the potential cost to Microsoft of making good on the problem with T-Mobile and its customers. She added that the software that failed had come from Danger, the company behind the Sidekick, which Microsoft acquired last year.

    WAKE UP MS, Danger is part of your company now and you can not pass the buck!

    This is as bad as Apple issue

    P.S. Since you believe Apple issue is as bad as MS/Danger, you may want to read this article Basically says that less than 100 posts on Apple discussion forums for this issue and is nothing compared to disaster MS has caused.
  • Reply 69 of 158
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    it's fun speculating about what happened. pretty soon there will have to be some kind of "official" explanation from TMobile or MS. won't be the whole gory story tho, so there will still be more leaks i hope!

    but the real impact is the damage done to the TMobile "brand" discussed in the last part of the article. sidekick is dead forever, whatever value it had. worse they will lose hundreds of thousands of existing accounts and get no new signups for some time. all thanks to MS! we're talking billion dollar plus damage here, folks. it's German parent is huge and can handle it financially. but MS is going to have to pay the piper, big time. i wish it were a messy lawsuit with all the gory details, but of course they will settle instead with some bs press release and sweep it all under a rug.

    oh ya, and give Roz a bonus.
  • Reply 70 of 158
    "Pink was a third group tasked with taking Zune software and making it a phone."

    I've got 20 old Yugos and a couple of miles of railroad tracks. Let's make a roller coaster!

    We know what Ballmer acts like in public. Can you imagine him in a closed door meeting? Didn't anyone tell them "The boss is crazy" is a ploy you're supposed to use on outsiders in negotiation?
  • Reply 71 of 158
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    This is as bad as Apple's screw up, you must be off your medication. MS will be involved in numerous lawsuits, contractual fines and negative PR that will affect their Azure services as well.

    In addition MS has probably decimated T-mobile's customer base for Sidekick with their lack of foresight and terrible risk management behavior. That basically means MS will be suited for loss of potential revenue and probably more than present loss, but projected earnings as well.

    Oh MS is trying to blame Hitachi Systems (yeaterday from Google News) for the failure, again let's pass the buck and not take responsibility.

    This is as bad as Apple issue

    As of now, nobody knows anything but speculation. Keep your Microsoft is doomed and sort out your own Apple Snow Kitty problem. Consider the number of Side Kick users in comparison to the number of Snow Leopard users.

    Most users are dumb and don't watch the news and never read the trade mags or forums.

    This can haunt Apple a long time. How many typical users even upgrade after a major release. All these users may still have a problem even after a month of ignoring the problem Apple addressed it today.

    I'd try taking some meds and not from your parents medicine cabinet to get a look at the real world.

    Apple only cares about you when it hits the Internet and could potentially be a PR problem. It's been the same MO for years.
  • Reply 72 of 158
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Does this apply to why Apple didn't acknowlede the DATA LOSS problem with Snow Vista until today when the press got wind of it.

    A fabricated article that is purely a way of diverting the Sheep from Apple's problem today.

    The Side Kick Data Loss is about the only thing in this entire article that can be supported by any backup data.

    Apple's F up (I did listen moderator) is as bad as Microsoft's Side Kick F up.

    At least Microsoft owned up to it on day 1 and T-Mobile stopped selling the problem.

    If your trolling sucks this bad I wonder what it would be like if you even attempted something halfway intelligent.

    In no way shape or form is yet another example of MS' galactic incompetence comparable to data loss suffered by a handful of SL users under specific and apparently not easily reproducible conditions.
  • Reply 73 of 158
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Hey can someone remind me what caused the collapse of Rome?

    You know, this is an interesting question. My recollection is that by the time Rome actually 'fell', the people of Rome itself (the city rather than wider empire), were completely in apathy of their plight. No heroic last-stand battles (again, in Rome itself), just a city laid bare 'civically', (a term which itself is ironic).

    Of course, in Rome at the time, there were no doubt heroes to whom the general condition of apathy could not have applied, people who were passionate for Rome and their fellow citizens. This is no doubt true of Microsoft today! \
  • Reply 74 of 158
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    This is entirely different to the Guest Account Bug. That was just a software bug, this has all sorts of political aspects.
  • Reply 75 of 158
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    As of now, nobody knows anything but speculation. Keep your Microsoft is doomed and sort out your own Apple Snow Kitty problem. Consider the number of Side Kick users in comparison to the number of Snow Leopard users.

    Most users are dumb and don't watch the news and never read the trade mags or forums.

    This can haunt Apple a long time. How many typical users even upgrade after a major release. All these users may still have a problem even after a month of ignoring the problem Apple addressed it today.

    I'd try taking some meds and not from your parents medicine cabinet to get a look at the real world.

    Apple only cares about you when it hits the Internet and could potentially be a PR problem. It's been the same MO for years.

    You are certainly not in Real World:

    Who said MS is doomed?? just have a PR disaster on their hands concerning T-mobile/Sidekick at moment, which will cost them financially as well. Not sure how you read people's posts, but take your meds when you do please.

    You have no clue about this situation and its knock on affect to MS business, but hey you keep living in REAL world.

    If the problem is not affecting most Apple users and it is fixed, then how could it haunt Apple for a long time. Please think before, you start typing your replies, since you make no sense.

    P.S. Did not like my links to the news, so you edited my quote
  • Reply 76 of 158
    bartfatbartfat Posts: 434member
    Actually, the one thing that Microsoft did do right (and actually was innovative) is good handwriting recognition. But that's about it for consumer-grade products. The rest is vendor lock-in with Office and Exchange up till the point they figured the cat was out of the bag with RIM and Apple.

    I have to wonder, though, with such enormous fiascos that lose literally billions of dollars for the company for no apparent reason. WHY, OH WHY would Steve Ballmer be still CEO? Shouldn't the board of Microsoft kicked him off his perch a while ago for his "stupendous(ly terrible)" performance? Apparently, they're all buddies of Steve Ballmer and are yes men! So this is how Microsoft generally operates...
  • Reply 77 of 158
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    As of now, nobody knows anything but speculation. Keep your Microsoft is doomed and sort out your own Apple Snow Kitty problem. Consider the number of Side Kick users in comparison to the number of Snow Leopard users.

    Most users are dumb and don't watch the news and never read the trade mags or forums.

    This can haunt Apple a long time. How many typical users even upgrade after a major release. All these users may still have a problem even after a month of ignoring the problem Apple addressed it today.

    I'd try taking some meds and not from your parents medicine cabinet to get a look at the real world.

    Apple only cares about you when it hits the Internet and could potentially be a PR problem. It's been the same MO for years.

    You really are a total idiot...
  • Reply 78 of 158
    Originally Posted by Spunkmeyer View Post

    My understanding is that nothing is kept locally. And the reality is, most people don't think of these things until there's a problem.

    My knowledge of the Sidekick is pretty limited.....

    It is ridiculous to not back up your data. Server-side, client side, wherever you have "invaluable" data, it needs to be backed up. In more than one area. Anything you use that stores data should be backed up, and it should be the first and foremost thought in your mind when purchasing something in a digital world. The mindset of collecting data and not having a backup is outdated and foolish, as evidenced many, many times before.

    I just don't understand when someone says "I lost all of my pictures form my drive x and now I'll never get them back". If you plan on storing it somewhere, plan on storing it somewhere else, too. It's common sense, no?
  • Reply 79 of 158
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    I'm not a Jets Fan but I am watching the game right now because I need points for my Football League. I don't like the Jet's but if it's going to be a good game, I'll watch it.

    If you "have" to do a backup before you do an upgrade you don't have a lot of confidence in the upgrade. I do it out of good practice. 99% of consumers don't.

    OK, I pulled the percentage out of the air. The point is the good majority of Mac & PC users are dumb and clueless.

    Well, apparently someone upgrading this storage area network had confidence in their upgrade, or their data migration. You have to backup your data before an upgrade for many reasons....power failure, corrupted data, hardware failure, etc. It doesn't just have to be bad code. Common sense is to always have backups, especially when upgrading anything, not just software. I hear you that most people don't, but that's not an excuse. You know you should and that's enough for me. If ou don't, tough titties when you lose your data.

    My point of all that is these people bought something they couldn't back up anyway, without tricks and hacks, or spending some cash on a third party application. That would be a no brainer, then. Buy the damn software to back up your stuff with the phone, or steer clear of buying such a time bomb.
  • Reply 80 of 158
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    That is the reason this story is significant. Up until now, IT managers have always proceeded under the assumption that choosing a Microsoft solution is unquestionably a safe practice. From now on it may not be so.

    Originally Posted by l008com View Post

    They have? Since when?

    I think the term "unquestionably a safe practice" is more along the lines of everybody else uses the bloody thing ie preserving the status quo. But how anybody would think having your data on a remote server you don't even know well it is managed was a good idea is beyond me. Why would anyone want to go back to the days of dumb terminal connected to mainframe (which is all that this cloud thing is when you get right down to it)
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