Apple targets 3 new Get a Mac ads at Windows 7 (with videos)



  • Reply 161 of 371
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Apple however did create a distinct retail store design. A design that Microsoft did a bang up job of copying. I don't know if Apple is nervous about Windows 7 or not. They are achieving record mac sales right now, just released snow leopard and people upgrading from XP to 7 hurts them none. Apple is aware that their source of switchers are Windows users, so they would naturally target them. What better time than when many are considering a computer related purchase?

    I'm not sure people just switch. I am sure there are some people that decide to go from Windows to OSX then again I don't doubt some go from OSX to Windows. Most surveys show people use both. Only about 15% of all Apple users have all Apple hardware, 85% have a Windows system.

    IMHO everyone should use both if they can afford to because I feel its stupid to be blindly loyal to one product. No one likes attack ads it turns people off in politics and this is no different. At first the ads were funny now they are just childish, not to mention a waste of money.
  • Reply 162 of 371
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm not sure people just switch. I am sure there are some people that decide to go from Windows to OSX then again I don't doubt some go from OSX to Windows. Most surveys show people use both. Only about 15% of all Apple users have all Apple hardware, 85% have a Windows system.

    IMHO everyone should use both if they can afford to because I feel its stupid to be blindly loyal to one product. No one likes attack ads it turns people off in politics and this is no different. At first the ads were funny now they are just childish, not to mention a waste of money.

    All good points from a computer geek perspective. But these ads are not targeted towards you/us. In particular the women in two the of the ads want something dependable, safe, easy, stylish and that is the message.
  • Reply 163 of 371
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Here, I'll try to dumb it down for you.

    If I build an OS that is designed to go only on machines that I make and you design an OS to go on every freakin' machine in the world, that guarantees two things.

    1. you will outsell me every time ... more machines = more OS sales.

    2. I will design a better OS, every time ... because I design "both gloves for the same set of hands".... hardware & software, whereas you have to dumb down your OS to run on evert POS out there. Do you finally "get it"?

    That doesn't make any sense. The most hardware configurations you have to deal with the more complex your OS has to be, do you get it? Apple cant distribute their OS to everyone because right now its not complex enough to handle all the hardware configuration, not to mention third party drives seeing Apple like to try and controls drivers and firmware also.

    Which is a problem because when Apple screws something up you have to wait for Apple to fix the problem. IF Nvidia or ATI puts out a bad driver I can simply revert to another version, you don't have that option with OSX. The best example is when Apple had a firmware conflict with their first gen AL iMacs that causes problems with the GPU. It took Apple three months to fix that problem when people had their system hanging daily.
  • Reply 164 of 371
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    I guess you weren't watching when they revolutionized the home computer industry by making an all in one machine that was super popular, an idea that many are still copying to this day!

    2 years before Apple I:

    3 months before Apple I (note the built in tape deck):

    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    I guess you weren't watching when they revolutionized the mp3 industry, with iPod, an idea that many are still trying to copy to this day. (think zune)

    2 Years Before iPod:

    3 Years Before iPod:

    See also about 100 other portable MP3 players released prior to iPod.

    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    I guess you weren't watching when they revolutionized the smartphone industry with iPhone, an idea that many are still trying to copy to this day! (think everyone else)

    Released January 22, 2007 in Japan (5 months before iPod in USA), the world's first 100% touchscreen phone. It was announced in mid 2006 and was the first LG/Prada phone (I know, it wasn't anywhere near as good as an iPhone, but the concept was innovative):

    Actually, this phone was part of a larger lineup of very early LG touchscreen devices, all of which were epic fails. Included the LG touchscreen internet fridge, and LG touchscreen internet dishwasher.

    Popularizing an idea doesn't mean innovation.

    That's not to say Apple hasn't been an innovator. Here are some things I would call Apple innovations:

    -Graphical GUI.

    -Marketing computers aesthetically, not just technically.

    -Maybe the click wheel?

    -Closed Hardware-Software ecosystem (which has been vital to avoiding anti-trust lawsuits which have plagued microsoft, and the ability to market based on aesthetics.)

    I know there are lots more, but let's face it, no single company is responsible for all the innovation in the industry, or even a large percentage of it, as much as fanboys on all sides would like you to believe.
  • Reply 165 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    you really love spelling out my name - don't you?

    It's too early to play "catch the annoymouse" game.

    Pathetic is when you need to attack a product that's not even 24 hours old! SJ must be going nuts now- his worst nightmare: A Microsoft OS that has universally received rave reviews and all the PC manufacturers ramping up behind it. Oh well 10% was good while it lasted. Apple was a better company anyway when it had 5-7 % market share.

    TeckDud, you disappoint me, you re-appeared after such a short change of heart. Oh well, I was warned. Tell you what, 'tho, I will save your comments for future reference and will check back with you after Apple's next record breaking quarter ... shouldn't take long.
  • Reply 166 of 371
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    All good points from a computer geek perspective. But these ads are not targeted towards you/us. In particular the women in two the of the ads want something dependable, safe, easy, stylish and that is the message.

    Stylish is far more important to long time Apple users. Windows users are not big on AIO's thats why ones made by Sony, HP, Dell and Gateway do not do well. The HP Smarttouch is actually a pretty nice machine but it doesn't sell well.

    Even if the ads are targeted at women or seniors my point was it would be rare for an Mac to be the only machine in a household. Most people simply have software they use that the Mac does not offer.

    Apple talks out of both side of their face. As much as they try to say you can make a 100% swtich with no problem, in the next sentence the sales rep is telling someone you can also install Windows via bootcamp. Installing Window is a point of sale for many reps in Apple stores.
  • Reply 167 of 371
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    @ anonymouse

    Very clever posts. Troll boy didn?t stand a chance.
  • Reply 168 of 371
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Stylish is far more important to long time Apple users. Windows users are not big on AIO's thats why ones made by Sony, HP, Dell and Gateway do not do well. The HP Smarttouch is actually a pretty nice machine but it doesn't sell well.

    Even if the ads are targeted at women or seniors my point was it would be rare for an Mac to be the only machine in a household. Most people simply have software they use that the Mac does not offer.

    Apple talks out of both side of their face. As much as they try to say you can make a 100% swtich with no problem, in the next sentence the sales rep is telling someone you can also install Windows via bootcamp. Installing Window is a point of sale for many reps in Apple stores.

    Again just way too technical for a 15 sec TV commercial. This is marketing not computer science. Of course a really experienced computer user might run windows on a mac and have multiple computers but what we are seeing in these ads is more of the mass market strategy. Back to school, christmas season, novice users, etc, not head to head comparisons with disclaimers. Just think of it as a Budwieser commercial. Bud may not be as hard core as Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale but it appeals to a wide segment of the beer drinking population.
  • Reply 169 of 371
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    That doesn't make any sense. The most hardware configurations you have to deal with the more complex your OS has to be, do you get it? Apple cant distribute their OS to everyone because right now its not complex enough to handle all the hardware configuration, not to mention third party drives seeing Apple like to try and controls drivers and firmware also.

    Which is a problem because when Apple screws something up you have to wait for Apple to fix the problem. IF Nvidia or ATI puts out a bad driver I can simply revert to another version, you don't have that option with OSX. The best example is when Apple had a firmware conflict with their first gen AL iMacs that causes problems with the GPU. It took Apple three months to fix that problem when people had their system hanging daily.

    Your one that does not get it. He talking about OS reliability, not sure if you take time to read people's replies properly before jabbing at the keyboard. I see no mention of complexity in his post.

    His points are very valid and you need to stop trying to argue against Apple in an area it is strong and provide credible evidence of places Apple is weak. I am not going to help you all time, but try doing a search under 'Apple computer flaws' and you may get some credible evidence and be on point.
  • Reply 170 of 371
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    Your one that does not get it. He talking about OS reliability, not sure if you take time to read people's replies properly before jabbing at the keyboard. I see no mention of complexity in his post.

    His points are very valid and you need to stop trying to argue against Apple in an area it is strong and provide credible evidence of places Apple is weak. I am not going to help you all time, but try doing a search under 'Apple computer flaws' and you may get some credible evidence and be on point.

    I gave evidence in my past post so maybe you aren't the one reading.
  • Reply 171 of 371
    MS may not be perfect but osx isnt either. its far from it.

    1. snow leopard and its guest account deleting all your data? thats a huge huge huge flaw.

    2. i can build/buy a computer for $1200 thats 300X better and faster and cooler looking with a 24 in screen for the same price than a imac

    3. i can play games... enough said there

    4. nothings ever apples fault, its always users fault. Data deletion? your fault. your battery in your iphone is blowing up? your fault. we're also going to pay you to shut up and if you talk we'll sue you.

    5. they might be good for not getting viruses but that will soon change IF mac get a bigger market share.

    6. psystar is doing the right thing by taking apple to court. APPLE IS A BIGGER MONOPOLY THEN MS!!!!! everything has to be theirs or they will cry about it. go psystar, take apple down!!

    and on a side note, anything that the iphone can do, the palm pre can do better.
  • Reply 172 of 371
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I gave evidence in my past post so maybe you aren't the one reading.

    were is the link??
  • Reply 173 of 371
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Again just way too technical for a 15 sec TV commercial. This is marketing not computer science. Of course a really experienced computer user might run windows on a mac and have multiple computers but what we are seeing in these ads is more of the mass market strategy. Back to school, christmas season, novice users, etc, not head to head comparisons with disclaimers. Just think of it as a Budwieser commercial. Bud may not be as hard core as Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale but it appeals to a wide segment of the beer drinking population.

    I'm not sure I see any value in the ads at this point. The ads at this point have been seen by most people. The ads still look the same which to me means people are simply going to tune them out. It going to be like been there done that. The ads need to be different instead of having the same actors spouting the same message.

    Also as in politics ads that clearly feature actors do not do as well as ads that appear to feature real people, like the MS ads. While everyone here bashes them seeing what appears to be an average person shopping for a computer seem far more real then two actors.

    So even when I step back and try to look at this from a novice point of view im not sure teh ads will even attract them. Just an opinion.
  • Reply 174 of 371
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    2 years before Apple I:

    3 months before Apple I (note the built in tape deck):

    2 Years Before iPod:

    3 Years Before iPod:

    See also about 100 other portable MP3 players released prior to iPod.

    Released January 22, 2007 in Japan (5 months before iPod in USA), the world's first 100% touchscreen phone. It was announced in mid 2006 and was the first LG/Prada phone (I know, it wasn't anywhere near as good as an iPhone, but the concept was innovative):

    Actually, this phone was part of a larger lineup of very early LG touchscreen devices, all of which were epic fails. Included the LG touchscreen internet fridge, and LG touchscreen internet dishwasher.

    Popularizing an idea doesn't mean innovation.

    That's not to say Apple hasn't been an innovator. Here are some things I would call Apple innovations:

    -Graphical GUI.

    -Marketing computers aesthetically, not just technically.

    -Maybe the click wheel?

    -Closed Hardware-Software ecosystem (which has been vital to avoiding anti-trust lawsuits which have plagued microsoft, and the ability to market based on aesthetics.)

    I know there are lots more, but let's face it, no single company is responsible for all the innovation in the industry, or even a large percentage of it, as much as fanboys on all sides would like you to believe.

    according to wikipedia

    Apple announced the iPhone on January 9, 2007 - iphone

    It was first announced on 12 December 2006 - prada phone
  • Reply 175 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    These are about as far as you can get with stretching the truth. If the public believes them, it could help a lot. However, if they find Win7 to be a big improvement (as most who have actually tried it have), then Apple stands to loose a lot of credibility.

    Apple's credibility will depend on how Apple performs, not on how Win7 does ... if Win7 is any kind of improvement at all over Vista, and it's kinda hard not to be, then it will sell well. I'm still willing to bet we will see a lot of switchers coming to Mac, just based on what Mac is. We still have the best word of mouth thing going for us ... and that is very powerful.
  • Reply 176 of 371
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    2 years before Apple I...

    Except the point you are replying to was about "revolutionizing", and you're making the same error as Walt Mossberg in confusing "evolution" and "revolution" as mutually exclusive things. Just because something else similar came before, doesn't mean that the new thing that evolved from it isn't revolutionary.
  • Reply 177 of 371
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm not sure I see any value in the ads at this point. The ads at this point have been seen by most people. The ads still look the same which to me means people are simply going to tune them out. It going to be like been there done that. The ads need to be different instead of having the same actors spouting the same message.

    Also as in politics ads that clearly feature actors do not do as well as ads that appear to feature real people, like the MS ads. While everyone here bashes them seeing what appears to be an average person shopping for a computer seem far more real then two actors.

    So even when I step back and try to look at this from a novice point of view im not sure teh ads will even attract them. Just an opinion.

    I am sort of sick of the ads as well, but some people like them. I think in marketing it is called building brand identity/awareness. Once you have the top spot the strategy changes. So sure the MS ads are good too but they have a different strategy since they are on top.
  • Reply 178 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    Funny you should mention that. I just received a company email saying that on Monday, they will begin upgrading our machines (we're on XP) to IE 7.0. We're a company with about 15,000 employees.

    The US Army has a few employees ... I hear they're switching to Macs ... your point is?
  • Reply 179 of 371
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm not sure people just switch. I am sure there are some people that decide to go from Windows to OSX then again I don't doubt some go from OSX to Windows. Most surveys show people use both. Only about 15% of all Apple users have all Apple hardware, 85% have a Windows system.

    IMHO everyone should use both if they can afford to because I feel its stupid to be blindly loyal to one product. No one likes attack ads it turns people off in politics and this is no different. At first the ads were funny now they are just childish, not to mention a waste of money.

    I use both operating systems. Maybe switch was the wrong term. All I really mean is buy a Mac instead of a new PC (or even a mac and a pc! the mac sale is what matters). I would consider a person to have "switched" operating systems if they buy a mac, but still keep their old PC.

    As for these ads, there is humor in them, which makes them different from political attack ads. I like these ads a lot more than the other mac ads as of late. If I was pro PC, I would hate them as they really stretch the truth. I have no idea what effect they have on the average consumer, but I doubt Apple would keep an ad campaign this long if it was unsuccessful.
  • Reply 180 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Dates, times? Are you maintaining a teckstudian database of knowledge?

    Sorry, your version of "Teckstudian database" and "knowledge" are not compatable ..... please try again.
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