Apple says no more product introductions until next year



  • Reply 41 of 122
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    Some of us actually get excited about new Apple products. I'd rather complain about it not arriving yet than to complain about everything under the sun. Which is your sole purpose here.

    I get excited about Apple products too , when they fulfill my needs.
  • Reply 42 of 122
    technotechno Posts: 737member
    NOOOOO! I want more!
  • Reply 43 of 122
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    Now if only my Magic Mouse order made on October 20th would actually ship

    Actually, you the one that crazy, since in making this comment, you forget that if it is free shipping, it states, see below:


    Ships: 5-7 business days

    Free Shipping

    So your product should arrive today (27th Oct) to 29th October.

    Btw: Tired of the kindergarden behavior with teckstud, lets stop this and get back to the discussion. I enjoy discussion wether it is negative or positive to Apple. The kindergarden behavior becoming tiresome and boring.
  • Reply 44 of 122
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Well.. they updated almost all the consumer computers and what left are the Pros, which were updated less than 4 months ago. As usual Apple will sell a record Macs and iPhones this quarter will update the MBP in January next year just like every year.
  • Reply 45 of 122
    Originally Posted by aga View Post

    As I read it:

    After the initial report, Apple contacted Gizmodo to clarify that Schiller's exact comment was "The holiday lineup is set."After the initial report, Apple contacted Gizmodo to clarify that Schiller's exact comment was "The holiday lineup is set."

    I would take that to mean

    "The Holiday Lineup is Set."

    Guess you have to ask yourself:


    Set = Released


    Set = Planned

    I would say planned.

    Okay its good to speculate with concern to Apple products, but lets not over think the statement. As far as I am concerned, there are no more updates for 2009. If Apple do update the macbook Pro line, i will have an excuse to update my wife's (yeah right, I make sure I use it more than her) 15" MacBook Pro
  • Reply 46 of 122
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    Actually, you the one that crazy, since in making this comment, you forget that if it is free shipping, it states, see below:


    Ships: 5-7 business days

    Free Shipping

    So your product should arrive today (27th Oct) to 29th October.

    Btw: Tired of the kindergarden behavior with teckstud, lets stop this and get back to the discussion. I enjoy discussion wether it is negative or positive to Apple. The kindergarden behavior becoming tiresome and boring.

    It takes 5-7 days to ship. Then another 3-5 to actually arrive. I wasn't so much complaining as I'm just excited. You guys take things too seriously
  • Reply 47 of 122
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    It takes 5-7 days to ship. Then another 3-5 to actually arrive. I wasn't so much complaining as I'm just excited. You guys take things too seriously

    No mate, use the right smilies to suggest your mood and we will take it right way.
  • Reply 48 of 122
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    I'm in your position as well. The only thing is I see USB3 as being right around the corner and I want to make sure my next computer has that. To everyone else out there, yes I know there is always something new around the corner, but USB3 is going to be adopted and in place way before light peak or any other technology. Mark my words, the new iPhone (which will replace my 3G), will have USB3.

    Rumors are that intel won't have USB3 in it's chipsets till 2011!!! USB 3 is pretty much a failure right now.

  • Reply 49 of 122
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    No mate, use the right smilies to suggest your mood and we will take it right way.

    Please, enough with these kindergarten instructionals and continue on with the discussion.
  • Reply 50 of 122
    Aww....I want quad core mBp
  • Reply 51 of 122
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    That some interesting observations.

    What do you base the iPhone and USB3 prediction on?.......

    Curious minds want to know! :-)

    Some companies are already putting it on their motherboards.

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Rumors are that intel won't have USB3 in it's chipsets till 2011!!! USB 3 is pretty much a failure right now.

    It has been quite a story getting USB3 to the point where it is now, but so has the 802.11 N-spec. I expect it to be adopted rather quickly to accommodate high-bandwith products such as HD video cameras, large capacity media players (iPods, Zunes, etc.) I think this is going to be here sooner than we expect. Just my opinion...
  • Reply 52 of 122
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Please, enough with these kindergarten instructionals and continue on with the discussion.

  • Reply 53 of 122
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Craziness- right?

    Halloween is approaching- be afraid, be very afraid.

    missing time files part 1a

    yes somebody from the ozone m who adds zippo to the talk yet he follows you around all day trying to make a point .

    mssing time part 2

    you said wait until yr 2 to any apple product

    at first i was pissed at this wild talk . but you have a valid point

    first adopters always buy again in yr 2

    happy halloween
  • Reply 54 of 122
    Whats the chances of seeing new ipod touches introduced in the first quarter of 2010? I lost my touch in August and when I heard about the new touches with supposed cameras I put off getting a new one until Apple announced the new ones. Not only did they not have cameras (not a big deal to me) but I had expected the 8GB model to be replaced by the 16GB model at the 8GB price point. To add insult to injury, i was disappointed that only the 32 and 64GB got new internal hardware. I don't see the point of buying an 8GB model now knowing that when the next touch refresh comes along, my ipod will theoretically be two generations behind.
  • Reply 55 of 122
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by caljomac View Post

    Aww....I want quad core mBp

    Intel will be releasing quad-core mobile CPUs based on the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture and a 32nm process about the beginning of 2011, which Apple are likely to use in MBPs. These will have a GPU on chip, like Arrandale, but it will be 32nm and probably on-die.
  • Reply 56 of 122
    stompystompy Posts: 409member
    Originally Posted by red_skittles View Post

    Whats the chances of seeing new ipod touches introduced in the first quarter of 2010?

    There are two chances: slim and none. Sorry, but mid-year iPod updates have become pretty rare, and last time, it was a capacity only update.
  • Reply 57 of 122
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    If you have big hands like I do it doesn't really work well. Your thumbs drag around the table. And I refuse to add Purell to my deskspace.

    What mouse do you currently use where your thumb doesn't drag around on the table? Every mouse I've own, the my thumb and pinkie drag on the table and I don't have big hands at all.
  • Reply 58 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    I'm in your position as well. The only thing is I see USB3 as being right around the corner and I want to make sure my next computer has that. To everyone else out there, yes I know there is always something new around the corner, but USB3 is going to be adopted and in place way before light peak or any other technology. Mark my words, the new iPhone (which will replace my 3G), will have USB3.

    USB 3 isn't around the corner, and with Light Peak possibly coming available late 2010, we may not see it at all.
  • Reply 59 of 122
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    What mouse do you currently use where your thumb doesn't drag around on the table? Every mouse I've own, the my thumb and pinkie drag on the table and I don't have big hands at all.

    Apple (nee Mighty) Mouse, any Dell Mouse.

    Madge is too skinny, have you played with her yet? She's half the width of my thumb, likes to be stroked, but not practical for sliding across the desk.
  • Reply 60 of 122
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member

    Apple says no more product introductions until next year

    Yes, it's going to be a holly jolly pink slip Christmas.

    80% of luxury item sales are impulsive buys.

    Apple's products are considered luxury items, especially their store locations.

    It's hard to be impulsive when your not making any money or have any credit.
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