Apple says no more product introductions until next year



  • Reply 61 of 122
    Originally Posted by aga

    As I read it:

    After the initial report, Apple contacted Gizmodo to clarify that Schiller's exact comment was "The holiday lineup is set."After the initial report, Apple contacted Gizmodo to clarify that Schiller's exact comment was "The holiday lineup is set."

    I would take that to mean

    "The Holiday Lineup is Set."

    Guess you have to ask yourself:


    Set = Released


    Set = Planned

    I would say planned.

    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    Okay its good to speculate with concern to Apple products, but lets not over think the statement. As far as I am concerned, there are no more updates for 2009. If Apple do update the macbook Pro line, i will have an excuse to update my wife's (yeah right, I make sure I use it more than her) 15" MacBook Pro

    ... Except what accounts for the significant air freight charges mentioned at the earnings call. There is plenty of time to fill the supply chain with currently-announced products before the "holidays".

  • Reply 62 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post

    Expect Arrandale based MBPros early in 2010 with no fanfare.

    The tablet is the big thing and it will get a media event.

    Timing on new Mac Pros is dependent on Intel moving ahead with newer processors. Right now it's looking like no changes to the Mac Pro until April 2010, but I think Apple will have to do something before that because the i7 based iMac is going to take the "pro" out of Mac Pro in a real hurry.

    The i7-860, when equipped with 1333 desktop RAM outruns the Xeon W3520 and even beats the W3540 on some tests. Of course Apple crippled their i7 machine with 1066 notebook RAM, but even so I expect to see tests showing iMacs beating Mac Pros before the end of the year.

    There have been more than a few tests on sites such as Anandtech, which is well respected for their tech work, that clearly show that higher speed memory does nothing, or at most, very little to speed up a machine. You have to be able to understand that results in memory bus testing has little to do with real world performance. At first, I was annoyed that Apple didn't go for the 1333 memory that my cpu's in my Mac Pro supports, rather than going for the 1066 versions (that are less expensive). But testing has shown that the Mac Pro, just like other machines benefits not at all from the faster memory.

    The same thing seems to be true for triple channel memory. There, total memory size, if you need it (and most don't) has a much larger effect than going three channel with less memory. Again, results are much better in memory tests, but have almost no effect on actual work.

    I'm very skeptical of sites that do this type of testing and find big differences in performance with faster memory, and three channels, because they aren't testing properly.

    On actual programs, except for some server functions, even 2000 speed memory has shown to affect speed by less than 5% .

    The Nehalem chips, because of the way on chip caches, and memory controllers work, are much less affected by memory speeds than were frontside bus cpu's of the past.

    Be careful of memory test claims.
  • Reply 63 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    If you have big hands like I do it doesn't really work well. Your thumbs drag around the table. And I refuse to add Purell to my deskspace.

    Ah, thanks for telling us that. Now we know why so many of your comments have been ham handed.
  • Reply 64 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Yes, it's going to be a holly jolly pink slip Christmas.

    80% of luxury item sales are impulsive buys.

    Apple's products are considered luxury items, especially their store locations.

    It's hard to be impulsive when your not making any money or have any credit.

    I don't think so. A lot of people save up for things, they don't just use credit. Most people expect to buy during the holiday season. That's why, even last year, when things were suddenly collapsing, Apple did well. People planned for their purchases.

    And luxury items, which Apple's are NOT, aren't bought as an impulse buy, unless they're perfume, or some items such as that.
  • Reply 65 of 122
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Yes, it's going to be a holly jolly pink slip Christmas.

    80% of luxury item sales are impulsive buys.

    Apple's products are considered luxury items, especially their store locations.

    It's hard to be impulsive when your not making any money or have any credit.

    70% of the US economy is driven by the consumer...but the top 10% of consumers drive 50% of the economy....Apple will sell ton's of product and make piles of cash!
  • Reply 66 of 122
    No *new* machines. Doesn't say anything about adding new features or options to existing hardware.

    In November: the quad-core iMacs...

    ? 27" Core i5, SuperDrive standard, Blu-Ray (BTO option, +$250)


    ? 27" Core i7, SuperDrive standard, Blu-Ray (BTO option, +$50)

    (BTO = want Blu-Ray? You can only get it at the Apple Store.)
  • Reply 67 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by DOSbox-gamer View Post

    No *new* machines. Doesn't say anything about adding new features or options to existing hardware.

    In November: the quad-core iMacs...

    ? 27" Core i5, SuperDrive standard, Blu-Ray (BTO option, +$250)


    ? 27" Core i7, SuperDrive standard, Blu-Ray (BTO option, +$50)

    (BTO = want Blu-Ray? You can only get it at the Apple Store.)

    This has nothing to do with reality. If we knew it to be true it would be different.
  • Reply 68 of 122
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Good riddance to bad rubbish. I could care less about your comments ... -snip

    You're not the only one but I just have to say...

    The expression isn't, "I could care less", it's "I couldn't care less". If you could care less then you still care somewhat about it.

  • Reply 69 of 122
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by blurpbleepbloop View Post

    You're not the only one but I just have to say...

    The expression isn't, "I could care less", it's "I couldn't care less". If you could care less then you still care somewhat about it.


    Thank- must be my Balmer (as in Baltimore) upbringing!
  • Reply 70 of 122
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Ah, thanks for telling us that. Now we know why so many of your comments have been ham handed.

    You crack me up- GO Yankees!
  • Reply 71 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    You crack me up- GO Yankees!

    Not a fan.
  • Reply 72 of 122
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    What effect would Apple offering blu-ray hardware have on the iTunes store? Would blu-ray drives increase or decrease the number of movies Apple are selling and renting via iTunes?

    Apple would sell more hardware if they supported blu-ray, and their customers would be happy.

    Whether people choose to pay the movie studios for content through iTunes or BDs shouldn't be Apple's concern.
  • Reply 73 of 122
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Not a fan.

    No apologies.
  • Reply 74 of 122
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by DOSbox-gamer View Post

    No *new* machines. Doesn't say anything about adding new features or options to existing hardware.

    In November: the quad-core iMacs...

    ? 27" Core i5, SuperDrive standard, Blu-Ray (BTO option, +$250)


    ? 27" Core i7, SuperDrive standard, Blu-Ray (BTO option, +$50)

    (BTO = want Blu-Ray? You can only get it at the Apple Store.)

    Blu-ray is the only thing stopping me buying an i7 iMac. Add BD, and I buy. It's as simple as that. If only Apple were listening.
  • Reply 75 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    No apologies.

    That's ok.
  • Reply 76 of 122
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Apple would sell more hardware if they supported blu-ray, and their customers would be happy.

    Whether people choose to pay the movie studios for content through iTunes or BDs shouldn't be Apple's concern.

    Apple is profit driven to the MAX. It's tried to convince the public to buy and rent it's iTunes movies with its AppleTV and has failed. People are either buying Blu-rays (high end audiophiles) or streaming and renting elsewhere - ( Hulu, Netflix, etc- low end). And then there are those that are getting them elsewhere- torrents or free digital files with their DVD and Blu-ray purchases. Apple's attitude towards Blu-ray will change once they see figures next quarter. It's a consumers market and consumer's want the most for their $$ and that includes both blu-ray and HDMI. I'm looking at you iMac,
  • Reply 77 of 122
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Blu-ray is the only thing stopping me buying an i7 iMac. Add BD, and I buy. It's as simple as that. If only Apple were listening.

    Wait until the February after the next bump on the laptops. There is rumor of an Apple TV update then as well. If you ask me this new iMac looks like the real AppleTV /Blu-ray prototype if ever there was one.
  • Reply 78 of 122
    No Tablets for gullible fanboiz. its Holloween, not April Fools.
  • Reply 79 of 122
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Thank- must be my Balmer (as in Baltimore) upbringing!

    Is that Balmer, Murrlund?

  • Reply 80 of 122
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by star-fish View Post

    Upgraded Apple TV hard drive. Maybe with games, too.

    The HDD size is the least of its worries. The AppleTV HW needs a complete revamp and soon. Ion, which is an Atom CPU paired with Nvidia 9400M, would likely be cheaper and should be able to push 1080p. The AppleTV HW is just too antiquated to warranty a HDD capacity update and nothing else, but more importantly the market for media appliances has changed quite a bit since Apple first introduced it. The UI and features need some major changes to match the changes since the Take 2 (v2.0) release. It does what it does well and as advertised, but it?s surely not a device I?d recommend going into 2010.
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