Apple's iPhone 3GS blunts Palm Pre impact, challenges BlackBerry



  • Reply 41 of 90
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    It comes down to one group that considers their phone a tool to be used and improve one's life. The other group is populated by ADHD kids that have to have their 5-minute eye-candy/variety fix only to be bored and complain that the OS is "stale" after a month. They can never be satisfied regardless of how cutting edge something is. Guess which group most of the whiners on this thread belong to.

    Thank you for your simple, stereotyping, insulting response.
  • Reply 42 of 90
    lungalunga Posts: 23member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Palm made a mistake with the Pre pricing and they are making the same mistake with the Pixie.

    Maybe....I believe exclusivity with a carrier with he lowest subscribers is ultimately what will make Palm fail.
  • Reply 43 of 90
    lungalunga Posts: 23member
    Originally Posted by machei View Post

    At the risk of being hung a heretic, I'm the biggest Apple fanboy in my circle of friends and family, and when I leave blackberry next month, I'm going to Android. When iPhone first came out it blew me away, but honestly, it hasn't changed in years save for speed, nor will it let you change it without rooting the phone. I want more variety if I'm stuck in a contract.

    From an OS perspective, I think you'll be prying my MBP from my cold dead hands, but from a smartphone one, the future looks a lot like Android to me.

    An interesting perspective. Are you the type that likes to hack your phone? Or are you the type that just want it to work?

    I'm of the former when it comes to Phone/PDA's. It needs to be available to me without having to fart around with it to get it to work.
  • Reply 44 of 90
    This is what it's all about folks. Competition! Some people will go on about how great their device is while other will tout 'open' vs. 'closed architecture. Ultimately, it comes down to understanding the consumer better that your competition and giving them what they want. What an exciting tile to be alive :-)
  • Reply 45 of 90
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm not sure the iphone will ever surge ahead of the Blackberry because so many users are unhappy with ATT. In alot of cases people love the iPhone and put up with ATT. ATT service plan for the iPhone is also fairly expensive and they totally rip you off on txt messaging. Then again to get the blackberry thats an extra 30.00 monthly on top of the plan you select from Verizon.

    The Pre is a really good phone the problem is its with Sprint.

    How is ATT so expensive? I switching from Verizon to ATT and their plans look the same. I don't talk that much on my phone so I will be getting the $39.99 voice plan, $30 data fee needed for any smart phone, $20 for unlimited texting. With tax I'm looking at $100 at the most.

    If you have a smart phone period, aren't you going to pay more the other people period?\
  • Reply 46 of 90
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    You've been making predictions about operating systems all week.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm afraid thats not true. I try not to make predications but work with actual data. You like to make predications about future market cap that hasn't happened or products overtaking others which also hasn't happened.

    I see, so you have been predicting the past of operating systems all week, things that have already happened?

    The only difference with your predictions is that you have predicted that nothing will change in the future. Unless you have "actual data" from the future, I don't see any difference at all between predicting change or no change.
  • Reply 47 of 90
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by lunga View Post

    Maybe....I believe exclusivity with a carrier with he lowest subscribers is ultimately what will make Palm fail.

    And that too
  • Reply 48 of 90
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm not sure the iphone will ever surge ahead of the Blackberry because so many users are unhappy with ATT. In alot of cases people love the iPhone and put up with ATT. ATT service plan for the iPhone is also fairly expensive and they totally rip you off on txt messaging. Then again to get the blackberry thats an extra 30.00 monthly on top of the plan you select from Verizon.

    The Pre is a really good phone the problem is its with Sprint.

    Have you really had that big a problem with AT&T? I've heard way more complaints than I've seen actual issues.

    And text messaging... since getting my iPhone I occasionally text folks who don't have iPhones, but I'm more likely to just use IM or Facebook.
  • Reply 49 of 90
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by machei View Post

    At the risk of being hung a heretic, I'm the biggest Apple fanboy in my circle of friends and family, and when I leave blackberry next month, I'm going to Android. When iPhone first came out it blew me away, but honestly, it hasn't changed in years save for speed, nor will it let you change it without rooting the phone. I want more variety if I'm stuck in a contract.

    From an OS perspective, I think you'll be prying my MBP from my cold dead hands, but from a smartphone one, the future looks a lot like Android to me.

    I'm with you on that.

    I enjoy using my 3Gs and, being my first iPhone, I don't have that Deja Vu effect... still, I do think oh so often how much more this device could accomplish without all the limitations imposed on it; it is like having Ferrari Enzo capable of doing 300kmh, but electronically limited to 120kmh and underpowered to 30% of it's full power.

    Since I got mine without contract or plan - paid full price for handset only - I'm considering jailbreaking...

    There is another thing that actually worries me a bit - 3Gs seems to be very sensitive regarding signal quality. Much more than other phones I've been or still am using. I was actually considering possibility that my phone has faulty radio, but I've seen another two 3Gs units behaving exactly the same. As it is, I'm hoping it is more of an software issue than radio itself.

    But for some strange reason it doesn't worry me much; I love Stanza. I love email client in iPhone (compared to BB and Nokia E63, it rocks). And this is my first phone that I can actually browse Internet with.
  • Reply 50 of 90
    the reason its gonna be impossible for phones like the pre to catch up to the iphone is the fact that the iphone has a HUGE lead in software with the app store. A friend of mine has the pre and its awsome as a phone but obviously it doesn't have nearly the amount of games and other apps as an iphone. You can buy a phone and pray they develop games for it or just get one that has thousands available already. its a no brainer. that and the carier issue has the pre in a tough place to play catch up
  • Reply 51 of 90
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    Have you really had that big a problem with AT&T? I've heard way more complaints than I've seen actual issues.

    And text messaging... since getting my iPhone I occasionally text folks who don't have iPhones, but I'm more likely to just use IM or Facebook.

    I haven't when I am on the east coast, I live in Atlanta and ATT coverage in my area is very good. I expect people in NY and on the west coast also have too coverage. However people that i work with in the mid west get next to no coverage.
  • Reply 52 of 90
    sdbryansdbryan Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Yeah get back to use when that actually happens instead of always trying to predict the future.

    It is tricky to predict trends before there is any data (see Android and claims of its inevitable triumph) but in the case of Apple and RIM the prediction follows from rather simple linear extrapolation. You may scoff at crude linear extrapolation but it is where any reasonable prediction begins. Reasonably probable events that could change that sort of linear behavior include Apple adding new carriers in the US market. That would, of course, make matters more challenging for RIM. On the other hand there is a core of Apple haters and people less than thrilled with AT&T who won't be swayed. Judging from the iPod market that group may not be very extensive.
  • Reply 53 of 90
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The killer for me with the iPhone is the non removeable battery.

    We've been all through that topic since day one. Sure some people use the phone a lot without any charging options during the day, but to enjoy all of the goodness of iPhone you have to plan ahead. I would verture to say that fewer than 1% of smart phone users even own a second battery if it is supported on their phone.

    I use a lot of web on my iPhone and I have only run out of power 2-3 times in as many years. And it was mostly that I left the camera app or the map open when I should have been paying more attention. Over all the battery is about a day's worth or more in my experience YMMV as they say in the US.
  • Reply 54 of 90
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The killer for me with the iPhone is the non removeable battery.

    Explain this to me in detail please. I don?t understand this argument.
  • Reply 55 of 90
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    In reality all three products are good smartphone they just all offer something different. The killer for me with the iPhone is the non removeable battery.

    Sorry, I just can't except that as a valid excuse. Currently smartphones have a lifespan of about two years. I owned my original iPhone for that long and its battery still kept a very good charge. And as far as needing to replace a battery when all the juice drains, there are plenty of options currently available for the iPhone. When I travel, I use a battery pack that takes four AA rechargeable batteries and extends the iPhone's life up to 20 hours. The nice thing about this type of recharging system is that when I'm not on the road I can use those batteries for my wireless keyboard and mouse.
  • Reply 56 of 90
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Developers have about as many complaints about Google as developers have about Apple.

    That can't be so - Google is the new Apple! I mean, look - their motto is "Do No Evil" - they have to be good if that's their motto!
  • Reply 57 of 90
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm not sure the iphone will ever surge ahead of the Blackberry because so many users are unhappy with ATT.

    Most corporate accounts aren't as fixated on carrier as consumers are. Blackberry's major success is in business. Apple is working with Microsoft on maturing Active Sync. If Active Sync gets wireless provisioning like BlackBerry, bye-bye RIM. No BES server, no routing data to Canada, no BlackBerry Client Access License... IBM just added native Active Sync support (for free!) to Domino 8.1 - now the two titans of corporate email both support ActiveSync. With the hardware encryption of the 3GS I can instantly wipe the phone - Apple, with Microsoft, are rapidly closing the gap on "required features".


    In alot of cases people love the iPhone and put up with ATT.

    Yes, I'm just suffering uncontrollably with my ATT service just to have an iPhone


    ATT service plan for the iPhone is also fairly expensive

    $10 a month cheaper then I was paying Sprint for the much inferior Palm running (gag) Windows Mobile.


    and they totally rip you off on txt messaging.

    All carriers rip you off for text messaging. I don't text since I have a device that does email and web more then adequately, I have no need.


    The Pre is a really good phone the problem is its with Sprint.

    Meh - depends on your area. Other then their abysmal customer service (which thankfully I didn't need that often) Sprint served me well. Most peoples fascination with carriers boarders on religious experiences - unless you are in rural areas where the "big guys" pretty much universally suck.
  • Reply 58 of 90
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    There is another thing that actually worries me a bit - 3Gs seems to be very sensitive regarding signal quality.

    Do you have a case or is your iPhone naked?
  • Reply 59 of 90
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    Sorry, I just can't except that as a valid excuse. Currently smartphones have a lifespan of about two years. I owned my original iPhone for that long and its battery still kept a very good charge. And as far as needing to replace a battery when all the juice drains, there are plenty of options currently available for the iPhone. When I travel, I use a battery pack that takes four AA rechargeable batteries and extends the iPhone's life up to 20 hours. The nice thing about this type of recharging system is that when I'm not on the road I can use those batteries for my wireless keyboard and mouse.

    you all miss the point! of course swapping batteries is not ever necessary. there are lots of perfectly good external power packs you can plug into anything. no, it's a fetish! take it out and stick it in. oh ya!

    (ever see a woman swap a battery?).
  • Reply 60 of 90
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Explain this to me in detail please. I don?t understand this argument.

    You're seriously expecting a sensible response?
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