Apple's iPhone 3GS blunts Palm Pre impact, challenges BlackBerry



  • Reply 81 of 90
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I just tried the last link, and it worked, so it could have been a temporary server burp.

    What seems interesting is that neither business nor government seem to care as much about that extra layer of security as do people such as yourself who are writing about it. The estimate is that there are three quarters of a million laptops lost or stolen every year in the US alone, and many more than that elsewhere. Many of these are from business and government. Many don't have much security on them. Yet, business and government gives these out to carry around with critical data on them. Go figure.

    BES isn't that popular, it's been considered to be necessary, but that doesn't seem to be as true now. Win Mobile never was that secure, neither were Palm phones, or Nokia, but they ruled the roost for years.

    RIMs success wasn't due to BES, it was due to the excellent e-mail abilities of the phones. I used to have people on their BB's checking email during meetings, and I'd have to tell them to stop it.

    But those days are long over.

    Yeah push email was their claim to fame and currently they still do it better than anyone else bar none and all the other companies have quite awhile to go before their even remotely close to being in the same room. BES became popular because of this and being secure, literally every function of the phone can be controlled by the admin and its all intergrated in one solution. Iphone deployment usually consists of multiple clients to control the phone (cisco is leading in this regard on the iphone they have one of the best solutions on the iphone)

    And I would say it depends on the business but there are tons of police forces around the world that deploy BB, my local courthouse, my bank, so it really depends on what it is. Where I work at we take security very serious and people above me aren't even allowed to bring phones with cameras to work.

    Anyways RIM has quite a few shortcomings and they stem mostly from BIS and their silly limitations like 4mb capped downloads, their god awful browser (which is why I have skyfire) and RIMs awful sdk and them withholding the good UI elements from any dev. These are things they need to address themselves because rim treats BIS users like the red headed step child, even when they are the majority of their customers
  • Reply 82 of 90
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Don't you mean on your priorities?

    Sure I make my decisions on my priorities. I don't care about yours and it is everyone's business to choose what they want. What's your point ?
  • Reply 83 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by Brainless View Post

    This entire post is rubbish. Haven't seen that "served up with Ads all the time" on my Android yet. Definitely it is more open than iPhone.

    Not true. I've seen some Android phones. You also obviously don't read the Android threads, or the developer posts.
  • Reply 84 of 90
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Not true. I've seen some Android phones. You also obviously don't read the Android threads, or the developer posts.

    Your "not true" is not true. I've seen my Android device and I still believe in what I see the most. There are NO ADs. Maybe there are some FUD Android what ?
  • Reply 85 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by Brainless View Post

    Your "not true" is not true. I've seen my Android device and I still believe in what I see the most. There are NO ADs. Maybe there are some FUD Android what ?

    Oh, I know FUD when I read it.

    Some interesting stuff.

    I've already seen some of this stuff. Android will be an advertising utopia, especially for Google.
  • Reply 86 of 90
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Oh, I know FUD when I read it.

    Some interesting stuff.

    I've already seen some of this stuff. Android will be an advertising utopia, especially for Google.

    OMG. Please don't comment on stuff you don't understand, it looks silly. If this is the "evidence" for the ads on Android, than YES, Android has ads. But so does iPhone. If you point your browser to a page, which its author created to include adWords, yes, this page will be shown - big surprise - with the adWords in it. These ads will be optimized for the mobile browser, be it Android browser or iPhone browser. But - hope it is clear for you now - there are no "default" ads that show on the top of your browser any time you launch it. BTW, it is no problem to replace the built in browser with whatever browser of your choice (this applies to pretty much any component of the entire OS) so if any component will show ads in the future, you can easily deal with that - unlike on iPhone, where you are stuck to the choices Apple *thinks* are best for you.
  • Reply 87 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by Brainless View Post

    OMG. Please don't comment on stuff you don't understand, it looks silly. If this is the "evidence" for the ads on Android, than YES, Android has ads. But so does iPhone. If you point your browser to a page, which its author created to include adWords, yes, this page will be shown - big surprise - with the adWords in it. These ads will be optimized for the mobile browser, be it Android browser or iPhone browser. But - hope it is clear for you now - there are no "default" ads that show on the top of your browser any time you launch it. BTW, it is no problem to replace the built in browser with whatever browser of your choice (this applies to pretty much any component of the entire OS) so if any component will show ads in the future, you can easily deal with that - unlike on iPhone, where you are stuck to the choices Apple *thinks* are best for you.

    You seem to be working very hard to deny what is coming.
  • Reply 88 of 90
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Do you have a case or is your iPhone naked?


    I was actually considering to ask for replacement, but then found out my wife's 3Gs - purchased a month before mine - does the same. Later on I've seen another one, purchased almost a month after mine, with same "problem". 3 phones purchased along 2 months time, unlikely to be the same batch.

    It seems many people believe problem is with 3.1 firmware. Unfortunately I have applied that firmware right after I've purchased phone, so I don't know if signal quality was any better/different before update.

    I'm hoping it is firmware issue (and will be sorted soon) - it is hard to believe Apple is using crappy radios in such a nice unit, and even if radio is just average it should behave better. We'll see.
  • Reply 89 of 90
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You seem to be working very hard to deny what is coming.

    No. I just hate to read FUD like one you spread. Is it that difficult to differentiate between app and content ? If web page has ads on it, it will show on iPhone too. So beware, ads are coming to iPhone too.
  • Reply 90 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by Brainless View Post

    No. I just hate to read FUD like one you spread. Is it that difficult to differentiate between app and content ? If web page has ads on it, it will show on iPhone too. So beware, ads are coming to iPhone too.

    You should red a little more. A good article in the Times today outlines Googles plans for advertising on the phones.
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