iTunes 9.0.2 connects with Apple TV 3.0, kills Palm Pre sync

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
On the heels of the Apple TV 3.0 software update Thursday, Apple also updated iTunes to version 9.0.2, bringing compatibility with the updated set top box and again nixing sync capabilities with the Palm Pre.

With the latest update, iTunes will be able to communicate with the new Apple TV 3.0 software update for both Windows and Mac users.

The new iTunes update also adds an option for a dark background for Grid View, and improves support for accessibility. The 88.5MB update is available via Software Update or direct from Apple. It requires Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later, Windows Vista 64, Windows XP SP 2 or later, and Windows 7.

Continuing the back-and-forth battle between Palm and Apple, the latest update also reportedly disables the ability of the Pre to sync with iTunes, according to With the latest update, iTunes will allegedly launch when a Pre is connected to a computer via USB, but the handset does not show up as a device in the sidebar.

Apple and Palm have battled for months in a cat and mouse game, as Palm has updated its phones to trick iTunes into syncing music, and Apple has updated iTunes to disable it. Both have released numerous updates since the Palm Pre was released this summer.

Palm believes that Apple's prevention of non-sanctioned devices from communicating with its iTunes media software is unfair, and it appealed to the USB Implementers Forum in an effort to have the iPhone maker's practices reversed. But the USB-IF instead sided with Apple in September, noting that iTunes' method of identifying Apple devices was within the consortium's rules.

The USB-IF also reprimanded Palm for violating the group's rules by improperly using Apple's USB vendor ID to have iTunes recognize the Pre as an iPod.

"Under the Policy, Palm may only use the single Vendor ID issued to Palm for Palm’s usage," the USB-IF said in a letter to Palm. "Usage of any other company’s Vendor ID is specifically precluded. Palm’s expressed intent to use Apple’s VID appears to violate the attached policy."


  • Reply 1 of 92
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    Since Palm has clearly violated USB-IF rules and USB-IF has sided with Apple, then why aren't they being reprimanded?

    That is unless Apple feels sorry for them because Palm is desperate.
  • Reply 2 of 92
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Since Palm has clearly violated USB-IF rules and USB-IF has sided with Apple, then why aren't they being reprimanded?

    Betting that USB-IF has no actual teeth. It's not like they can tell Palm to stop using the ID, right?
  • Reply 3 of 92
    You know...I was just thinking, this might be more than just Apple saying "You can't play in our sandbox." If Apple doesn't actively prevent Palm from directly syncing with iTunes, it can be seen as tacit approval. Said approval implies support. Which then places Apple in the position of having to field support requests/issues relating to syncing a third party device.

    To me it's similar reasoning as that shown by Apple in the way they do Boot Camp. Windows is not a build to order option with a computer purchased from Apple mainly because as the OEM they would then have to provide the tech support. In the case of Boot Camp they're a hardware manufacturer and that's it. They provide drivers. If you have problems with Windows on your Mac it's not in Apple's court (generally).
  • Reply 4 of 92
    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    Betting that USB-IF has no actual teeth. It's not like they can tell Palm to stop using the ID, right?

    Not really, but what they can do is tell Palm that they're not allowed to say they have USB support. In order to claim that your device has to be approved by USB-IF, and breaking the rules (using someone else's ID) could be cause for revocation of their USB license.

    It's the same thing with wi-fi. In order to say that your device supports 802.11n you have to send one to the IEEE who checks it out and makes sure that it's in-line with the spec. If it's not then you can't put the wi-fi logo, 802.11n or anything else like that on the box. You could still sell it, but you can't use any of the above terms.
  • Reply 5 of 92
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    I'm not sure which is more funnier, the Pre drama or the Psystar drama.
  • Reply 6 of 92
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Originally Posted by Donathius View Post

    Not really, but what they can do is tell Palm that they're not allowed to say they have USB support. In order to claim that your device has to be approved by USB-IF, and breaking the rules (using someone else's ID) could be cause for revocation of their USB license.

    It's the same thing with wi-fi. In order to say that your device supports 802.11n you have to send one to the IEEE who checks it out and makes sure that it's in-line with the spec. If it's not then you can't put the wi-fi logo, 802.11n or anything else like that on the box. You could still sell it, but you can't use any of the above terms.

    So a few teeth. What happens if Palm continues to disregard this, and continues to use USB in their marketing? Does USB-IF have to sue to stop use?

    I would think that Palm would want to play nice on this, since they might have another device to send them in the future. Then again, if the palm fails, they might not.
  • Reply 7 of 92
    Does anyone know if this version irons out the issues with syncing the older iPod Classics?
  • Reply 8 of 92
    I wonder how long it takes Palm to re-enable their hack.
  • Reply 9 of 92
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by funkfeend View Post

    Does anyone know if this version irons out the issues with syncing the older iPod Classics?

    Not sure if this qualifies as "older" but I just synced my 160GB Classic iPod from a few years back. No problems.
  • Reply 10 of 92
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Palm just give the fuck up already and just make a Palm equivalent to Blackberry Media Sync. Damn it can't be that hard!
  • Reply 11 of 92
    This kind of behavior gives me less and less respect for Apple. Apple wants to be able to run their hardware on Windows and wants Windows to 'play nicely' with their software, but when the tables are turned and Palm wants to merely sync with iTunes, Apple cries like a child, takes its ball and goes home.
  • Reply 12 of 92
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    I don't know, but I would be a pretty pissed off Palm user if I had to update my OS every time a new version of iTunes came out.

    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I wonder how long it takes Palm to re-enable their hack.

  • Reply 13 of 92
    If the Palm people insist on sneaking around under Apple's nose and refuse to make good faith efforts to reach agreements and/or pay fees to Apple to allow iTunes sync, then this casts a bad light on the company overall.

    They do not deserve to be successful until they get honest with everyone.
  • Reply 14 of 92
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    This kind of behavior gives me less and less respect for Apple. Apple wants to be able to run their hardware on Windows and wants Windows to 'play nicely' with their software, but when the tables are turned and Palm wants to merely sync with iTunes, Apple cries like a child, takes its ball and goes home.

    Maybe Palm is like the kid who tries to cheat off of you during the final exam. They didn't study or do their homework and now they just wanna cheat off of you.
  • Reply 15 of 92
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    This kind of behavior gives me less and less respect for Apple. Apple wants to be able to run their hardware on Windows and wants Windows to 'play nicely' with their software, but when the tables are turned and Palm wants to merely sync with iTunes, Apple cries like a child, takes its ball and goes home.

    Actually, you don't know what you're talking about. Your comparison is crap (i.e.- not the same thing at all), I don't know what the heck you think you're referring to with the "play nice" comment, and the other stuff is pure projection on your part.
  • Reply 16 of 92
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    Maybe Palm is like the kid who tries to cheat off of you during the final exam. They didn't study or do their homework and now they just wanna cheat off of you.

    Just how is it cheating? My Logitech Squeezebox Duet syncs with iTunes. Is that cheating, too?
  • Reply 17 of 92
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    "iTunes 9.0.2 connects with Apple TV 3.0, kills Palm Pre sync!"

    Gotta love this Hatfield / McCoy feud... If anything, I bet it's increased Apple releases and "that's a good thing", according to Martha Stewart.

    I have a feeling a minor iTunes 9.0.3 update is already being worked on for when Palm hacks and syncs as a fake iPod once again!
  • Reply 18 of 92
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Just how is it cheating? My Logitech Squeezebox Duet syncs with iTunes. Is that cheating, too?

    Streaming from iTunes to a Logitech, Roku, PS3 whatever is not the same a synching. We're talking about iTunes itself copying songs directly to a device. Cheating meaning that Palm, instead of creating their own media-syncing program like Blackberry did (for example), instead choose to falsify the USB ID on their Pre so that it can directly sync with iTunes. Yeah, sounds like cheating to me.
  • Reply 19 of 92
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ecking View Post

    Palm just give the fuck up already and just make a Palm equivalent to Blackberry Media Sync. Damn it can't be that hard!

    I have some theories. Palm is being cheap, but is also getting free advertising from it. I know BB users that didn?t know RiM made an app to read the iTunes DB and sync their music. I have to assume that many people buying the Pre are likely anti-Apple or anti-iPhone, so these people are probably going to see this as a fuck you to Apple every time Palm breaks the USB-IF?s rules and spoofs an iPod.
  • Reply 20 of 92
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Just how is it cheating? My Logitech Squeezebox Duet syncs with iTunes. Is that cheating, too?

    No, that's Apple saying I don't have a beef with you because you didn't belittle our product, then hired away multiple Apple talent to create a competing product, that has the nerve of using our iTunes service for syncing purposes by lying to iTunes by saying the Palm PRE is a iPod (which representing yourself as something you are not, there has to be a legal ramification in there somewhere for that falsehood, otherwise I'll call my Volkswagon a Porshe and say that's legit because they're both German cars!)...
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