Apple pitches $30 a month iTunes TV subscriptions - report



  • Reply 101 of 188
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    So i guess your not in favour of an Apple monthly subscription plan then?

    Has there ever been a product/idea, either rumoured or brought to market, by Apple that has actually pleased you? Pray do tell, i'm intrigued.

    Yes- the iMac SE DVD 1999 that brought entertainment to the desktop with it's inclusion of a DVD drive and The Bug's Life DVD. I didn't need any special cords, adaptors, etc. It was all included. A brilliant machine and concept.

    And of course the iPod and OSX.

    But why are you derailing the thread? You could have sent me that question privately .
  • Reply 102 of 188
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    What about some FREE content too?! Also, this should launch NOW, during the cold months when people are more likely to be inside... I guess Boxee, Hulu and Crackle are still our best friends for streaming content...

    Apparently you don't know about the thousands of free podcasts that are available through Apple TV. It's really a great reference for news, information, and special interest content. The quality of the video and content varies, but there is easily enough stuff there to fill up a spare hour or two each and every day. Unfortunately (for some), it's mostly infotainment so you're not going to find last night's broadcast of American Idol as a free podcast.
  • Reply 103 of 188
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member


    did you read the article ?

    hulu will always be free


    you pay for it by watching ads

    what will change is when the INTERNATIONAL MODEL ROLLS OUT

    HULU will introduce paid content or link directly over amazon paid content service


    anyway lets go watch fast forward right now


  • Reply 104 of 188

    Well, that report just says that some of the content will remain advertising supported (or "free") but that Hulu will be offering more payed-content in the future. No one really knows when this will happen or even what percentage will be payed but you can pretty much be assured that they won't continue to offer "free" content unless they can extract some form of "payment" from the viewers.
  • Reply 105 of 188
    Teckstud, you're running the risk of derailing the thread yet again! GROAN.

    Man, can't you please take a bit of a break, and go contemplate why there are so many diverse folks here whom you seem to get into constant arguments with, or on whose sensibilities you so obviously grate? I mean, seriously, does it not occur to you at all?!
  • Reply 106 of 188
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Teckstud, you're running the risk of derailing the thread yet again! GROAN.

    Man, can't you please take a bit of a break, and go contemplate why there are so many diverse folks here whom you seem to get into constant arguments with, or on whose sensibilities you so obviously grate? I mean, seriously, does it not occur to you at all?!

    Obviously he enjoys it. But each self-aggrandizing post proclaiming his intellectual superiority by intentionally antagonizing others only exposes his irrelevance.
  • Reply 107 of 188
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Teckstud, you're running the risk of derailing the thread yet again! GROAN.

    Man, can't you please take a bit of a break, and go contemplate why there are so many diverse folks here whom you seem to get into constant arguments with, or on whose sensibilities you so obviously grate? I mean, seriously, does it not occur to you at all?!

    He wrote in a thread yesterday that he gets attacked here more than any other poster. In classic Teckstudian logic he fails to see why this occurs.
  • Reply 108 of 188
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    I don't understand this at all. Why would I pay $30 a month for something I can get for free? I can go to and watch hundreds of TV shows for free.

    True. But it won't seamlessly stream around to a bunch of devices, including your phone.
  • Reply 109 of 188
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Teckstud, you're running the risk of derailing the thread yet again! GROAN.

    Man, can't you please take a bit of a break, and go contemplate why there are so many diverse folks here whom you seem to get into constant arguments with, or on whose sensibilities you so obviously grate? I mean, seriously, does it not occur to you at all?!

    Dude, I have absolutly no idea what you are talking about. Take a chill pill please -fast. There are about 4-6 "diverse" folks here that want to negate whatever I say and they derail the thread with their "Apple way or the highway" mentality. Look in the mirror man. You can highlight my name all you want- as you derail the thread not me.
  • Reply 110 of 188
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    and your a ray of sunshine kinda guy ???

    explain to me what the itune's gives us we don't already have for free .



    I am a skittle rainbow. Please excuse me for when I gave out about the fact that I've got 2 iPhones with no WiFi.
  • Reply 111 of 188
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    He wrote in a thread yesterday that he gets attacked here more than any other poster. In classic Teckstudian logic he fails to see why this occurs.

    I won 't even get into what you spew on year after year with your 11,000 plus posts attacking people left and right because you think you're Steve Jobs personal assistant.
  • Reply 112 of 188
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    did you read the article ?

    hulu will always be free


    you pay for it by watching ads

    what will change is when the INTERNATIONAL MODEL ROLLS OUT

    HULU will introduce paid content or link directly over amazon paid content service


    anyway lets go watch fast forward right now



    dude, considering I was apparently still typing while you were hitting send, no I didn't have a chance to read it. Next time I'll know better.
  • Reply 113 of 188
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by utsava View Post

    True. But it won't seamlessly stream around to a bunch of devices, including your phone.

    See- I'm not the only one stating I won't pay for subscription just because Apple may offer it. We know who on here will buy it and anything else Apple offers simply because it's APple offering it.
  • Reply 114 of 188
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    After giving it some more thought, even if the $30/mo gave you unlimited access to all of the shows available on itunes (which it probably wouldn't), I don't think iTunes has enough non-network shows to justify a $30/mo pricepoint.
  • Reply 115 of 188
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    After giving it some more thought, even if the $30/mo gave you unlimited access to all of the shows available on itunes (which it probably wouldn't), I don't think iTunes has enough non-network shows to justify a $30/mo pricepoint.

    You do realize that on average people in the US already pay more for that in cable without including any additional purchases they?ve done for DVRs or a monthly DVR rental from their provider. That a subscription model that did include all of the shows the day after they came out with a quality higher than cable and with the ability to move from your Macs, to your AppleTV to your iDevices would be make that a steal with nothing else coming close to pricing or options. Don?t even mention Netflix, because you?re talking about Flash-based streaming or delayed optical media for TV Show seasons that have come and gone.
  • Reply 116 of 188
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    After giving it some more thought, even if the $30/mo gave you unlimited access to all of the shows available on itunes (which it probably wouldn't), I don't think iTunes has enough non-network shows to justify a $30/mo pricepoint.

    presumably they are working on offering more content before this is released?
  • Reply 117 of 188
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    After giving it some more thought, even if the $30/mo gave you unlimited access to all of the shows available on itunes (which it probably wouldn't), I don't think iTunes has enough non-network shows to justify a $30/mo pricepoint.

    $30/month= $360 a year which will buy a PS3- gaming device, blu-ray player , wireless, with netflix and hulu.
  • Reply 118 of 188
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You do realize that on average people in the US already pay more for that in cable without including any additional purchases they’ve done for DVRs or a monthly DVR rental from their provider. That a subscription model that did include all of the shows the day after they came out with a quality higher than cable and with the ability to move from your Macs, to your AppleTV to your iDevices would be make that a steal with nothing else coming close to pricing or options. Don’t even mention Netflix, because you’re talking about Flash-based streaming or delayed optical media for TV Show seasons that have come and gone.

    Only you would defend this concept. What if you want to watch CNN? CSPAN? PBS?

    Not everbody want to watch just reruns of Married With Children.
  • Reply 119 of 188
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by YodaMac View Post

    I'd love it if iTunes would even just allow TV series rentals - instead of purchases. I'd take that over a monthly subscription if the fee was nominal.

    Agree. 99 HD TV show rentals would be nice. I have no interest in owning TV shows.

    The subscription model wouldn't allow me to drop my cable entirely. As others have pointed out, you'd be missing live TV (news, sports, etc). Some of that I could get over the air, but then I'd need to buy a TiVo or something to be able to record that. The other major part that would be missing is the movies that a lot of the cable stations play. I assume that $30/month wouldn't include those.

    So I could drop my cable one notch to Comcast's cheapest digital package (so I can still get the live stuff), but that would save me only around $20-25/month, I think. I could do that, but then I'd be paying twice for the bulk of my TV programming (the major networks) because I'd still be paying Comcast for basic cable and Apple's subscription would cover many of the same stations. I don't see a subscription that includes the basic cable stations as being viable.

    If Apple really wanted to make inroads against the cable companies, they should be going after the higher tier channels and offer them a-la-carte or in bundles. For example, Comcast kept moving the SciFi Channel into higher and higher tiers knowing that people who liked that programming would be willing to buy into a whole higher tier just to get that one channel. If Apple offered it as a channel subscription for $5/month, I could get the 2-3 channels from that tier that I want and then drop down to a lower Comcast tier (saving $30/month on my cable bill).

    They could similarly go after other dedicated movie, sports, or specialty channels that Comcast uses to force people into higher tiers which have 3-5 good channels and then a bunch of garbage channels. I'm mean seriously, just how many weather channels do I need, anyway? It's like having to buy a whole album of crappy songs just to get the one or two good ones.
  • Reply 120 of 188
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Only you would defend this concept. What if you want to watch CNN? CSPAN? PBS?

    Then you act like an adult and pay for cable or sat, or hook up a digital antenna for PBS. Your position that it shouldn?t exist at all because iTunes can?t offer them is strawman, at best. If you want to take that stance, then Netflix streaming shouldn?t exist because it can?t offer shows right away like Hulu. But they both have their pros and cons. Your inability to make a balanced argument is your downfall.
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