Verizon continues assault on AT&T with series of holiday ads

in iPhone edited January 2014
Verizon has released three ads which continue to highlight the disparity between its 3G network coverage and AT&T's.

The ads, titled "Naughty Nice," Misfit Toys," and "Blue Christmas" prominently feature the coverage maps first introduced in the "There's a Map for That" commercial. These maps were a point of contention between Verizon and AT&T, causing AT&T to bring a lawsuit against Verizon for misrepresenting AT&T's 3G coverage areas.

The lawsuit claimed that the ads mislead consumers into believing that AT&T's customers have no coverage whatsoever and cannot use their devices when they are outside of the AT&T 3G coverage area.

The three ads all contain the coverage maps and have Christmas themes.

In the ads, it is clear Verizon has tried to separate their criticism of AT&T from the iPhone itself, going so far as to call the phone "A great 3G phone without great 3G coverage." This may be an indication that the rumors of Verizon offering the iPhone sometime in 2010 have some truth behind them.

It was reported Friday by AppleInsider that supply chain sources claim Apple has plans to produce a hybrid iPhone that would work on both the AT&T and Verizon networks.



  • Reply 1 of 153
    The first one is funny!

    the next two not so much.
  • Reply 2 of 153
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    The "Misfit Toys" one is pure genius. That being said, I know everyone loves to crap on AT&T's service, but I have no complaints here in the Raleigh, NC area.
  • Reply 3 of 153
    AT&T deserves to be attacked for their poor service.

    Santa, if you're listening, all I want for Christmas is a Verizon iPhone. Oh, and a 27 inch Quad core iMac would be nice too! Ho ho ho.
  • Reply 4 of 153
    Lame. They could have got a real iPhone.

    But it's par for the course. Everyone seems to be going at Apple, and as the old saying goes, as long as they spell your name right, it's free advertising......
  • Reply 5 of 153
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Lame. They could have got a real iPhone.

    But it's par for the course. Everyone seems to be going at Apple, and as the old saying goes, as long as they spell your name right, it's free advertising......

    Did you look at these commercials or was that just the typical "defensive Apple fanboy" response?

    Not one of those commercials attacked the iPhone or Apple -- all three went after AT&T's service, and the first one even was favorable to the features of the iPhone.
  • Reply 6 of 153
    Lets hope Verison is just poising itself for its 'announcement' of it iPhone deal for summer 2010. Just as many iPhone 3G customers contracts begin to end!
  • Reply 7 of 153
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Did you look at these commercials or was that just the typical "defensive Apple fanboy" response?

    Not one of those commercials attacked the iPhone or Apple -- all three went after AT&T's service, and the first one even was favorable to the features of the iPhone.

    You think they'd have any interest in going after ATT's 3G coverage if it were not for the iPhone envy? Did you even bother to look at the three videos? (Hint: The "i" in the iDon't ads.....)

    Also, grow up a bit, and expand your vocabulary and your ability to express ideas: the use of 'fanboy' is symptomatic of such a stunted little mind.
  • Reply 8 of 153
    I'm wondering if "assault" is the correct word? Since ATT/Apple have been steadily stealing Verizon's customers, I see this advertising campaign as pure self-defense. Verizon is the one who has been assaulted and they're fighting back as best they can.
  • Reply 9 of 153
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Three commercials from Verizon or millions of highly satisfied iPhone customers?
  • Reply 10 of 153
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,758member
    Originally Posted by delreyjones View Post

    I'm wondering if "assault" is the correct word? Since ATT/Apple have been steadily stealing Verizon's customers, I see this advertising campaign as pure self-defense. Verizon is the one who has been assaulted and they're fighting back as best they can.

    Yup. When your only counter is "The Network" your quite vulnerable. There is no perfect network, and if a vendor has coverage where I am that is adequate, then the whole "The Network" argument becomes largely irrelevant. Again, I contend I don't think we will see the iPhone on Verizon any time soon. Why does Apple need to do it? AT&T's upgrades are going well in San Francisco - if they can turn it around - seriously, what's the point?
  • Reply 11 of 153
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    I think the commercials were good but it looks like 500x times more 3G coverage and not 5x from the maps.

    I am kinda shocked that AT&T's coverage area isn't better than what it is. I am 3 miles off the interstate down a main state highway between two large cities and I am on the cusp of getting no service at all.

    I would like a Verizon iPhone so I can switch back and get back my coverage area at some point. I just made the decision to go with the phone. I carry a prepaid VZW phone in my car just in case.
  • Reply 12 of 153
    Verizon neglects to tell the full story:
    1. AT&Ts 3G is faster

    2. Where AT&T does not have 3G, their EDGE (2.75G) covers. EDGE is 100% fully equiveilent to 3G except it is slower.

    3. Verizon's CDMA 3G is only compatable here in the US. Good luck going outside the US.

    4. Verizon nickel and dimes....and now they are charging a $350 Termination Fee. Better be sure that you like that Droid.

    5. Verizon's CDMA 3G does not support concurrent voice and data access. AT&Ts does.

    However, AT&T better get on the move. I know that they are rolling out even faster 3G service (7.2MB and then 14MB). This will far exceed's Verizon's speed (< 3MB).
  • Reply 13 of 153
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Verizon neglects to tell the full story:
    1. AT&Ts 3G is faster

    2. Where AT&T does not have 3G, their EDGE (2.75G) covers. EDGE is 100% fully equiveilent to 3G except it is slower.

    3. Verizon's CDMA 3G does not support concurrent voice and data access. AT&Ts does.

    I think it was you who said this in another thread. Either you are ignorant of the fact that Edge does not provide concurrent data and voice or you are purposely lying about that. Edge is not "equivalent to 3G except slower" - it's slower and has the same weakness that you fault CDMA for right below.
  • Reply 14 of 153
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Who do you believe?

    Three commercials from Verizon or millions of highly satisfied iPhone customers?

    I believe my many friends who have an iPhone, love it's features and ease of use, but hate how painful it is to make and receive phone calls on ATT's network. Simultaneous voice and data isn't so great if the voice part of it sucks so badly.

    Still, they make the choice to stick with ATT because the phone makes up for the poor network. On the whole, yes they are satisfied; but it's in spite of the network, not because of it.
  • Reply 15 of 153
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Misfit toys is a great commercial, kinda goes along with a mac one a few years back, where they animated Mac and PC guys. The other two ads kidna sucks if you ask me. Anywho, I only use Touch, since I am on Tmobile, and it does not look like a TPhone is going to be out any time soon. And no I can't afford an unsubsidized iPhone.
  • Reply 16 of 153
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    I believe my many friends who have an iPhone, love it's features and ease of use, but hate how painful it is to make and receive phone calls on ATT's network. Simultaneous voice and data isn't so great if the voice part of it sucks so badly.

    Reliability depends on location (just as it does for Verizon) and whether the iPhone is jailbroken, supermultitasking, etc. Since you're posting here, I would guess your friends have a higher likelihood than average of having jailbroken iPhones etc.
  • Reply 17 of 153
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Did you look at these commercials or was that just the typical "defensive Apple fanboy" response?

    Not one of those commercials attacked the iPhone or Apple -- all three went after AT&T's service, and the first one even was favorable to the features of the iPhone.

    Indeed. I saw the Misfit toys commercial, and the first thing I thought was, "Gee, that iPhone home screen looks great", (as elephant comments on iPhone can download apps and surf the web)

    And then those phones at the end look all cluttered and (I don't know...) non-iconic.

    I thought; "man, way to promo the iPhone, Verizon".
  • Reply 18 of 153
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Indeed. I saw the Misfit toys commercial, and the first thing I thought was, "Gee, that iPhone home screen looks great", (as elephant comments on iPhone can download apps and surf the web)

    And then those phones at the end look all cluttered and (I don't know...) non-iconic.

    I thought; "man, way to promo the iPhone, Verizon".

    Exactly!! They were careful enough to give props to Apple while at the same time bashing AT&T to bits.

    These are different from the Droid commercials IIRC, those were actually Motorola's doing. I could be wrong, however.
  • Reply 19 of 153
    Verizon can't directly attack the iPhone too much since sometime next year they'll be selling it. They can attack the network. That only goes so far, we don't even have 3G in my small town, but I'm not about to get rid of my iPhone, even for the new Droid, which my wife just bought (she has to stay with verizon because her relatives all with verizon).
  • Reply 20 of 153
    Looks like for AT&T, practically the whole country is a deadzone. I'm surprised I haven't been hearing more about how in most of the country you get zero bars with AT&T.
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