Microsoft official admits Windows 7 design inspired by Mac OS X



  • Reply 141 of 229
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Robodude View Post

    There are quite a few things I could think of. I'm glad people can choose to make their OS look how they want it to - believe it or not, many take advantage of this 'feature'.

    Haven't you heard... Apple supporters don't want choices.

    What's good enough for Steve is good enough for them
  • Reply 142 of 229
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    No, lying is like when one claims to own Macs but doesn't.

    mouse, mouse, mouse. Gald to see you still have nothing to offer.
  • Reply 143 of 229
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Haven't you heard... Apple supporters don't want choices.

    What's good enough for Steve is good enough for them

    You obviously have no clue, as a Microsoft employee. 'Steve' doesn't settle for 'good enough.'

    What's great for 'Steve' is also great for us.
  • Reply 144 of 229
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You obviously have no clue, as a Microsoft employee. 'Steve' doesn't settle for 'good enough.'

    What's great for 'Steve' is also great for us.

    That's Nice...
  • Reply 145 of 229
    Would you buy a used car from THIS man:

    Or THIS man:

    Now . . . who do you trust NOT to copy?

    One man is a thoughtful visoionary, concerned about his product - controlling and demanding to the point that the product conforms to his vision, determined to follow it through regardless of conventional wisdom.

    The other man is a friggin salesguy that got promoted.

    Microsoft and Apple are mirror images - nearly physical and exact embodiments of their respective leaders.

    Pretty simple to see that in either case, not much has changed over the years.
  • Reply 146 of 229
    Originally Posted by Robodude View Post

    There are quite a few things I could think of. I'm glad people can choose to make their OS look how they want it to - believe it or not, many take advantage of this 'feature'.

    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Haven't you heard... Apple supporters don't want choices.

    What's good enough for Steve is good enough for them

    Well, enjoy tweaking your window frames, personally, I'm more interested in the content.
  • Reply 147 of 229
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, enjoy tweaking your window frames, personally, I'm more interested in the content.


    Like the content afforded via the exponentially larger number of (quality) applications available for the Windows platform versus the Mac?
  • Reply 148 of 229
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Apple have never needed anything done by M$ or anyone else as motivation to improve. Apple is driven by a desire to design and create better products from within. That is what sets them apart form the rest.

    Remember when Apple desperately needed a "modern OS" answer to Windows 95, and the best from Cupertino was... System 7.5.2?

    The point is Apple cannot afford NOT to closely watch the entire industry, and be prepared to quickly answer competitors when neccessary. No amount of internal drive can help any company if they lose touch with their own markets.

    It'd be a true shame if Apple got complacent (again) and thought they were above any serious competition (again).
  • Reply 149 of 229
    Originally Posted by FineWine View Post

    OK, I'm putting on my asbestos suit because of all the flames that will follow.

    I think the guy is right. There, I said it.

    For an organization with the R&D resources of MSFT, it is a crying shame how little they innovate. In contrast, Apple takes a fraction of that budget and innovates like crazy. Does MSFT steal from Apple - ABSOLUTELY! It's actually shameful that as rich a company as MSFT can't bring themselves to do something creative but must rely on ripping off other companies.

    That said, I think Win 7 is a winner for MSFT. Some think it is now very close between SL and Win7 (Mossberg). And I agree - in fact, I think MSFT took many Apple ideas and actually improved upon them. They still don't have a UI and experience as integrated and smooth as Apple, but they are very close. And sorry if the truth hurts, but so far, Win 7 has been much more stable than SL. If you cannot acknowledge the multiple problems with SL, you are just a fanboi. Truth is, Win 7 didn't even have as disastrous a bug as the guest account one. There are still things in SL that are vastly superior - the whole virus and malware and activation nightmare - but it is true that Win 7 is rock solid - and SL is undercooked. SL is not fully baked. And tragically, that was to be expected and will only get worse in the future - Apple OS will continue to sink and Win will continue to get better... because MSFT eats, sleeps, breathes OPERATING SYSTEM - they are a software computer company first and foremost. Apple is a hardware company - and not even mostly a computer hardware company... their priorities are going toward the whole iPhone and mobile platforms. It's no longer Apple Computers - officially. MSFT on the other hand lives and dies OS. Just look at the whole Leopard debacle - Apple had to admit they were late to the market and missed deadlines on Leopard development because they pulled their developers to work on the iPhone. Apple by percentage is making a smaller and smaller slice of their earnings from computers and more from gadgets like ipods, iphone, itablet etc. Frankly SL was a vast disappointment - working worse for many users that even the horrible Leopard. Tiger was the last decent OS Apple put out. It's all downhill from here - as Apple loses interest in developing an operating system, while MSFT races ahead. I wish it weren't so - I'll sooner switch to Linux, and so wish that Apple kept at it, but the writing is on the wall... and sad to say once Steve is gone (as he must), it'll be over just like that. You may disagree, but that's reality.

    Except that "Apple OS" isn't sinking. It in fact, Apple controls the Premium end, and has shipped OS X with a record number of Macs sold, quarter after quarter.

    Remember: Apple IS concerned with unit share, but only in the most profitable segments of the market.

    And as for that whole "As Apple loses interest in developing an operating system" . . . except when it comes to OS X for Macs and OS X for iPhone and iPods. And just a head's up on this . . . we're moving away from "computers." When the Tablet changes the game (again), you'll understand why. And in fact, half of Apple's earnings, nearly 4 billion, come from Mac sales. When we hear talk of how "close" Windows is to OS X, or how it tries to ape OS X, it's pretty clear that Apple sets the bar. I'd call that plenty interested. And if Apple really isn't interested and SL isn't their best work, then colour me impressed. I'd hate to see Apple when they ARE serious. and when it comes to game-changing tech (and the groundbreaking interfaces that go with them), they're pretty damn serious.

    I don't see Microsoft racing ahead anywhere. They've destroyed and squandered so many opprtunities that all they really have now is an operating system, on which everything rides (and has to), and a game console that is performing at about half its potential, along with an executive (and maybe more) that admitted publicly (and incredibly stupidly) what we've known about these frauds for years. MS releasing a fixed Vista after 8 years of doing nothing, and FINALLY getting somewhat close to Apple after nearly a decade, isn't racing anywhere, it's RELIEF at finally putting the Vista nightmare behind them, and desperate hope that Windows will save what positive mindshare the company has left.
  • Reply 150 of 229
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    I don't see how this is truely "news" since Win 3.1 went after the GUI of OS 6. But since Apple stole some pages from the Windows book along the road, I really don't see how it matters. (And why do they now include support for MS Exchange and Windows 7 on their devices? hmm...)

    MS has taken cues from OS X for sure, I got 3-pack Upgrade to 7 for $150. Sweet. Also, I happen to like what they did with their taskbar, by hovering over an icon, you get thumbnails over the icon of open windows for that program. It's better and I hope Apple steals it. Also, a running program is subtly back lit all the way around the icon. That's nice too, although both ways are about equal IMO.

    Competition like that is good for everyone. I never felt the need to change the colors of my screen in OS X, because I liked the grey Win2K theme, and always used the silver one in XP. I tried the graphite theme in OS X, but, that was too gray for me.... Original is fine.

    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    All you Apple fans, I hope you enjoy this little tid-bit. As for me, I really don't care. Apple, MS, Gnome, KDE, its all the same idea. I'm still waiting for a new way to look at files. None has happened since the GUI has been introduced... still a file structure tree. I'm talking about real innovation, not QuickLook, or CoverSheet views, and also not talking about BumpTop. I'm talking about a full scale re-model of the GUI. With touch devices out these days, there's a lot that can be done... sadly, we are still thinking "in the box". Apple is definitely included.

    File trees work like a filing cabinet, and my small brain cannot comprehend a better way to organize files. However, to find files, applications, documents, websites, music files, etc. I've been using LaunchBar since shortly after buying my B+W G3. It's gotten better every release, and it changes the way you use a computer. It even has a calculator, can launch does a lot.

    You really won't need a mouse anymore for opening anything, if you use a program like that. For those Windows users in the forum, there is Colibri for you, and Colibri is free. Quicksilver I guess is another similar one for Mac; it's free too, but I don't use it. From what I've heard, stability has suffered as of late. Try them out if you want to get out of your "box."
  • Reply 151 of 229
    mariomario Posts: 348member
    I'm sure OS X was the inspiration as usual, but MS has failed short from the usability goal that OS X has established.

    I just spent the entire day yesterday and today (in total almost 20 hr), setting up Windows 7 at work, and I can tell you it's not a pleasant experience. The UI is frustrating to use, and I had cursed out lout many many times, and wanted to break something on few occasions. All I can say is I'm glad it's over, and now I can fire up Korn Shell (yes Korn Shell for Windows 7), and program away.

    Windows 7 may be "pretty" to people who like glowing multi color thick bezel windows, but make no mistake, Windows 7 is still the same old crufty Windows rotten core.

    I really don't understand what is wrong with Microsoft and how come "they dont' get it". I mean they employ a lot of great and bright people, but some just lack taste and ability to produce something original, cool, and ahead of its time like "that other company" .
  • Reply 152 of 229
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by rorybalmer View Post

    I'm a Mac guy myself, but honestly I think it took alot of class and courage to say something like this.. it's a very respectful thing to do, especially in a market where this kind of comment can eat you alive.

    Not very many people at microsoft would have the integrity to say something like this.. nor would anyone at apple.

    Here here! Good point. Welcome! I agree with SC et al. Nothing new, been this way since Windows 1.0! It's still kind of baffling to me, because I assume they spend probably 100 times (1,000 times?) more than Apple on OS R&D. And yet it's still not quite as good in most areas, maybe better in a few. I mean while you could say maybe it has caught up to OS X, Windows certainly doesn't seem to be way better. Yet they probably spend $100 million on Windows R&D every year. Could be a case study in organizational behavior. I once heard MS decides everything in committees of stodgy old business people. Perhaps that explains it?
  • Reply 153 of 229
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    Like the content afforded via the exponentially larger number of (quality) applications available for the Windows platform versus the Mac?

    Well, you're obviously only here to troll, and I'm sure you'll be very happy on Windows.
  • Reply 154 of 229
    Appearance is one thing, but as long as Windows still has that horrible Registry, it will always suck. And Windows is not more stable than any Unix core.
  • Reply 155 of 229
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    Like the content afforded via the exponentially larger number of (quality) applications available for the Windows platform versus the Mac?

    Since you can't name any, you are obviously full of it.
  • Reply 156 of 229
    At last (despite the garbage about stableness) someone comes up front and admits they copied mac (for the gazilionth time I might add). I respect this honest a lot. This guy gets a 7/10 in my book.

    Which is a lot more than the 0/10 those developer twunts from MS got when they said that they hadn't copied the os x dock but had instead reintroduced the dock from windows 1.0 (which of course worked so well and was such a developed idea that it took apple's highly successful implementation of a dock so that ms would re-introduce their idea...), what a load of b**s...what little petty lying people...
  • Reply 157 of 229
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    But it gets kind of old when the same person always borrows from the same person ...

    Excellent point. My compliments.
  • Reply 158 of 229
    I think what he means by limiting is you van build a system that has a graphic card, esata ports and connect to a hdmi monitor. My 24" HD looks awesome, has 1920x1200 and HDMI and that's how I have my mac connected. My MBPro 15". One of the last with the express slot. Google laptop UAD devices for audio and you'll see how important that alot really is to musicians.

    The beauty though is while pystar has this new device that allows you to install a retail disk, they have a free script over at osx86 for FREE and the beauty about a hackntosh, which I still have, is that it never, ever kernal panics on me. But the real hidden beauty is that by default it still has a bios which means you can overclock both the ram and CPU resulting in performances that run circles around Apple high end all for $800

    or so and that's with most features you could think of, blue tooth, iChat, esata pcie cards, FireWire and a fast graphics card and in time in addtion to over clocking, if you get the right motherboard, you can swap out a faster CPU when it comes out. Instead of having to buy a new machine. They even have boot screens that can act just like apple and the real kicker is, you can't tell your on a pc, the experience is seemles and works.

    That said, I am glad a lot of IT firms, moms, enthusiasts will upgrade as this make apple release more priced fairly computers. I can also give a real life testimwnt to it as well.

    When I tried out vista, I was already using mac most off the time.

    I have HIGH END FIREWIRE audio devices. It took more than a year for a driver to come out that worked with Vista.

    With Windows 7, I attached the device and it just worked. Hardly anything popped up. It just started working so expect all those gamers, prosumers, audio, video users to also upgrade or build a hackntosh, as Apple is missing the mark on the fastest growing segment ever. The prosumer. These are the next big bands, directors, editors, plus as I've already said, game sales are more than music and video combined yet Apple has this fear if they release a headless machine, that pros will buy them. And Apples right, they would, saving the mac pro for the bigger studios, you would see these mid range in studios B and C the same way I saw iMacs back in the day with the PowerPC in the main studio. What Apple fails to get is alll the gamers, prosumers they would hVe. Millions. But ahh, apple runs into a problem. These gamers and enthusiasts that make up more sales than video/music combined, also want fast graphic cards, ao Applw would have to support all these graphic carda and in their eyes. Lose money as they know their markup on ram and gpus are not in line with what you can really get for your dollar.

    I say it's all good. Hopefully the courier is by Microsoft only marking the first ever microsoft pc and then maybe apple releases mid range headless and tablet.

    In the end. We all win.

  • Reply 159 of 229
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    It'd be a true shame if Apple got complacent (again) and thought they were above any serious competition (again).

    Why do you think Apple was 'complacent' about competition? Any examples?

    I'd always thought that it was poor strategy and even worse execution in the 1990s that led them astray.
  • Reply 160 of 229
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    Here here! Good point. ......

    Not to nitpick or sound like language-usage police or anything, but this one has been bugging me for a while, and I see it a lot: when and how did 'Hear! Hear!' become 'Here here' on the internetz?
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