Microsoft official admits Windows 7 design inspired by Mac OS X



  • Reply 161 of 229
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by Erunno View Post

    One detail where Microsoft actually ended being better than the original are jump lists as contrary to the OS X pendant they also work when the application is not running. I usually use them to start an application with a specific recently used document which saves a few clicks. People are also set in their ways as I've experienced two installations by different people where the new task bar was reconfigured to work as closely as the old one did despite the OS X inspired design being far superior imo.

    Another detail which I wouldn't mind Apple porting over to 10.7 is that on Windows 7 there's a visual indicator that multiple windows have been collapsed into the icon. On OS X currently you pretty much have to remember it and having to press the mouse button for some time to make them visible in Expose is not as elegant as selecting them directly in the Aero previews with just hovering over the taskbar icon.

    Neither of these are "better" it's just your preference.

    Opening a document in Mac OS X that you were working on is easier for me because I have quicker access to my documents from the Documents stack which is a a navigable "jump-list" of the all my documents.

    The visual indicator for what windows are open with which application is called "pause-click" and is also right on the dock.

    Whatever works for you is fine, but overall Mac OS X is better IMO. More logical, more consistent, easier and faster to get at things etc.
  • Reply 162 of 229
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    I think what he means by limiting is you van build a system that has a graphic card, esata ports and connect to a hdmi monitor. My 24" HD looks awesome, has 1920x1200 and HDMI and that's how I have my mac connected. My MBPro 15". One of the last with the express slot. Google laptop UAD devices for audio and you'll see how important that alot really is to musicians.

    The beauty though is while pystar has this new device that allows you to install a retail disk, they have a free script over at osx86 for FREE and the beauty about a hackntosh, which I still have, is that it never, ever kernal panics on me. But the real hidden beauty is that by default it still has a bios which means you can overclock both the ram and CPU resulting in performances that run circles around Apple high end all for $800

    or so and that's with most features you could think of, blue tooth, iChat, esata pcie cards, FireWire and a fast graphics card and in time in addtion to over clocking, if you get the right motherboard, you can swap out a faster CPU when it comes out. Instead of having to buy a new machine. They even have boot screens that can act just like apple and the real kicker is, you can't tell your on a pc, the experience is seemles and works.

    That said, I am glad a lot of IT firms, moms, enthusiasts will upgrade as this make apple release more priced fairly computers. I can also give a real life testimwnt to it as well.

    When I tried out vista, I was already using mac most off the time.

    I have HIGH END FIREWIRE audio devices. It took more than a year for a driver to come out that worked with Vista.

    With Windows 7, I attached the device and it just worked. Hardly anything popped up. It just started working so expect all those gamers, prosumers, audio, video users to also upgrade or build a hackntosh, as Apple is missing the mark on the fastest growing segment ever. The prosumer. These are the next big bands, directors, editors, plus as I've already said, game sales are more than music and video combined yet Apple has this fear if they release a headless machine, that pros will buy them. And Apples right, they would, saving the mac pro for the bigger studios, you would see these mid range in studios B and C the same way I saw iMacs back in the day with the PowerPC in the main studio. What Apple fails to get is alll the gamers, prosumers they would hVe. Millions. But ahh, apple runs into a problem. These gamers and enthusiasts that make up more sales than video/music combined, also want fast graphic cards, ao Applw would have to support all these graphic carda and in their eyes. Lose money as they know their markup on ram and gpus are not in line with what you can really get for your dollar.

    I say it's all good. Hopefully the courier is by Microsoft only marking the first ever microsoft pc and then maybe apple releases mid range headless and tablet.

    In the end. We all win.


    WOW great post! I have said the same time and time again. Well done and though out! :-)
  • Reply 163 of 229
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Seriously?! You might want to look up the definition of the word "Quote" and while at it look at the definition of every word in that definition

    You might want to look up the term "out of context".
  • Reply 164 of 229
    Originally Posted by Mario View Post

    I'm sure OS X was the inspiration as usual, but MS has failed short from the usability goal that OS X has established.

    I just spent the entire day yesterday and today (in total almost 20 hr), setting up Windows 7 at work, and I can tell you it's not a pleasant experience. The UI is frustrating to use, and I had cursed out lout many many times, and wanted to break something on few occasions. All I can say is I'm glad it's over, and now I can fire up Korn Shell (yes Korn Shell for Windows 7), and program away.

    Windows 7 may be "pretty" to people who like glowing multi color thick bezel windows, but make no mistake, Windows 7 is still the same old crufty Windows rotten core.

    I really don't understand what is wrong with Microsoft and how come "they dont' get it". I mean they employ a lot of great and bright people, but some just lack taste and ability to produce something original, cool, and ahead of its time like "that other company" .

    i have switched to mac and of course will never go back to pc hell

    whenever i have to work with pcs i get so frustrated because navigating through a lot of open windows is just...plain terrible to do

    for their next release, microsoft (for their windows X, or windows 10.7, or however they wish to rip apple off again) will steal exposé, and that might make things different

    having viruses and registry? those have been around since windows 95, someone tell ballmer that
  • Reply 165 of 229
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    .... Ummm a 'Linux Look' you say?!?

    What does linux look like when compared with KDE or GNOME or XWINDOWS? I quite curious to hear your reply...

    You are right it does have a KDE look but also has the look of Debian 5.0. Also as someone else mentioned Ubuntu.
  • Reply 166 of 229
    this is just Micro$oft doing what they do best. Copy, cheat, and steal. But at least this time they can admit it. Windows has been trying to look like OS X for so long now. Still does not have the user friendly interface that Mac has. Keep trying Micro$oft. You almost got it. Maybe Micro$oft should try something different, like an original idea instead of copying off others and calling it your own.

    Jobs for President
  • Reply 167 of 229
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You obviously have no clue, as a Microsoft employee. 'Steve' doesn't settle for 'good enough.'

    What's great for 'Steve' is also great for us.

    That comment is even more pathetic them something your buddy Quadra or Mouse would say. You guys are neck deep in the kool aid.
  • Reply 168 of 229
    Originally Posted by doyourownthing View Post

    i have switched to mac and of course will never go back to pc hell

    whenever i have to work with pcs i get so frustrated because navigating through a lot of open windows is just...plain terrible to do

    for their next release, microsoft (for their windows X, or windows 10.7, or however they wish to rip apple off again) will steal exposé, and that might make things different

    having viruses and registry? those have been around since windows 95, someone tell ballmer that

    But they did improve on that stuff, if you've bothered to try it, or at least read some reviews from people who have actually tried it. The stuff MS has "stolen", they have also improved upon. You can grab a window and shake it to clear all other windows from the desktop, for instance. Windows Key+Tab cycles through open windows. The latter has been around (in Windows) since Vista.

    I like it, the borrowing back and forth. It makes things better for everyone. If people didn't do that, you'd still be driving around in the first car ever made by the first manufacturer to ever make one. Imagine if Apple died in the 90's, and we got stuck at Windows ME?

    I'm a fan of both OS's, they both have their benefit. I'd be even happier if someone else could manage a decent GUI and a solid kernel to improve upon both of these OS designs and backends. Without this bickering back and forth about who's stuff is better, and always trying to one-up the other guy, innovation would be non-existent.
  • Reply 169 of 229
    Originally Posted by Mario View Post

    I just spent the entire day yesterday and today (in total almost 20 hr), setting up Windows 7 at work, and I can tell you it's not a pleasant experience. The UI is frustrating to use, and I had cursed out lout many many times, and wanted to break something on few occasions. All I can say is I'm glad it's over, and now I can fire up Korn Shell (yes Korn Shell for Windows 7), and program away.

    20hrs? perhaps your company should hire a competent worker?
  • Reply 170 of 229
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Apparently MS thinks gorilla-arm is somehow cool.

    I think M$ should name it the "Monkey-touch" instead of Multi-touch. because when it doesn't work, user starts to scratch their head, shrugging with no clue... kinda fun.... haha
  • Reply 171 of 229
    Originally Posted by Azathoth View Post

    As opposed to Apple which is a fascist party - all they do is dictate what people can do with their OS (which g can only be put on their glossy-screened, shiny hardware)

    OS X? - based on BSD.. bunch of copy-cats! Oh no wait, I forget, Apple is allowed to copy, because Apple spells copy: i-n-n-o-v-a-t-i-o-n

    Get over yourselves. MS saw which parts of OS X are effective and employed those - like every other company does. IMHO Win7 window management is better than on OS X, being able to enlarge windows from every corner, and the new Win7 drag-to-extents feature.

    Bah, all this GUI stuff is copied from Xerox anyway.

    Shows how little you know about history. Apple paid Xerox for the GUI with shares of stock, then innovated it. All Microsoft did was take 10 years to do what Apple did back in 1985.
  • Reply 172 of 229
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    That comment is even more pathetic them something your buddy Quadra or Mouse would say. You guys are neck deep in the kool aid.

    Not just neck deep - we're ingesting it.....
  • Reply 173 of 229
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Though I have yet to hear of a single XBox suffering from screeching/failing hard drives, exploding batteries, or completely erased partitions... all of which have a far greater impact on a user's productivity than a malfunctioning game console.

    What anecdotal evidence you have!

    Imagine you never hearing about how Dell, HP, Compaq, Gateway, Asus all recalled their batteries for the same reason that Apple did: Because Sony made them!

    Or how that scratchy HDD was Seagate's fault and others suffered the same issues!

    Completely erased partitions? Oh, right, never happened to anybody but OSX users, who don't even use 80s style partitions!

    Hate to break it to you, but wintards like you are vastly outnumbered here, so save your stupid myths for retarded sites!
  • Reply 174 of 229
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    That comment is even more pathetic them something your buddy Quadra or Mouse would say. You guys are neck deep in the kool aid.

    Oh, skeeter, just how did you get to be such an angry, bitter person? You haven't managed to make a post in days that wasn't just dripping with hate, resentment and jealousy. Maybe you should run along and play with your themes, it might soothe you.
  • Reply 175 of 229
    Originally Posted by technohermit View Post

    But they did improve on that stuff, if you've bothered to try it, or at least read some reviews from people who have actually tried it. The stuff MS has "stolen", they have also improved upon.

    Yeah I too feel guilty for not reading the paid ads aka review of windows, or that I didn't give a try to the new version crappy software that has taken 15 or so years of my life with crashes, bugs, viruses, bad design, and above all complete and utter impossibility of using the system for more than 20% of the time (the other 80% you are servicing it) to get some actual productive work done.

    I feel so guilty that since I switched to apple three years ago (and that includes the iphone) I can actually get my work done and my digital life organized in an intuitive, effective, beautiful looking, and highly productive way.

    I feel so guilty for not checking windows 7, for not giving one single toss about microsoft's garbage and actually using my computer instead to enrich and enable my daily life.

    But in honesty now, I feel such a damn fool that I didn't switch to apple earlier on, because of all the blah blah of the idiot pc zealots and the sheer lying and b**ing of apple on their price, incompatibility and all the other garbage thrown at apple.

    Now when I want to change a setting I just spotlight or search setting instead of ploughing through inane menus and submenus. I have set beautiful icons for my folders that I can quickly and intuitively access. I have arranged my work and digital life there and I can spotlight and find anything in a flash, be it music, pictures, receipts, university papers, books, research, spreadsheets. I can set spaces to keep things separate, hot corners to fastly access functions, expose, multi gestures. I have full drive encryption in file vault and super easy way to make encrypted images for my sensitive data. I now have an app on the iphone with 3DES syncing to my computer.

    I have super community support by intelligent people for a change via apple or the user forums, and extra fast updates from apple for any mishap. I have the best music player in the world in itunes that I have only recently realized its huge potential, I have my radio, my beloved podcasts, my huge music library there. I have great open source software from the community that fits in perfectly with apple's interface and I have the option of some fantastic commercial programs that untie my hands. In what is one of my most loved pieces of software, super duper, I can clone my whole hd in a flash and tranfer it as is to any mac, or boot from it, I can update it in a flahsh, I can just choose to take a system clone only. And of course I ve got the best backup in the bussiness in time machine and the easiest most intuitive way to do it in the time capsule. I dont have an antivirus and antimalware bogging my system. (I can go on ad infinitum in this list...but I ll stop)

    All these integrate perfectly with my touch and iphone in a seamless way (that could of course improve and I am sure it will).

    Recently too, I have got the best cloud service on the planet (after a slow start that apple was generous to admit and compensate ALL users with free months usage) to integrate all my digital life and sync it all together so I am not tied to a single desktop. I can easily share with anyone almost any file size I want...and like I said all that ties in seamlessly by the best mobile platform on the globe, the one where the most innovation and applications happen, the smartest mobile computer in the iphone. And soon this will integrate with the tablet, which will be a revolution so big I wont even go into. I know I am not the super cutting edge with my hardware with apple (like some 0.00001 of the population dealing in experimental projects might be) but I also know that I am on the consumer cutting edge, that whatever new innovation appears I will get it faster than anyone on any other system, and above all much better implemented and completely functional. I will have wifi earlier than anyone else, I will have air tunes and streaming to my stereo earlier than anyone else, a proper digital media store and player earlier than anyone else, intuitive whole computer search earlier than anyone else, the thinnest laptop earlier than anyone else, the best most intuitive wifi backup and server storage station in the time capsule earlier than anyone else, the smallest most practical mini computer and home theatre center than anyone else, the best mobile platform earlier than anyone else, and better than anyone else. A 27 led computer, earlier and cheaper than anyone else, when everyone else will be dishing out the same money for a mere 27 inch monitor.

    I, and other switchers reap these benefits.

    AND YOU HAVE THE GALL TO ASK US WHY THE F. DIDN'T WE CHECK OUT WINDOWS 7 OR READ THE REVIEWS????? Windows 7 is the thing we care less than anything in the globe. After years and years of torture...
  • Reply 176 of 229
    This is considered news?
  • Reply 177 of 229

    Actually, I had a run of over a year without a BSOD at work. Then 4 in the last two days. Acrobat 9 is the common denominator, but an application should not bring down the whole system, etc, etc.

    I've only had 10.6 for two weeks, but so far so good. I skipped Leopard, so the learning curve has been steeper than usual. But not too bad so far.
  • Reply 178 of 229
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Not just neck deep - we're ingesting it.....

    Well at least make sure you change favors now and then.....
  • Reply 179 of 229
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by CurtisEMayle View Post

    Yeah I know
  • Reply 180 of 229
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    When it looked to redesign its dominant operating system after the struggles of Windows Vista, Microsoft reportedly turned to Apple's Mac OS X for the "look and feel" of Windows 7.

    Well, one word for the outcome: fail. I've evaluated Windows 7. It ain't no MacOS. Not even close. Maybe they added some pretty farkles to the beast, but it's still a beast. For example -- I needed to set the workgroup. In MacOS, just pop into Preferences and there's only two places it could be -- in Networking or in File Sharing. Turns out it's in Networking. In Windows 7.... AGH! You will literally be clicking around for an HOUR trying to find that bloody setting unless you give up and type into the Control Panel search window, "change workgroup". That'll take you right where you need to be, but it's buried like four levels deep in Control panel sub-sub-sub menus.

    And the whole friggin' OS is like that. I'm not a Windows simpleton -- see this article about using the 'reg' command, for example -- but Windows 7 keeps all the nasty parts of the Windows OS (like the Registry, which has horrifically primitive tools to deal with searching, querying, and modifying it, unlike the filesystem or real databases), and just layers sugar coating feet deep on top of it. I can't yet evaluate the native performance because Apple hasn't released native Boot Camp drivers yet for Windows 7, but under VMware 3 it runs like a dog even if you turn off all the effects (and that's another beef, why isn't there a simple setting to say "turn off all effects"? Instead, you end up on a search-and-click mission that takes you on a tour of the Control Panel, hitting the graphics section, accessibility, etc.), while Windows XP and Red Hat Linux run quite speedily under VMware (you can tell you're running under virtualization but it's quite acceptable).

    In short, they've managed to maybe make it look sorta like MacOS, but you can polish a turd all you want, but in the end, it's still a turd.
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