Smoking may void Applecare warranty



  • Reply 321 of 331
    Originally Posted by Elkyss View Post

    I own a mac and live in Oklahoma. Recently the burner stopped working. We have AppleCare so we took it in 2 days ago for repair. We just recieved a call today stating we needed to come get it because they are refusing to work on it due to health hazards from second hand smoke due to OSHA violations.

    For the record the tech that was going to work on my Mac is a smoker. So all the non smoker crap can go out the window. There is no reason for a smoker to be denied the ability to work on another smokers machine!!
  • Reply 322 of 331
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Elkyss View Post

    For the record the tech that was going to work on my Mac is a smoker. So all the non smoker crap can go out the window. There is no reason for a smoker to be denied the ability to work on another smokers machine!!

    I don?t care for the OSHA excuse when visible smoke residue and build up can easily be considered misuse thereby violating the warranty, but I really exception with your reasoning that smokers should be required to work on your machine. Being a casual smoker or even a heavy smoker who takes care of their equipment clearly is not the same as abusing equipment to due certain habits. Because the tech also defecates does that mean they should be required to work on machines that packed with feces? Of course not.
  • Reply 323 of 331
    I never said required I said able to. There is a huge difference there. That tech was wanting to fix it the first time. Had the machine open parts out and the whole nine when he was told not to.
  • Reply 324 of 331
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Elkyss View Post

    I never said required I said able to. There is a huge difference there. That tech was wanting to fix it the first time. Had the machine open parts out and the whole nine when he was told not to.

    When you qualify it with "there is no reason to" you don't really leave open to other options. I still don't see how the tech being a smoker means that a machine visuably coated in tar means that they should be able to violate OSHA standards and or revalidate the warranty. Neither has anything to do with tr other.
  • Reply 325 of 331
    These cases were "reported" by the disgruntled, affected owners. I wouldn't be surprised if the repairs were rejected on Nicotine/tar damage and the owners misread/misrepresented the response. It is much easier to claim "Apple rejected my repairs because I'm a smoker" than it is to claim, "Apple rejected my repairs because my actions caused irreparable damage to my machine." Considering this seems to be 2 cases out of how many millions of owners who smoke, I'm guessing these were pretty extreme cases.
  • Reply 326 of 331
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by spork183 View Post

    These cases were "reported" by the disgruntled, affected owners. I wouldn't be surprised if the repairs were rejected on Nicotine/tar damage and the owners misread/misrepresented the response. It is much easier to claim "Apple rejected my repairs because I'm a smoker" than it is to claim, "Apple rejected my repairs because my actions caused irreparable damage to my machine." Considering this seems to be 2 cases out of how many millions of owners who smoke, I'm guessing these were pretty extreme cases.

    I would agree. It simply seems unlikely to have the effect be the reason for the rejection, not the cause.
  • Reply 327 of 331
    They did end up fixing my Mac and the issue had nothing to do with tar, nicotine or smoke. Also for the record there is nothing in OSHA about tar/nicotine. OSHAs regulation is purely on the smoke itself.
  • Reply 328 of 331
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Elkyss View Post

    They did end up fixing my Mac and the issue had nothing to do with tar, nicotine or smoke.

    Lucky for you. I have to wonder what environment your PC is in and how much smoking one has to do for that to even be visble to even be an issue.


    Also for the record there is nothing in OSHA about tar/nicotine. OSHAs regulation is purely on the smoke itself.

    Since the smoke is what is carrying the tar and thus directly responsible for the tar build up I don?t see how that is a valid argument.
  • Reply 329 of 331
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    - It's you that needs to "go to College" ("University" in the rest of the world), and open your mind to some actual facts. Your DEA friends are full of it, and you don't seem to know anything about it either. All you got is some BS conspiracy theory about "patients" (patents?). I bet you believe in Alien Abductions as well.

    You being the educated person you are-did you read the ENTIRE report regarding secondhand smoke-considering that the title noted plainly that it(secondhand smoke) kills-that had you read the ENTIRE report you would find that the title was not misleading at all - in fact it was AN OUTRIGHT LIE. So YOU should get YOUR facts straight and stop buying into the spoonfed BS you and way too many Americans buy into.

    Alien abductions are not relevant to this discussion-perhaps that comment should be redirected to a blog regarding National Security. The alien abduction comment actually deems you as being too obtuse to further comment on the rest of your statements. So perhaps YOU should return to higher education stage 1. And get your emotions under control.

    Thank you,


    (p/t mac repair)

    (f/t astrophysics major)

    PS-And someone asked me about the higgs boson-in an earlier comment-the folks at CERN should have the LHC running at power high enough to detect the Higgs Boson late next year 2010 at the earliest - but most likely should be expected its discovery around mid 2011. That is assuming the theoretic prediction is discoverable-though unlikely it may not exist. Be patient. The answer is coming soon.

    Oh - regardless of popular belief that tales of Alien Abductions are cut and dry lies, nuts and wackjobs. Considering the enormous amount of claims. There are enough that are quite intriguing to true scientific study and remain unexplained-they just get drowned out by the nutters. Perhaps that answer will be coming someday soon. A fish taken out of water and returned has many tales to tell its fish friends who now ridicule the 'abducted fish'.
  • Reply 330 of 331
    hudson1hudson1 Posts: 800member
    Originally Posted by davidcarswell View Post

    You being the educated person you are-did you read the ENTIRE report regarding secondhand smoke-considering that the title noted plainly that it(secondhand smoke) kills-that had you read the ENTIRE report you would find that the title was not misleading at all - in fact it was AN OUTRIGHT LIE. So YOU should get YOUR facts straight and stop buying into the spoonfed BS you and way too many Americans buy into.

    Alien abductions are not relevant to this discussion-perhaps that comment should be redirected to a blog regarding National Security. The alien abduction comment actually deems you as being too obtuse to further comment on the rest of your statements. So perhaps YOU should return to higher education stage 1. And get your emotions under control.

    Thank you,


    (p/t mac repair)

    (f/t astrophysics major)

    PS-And someone asked me about the higgs boson-in an earlier comment-the folks at CERN should have the LHC running at power high enough to detect the Higgs Boson late next year 2010 at the earliest - but most likely should be expected its discovery around mid 2011. That is assuming the theoretic prediction is discoverable-though unlikely it may not exist. Be patient. The answer is coming soon.

    Oh - regardless of popular belief that tales of Alien Abductions are cut and dry lies, nuts and wackjobs. Considering the enormous amount of claims. There are enough that are quite intriguing to true scientific study and remain unexplained-they just get drowned out by the nutters. Perhaps that answer will be coming someday soon. A fish taken out of water and returned has many tales to tell its fish friends who now ridicule the 'abducted fish'.

    In keeping with your alien abduction comments, maybe the Higgs boson has enlisted alien help in trying to avoid detection. Yet another LHC failure:
  • Reply 331 of 331
    So I won?t argue about whether it?s Apple?s responsibility to repair a computer with cigarette resin in it, but I?d be willing to bet that 3rd party warranty providers would not deny you service because of this. They typically send their repairs off to their own repair depots that want their business, so they won?t refuse a computer because of smoke. One such company is SquareTrade, when my Macbook needed a repair, they sent it off to iResQ for the repair. Info on SquareTrade can be found here
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