Google Chrome for Mac Web browser reaches beta release



  • Reply 41 of 110
    Originally Posted by Sgt Zeppelin View Post


    defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true

    Copy and paste that into Terminal and Safari will automatically open the link you click in new tabs instead of windows. You can switch back to the old behavior by changing "true" to "false'.

    I've been using both Safari and nightly Chromium builds. I like certain parts of both browsers, so whichever one adds the features I want from the other first will probably become my browser of choice.

    You are SO the man Sgt Zeppelin for that little tidbit! Like nofear1az, I was lookin' for someone to slap every single time I had to right-click or command-click to get a link to open in a new tab as opposed to a new window!

    Good lookin' out man!

  • Reply 42 of 110
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Sgt Zeppelin View Post


    defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true

    Copy and paste that into Terminal and Safari will automatically open the link you click in new tabs instead of windows. You can switch back to the old behavior by changing "true" to "false'.

    I've been using both Safari and nightly Chromium builds. I like certain parts of both browsers, so whichever one adds the features I want from the other first will probably become my browser of choice.

    Ah, the power of the Terminal.
  • Reply 43 of 110
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    My point was that this article is what is traditionally known as a "puff piece."

    I'm just saying a little balance would be nice and that Google can do their own advertising for Chrome well enough that they don't need AI to do it for them.

    A little patience. Afterall, the software was just released a few hours ago. As such, for anybody to give me any indepth review on something that they may have been testing for the last few months is something that I really don't want to hear about right now.

    In a day or so after the so-called experts have had an opportunity to vet the iteration being made available, will the real truth begin to surface. Otherwise, it is simply and anecdotal foray into somebodies imagination of what may or could have been made available.

    Admittedly, I am a Mac'r through and through. However, I try to keep an open mind. For all intents and purposes, Chrome is novelty to me and Safari is my choice. But I will try it. Whether or not it is good or bad, it is only my personal judgement.

    Once again, how many times did our parents ask us to take the garbage out? And still, have to be told. Ask your mom and dad, who was more happier the day you left home and went on your own.
  • Reply 44 of 110
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Safari needs to be debulked. I often surf in chrome in WinXP because then, I know Sadfari and Flash won't take 800mb of ram and slow my machine to a crawl, as I surf mainly text-based websites and YouTube. Sadfari is not able to keep itself under 1GB with any degree of robustness.
  • Reply 45 of 110
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Wat?? No System 7 version??
  • Reply 46 of 110
    cdyatescdyates Posts: 202member
    Originally Posted by akf2000 View Post

    Could really do without it opening the sites I most visit automatically, ahem.

    Haha Right?
  • Reply 47 of 110
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    I can't find any browser I like these days. IE is insecure. Safari likes to start a daemon process that downloads sites in the background, even though my Internet connection has a download limit. Gee, thanks Safari.

    Google apps all seem to install a software updater these days. It's almost surreptitious, it does not appear in your startup items but it's there. And was not mentioned anywhere on the Google QSB site which is what installed it for me.

    Firefox is a real resource hog.

    Opera? Haven't tried that in a while. Maybe will take a look.

    I'm kind of the opposite to be honest, I seem to find I like most of them.

    I've been using Chrome for a couple of weeks and think it's pretty good, but maybe I don't push my web browser much (tend to just use it for looking at Apple Insider(!), BBC News and YouTube) since I can't see any difference between it and Safari, Firefox, Opera etc. other than it looks a little different. What is everyone else doing that I'm missing out on that needs different browsers!

    In terms of speed, changing my DNS settings to Google's DNS server ( has had the biggest impact on my browsing speed I've ever seen - that's really impressive!
  • Reply 48 of 110
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    In terms of speed, changing my DNS settings to Google's DNS server ( has had the biggest impact on my browsing speed I've ever seen - that's really impressive!

    Im not sure that's an entirely good idea . . .
  • Reply 49 of 110
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Im not sure that's an entirely good idea . . .

    How come? To be honest I just followed the instructions here:

    after reading about it on Apple Insider.

    Seems to be working a treat, but if there is something I should be worried about, any input is welcomed.
  • Reply 50 of 110
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    How come? To be honest I just followed the instructions here:

    after reading about it on Apple Insider.

    Seems to be working a treat, but if there is something I should be worried about, any input is welcomed.

    Meh, maybe my tinfoil hat needs adjusting. I guess it can't be any worse than using your ISPs DNS servers.
  • Reply 51 of 110
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Still no AdBlock Plus?

    No thanks...
  • Reply 52 of 110
    Originally Posted by DJRumpy View Post

    Still no AdBlock Plus?

    No thanks...

    It exists. Been around for a long while now. At the moment, Chrome's API doesn't allow extensions to intercept code in realtime and prevent them from loading all together, but for the most part they still work. I've been using adblock on the Chrome developer build on Windows for a couple weeks and it works well! Not as well as Firefox, granted, but I love how lightweight everything is.
  • Reply 53 of 110
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Originally Posted by yuusharo View Post

    It exists. Been around for a long while now. At the moment, Chrome's API doesn't allow extensions to intercept code in realtime and prevent them from loading all together, but for the most part they still work. I've been using adblock on the Chrome developer build on Windows for a couple weeks and it works well! Not as well as Firefox, granted, but I love how lightweight everything is.

    I found a link after I posted. I really wish they would implement it with a proper API as these hacks always end up introducing instability, but I'll try it and see.

    For those that are curious, this is the info I found:

    The forums posts indicate it does work with the OS X beta. Your mileage may vary

    (Edit: Tried the above and got an error that Extensions are disabled. Ah well...)
  • Reply 54 of 110
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Just as fast as Safari? Nor sure but it appears to be so.

    Just ran a couple of Speedtests. Upped my download speed significantly.

    How much does have to do with testing browser speed, when it's claimed to test Internet connection speed? Even for its stated purpose, I get far more accurate readings (and more than 4X higher in some cases) when using Speakeasy's speed test ( Furthermore, the "significant" difference you saw is certainly well within the variability seen for Internet connections -- i.e., I see no reason to consider that difference significant.
  • Reply 55 of 110
    I decided to try the Mac version of Chrome. About literally 2 seconds later, I decided that I have no use for it.

    Why? Ads! Tons of obnoxious ads on AppleInsider that I wasn't even aware existed because Firefox blocks pretty much all of them (with the help of AdBlock Plus and FlashBlock). What's worse is that the Mac version of Chrome doesn't yet support extensions.

    Even Safari does a better job of blocking ads, mostly due to ClickToFlash.

    I choose to remain blissfully ignorant of the ad-ridden monstrosity that is the unfiltered internet.
  • Reply 56 of 110
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    In terms of speed, changing my DNS settings to Google's DNS server ( has had the biggest impact on my browsing speed I've ever seen - that's really impressive!

    It's certainly faster for handing over more of your personal data to Google, but there are faster public DNS servers out there than Google's.
  • Reply 57 of 110
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    How much does have to do with testing browser speed, when it's claimed to test Internet connection speed? Even for its stated purpose, I get far more accurate readings (and more than 4X higher in some cases) when using Speakeasy's speed test ( Furthermore, the "significant" difference you saw is certainly well within the variability seen for Internet connections -- i.e., I see no reason to consider that difference significant.

    Here's a browser java benchmark test:
  • Reply 58 of 110
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    It's certainly faster for handing over more of your personal data to Google, but there are faster public DNS servers out there than Google's.

    You should probably do 3rd party tests to determine if your network speed has really increased, or if the browser is just flubbing the numbers. I'd suggest iStat Menus. Just turn on the network monitor.
  • Reply 59 of 110
    Originally Posted by Sgt Zeppelin View Post


    defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true

    Copy and paste that into Terminal and Safari will automatically open the link you click in new tabs instead of windows. You can switch back to the old behavior by changing "true" to "false'.

    I've been using both Safari and nightly Chromium builds. I like certain parts of both browsers, so whichever one adds the features I want from the other first will probably become my browser of choice.

    Why not just use the Tabs preference in Safari? It does this and more.
  • Reply 60 of 110
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Tried various workarounds to get adblock installed under the Mac version of Chrome and Chromium with little success. Although I could get it to install under Chromium, the options were all disabled and I saw no reduction in ads at all.

    I'll stick with Firefox.
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