Time Magazine ranks Motorola Droid above Apple iPhone for 2009



  • Reply 221 of 278
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by jasonlivy View Post

    I think one of the major upgrades we will see with the iPhone is the battery. Because of the major updates with the Macbook and Macbook Pro series concerning the battery, it makes sense the iPhone will eventually see the same treatment. As Apple is constructing their own battery, I can't help but think this will be improved drastically soon...

    i havent really heard anything about battery technology improving to be honest so if it does, it will need to have an efficient screen (i hear OLED is better at this) as well as more efficient chip for the new iphone.
  • Reply 222 of 278
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    you seriously make me want to shoot you so you never have the chance to procreate and spread your stupidity, if your going to argue at least be logical.

    The Android UI software is consistent across all devices, the MANUFACTURERS change them for their devices how they see fit, they could choose to add anything and take away anything they want. Fail 1

    All apps run the same, the UI does not influence how the App runs whatsoever. Fail 2

    Very few people would buy a Droid if they were looking for a WORLD PHONE, most people dont travel outside the US and something like 7% of US citizens own a passport. Fail 3

    The Droid has a virtual Keyboard. Fail 4

    Apps are developed to Android OS specs, meaning whatever the OS is the App will be supported by the phone running that OS. This is no different than not being able to run iLife on a computer that has Tiger on it. Fail 5

    to which is no surprise....wow, you really dont read the news do you...

    1. the android UI is not consistent across all devices and carriers....they customize each to each phone..

    2. all apps do not run same because of native technical and carrier limitations...ask any developer

    3. you missed the point again, and your ad hominem attacks only are there to mask your own shortcomings, if you have to build SEPARATE DEVICES FOR DIFFERENT COUNTIES MEANS INDUSTRIAL/PRODUCTION FAIL! Apple shows you can build a phone for the majority of consumers WORLDWIDE, and not just a little piece of land stuck between two bodies of water...

    4. yeah your point is? so why need a physical keyboard if the virtual keyboard is so great and had to be added?

    5. you do not develop anything as shown by your lack knowledge of UI/GUI. While a webpage can be viewed on multiple Operating systems on multiple browsers the UI and a consistent aesthetics have to programmed for EACH one...most developers only use the most popular ones, WHICH IS THE SAME PROBLEM THAT ANDROID APP DEVELOPERS ARE EXPERIENCING CURRENTLY.....

    do you get it now, or do you really need to be spoon fed this MUCH?
  • Reply 223 of 278
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by Rhetoric.assassin View Post

    to which is no surprise....wow, you really dont read the news do you...

    1. the android UI is not consistent across all devices and carriers....they customize each to each phone..

    2. all apps do not run same because of native technical and carrier limitations...ask any developer

    3. you missed the point again, and your ad hominem attacks only are there to mask your own shortcomings, if you have to build SEPARATE DEVICES FOR DIFFERENT COUNTIES MEANS INDUSTRIAL/PRODUCTION FAIL! Apple shows you can build a phone for the majority of consumers WORLDWIDE, and not just a little piece of land stuck between two bodies of water...

    4. yeah your point is? so why need a physical keyboard that only works in small part of local market?

    5. you do not develop anything as shown by your lack knowledge of UI/GUI. While a webpage can be viewed on multiple Operating systems on multiple browsers the UI and a consistent aesthetics have to programmed for EACH one...most developers only use the most popular ones, WHICH IS THE SAME PROBLEM THAT ANDROID APP DEVELOPERS ARE EXPERIENCING CURRENTLY.....

    do you get it now, or do you really need to be spoon fed this MUCH?

    Seriously, stop posting and delete your account.

    1. I already said that, its customized BY THE F*CKING MANUFACTURER. Can you read?

    2. No, there are baselines that every phone running a certain version of any Android OS must meet, any app developed for that OS runs across all devices, if you try to use specific hardware features not supported on all devices causes issues.

    3. Are you serious, your an idiot and i wish you would have stopped there, how in the world has any company ever succeeded overseas then moron?

    4. The Keyboard is localized for that region its being sold in, its not that hard of a concept to grasp they would change the keyboard when its part of the features. /facepalm

    5. You have just shown have very little you know about programming, please stop it hurts.

    6. You know nothing of RIM, continue to be an idiot fanboy who only posts here. Blackberry is a popular brand outside of the US, especially in India and places like Vietnam. China is a big deal seeing as how they try to replicate Blackberry nonstop.

    Stop posting, you fail at life
  • Reply 224 of 278
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Did someone just say "you fail at life"??

    LOL. I haven't really heard that one before. It's rather all-encompassing, that's for sure.
  • Reply 225 of 278
    Originally Posted by Scaramanga89 View Post

    I bought a 3GS and realised that other than a bit more speed i had just been sold the same phone. For 3 years in a row. Game changer? .

    why didn't you research the phone more before you bought it? or like, use a display phone.

    also if it helps, there's a new button on the home screen that lets you take moving pictures.
  • Reply 226 of 278
    I stopped my subscription to Time more than 15 years ago. So this is what they been up to?
  • Reply 227 of 278
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    Some here would disagree, but with the rise of Android, we're seeing the PC vs. Mac battle again. Except in the smartphone format. Yes, Google somehow replaced Microsoft here, but it is what it is...

    The biggest thing I'd like Apple to take from a hardware stance is an improved screen. With all these OLED screen coming out at higher resolutions, the iPhone's starting to look grainy.

    But I digress from the thread topic...

    I've been precisely thinking that as well. We are in 100% agreement here.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    And you ignoring the smartphone bubble that was created by the iPhone entering the market. A category regulated to hardcore business users on one end and lonely geeks on the other end. Now we have an entire market in the US for consumer focused smartphones. Even while being trumped in sales other vendors of smartphones have seen an increase in interest since the iPhone?s inaugural debut. Then we have mobile OSes and HW vendors that have changed up their entire business model to compete with the iPhone?s newly created consumer market. It would be a complete failure if it didn?t outsell the original iPhone in the first quarter when you look at what has changed in that past 30 months.

    It's almost like saying now we have this entire space where people don't want to type in command line and instead want to use a graphical user interface. Apple had a huge lead back then and blew it as well.

    The iPhone is a fantastic device. Jobs claimed it gave them a five year headstart. Instead it is more like 3.5. The Droid matches the iPhone PERIOD. Like many other platform wars, you can pick and choose one point and argue it to death but the overall advantage is gone. Droid has some apps and abilities that many Apple users SHOULD be desiring and the specs are fantastic. That doesn't mean that Apple can't answer. It just means they had better because the market is no longer catching up.
  • Reply 228 of 278
    Originally Posted by majortom1981 View Post

    You guys are missing the point. one of the things that time mentioned that apple iphone does not do is free voice announce turn by turn directions. Free as in dont pay for it.

    i don't think that was the point of anything.

    i mean. it's definitely a facet. but it's not the whole point of anything. unless you intended to quote something in particular.
  • Reply 229 of 278
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    And Bush deserved it, don't lump him with the other criminals.

    Bush and the Treasury created a wonderful real estate bubble that put a lot of people to work. Only fools didn't know what it was.

    It was the Congress that changed hands under Bush and California (yea that bankrupt I.O.U giving California) liberal socialist ideals that got some banks AND the government controlled Freddie and Fannie into the failure of the sub-prime market in 2005. Their failure to adhere to the tried and true three rules of lending: Credit, Collateral and Character; is the primary reason our economy is in the mess that's it's in.

    ummmm....wrong forum???

    OMG! Personal responsibility! Are you crazy?!

    Maybe wrong forum, but correct information. Not very popular with teen political spam-bots, but I guess it's hard to remember, much less speak the big words when frothing over their parents and Republicans and Big Oil and Chupacabra or any choice from the pantheon of boogeymen out to stop their holy quest for enlightenment (provided it only serves their flattery and doesn't make work too hard or anybody mean to them).

    It's time to correct these morons, because they've been off the leash in stupid-town for too long, not to mention it's so boring, young people used to drive culture... now we're putting Ø stickers on bumpers & patting ourselves on the back. "Great job everybody, we got another politician a job! Go Team Lollipop!"

    More info:

    The Community Reinvestment Act was the regulation signed into law by Bill Clinton (D), the House versions authored & championed by Barney Frank (D), the Senate version by Christopher Dodd (D). This enabled the Federal government to enact strict penalties upon lending institutions that wouldn't lend to low income, questionable or other unreliable sources. Basically Affirmative Action in real estate loans. This of course was exploited by several entities both Republican and Democrat, but you can't make the case that Bush benefited, he was the only guy really pushing for change before the real estate market hit critical. For 6 years, beginning in 2002 the Bush administration started raising warning flags about the real estate lending market, and made 9 separate attempts to address the problem. If you go back and read, you'll find a whole bunch of foot dragging led by none other than Dodd (D) and to a much greater extent Frank (D) -[his nickname in the 90's was the "Patron Saint of Freddie Mac"]. Also of interest... Obama's almost entire pre-government career was spent lobbying and threatening institutions to honor bad real estate deals for low income candidates. Oh but... Bush... he's EEEVILLLLL!!!
  • Reply 230 of 278
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    One of the few posts on this topic that makes sense. I agree and hope this spurs Apple into making iPhone version 4 an even better product.

    Your logic is broke, I'll fix it for you.

    Innovation spurs Apple into creating the iPhone. They created the iPhone to compete with pre-historic cell phones and the glorified pager known as the Blackberry. They did something very different and distinct. Competition is not just doing the same thing after the fact and worse. That's called sucking, regardless of the economic context. Lot's of sucking going on these days. Calling it "competition" is a pedestrian misclassification.

    Google deserves no points for Android, they are merely trying to ride the iPhone bandwagon, copy Apple wholesale and maybe create a 'hard, tangible' product line for their company. They are a telemarketing firm, whose value is precariously perched on their ability to remain the top search engine. It's plain to see that Google is in a panic trying to create (steal) product. First a bad iPhone OS knockoff, next is the Chrome OS - if by OS you mean - a website with java-script. They are a huge, but corporately handicapped company.

    Motorola can only hope for somebody like Google to solve their problem - they almost completely lack os and software design talent and experience. Thinking of 'stuff' and making it work, is not a problem Apple has, plus manufacturing is no longer tied to any one conglomerate.

    Of course the rubes will hee & haw over over "Google" innovations. They aren't even original in their core business. There is little "competition" Google can offer Apple.
  • Reply 231 of 278
    mytdavemytdave Posts: 447member
    I've been reserving my judgement until I could actually use the Droid. Now that I have, I can honestly share my perceptions.

    The Droid is ok. If it had come out before the iPhone, we would probably all be praising it as "the best thing since sliced bread." However, the iPhone came before, and is still the Gold standard.

    The Droid has all the shortcomings of the other Android phones. The interface is interesting and has some neat features, but it's not really clean - I found it quite convoluted and a pain to use. It's just not intuitive. Menu driven commands and choices are just a plain bad idea on devices this size.

    Droid also has the same problems as others of similar physical design - teeny tiny physical keyboards just plain stink, sorry, it's true. And sliders are bulky and bind up over time. It is also not aesthetically pleasing, which is more than just looks, but practical as well - iPhone's rounded corners and smooth surfaces bode well for usage, countless kinds of cases, and peripheral connectivity, docks & adapters. Not so for Droid.

    The Droid has two things going for it. 1. Marketing. It's getting all the buzz. I teach, and the teens are all talking Droid. 2. The screen. The resolution on a screen that size is incredible!! Text is so sharp it looks like print. The quality is so good, it is usable as an eBook reader - the text looked better than what I've seen on a kindle (1st gen). Images are also spectacular.

    There is one more thing I noticed about the Droid - streamed video across the internet is higher quality on the Droid.

    Apple will need to step it up a bit for the next iPhone, but in relation to the Droid, the only thing Apple would absolutely need to do is match the screen res/quality, and step up the marketing to show more than just games - teens care about the social scene - texting, mms, social networks; and businesses care about what a device can do to make them more productive.
  • Reply 232 of 278
    all of this bickering is just comparing very different ideologies.

    The whoe argument seems to come down to if you prefer software elegance or hardware specs. When I was younger I crooned over new hardware. Years of experience has taught me to appreciate when decent hardware is run effectively.

    Android is a better than decent OS just as the iPhone 3gs is better than decent hardware. The iPhones software is sex, and 5 years ago I woulda thought the same of droids specs.

    Same with the network. Verizon gives you service more places, but it's slower. It'll drop more calls (except in NY and San Fran), but make more connections. AT&T will drop fewer calls and run generally much faster, but less populated areas will just be dead zones.
  • Reply 233 of 278
    Ha! 233 comments just on a board that is not even related to Time Inc..

    Time has achieved exactly what they wanted with that article.
  • Reply 234 of 278
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    I like the idea that the Droid appeals to REAL MEN and solves their needs.

    MT, i can't tell whether you forgot to put the (sarcasm) memo in brackets, or really didn't mean to.

    If you're serious, I don't want to browbeat you. Rather, I'd like to ask you simply to elaborate on what you perceive to be the needs of REAL MEN that are met by the Droid and not the iPhone. I'm sincere with the question.
  • Reply 235 of 278
    Originally Posted by jdoc View Post

    ... Time clearly leans left...

    say what? you can't say that without ignoring or discounting liberal publications and liberal thought. all too often people position mainstream media as being "left" of center without acknowledging the true span of ideologies from far left to far right.
  • Reply 236 of 278
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    No wonder the Times profits keep on slipping, slipping, slipping.
  • Reply 237 of 278
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    ... something like 7% of US citizens own a passport. Fail 3...

    i wondered, so googled a little. I found this:

    "The Economist has a subscriber-only article that states 34% of Americans over the age of 18 own passports, but cites no source for this"

    and this:

    "... Assuming that everyone who’s been issued a passport over the last ten years still has it, that’s 60,884,784 people with US passports. Given the US population is around 280 million, that gives us 21.7 per cent owning passports. Taking into account some of these will be five year passports, we have a figure that’s probably a little under 20 per cent..."

    and this, from a 2005 Canada Tourism Commission research report ‘The Potential Impact of a Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Passport Requirement on Canada’s Tourism Industry’ based on “household surveys” in Canada and the US:

    Survey Results, general population (18 years and over), United States 34%, Canada 41%
  • Reply 238 of 278
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    This Time ranking is inexplicable. The 3GS is head and shoulders above the Droid in everything, you can't even compare the OS of the two devices, Droid is so far behind. And then there's the App Store, etc.

    In many respects, the Android was better than the iPhone a year ago. But G1's hardware let it down (although it was good enough for me to switch from the iPhone). With the Droid, Android has decent hardware to make a winning combination. The iPhone is slicker over all, is a better media device and has better games. On every thing else, at the moment, Droid has left the iPhone far behind - in just one year. With even better hardware coming up next year, it's going to be difficult for Apple to maintain the current gap in both perception and sales.
  • Reply 239 of 278
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    Which is why I brought up the Milestone, the GSM counterpart. Though I also would like to know why it wasn't GSM/CMDA phone too...

    Probably because it would be too expensive, incompatible with the form factor, too power hungry, and/or Andruid isn't up to it yet.
  • Reply 240 of 278
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Yeah grabbing a quote from 1943 in regard to technology. That sounds about right for you.

    I see an iMac in every consumers home in the next few years. Steve Jobs. 1984

    the mostly ended up in asstitants desktops for graphics and studios. Even today it's less than 10%. Just saying.

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