Google issues custom unlocked phones ahead of rumored Jan. launch

in iPhone edited January 2014
Employees of Google were allegedly given brand new, HTC-made "Google Phones" this week: an unlocked, GSM-based handset sporting an OLED screen and running a new version of the Android mobile operating system.

Bolstering evidence of the rumored January 2010 launch, the phone is said to be capable of running on both T-Mobile and AT&T networks in the U.S. According to TechCrunch, the phone sports an internal Snapdragon chip and a high-resolution OLED screen inside a form factor thinner than an iPhone.

The phones were reportedly distributed to Google employees this week, and various workers began posting to Twitter about the hardware. One person who claimed to see the hardware firsthand described the Google Phone as "an iPhone on beautifying steroids."

The touchscreen device has no physical keyboard (only virtual), but offers a voice-to-text feature that allows users to dictate e-mails and notes aloud. The handset runs the unreleased Android 2.1 and features two microphones -- a second one on the back helps eliminate background noise. The report also said the hardware has a "weirdly" large camera.

Android 2.1 has new home screen visual enhancements that are said to add new features like animated desktop wallpaper. The hardware also includes a trackball for added control. It is said to be a tweaked version of the HTC Passion, pictured here:

Google also indirectly confirmed the distribution of the hardware on its official mobile blog, noting that the company was "dogfooding" a new product by testing it with its employees. No specific details on the hardware were officially provided from Google.

"We recently came up with the concept of a mobile lab, which is a device that combines innovative hardware from a partner with software that runs on Android to experiment with new mobile features and capabilities, and we shared this device with Google employees across the globe," Mario Queiroz, vice president of Product Management at Google said on the blog. "This means they get to test out a new technology and help improve it."

Previous reports had said Google worked closely with HTC to design all aspects of the hardware on the Google Phone. With numerous reports of a January 2010 launch, it's likely something could be made official by the CES conference, which begins Jan. 7.


  • Reply 1 of 344
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    I imagine we will be seeing actual pics soon if it has been given to people all around the world...

    And what in the hell are "beautifying steroids?"
  • Reply 2 of 344
    Well it certainly looks like Schmidt really was a snake in the grass. Seems like Google wants to take allcomers on, head to head.

    Certainly all this extra competition will keep Apple on its toes, good for the consumer.
  • Reply 3 of 344
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    This phone is so stupid, it's just a copy off of the iPhone, which is the first cell phone invented.

    It doesn't have the Apple AppStore, it doesn't have Safari Icon on the front screen, it doesn't have the Apple logo.

    This phone is so stupid.
  • Reply 4 of 344
    And the Great Android Fragmentation continues.
  • Reply 5 of 344
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    This phone is so stupid, it's just a copy off of the iPhone, which is the first cell phone invented.

    It doesn't have the Apple AppStore, it doesn't have Safari Icon on the front screen, it doesn't have the Apple logo.

    This phone is so stupid.

    Well, it doesn't have a keyboard. Who wants to verbalize all of their texting and email?!
  • Reply 6 of 344
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    And down goes the AAPL. This probably has more potential than anything else by far to be "the" iPhone killer. I hope Apple gets the message and gets other carriers onboard with iPhone sooner rather than later. Like, NOW. I hope for my long-bet AAPL will win. They sure won with the iPod and beat the "industry" by running the whole show. But is the phone market the same? Are carriers the same as the RIAA/labels, is that a good analogy?
  • Reply 7 of 344
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Bill P. View Post

    Well, it doesn't have a keyboard. Who wants to verbalize all of their texting and email?!

    i KNOW!!! if it doesn't have a physical keyboard, it doesn't have a keyboard at all. this phone is such a useless piece of crap. i will wipe my a** with this phone and throw it at the wall. when will these people just give up and realize that the iPhone is the only true phone??
  • Reply 8 of 344
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Something, I imagine, that would not cut through a banana like a chainsaw.

    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    And what in the hell are "beautifying steroids?"

  • Reply 9 of 344
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    i KNOW!!! if it doesn't have a physical keyboard, it doesn't have a keyboard at all. this phone is such a useless piece of crap. i will wipe my ass with this phone and throw it at the wall. when will these people just give up and realize that the iPhone is the only true phone??


    This phone is so stupid, it's just a copy off of the iPhone, which is the first cell phone invented.

    Great. One troll gone, and another moves in to take his place. Do you post inflammatory remarks like this simply to derail the discussion?
  • Reply 10 of 344
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Great. One troll gone, and another moves in to take his place. Do you post inflammatory remarks like this simply to derail the discussion?

    First off it isn't the first phone ever, and secondly, the iphone just happened to be the first intuitive, and simple to use smart phone. I happen to think that one day someone will come out with a better product. The problem is that people are trying to make a better iphone instead of trying to make a better smartphone in general. I think there may be some better ways to make a smartphone then what apple has done, but that everyone seems to think that they need to improve on the iphone concept. That's where all companies fail.
  • Reply 11 of 344
    it looks a lot like the iphone

    very original, google, keep up the good work
  • Reply 12 of 344
    iPhone is just a small hand-held computer with specialized communication capabilities. Improve on all capabilities and you'll have a better product.
  • Reply 13 of 344
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I'm not seeing where any of this adds up to "Google phones", which is a term the article simply applies without credible reason.

    What Google has actually said is that they're handing out HTC handsets to use as a testbed for new software features. That's it. Somehow we go from there to turning these HTC handsets into the fabled "Google phone", despite there being no evidence of that. At all.

    I'm sure the HTC handsets are the latest and greatest, but things like OLED screens and Snapdragon processors aren't the result of Google magic, and there was no reason not to expect HTC to do anything but offer such hardware at some point.
  • Reply 14 of 344
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    i KNOW!!! if it doesn't have a physical keyboard, it doesn't have a keyboard at all. this phone is such a useless piece of crap. i will wipe my ass with this phone and throw it at the wall. when will these people just give up and realize that the iPhone is the only true phone??

    Did you forget to take your medication again?
  • Reply 15 of 344
    Originally Posted by Bill P. View Post

    Well, it doesn't have a keyboard. Who wants to verbalize all of their texting and email?!

    Should be really useful in a library or at a football game or anywhere you want a little privacy...

    Do you dictate your userID, password, account number and PIN codes for all to hear?

    Does everyone within earshot really need to know that you are surfing porn sites?

  • Reply 16 of 344
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I'm not seeing where any of this adds up to "Google phones", which is a term the article simply applies without credible reason.

    What Google has actually said is that they're handing out HTC handsets to use as a testbed for new software features. That's it. Somehow we go from there to turning these HTC handsets into the fabled "Google phone", despite there being no evidence of that. At all.

    I'm sure the HTC handsets are the latest and greatest, but things like OLED screens and Snapdragon processors aren't the result of Google magic, and there was no reason not to expect HTC to do anything but offer such hardware at some point.

    I have been reading about the Pixel Qi displays. They appear to have several advantages over OLED.

    1) lower cost

    2) lower power

    3) both ePaper, and color video

    4) can be used in bright sunlight as well as controlled light (outside and inside)

    5) uses existing technologies rather developing/implementing new "molecules" from the ground up and new manufacturing lines to produce them

    6) can be built with existing LCD manufacturing infrastructure-- further reducing costs and creating very small manufacturing ramp-up time (months instead of years).

  • Reply 17 of 344
    Originally Posted by just_a_guy View Post

    First off it isn't the first phone ever, and secondly, the iphone just happened to be the first intuitive, and simple to use smart phone. I happen to think that one day someone will come out with a better product. The problem is that people are trying to make a better iphone instead of trying to make a better smartphone in general. I think there may be some better ways to make a smartphone then what apple has done, but that everyone seems to think that they need to improve on the iphone concept. That's where all companies fail.

    actually, like windows response to Macintosh, the goal seems to be to simply be a "good enough" copy, not something better. I'm taking OS and overall user experience, not specific hardware specs, which typically favor the latest release until the next rev from a competitor comes along.

    Good enough worked for Microsoft in the computer OS battle, It failed miserably in the MP3 player battle where Apple was able to stay ahead. It remains to be seen how the cell phone battle will go. Apple has a huge advantage in that the iPhone seamlessly replaces an iPod with full integration into iTunes. They also currently have a significant disadvantage that they don't have iPhones available for the other cell phone companies.
  • Reply 18 of 344
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Should be really useful in a library or at a football game or anywhere you want a little privacy...

    Do you dictate your userID, password, account number and PIN codes for all to hear?

    Does everyone within earshot really need to know that you are surfing porn sites?

    You have to realize by now that AppleInsider never gives the full story, especially when it casts a competitor in a negative manner.

    It has a virtual keyboard according to PC World.
  • Reply 19 of 344
    I have wondered for a long time why Apple doesn't build in dictation into their operating system. I figured it still wasn't there, yet. The last time I used an IBM dictation system, about 10 years ago, I had about a 90% accuracy rate, so about every 10th word was incorrect. Needs to be better than that. I wonder if Google is offering an improvement. In any event, from what I understand, Apple's iPhone doesn't even allow you to find the contact you want to call with voice. Is that because AT&T wants customers to pay their $4.95 charge for that service?
  • Reply 20 of 344
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    This HTC looks like every one I've seen before: fat and smarmy -- i.e., not beautiful. At least Google did away with HTC's horrible keyboard.
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