you seriously have some rage issues. business will use windows for a long long time. one thing microsoft does is support legacy hardware pretty well.
Apple cares little about the LARGE ENTERPRISE market that Microsoft is in. Apple focuses on Small Businesses. Let me add that Apple cares about only certain Large enterprise companies that Steve Jobs approves is worthy of any such special attention and catering to. Such as Genetech and some others that were even mentioned for the 2.0 software launch keynote awhile back.
last i knew, apple did support using windows on their machines.
Apple is a business and it has a certain (FACE) to portray to get windows sufferers to buy a mac. That "Support" is just brilliant advertising from a smart company.
if they didnt support it, would they put bootcamp on the systems?
Again Apple was under the impression that windows users would realize the don't need Microsoft after switching to a mac. Though former windows sufferers are still under the trauma of their past experience and its taking years for people to realize that once your using Apple software you do not need Microsoft anymore.
Unfortunately Microsoft couldn't even think of that option because that would add to the pile of anti-competitive practices & monopolization that already hangs over the company as much as it rains in Redmond.
Though if they were to try such a stupid move to block out Apple. It would just push Apple to further innovate how to distribute to Window sufferers through probably a Web Application, which in turn would accelerate Apple's plans to move towards the cloud quicker then expected.
Microsoft can't play that type of game with Apple (It's market share is still to large) to play the role of victim. Apple though can play that card if need be .... The Microsoft bubble is slowly decreasing and I can't wait for it to POP!!
You have so much hatred built up. If you don't like M$ so much, then don't ever use them or any of their services or products. Please do yourself a favor, and uninstall SAMBA support, NTFS read support, remove all fonts that MS helped create, make sure you never use any MS Office product, de-register any hotmail or MSN account, remove Bing from your list of search providers, and most of all, make sure your Mac never interacts with any Windows based machine, as well as yourself.
Originally Posted by MobileMe
Again Apple was under the impression that windows users would realize the don't need Microsoft after switching to a mac. Though former windows sufferers are still under the trauma of their past experience and its taking years for people to realize that once your using Apple software you do not need Microsoft anymore.
Except for the fact, that in order to install Windows on a mac, one needs to BUY it. Yes, it may help to make some switchers, but the fact that money still goes to MS for their product doesn't help the argument any.
But around here, we already know the troubles of Windows and the evils of MS. (Of course, some of us see the troubles of Mac OS X and evils of Apple too.) For some, Windows is still a way of life (sadly).
(I'd love to switch my office at work over to linux, but sadly the tools I need are windows only... ugh)
Onto topic: I would NEVER install Bing on my device. Never had any luck with the service (I gave it a fair chance) and google works fine for me. Mind you, I'm not installing Bing out of principle, just out of lack of need.
You're not getting the real point. My point was why bother hating on MS when they contribute to the success of Apple.
Reading this section reminded me of the 1997 MacWorld Keynote when Jobs returned.
He did say during that time that " We need to loose the notion for Apple to Win Microsoft has to loose" that whole 38min 31sec keynote was the greatest ever. If people haven't watched it just YouTube 1997 MacWorld
Though still it was all strategy, I believe Jobs said all that to get the most important thing back up again (Apple). He must have deep downed known that Microsoft would destroy itself and if Apple "plays" the game right will be in a position to just flip redmond the finger and conceal them to a niche in the market place. Which would be the HIGH END ENTERPRISE SPACE and VIDEO CONSOLE DISTRIBUTION .
Apple cares little about the LARGE ENTERPRISE market that Microsoft is in. Apple focuses on Small Businesses. Let me add that Apple cares about only certain Large enterprise companies that Steve Jobs approves is worthy of any such special attention and catering to. Such as Genetech and some others that were even mentioned for the 2.0 software launch keynote awhile back.
Apple is a business and it has a certain (FACE) to portray to get windows sufferers to buy a mac. That "Support" is just brilliant advertising from a smart company.
Again Apple was under the impression that windows users would realize the don't need Microsoft after switching to a mac. Though former windows sufferers are still under the trauma of their past experience and its taking years for people to realize that once your using Apple software you do not need Microsoft anymore.
you fail to see the inconsistencies in your posts
MS cares about large business, apple doesnt. Since a good portion of applications are written for windows, people who work from home must still have a windows computer.
to combat having 2 computers, apple added bootcamp support and is using intel chips. now you can have windows, but still pay for a apple computer. that support is legitimate in getting the user help to install windows.
while it is true you can get by without microsoft products, it might not be the easiest for some people. now you cant use office or hotmail (most common things, there are others of course). business dictates where the majority is, and apple has little to no interest in supporting big business.
also, if you think iwork does more than office, you obviously havent even tapped into the power of what office has to offer.
Reading this section reminded me of the 1997 MacWorld Keynote when Jobs returned.
He did say during that time that " We need to loose the notion for Apple to Win Microsoft has to loose" that whole 38min 31sec keynote was the greatest ever. If people haven't watched it just YouTube 1997 MacWorld
Though still it was all strategy, I believe Jobs said all that to get the most important thing back up again (Apple). He must have deep downed known that Microsoft would destroy itself and if Apple "plays" the game right will be in a position to just flip redmond the finger and conceal them to a niche in the market place. Which would be the HIGH END ENTERPRISE SPACE and VIDEO CONSOLE DISTRIBUTION .
Wow and people here call me thick headed. Microsoft is very far from destroying itself in fact when Q4 numbers are released I expect Windows 7 is giong to do extremely well.
The fact is the only people that lose is the end user if a company like Apple or Microsoft does poorly. Everyone here likes to talk about innovation yet they tend to forget the best way to keep innovation going is by competition.
You have so much hatred built up. If you don't like M$ so much, then don't ever use them or any of their services or products. Please do yourself a favor, and uninstall SAMBA support, NTFS read support, remove all fonts that MS helped create, make sure you never use any MS Office product, de-register any hotmail or MSN account, remove Bing from your list of search providers, and most of all, make sure your Mac never interacts with any Windows based machine, as well as yourself.
I don't use Hotmail anything Office or even MSN crap,.... though now you bring up Typography!? Don't make me laugh. Back in the 80's (where the war began) Microsoft copied the look and feel of Apples GUI, and it was to late to fight that war cause MS launched windows 3 which sold 30million copies and during that time forced apple into a niche in the market.....MS doesn't think of original ideas & MS doesn't bring much culture into their products, and you say why is that important? Well you know proportionally spaced fonts come from type settings and beautiful books. Thats where one gets the idea. If it weren't for the Mac, they would NEVER have that in their products.... AND IM SADDEN not by Microsofts success, they've earned their success (for the most part) I'm just sadden that they make 3rd rate products
Except for the fact, that in order to install Windows on a mac, one needs to BUY it. Yes, it may help to make some switchers, but the fact that money still goes to MS for their product doesn't help the argument any.
But around here, we already know the troubles of Windows and the evils of MS. (Of course, some of us see the troubles of Mac OS X and evils of Apple too.) For some, Windows is still a way of life (sadly).
(I'd love to switch my office at work over to linux, but sadly the tools I need are windows only... ugh)
It's not your fault you place of work still wants to use mediocre software and not possible explore a Mac equivalent or alternative or even push the software developers that created the MS version to write a universal version for either MS or MAC. I'm sure your an evangelist for Apple if asked. I can just imagine the productivity that could get done at your job if your company woke up and smelled the Apple
Onto topic: I would NEVER install Bing on my device. Never had any luck with the service (I gave it a fair chance) and google works fine for me. Mind you, I'm not installing Bing out of principle, just out of lack of need.
Yeah Bing looks like it can be promising.................... A promising "Bag of Hurt" I hope Google wipes them away.
you fail to see the inconsistencies in your posts.
I obviously do. I thought I was just making a point that MS isn't needed once your on the mac side.
while it is true you can get by without microsoft products.
See thats what I was saying! Not only can you get by, you'll flourish without it.
also, if you think iwork does more than office, you obviously havent even tapped into the power of what office has to offer.
Power and style should combine wouldn't you agree?? What good is have a vehicle that does 1000hp and it lacks design and elegance?? After awhile you'll hear "WOW ITS FAST... BUT IT LOOKS LIKE POOP" ... please don't think I'm saying microsoft has a speedy OS either.
Apple has improved iWork year after year with Style and elegance, I'm proud to use Keynote, people who use Power Point always want to rush through the slides and get it over with. I enjoy every slide I create in Keynote, I take pride in using numbers and pages.
Not to take away from the real and inspiring topic of the article (Red Laser) , but who in their right mind actually enjoys using microsoft on a mac?!?!
People who can't find what they need in OSX environment, maybe..?
A friend of mine, owner of Mirage Executive Transport in South Africa, got his 15" MBP topped to the max just recently; my first friend with Mac.
He is very enthusiastic about his Mac and is already warmly recommending it to me but has one major problem; he depends on Outlook to handle his busy daily schedule, and for some reason Entourage doesn't do the job for him. He is using some other Windows-only software, but not that often; Outlook, however, is always running in the background throughout the day.
So at present he is bootcamping Windows 7 and waiting for Office 2010, hoping that Mac version will be identical to Windows version. If not, he might end up using Windows exclusively, which he is not happy with - on his MBP, Win 7 is going through battery much faster than OSX, heating more and being more (fan) noisy... and, coincidently, he does need good battery life and hates noisy computers, so if he can't do majority of his work stuff in OSX environment, having MBP is sort of becoming pointless for him.
Apple only allowed users to install that piece of trash on their OS to drive more sales and to bring more users to a relevant OS that's far superior then anything microsoft can crap out. They did this with the idea that Switchers would say "HEY!! iDon't really need this piece of crap Windows XP or Vista or 7 on my mac and nor do I need the stolen software of Microsoft office on my mac either" iWork does everything and more compared to Office, and OSX speaks for itself. Though the we still have people using macs and clinging on to the past with windows and office.
Ah, so they only let their users so that they can sell more computers and make more money. How uncommon for any corporation bent on making money
Obviously, iWork does not do everything, particularly for business users. In fact, if there is more MS (and other) business software running natively on OSX, we'd see more Macs in corporate environment, and less bootcamping (which, in a way, does negate major point of having Mac). Not that I really care at this point, but I do expect that Mac Office 2010, if fully compatible with Windows part, will generate more Mac sales than new iWork or anything else Apple might publish in the next year.
At the end of a day, MS is software company and it is in Apple's interest to have as many software companies writing native applications for OSX. Extra choice is always good. Specially when it helps Apple to sell more, and earn more.
Unfortunately Microsoft couldn't even think of that option because that would add to the pile of anti-competitive practices & monopolization that already hangs over the company as much as it rains in Redmond.
Though if they were to try such a stupid move to block out Apple. It would just push Apple to further innovate how to distribute to Window sufferers through probably a Web Application, which in turn would accelerate Apple's plans to move towards the cloud quicker then expected.
Microsoft can't play that type of game with Apple (It's market share is still to large) to play the role of victim. Apple though can play that card if need be .... The Microsoft bubble is slowly decreasing and I can't wait for it to POP!!
Heh. It is usually quickly increasing bubble that pops
It's not your fault you place of work still wants to use mediocre software and not possible explore a Mac equivalent or alternative or even push the software developers that created the MS version to write a universal version for either MS or MAC. I'm sure your an evangelist for Apple if asked. I can just imagine the productivity that could get done at your job if your company woke up and smelled the Apple
I will not recommend Apple products except for Indy-Film makers. I don't like Apple... I used to love them and recommend them to everyone, but for the past two years I got wise. (I had a few very poor experiences with Apple products that cost me a little over one thousand dollars in damage) At my job, I would NEVER use an Apple to do what I do. The Windows machines that I do use have not had any problems. Really, for the stuff I do, Linux would be a much better solution, but as I said, the problem is that the tool is Windows only (yay government). It works extremely well mind you, but it would be nice if there were an Open Source version out there (though, its not gonna happen, I know)
I'm offended that you would suggest that I would be an Apple evangelist. I really dis-like the company. I equally dis-like Microsoft too. But I deal with both necessary evils.
(PS, I'd like to know your personal experience with Windows. I'm sure you have good reasons to hate the company so.)
RedLaser went from amazon and google search to "the Find" with the 2.5 update. It turned into pure suck with no decent search results. Sure it scanned barcodes great, but it's not useful when it doesn't search good places. I reverted back to 2.2 and keep watching the redlaser site for an improvement. Google is back, but not amazon. I'll stay at 2.2 until a better app comes along. Actually I'd just plain like my money back.
It's a pain to not be able to update all because I have this turd of an app update in the pipeline that I have to update around.
I obviously do. I thought I was just making a point that MS isn't needed once your on the mac side.
See thats what I was saying! Not only can you get by, you'll flourish without it.
Power and style should combine wouldn't you agree?? What good is have a vehicle that does 1000hp and it lacks design and elegance?? After awhile you'll hear "WOW ITS FAST... BUT IT LOOKS LIKE POOP" ... please don't think I'm saying microsoft has a speedy OS either.
Apple has improved iWork year after year with Style and elegance, I'm proud to use Keynote, people who use Power Point always want to rush through the slides and get it over with. I enjoy every slide I create in Keynote, I take pride in using numbers and pages.
1) wrong. outlook is an amazing email client. busy users have a problem not having all the features outlook has to offer.
2) thanks for snipping only part what i said to prove your point. some users cannot be without microsoft products, and if there are some that do, it will be a not as complete alternative (usually).
3) if you had a plane that looked awesome and couldnt fly, or a plane that looked so so buy could fly, which one would you choose? if the product looks good but cannot deliver everything you need, its not worth anything
4) so what if they've worked on making it look pretty? is it still as powerful as office? the answer is no.
People who can't find what they need in OSX environment, maybe..?
A friend of mine, owner of Mirage Executive Transport in South Africa, got his 15" MBP topped to the max just recently; my first friend with Mac.
He is very enthusiastic about his Mac and is already warmly recommending it to me but has one major problem; he depends on Outlook to handle his busy daily schedule, and for some reason Entourage doesn't do the job for him. He is using some other Windows-only software, but not that often; Outlook, however, is always running in the background throughout the day.
So at present he is bootcamping Windows 7 and waiting for Office 2010, hoping that Mac version will be identical to Windows version. If not, he might end up using Windows exclusively, which he is not happy with - on his MBP, Win 7 is going through battery much faster than OSX, heating more and being more (fan) noisy... and, coincidently, he does need good battery life and hates noisy computers, so if he can't do majority of his work stuff in OSX environment, having MBP is sort of becoming pointless for him.
Tell your friend that Snow Leopard has Microsoft Exchange Server Support built in. His headaches can subside now.
Also tell him that he can switch over to Snow Leopard server for only $499, Apple has created the cheapest server solution for any small business or large for that matter. Our Very own AppleInsider had an excellent article on this, not to long after the launch of SL
Tell your friend that Snow Leopard has Microsoft Exchange Server Support built in. His headaches can subside now.
Also tell him that he can switch over to Snow Leopard server for only $499, Apple has created the cheapest server solution for any small business or large for that matter. Our Very own AppleInsider had an excellent article on this, not to long after the launch of SL
you just went against your own opinion of removing everything microsoft and you'll be better. move along now.
I will not recommend Apple products except for Indy-Film makers. I don't like Apple... I used to love them and recommend them to everyone, but for the past two years I got wise. (I had a few very poor experiences with Apple products that cost me a little over one thousand dollars in damage) At my job, I would NEVER use an Apple to do what I do. The Windows machines that I do use have not had any problems. Really, for the stuff I do, Linux would be a much better solution, but as I said, the problem is that the tool is Windows only (yay government). It works extremely well mind you, but it would be nice if there were an Open Source version out there (though, its not gonna happen, I know)
I'm offended that you would suggest that I would be an Apple evangelist. I really dis-like the company. I equally dis-like Microsoft too. But I deal with both necessary evils.
(PS, I'd like to know your personal experience with Windows. I'm sure you have good reasons to hate the company so.)
My intention was not to offend you.
Though I must say that you must enjoy Apple Forums much more since your an active poster, am I right? or do you really enjoy some Microsoft realated rumor site? (If so good luck with exciting news coming from redmond )
I assume Your the type that doesn't want to admit they really LOVE apple, so they can seem politically correct [whatever that means ]. I could be wrong, cause you know what they say about assumptions
Though I must say that you must enjoy Apple Forums much more since your an active poster, am I right? or do you really enjoy some Microsoft realated rumor site? (If so good luck with exciting news coming from redmond )
I assume Your the type that doesn't want to admit they really LOVE apple, so they can seem politically correct [whatever that means ]. I could be wrong, cause you know what they say about assumptions
I do enjoy posting to these forums just because I enjoy being the voice of dissent. There are times that Apple does good at something, and I acknowledge it. Many times I'm complaining about some stupid thing Apple has done. Places like this (just like Apple fans posting to a Windows friendly site, or a Republican talking at a Democratic convention or vise-versa) need to have the other side represented. I don't consider myself a Windows fan, as I despise the company. I'm just Anti-Apple.
As for your assumptions, you would be correct about the adage, and that's it. I have no secret love of the Apple. As I said, I used to love them. They screwed me over BIG time, and now they are on my Anti list.
you seriously have some rage issues. business will use windows for a long long time. one thing microsoft does is support legacy hardware pretty well.
Apple cares little about the LARGE ENTERPRISE market that Microsoft is in. Apple focuses on Small Businesses. Let me add that Apple cares about only certain Large enterprise companies that Steve Jobs approves is worthy of any such special attention and catering to. Such as Genetech and some others that were even mentioned for the 2.0 software launch keynote awhile back.
last i knew, apple did support using windows on their machines.
Apple is a business and it has a certain (FACE) to portray to get windows sufferers to buy a mac. That "Support" is just brilliant advertising from a smart company.
if they didnt support it, would they put bootcamp on the systems?
Again Apple was under the impression that windows users would realize the don't need Microsoft after switching to a mac. Though former windows sufferers are still under the trauma of their past experience and its taking years for people to realize that once your using Apple software you do not need Microsoft anymore.
Unfortunately Microsoft couldn't even think of that option because that would add to the pile of anti-competitive practices & monopolization that already hangs over the company as much as it rains in Redmond.
Though if they were to try such a stupid move to block out Apple. It would just push Apple to further innovate how to distribute to Window sufferers through probably a Web Application, which in turn would accelerate Apple's plans to move towards the cloud quicker then expected.
Microsoft can't play that type of game with Apple (It's market share is still to large) to play the role of victim. Apple though can play that card if need be
You have so much hatred built up. If you don't like M$ so much, then don't ever use them or any of their services or products. Please do yourself a favor, and uninstall SAMBA support, NTFS read support, remove all fonts that MS helped create, make sure you never use any MS Office product, de-register any hotmail or MSN account, remove Bing from your list of search providers, and most of all, make sure your Mac never interacts with any Windows based machine, as well as yourself.
Again Apple was under the impression that windows users would realize the don't need Microsoft after switching to a mac. Though former windows sufferers are still under the trauma of their past experience and its taking years for people to realize that once your using Apple software you do not need Microsoft anymore.
Except for the fact, that in order to install Windows on a mac, one needs to BUY it. Yes, it may help to make some switchers, but the fact that money still goes to MS for their product doesn't help the argument any.
But around here, we already know the troubles of Windows and the evils of MS. (Of course, some of us see the troubles of Mac OS X and evils of Apple too.) For some, Windows is still a way of life (sadly).
(I'd love to switch my office at work over to linux, but sadly the tools I need are windows only... ugh)
Onto topic: I would NEVER install Bing on my device. Never had any luck with the service (I gave it a fair chance) and google works fine for me. Mind you, I'm not installing Bing out of principle, just out of lack of need.
You're not getting the real point. My point was why bother hating on MS when they contribute to the success of Apple.
Reading this section reminded me of the 1997 MacWorld Keynote when Jobs returned.
He did say during that time that " We need to loose the notion for Apple to Win Microsoft has to loose" that whole 38min 31sec keynote was the greatest ever. If people haven't watched it just YouTube 1997 MacWorld
Though still it was all strategy, I believe Jobs said all that to get the most important thing back up again (Apple). He must have deep downed known that Microsoft would destroy itself and if Apple "plays" the game right will be in a position to just flip redmond the finger and conceal them to a niche in the market place. Which would be the HIGH END ENTERPRISE SPACE and VIDEO CONSOLE DISTRIBUTION .
Apple cares little about the LARGE ENTERPRISE market that Microsoft is in. Apple focuses on Small Businesses. Let me add that Apple cares about only certain Large enterprise companies that Steve Jobs approves is worthy of any such special attention and catering to. Such as Genetech and some others that were even mentioned for the 2.0 software launch keynote awhile back.
Apple is a business and it has a certain (FACE) to portray to get windows sufferers to buy a mac. That "Support" is just brilliant advertising from a smart company.
Again Apple was under the impression that windows users would realize the don't need Microsoft after switching to a mac. Though former windows sufferers are still under the trauma of their past experience and its taking years for people to realize that once your using Apple software you do not need Microsoft anymore.
you fail to see the inconsistencies in your posts
MS cares about large business, apple doesnt. Since a good portion of applications are written for windows, people who work from home must still have a windows computer.
to combat having 2 computers, apple added bootcamp support and is using intel chips. now you can have windows, but still pay for a apple computer. that support is legitimate in getting the user help to install windows.
while it is true you can get by without microsoft products, it might not be the easiest for some people. now you cant use office or hotmail (most common things, there are others of course). business dictates where the majority is, and apple has little to no interest in supporting big business.
also, if you think iwork does more than office, you obviously havent even tapped into the power of what office has to offer.
Reading this section reminded me of the 1997 MacWorld Keynote when Jobs returned.
He did say during that time that " We need to loose the notion for Apple to Win Microsoft has to loose" that whole 38min 31sec keynote was the greatest ever. If people haven't watched it just YouTube 1997 MacWorld
Though still it was all strategy, I believe Jobs said all that to get the most important thing back up again (Apple). He must have deep downed known that Microsoft would destroy itself and if Apple "plays" the game right will be in a position to just flip redmond the finger and conceal them to a niche in the market place. Which would be the HIGH END ENTERPRISE SPACE and VIDEO CONSOLE DISTRIBUTION .
Wow and people here call me thick headed. Microsoft is very far from destroying itself in fact when Q4 numbers are released I expect Windows 7 is giong to do extremely well.
The fact is the only people that lose is the end user if a company like Apple or Microsoft does poorly. Everyone here likes to talk about innovation yet they tend to forget the best way to keep innovation going is by competition.
It should go well in the Android Marketplace especially if it's combined with Ad-blocking software.
You have so much hatred built up. If you don't like M$ so much, then don't ever use them or any of their services or products. Please do yourself a favor, and uninstall SAMBA support, NTFS read support, remove all fonts that MS helped create, make sure you never use any MS Office product, de-register any hotmail or MSN account, remove Bing from your list of search providers, and most of all, make sure your Mac never interacts with any Windows based machine, as well as yourself.
I don't use Hotmail anything Office or even MSN crap,.... though now you bring up Typography!? Don't make me laugh. Back in the 80's (where the war began) Microsoft copied the look and feel of Apples GUI, and it was to late to fight that war cause MS launched windows 3 which sold 30million copies and during that time forced apple into a niche in the market.....MS doesn't think of original ideas & MS doesn't bring much culture into their products, and you say why is that important? Well you know proportionally spaced fonts come from type settings and beautiful books. Thats where one gets the idea. If it weren't for the Mac, they would NEVER have that in their products.... AND IM SADDEN not by Microsofts success, they've earned their success (for the most part
Except for the fact, that in order to install Windows on a mac, one needs to BUY it. Yes, it may help to make some switchers, but the fact that money still goes to MS for their product doesn't help the argument any.
But around here, we already know the troubles of Windows and the evils of MS. (Of course, some of us see the troubles of Mac OS X and evils of Apple too.) For some, Windows is still a way of life (sadly).
(I'd love to switch my office at work over to linux, but sadly the tools I need are windows only... ugh)
It's not your fault you place of work still wants to use mediocre software and not possible explore a Mac equivalent or alternative or even push the software developers that created the MS version to write a universal version for either MS or MAC. I'm sure your an evangelist for Apple if asked. I can just imagine the productivity that could get done at your job if your company woke up and smelled the Apple
Onto topic: I would NEVER install Bing on my device. Never had any luck with the service (I gave it a fair chance) and google works fine for me. Mind you, I'm not installing Bing out of principle, just out of lack of need.
Yeah Bing looks like it can be promising.................... A promising "Bag of Hurt"
you fail to see the inconsistencies in your posts.
I obviously do. I thought I was just making a point that MS isn't needed once your on the mac side.
while it is true you can get by without microsoft products.
See thats what I was saying!
also, if you think iwork does more than office, you obviously havent even tapped into the power of what office has to offer.
Power and style should combine wouldn't you agree?? What good is have a vehicle that does 1000hp and it lacks design and elegance?? After awhile you'll hear "WOW ITS FAST... BUT IT LOOKS LIKE POOP" ... please don't think I'm saying microsoft has a speedy OS either.
Apple has improved iWork year after year with Style and elegance, I'm proud to use Keynote, people who use Power Point always want to rush through the slides and get it over with. I enjoy every slide I create in Keynote, I take pride in using numbers and pages.
Not to take away from the real and inspiring topic of the article (Red Laser)
People who can't find what they need in OSX environment, maybe..?
A friend of mine, owner of Mirage Executive Transport in South Africa, got his 15" MBP topped to the max just recently; my first friend with Mac.
He is very enthusiastic about his Mac and is already warmly recommending it to me
So at present he is bootcamping Windows 7 and waiting for Office 2010, hoping that Mac version will be identical to Windows version. If not, he might end up using Windows exclusively, which he is not happy with - on his MBP, Win 7 is going through battery much faster than OSX, heating more and being more (fan) noisy... and, coincidently, he does need good battery life and hates noisy computers, so if he can't do majority of his work stuff in OSX environment, having MBP is sort of becoming pointless for him.
Apple only allowed users to install that piece of trash on their OS to drive more sales and to bring more users to a relevant OS that's far superior then anything microsoft can crap out. They did this with the idea that Switchers would say "HEY!! iDon't really need this piece of crap Windows XP or Vista or 7 on my mac and nor do I need the stolen software of Microsoft office on my mac either" iWork does everything and more compared to Office, and OSX speaks for itself. Though the we still have people using macs and clinging on to the past with windows and office.
Ah, so they only let their users so that they can sell more computers and make more money. How uncommon for any corporation bent on making money
Obviously, iWork does not do everything, particularly for business users. In fact, if there is more MS (and other) business software running natively on OSX, we'd see more Macs in corporate environment, and less bootcamping (which, in a way, does negate major point of having Mac). Not that I really care at this point, but I do expect that Mac Office 2010, if fully compatible with Windows part, will generate more Mac sales than new iWork or anything else Apple might publish in the next year.
At the end of a day, MS is software company and it is in Apple's interest to have as many software companies writing native applications for OSX. Extra choice is always good. Specially when it helps Apple to sell more, and earn more.
Unfortunately Microsoft couldn't even think of that option because that would add to the pile of anti-competitive practices & monopolization that already hangs over the company as much as it rains in Redmond.
Though if they were to try such a stupid move to block out Apple. It would just push Apple to further innovate how to distribute to Window sufferers through probably a Web Application, which in turn would accelerate Apple's plans to move towards the cloud quicker then expected.
Microsoft can't play that type of game with Apple (It's market share is still to large) to play the role of victim. Apple though can play that card if need be
Heh. It is usually quickly increasing bubble that pops
It's not your fault you place of work still wants to use mediocre software and not possible explore a Mac equivalent or alternative or even push the software developers that created the MS version to write a universal version for either MS or MAC. I'm sure your an evangelist for Apple if asked. I can just imagine the productivity that could get done at your job if your company woke up and smelled the Apple
I will not recommend Apple products except for Indy-Film makers. I don't like Apple... I used to love them and recommend them to everyone, but for the past two years I got wise. (I had a few very poor experiences with Apple products that cost me a little over one thousand dollars in damage) At my job, I would NEVER use an Apple to do what I do. The Windows machines that I do use have not had any problems. Really, for the stuff I do, Linux would be a much better solution, but as I said, the problem is that the tool is Windows only (yay government). It works extremely well mind you, but it would be nice if there were an Open Source version out there (though, its not gonna happen, I know)
I'm offended that you would suggest that I would be an Apple evangelist. I really dis-like the company. I equally dis-like Microsoft too. But I deal with both necessary evils.
(PS, I'd like to know your personal experience with Windows. I'm sure you have good reasons to hate the company so.)
It's a pain to not be able to update all because I have this turd of an app update in the pipeline that I have to update around.
I obviously do. I thought I was just making a point that MS isn't needed once your on the mac side.
See thats what I was saying!
Power and style should combine wouldn't you agree?? What good is have a vehicle that does 1000hp and it lacks design and elegance?? After awhile you'll hear "WOW ITS FAST... BUT IT LOOKS LIKE POOP" ... please don't think I'm saying microsoft has a speedy OS either.
Apple has improved iWork year after year with Style and elegance, I'm proud to use Keynote, people who use Power Point always want to rush through the slides and get it over with. I enjoy every slide I create in Keynote, I take pride in using numbers and pages.
1) wrong. outlook is an amazing email client. busy users have a problem not having all the features outlook has to offer.
2) thanks for snipping only part what i said to prove your point. some users cannot be without microsoft products, and if there are some that do, it will be a not as complete alternative (usually).
3) if you had a plane that looked awesome and couldnt fly, or a plane that looked so so buy could fly, which one would you choose? if the product looks good but cannot deliver everything you need, its not worth anything
4) so what if they've worked on making it look pretty? is it still as powerful as office? the answer is no.
Thanks in advance.
People who can't find what they need in OSX environment, maybe..?
A friend of mine, owner of Mirage Executive Transport in South Africa, got his 15" MBP topped to the max just recently; my first friend with Mac.
He is very enthusiastic about his Mac and is already warmly recommending it to me
So at present he is bootcamping Windows 7 and waiting for Office 2010, hoping that Mac version will be identical to Windows version. If not, he might end up using Windows exclusively, which he is not happy with - on his MBP, Win 7 is going through battery much faster than OSX, heating more and being more (fan) noisy... and, coincidently, he does need good battery life and hates noisy computers, so if he can't do majority of his work stuff in OSX environment, having MBP is sort of becoming pointless for him.
Tell your friend that Snow Leopard has Microsoft Exchange Server Support built in. His headaches can subside now.
Also tell him that he can switch over to Snow Leopard server for only $499, Apple has created the cheapest server solution for any small business or large for that matter. Our Very own AppleInsider had an excellent article on this, not to long after the launch of SL
Tell your friend that Snow Leopard has Microsoft Exchange Server Support built in. His headaches can subside now.
Also tell him that he can switch over to Snow Leopard server for only $499, Apple has created the cheapest server solution for any small business or large for that matter. Our Very own AppleInsider had an excellent article on this, not to long after the launch of SL
you just went against your own opinion of removing everything microsoft and you'll be better. move along now.
I will not recommend Apple products except for Indy-Film makers. I don't like Apple... I used to love them and recommend them to everyone, but for the past two years I got wise. (I had a few very poor experiences with Apple products that cost me a little over one thousand dollars in damage) At my job, I would NEVER use an Apple to do what I do. The Windows machines that I do use have not had any problems. Really, for the stuff I do, Linux would be a much better solution, but as I said, the problem is that the tool is Windows only (yay government). It works extremely well mind you, but it would be nice if there were an Open Source version out there (though, its not gonna happen, I know)
I'm offended that you would suggest that I would be an Apple evangelist. I really dis-like the company. I equally dis-like Microsoft too. But I deal with both necessary evils.
(PS, I'd like to know your personal experience with Windows. I'm sure you have good reasons to hate the company so.)
My intention was not to offend you.
Though I must say that you must enjoy Apple Forums much more since your an active poster, am I right? or do you really enjoy some Microsoft realated rumor site? (If so good luck with exciting news coming from redmond
I assume Your the type that doesn't want to admit they really LOVE apple, so they can seem politically correct [whatever that means
you just went against your own opinion of removing everything microsoft and you'll be better. move along now.
Zep, how do you figure?
My first suggestion was out of kindness.
My intention was not to offend you.
Though I must say that you must enjoy Apple Forums much more since your an active poster, am I right? or do you really enjoy some Microsoft realated rumor site? (If so good luck with exciting news coming from redmond
I assume Your the type that doesn't want to admit they really LOVE apple, so they can seem politically correct [whatever that means
I do enjoy posting to these forums just because I enjoy being the voice of dissent. There are times that Apple does good at something, and I acknowledge it. Many times I'm complaining about some stupid thing Apple has done. Places like this (just like Apple fans posting to a Windows friendly site, or a Republican talking at a Democratic convention or vise-versa) need to have the other side represented. I don't consider myself a Windows fan, as I despise the company. I'm just Anti-Apple.
As for your assumptions, you would be correct about the adage, and that's it. I have no secret love of the Apple. As I said, I used to love them. They screwed me over BIG time, and now they are on my Anti list.