A teacher at my school told me about RedLaser and I asked where he heard about it and he said it was from one of his family friends. I'm pretty sure that that's the way it's been spread. Word of Mouth is great advertisement. If you don't have RedLaser I'd suggest you try it.
I do enjoy posting to these forums just because I enjoy being the voice of dissent. There are times that Apple does good at something, and I acknowledge it. Many times I'm complaining about some stupid thing Apple has done. Places like this (just like Apple fans posting to a Windows friendly site, or a Republican talking at a Democratic convention or vise-versa) need to have the other side represented. I don't consider myself a Windows fan, as I despise the company. I'm just Anti-Apple.
As for your assumptions, you would be correct about the adage, and that's it. I have no secret love of the Apple. As I said, I used to love them. They screwed me over BIG time, and now they are on my Anti list.
Your right, 2 sides to the story are welcomed for balance. Sorry to hear Apple "screwed" you . Though I must say that sometimes people just don't get Apple and how they operate (So your unusually experience isn't the norm and you just need to forgive a good company, I can understand any grudges you have with MS, they deserve what they get). When my friends say they don't understand why Apple does "this" or doesn't have "that" yet etc... Or why I'am they way I'am APPLE....
I politely say just take a sip and it'll all make sense.....
Your right, 2 sides to the story are welcomed for balance. Sorry to hear Apple "screwed" you . Though I must say that sometimes people just don't get Apple and how they operate (So your unusually experience isn't the norm and you just need to forgive a good company, I can understand any grudges you have with MS, they deserve what they get). When my friends say they don't understand why Apple does "this" or doesn't have "that" yet etc... Or why I'am they way I'am APPLE....
I politely say just take a sip and it'll all make sense.....
First off, I love that picture! I've seen it before, but it always makes me chuckle. However, I did have a sip of the kool-aid a long time ago... Mac IIsi was her name. Good machine. Lasted a VERY long time. After my MBP incident, and iPod touch incident, and other minor infractions, my body rejected said kool-aid out of logic and reasoning.
Anyhow, Apple is not a good company in my mind. They are an extremely closed company (it makes them great business oddly) who plays very un-competitively, locking you into their way of doing things even if you don't want to do it their way. They don't treat their customers too well in terms of products ex: reasons you should never buy a first generation Apple product since they treat the customer as a beta tester. Their products aren't of this amazing quality, though better than most, but not for the price you pay. (they do however have amazing customer support if and when things do go ary.) Again, that's my opinion.
I'm glad however that you welcome balance. I enjoy reading the solid reasons as to why people stick with Apple, even if I don't agree with it. I also like to read people's guesses as to what the company does, or responses to their actions. I like to be challenged to think... its why I married my husband. This girl likes the intellect.
First off, I love that picture! I've seen it before, but it always makes me chuckle. However, I did have a sip of the kool-aid a long time ago... Mac IIsi was her name. Good machine. Lasted a VERY long time. After my MBP incident, and iPod touch incident, and other minor infractions, my body rejected said kool-aid out of logic and reasoning.
Anyhow, Apple is not a good company in my mind. They are an extremely closed company (it makes them great business oddly) who plays very un-competitively, locking you into their way of doing things even if you don't want to do it their way. They don't treat their customers too well in terms of products ex: reasons you should never buy a first generation Apple product since they treat the customer as a beta tester. Their products aren't of this amazing quality, though better than most, but not for the price you pay. (they do however have amazing customer support if and when things do go ary.) Again, that's my opinion.
I'm glad however that you welcome balance. I enjoy reading the solid reasons as to why people stick with Apple, even if I don't agree with it.
Well said and I respect your opinion.
Yes that picture is priceless. I always drink from it (Isn't it obvious)
I completly agree with cam on how they use the public as beta testers, that annoys me but also saddens me, why do they have to rush it out to get more sales? I dont understand companys sometimes!!
you don't understand companies? maybe ballmer can give you a clue or two about releasing beta software (*cough* windows) to users for >10 years...
Okay Mr. Smartypants, please remind us who Apple copied the GUI concept from...
Thank you solipsism. Our thinking different poster, obviously doesn't understand the difference between outright copying someone's GUI without permission and passing it off as your own (Microsoft), and a company being allowed to see un-released secrets and technology (Like what happened to APPLE).... Xerox could have owned the PC industry, they could have been a big as IBM, they could have been the IBM of the 90's, they could have been the Microsoft of the 90's.
Provide some credible information to substantiate that and I might agree.
Your obviously not in Apple's corner or Steve Jobs to question it's contribution the industry. Anyone who's followed Apple and has done history on the evolution of the tech industry, would know this.
You are thinking different, just like a company in Redmond washington. Which explains your lack of support for Apple and Steve.
Tell your friend that Snow Leopard has Microsoft Exchange Server Support built in. His headaches can subside now.
Also tell him that he can switch over to Snow Leopard server for only $499, Apple has created the cheapest server solution for any small business or large for that matter. Our Very own AppleInsider had an excellent article on this, not to long after the launch of SL
You didn't read my post carefully. He did try Entourage from Mac Office 2008 but it is lacking features he is using in Outlook 2007. I don't know what those are, but I can ask him if you wish to know. Among the things he has blurted I believe one was that his booking software can synchronise with Outlook 2007, but not with Entourage. I don't think that OS-Level Exchange support can help if you don't have propper software to take advantage over that support.
What is the point of switching to SL Server if he is using Windows-only apps for car booking, company accounting..? How much more will Mac server hardware cost him, on top of Server OS? How much will all the apps cost him, even if he can find them at all?
Your obviously not in Apple's corner or Steve Jobs to question it's contribution the industry. Anyone who's followed Apple and has done history on the evolution of the tech industry, would know this.
You are thinking different, just like a company in Redmond washington. Which explains your lack of support for Apple and Steve.
How old are you? I get the feeling that your version of the "evolution of the tech industry" begins with Twitter.
Zep, how do you figure? my encouragement to get Snow Leopard server was so that he can migrate ALL his data and productivity to APPLE.
My first suggestion was out of kindness.
I have just noticed how word "kindness" is very similar to word "blindness". Otherwise, you should not encourage people to completely move to different platform without thoroughly checking if that other platform can cater for all their needs...
From my point of view, even his purchase of MBP was sort of short-sighted, considering problems he has. I understand a friend of his there recommended Mac to him... well, he should of borrow Mac from a friend (or grab a friend and his Mac) and try everything he needs working before purchasing... because if he ends up using Windows 7 on Mac exclusively, he would probably be better off with one ULV C2D notebooks - longer battery life, less weight, enough grunt for his Outlook and other apps. He'd loose some good looks for sure, but he is driving latest BMW 5 and BMW 1200 motorbike - he does not need good looking computer to be popular with girls
How old are you? I get the feeling that your version of the "evolution of the tech industry" begins with Twitter.
Twitter is for the 30 and up crowd or celebrities, I personally don't see how twitter is useful when facebooks "Wall Post" is the equivalent.
My point and solipsism's is correct BTW. XEROX ALLOWED APPLE INSIDE XEROC PARC...MICROSOFT SAID " HEY LETS JUST COPY THESE GUYS SINCE STEVE IS GONE".... Also it was very hard for Apple to make an argument because a GUI cannot be patented but the look and the feel of a GUI can be copyrightable, but with soda man sculley at the helm of Apple after betraying the Founder and Leader Steve, Apple had no chance to win the argument. The EVANGELIST HAD LEFT, and sculley was just a YES MAN after awhile.....
Steve even said he would have been glad to had left Apple the first time if Apple would have turned out the way he (Steve) wanted it to.
I have just noticed how word "kindness" is very similar to word "blindness". Otherwise, you should not encourage people to completely move to different platform without thoroughly checking if that other platform can cater for all their needs...
From my point of view, even his purchase of MBP was sort of short-sighted, considering problems he has. I understand a friend of his there recommended Mac to him... well, he should of borrow Mac from a friend (or grab a friend and his Mac) and try everything he needs working before purchasing... because if he ends up using Windows 7 on Mac exclusively, he would probably be better off with one ULV C2D notebooks - longer battery life, less weight, enough grunt for his Outlook and other apps. He'd loose some good looks for sure, but he is driving latest BMW 5 and BMW 1200 motorbike - he does not need good looking computer to be popular with girls
Okay fair enough and I see your point. Thanks Nikon .. I not sure about all that software you mentioned but I'm 100% positive a ALL mac integration will not be painful.
Are you a photographer? What type of camera do you use? I'm probably going to upgrade my film camera to a Nikon D700 or the D3S (Nikon's D3X is an utter joke IMO ) .
I'm actually in the market for a used BMW Z4 M. I currently drive a 2008 Honda EX-L (very nice and reliable and surprisingly quick) but I need some bhp, plus the price's are steal in the used market.
Man woman are everywhere, sometimes fun is driving fast and doing code all night or working out a business venture. Chicks dig nerds & a guy who's good with his hands (building stuff)
It's true that my first iPod on Windows started me on the path to the Mac.
However, now that I have switched, I'll pass on installing any of Microsoft's apps on my hardware. Over the years I have come to realize that the further away from Microsoft I stay, the better off I am.
Some will say they have improved over the past decade. Well, I just spent most of last Saturday reinstalling Vista on my friends computer because it was so screwed up it couldn't even boot up in safe mode.
Thanks, but I'll pass. The only Bing on my iPhone will be White Christmas.
Superb post ... really made me chuckle and I had to forward to everyone I know.
After installing Bing, will I also need to install Norton or McAfee?
Thanks in advance.
Just don't install bing. Not that big of a deal.
Tell your friend that Snow Leopard has Microsoft Exchange Server Support built in. His headaches can subside now.
i dont know how i can be any plainer than this. you obviously just contradicted yourself. earlier you said
See thats what I was saying! Not only can you get by, you'll flourish without it.
he cant flourish without MS now can he since you just recommended exchange server.
I do enjoy posting to these forums just because I enjoy being the voice of dissent. There are times that Apple does good at something, and I acknowledge it. Many times I'm complaining about some stupid thing Apple has done. Places like this (just like Apple fans posting to a Windows friendly site, or a Republican talking at a Democratic convention or vise-versa) need to have the other side represented. I don't consider myself a Windows fan, as I despise the company. I'm just Anti-Apple.
As for your assumptions, you would be correct about the adage, and that's it. I have no secret love of the Apple. As I said, I used to love them. They screwed me over BIG time, and now they are on my Anti list.
Your right, 2 sides to the story are welcomed for balance. Sorry to hear Apple "screwed" you . Though I must say that sometimes people just don't get Apple and how they operate (So your unusually experience isn't the norm and you just need to forgive a good company, I can understand any grudges you have with MS, they deserve what they get). When my friends say they don't understand why Apple does "this" or doesn't have "that" yet etc... Or why I'am they way I'am APPLE....
I politely say just take a sip and it'll all make sense.....
i dont know how i can be any plainer than this. you obviously just contradicted yourself. earlier you said
he cant flourish without MS now can he since you just recommended exchange server.
I just replied to someone else saying buy Snow Leopard Server and say good buy To MS, and Hello Apple mail iCal wiki's etc...
Your right, 2 sides to the story are welcomed for balance. Sorry to hear Apple "screwed" you . Though I must say that sometimes people just don't get Apple and how they operate (So your unusually experience isn't the norm and you just need to forgive a good company, I can understand any grudges you have with MS, they deserve what they get). When my friends say they don't understand why Apple does "this" or doesn't have "that" yet etc... Or why I'am they way I'am APPLE....
I politely say just take a sip and it'll all make sense.....
First off, I love that picture! I've seen it before, but it always makes me chuckle. However, I did have a sip of the kool-aid a long time ago... Mac IIsi was her name. Good machine. Lasted a VERY long time. After my MBP incident, and iPod touch incident, and other minor infractions, my body rejected said kool-aid out of logic and reasoning.
Anyhow, Apple is not a good company in my mind. They are an extremely closed company (it makes them great business oddly) who plays very un-competitively, locking you into their way of doing things even if you don't want to do it their way. They don't treat their customers too well in terms of products ex: reasons you should never buy a first generation Apple product since they treat the customer as a beta tester. Their products aren't of this amazing quality, though better than most, but not for the price you pay. (they do however have amazing customer support if and when things do go ary.) Again, that's my opinion.
I'm glad however that you welcome balance. I enjoy reading the solid reasons as to why people stick with Apple, even if I don't agree with it. I also like to read people's guesses as to what the company does, or responses to their actions. I like to be challenged to think... its why I married my husband. This girl likes the intellect.
First off, I love that picture! I've seen it before, but it always makes me chuckle. However, I did have a sip of the kool-aid a long time ago... Mac IIsi was her name. Good machine. Lasted a VERY long time. After my MBP incident, and iPod touch incident, and other minor infractions, my body rejected said kool-aid out of logic and reasoning.
Anyhow, Apple is not a good company in my mind. They are an extremely closed company (it makes them great business oddly) who plays very un-competitively, locking you into their way of doing things even if you don't want to do it their way. They don't treat their customers too well in terms of products ex: reasons you should never buy a first generation Apple product since they treat the customer as a beta tester. Their products aren't of this amazing quality, though better than most, but not for the price you pay. (they do however have amazing customer support if and when things do go ary.) Again, that's my opinion.
I'm glad however that you welcome balance. I enjoy reading the solid reasons as to why people stick with Apple, even if I don't agree with it.
Well said and I respect your opinion.
Yes that picture is priceless. I always drink from it (Isn't it obvious)
I completly agree with cam on how they use the public as beta testers, that annoys me but also saddens me, why do they have to rush it out to get more sales?
you don't understand companies? maybe ballmer can give you a clue or two about releasing beta software (*cough* windows) to users for >10 years...
.....Don't make me laugh. Back in the 80's (where the war began) Microsoft copied the look and feel of Apples GUI, ......
Okay Mr. Smartypants, please remind us who Apple copied the GUI concept from...
Okay Mr. Smartypants, please remind us who Apple copied the GUI concept from...
Is licensing the rights from Xerox PARC the same as copying with permission?
Is licensing the rights from Xerox PARC the same as copying with permission?
Provide some credible information to substantiate that and I might agree.
Okay Mr. Smartypants, please remind us who Apple copied the GUI concept from...
Thank you solipsism. Our thinking different poster, obviously doesn't understand the difference between outright copying someone's GUI without permission and passing it off as your own (Microsoft), and a company being allowed to see un-released secrets and technology (Like what happened to APPLE).... Xerox could have owned the PC industry, they could have been a big as IBM, they could have been the IBM of the 90's, they could have been the Microsoft of the 90's.
Provide some credible information to substantiate that and I might agree.
Your obviously not in Apple's corner or Steve Jobs to question it's contribution the industry. Anyone who's followed Apple and has done history on the evolution of the tech industry, would know this.
You are thinking different, just like a company in Redmond washington. Which explains your lack of support for Apple and Steve.
Tell your friend that Snow Leopard has Microsoft Exchange Server Support built in. His headaches can subside now.
Also tell him that he can switch over to Snow Leopard server for only $499, Apple has created the cheapest server solution for any small business or large for that matter. Our Very own AppleInsider had an excellent article on this, not to long after the launch of SL
You didn't read my post carefully. He did try Entourage from Mac Office 2008 but it is lacking features he is using in Outlook 2007. I don't know what those are, but I can ask him if you wish to know. Among the things he has blurted I believe one was that his booking software can synchronise with Outlook 2007, but not with Entourage. I don't think that OS-Level Exchange support can help if you don't have propper software to take advantage over that support.
What is the point of switching to SL Server if he is using Windows-only apps for car booking, company accounting..? How much more will Mac server hardware cost him, on top of Server OS? How much will all the apps cost him, even if he can find them at all?
You are not being realistic here...
Your obviously not in Apple's corner or Steve Jobs to question it's contribution the industry. Anyone who's followed Apple and has done history on the evolution of the tech industry, would know this.
You are thinking different, just like a company in Redmond washington. Which explains your lack of support for Apple and Steve.
How old are you? I get the feeling that your version of the "evolution of the tech industry" begins with Twitter.
Zep, how do you figure?
My first suggestion was out of kindness.
I have just noticed how word "kindness" is very similar to word "blindness". Otherwise, you should not encourage people to completely move to different platform without thoroughly checking if that other platform can cater for all their needs...
From my point of view, even his purchase of MBP was sort of short-sighted, considering problems he has. I understand a friend of his there recommended Mac to him... well, he should of borrow Mac from a friend (or grab a friend and his Mac) and try everything he needs working before purchasing... because if he ends up using Windows 7 on Mac exclusively, he would probably be better off with one ULV C2D notebooks - longer battery life, less weight, enough grunt for his Outlook and other apps. He'd loose some good looks for sure, but he is driving latest BMW 5 and BMW 1200 motorbike - he does not need good looking computer to be popular with girls
How old are you? I get the feeling that your version of the "evolution of the tech industry" begins with Twitter.
Twitter is for the 30 and up crowd or celebrities, I personally don't see how twitter is useful
My point and solipsism's is correct BTW. XEROX ALLOWED APPLE INSIDE XEROC PARC...MICROSOFT SAID " HEY LETS JUST COPY THESE GUYS SINCE STEVE IS GONE".... Also it was very hard for Apple to make an argument because a GUI cannot be patented but the look and the feel of a GUI can be copyrightable, but with soda man sculley at the helm of Apple after betraying the Founder and Leader Steve, Apple had no chance to win the argument. The EVANGELIST HAD LEFT, and sculley was just a YES MAN after awhile.....
Steve even said he would have been glad to had left Apple the first time if Apple would have turned out the way he (Steve) wanted it to.
I have just noticed how word "kindness" is very similar to word "blindness". Otherwise, you should not encourage people to completely move to different platform without thoroughly checking if that other platform can cater for all their needs...
From my point of view, even his purchase of MBP was sort of short-sighted, considering problems he has. I understand a friend of his there recommended Mac to him... well, he should of borrow Mac from a friend (or grab a friend and his Mac) and try everything he needs working before purchasing... because if he ends up using Windows 7 on Mac exclusively, he would probably be better off with one ULV C2D notebooks - longer battery life, less weight, enough grunt for his Outlook and other apps. He'd loose some good looks for sure, but he is driving latest BMW 5 and BMW 1200 motorbike - he does not need good looking computer to be popular with girls
Okay fair enough and I see your point. Thanks Nikon
Are you a photographer? What type of camera do you use? I'm probably going to upgrade my film camera to a Nikon D700 or the D3S (Nikon's D3X is an utter joke IMO
I'm actually in the market for a used BMW Z4 M. I currently drive a 2008 Honda EX-L (very nice and reliable and surprisingly quick) but I need some bhp, plus the price's are steal in the used market.
Man woman are everywhere, sometimes fun is driving fast and doing code all night or working out a business venture. Chicks dig nerds & a guy who's good with his hands (building stuff)
It's true that my first iPod on Windows started me on the path to the Mac.
However, now that I have switched, I'll pass on installing any of Microsoft's apps on my hardware. Over the years I have come to realize that the further away from Microsoft I stay, the better off I am.
Some will say they have improved over the past decade. Well, I just spent most of last Saturday reinstalling Vista on my friends computer because it was so screwed up it couldn't even boot up in safe mode.
Thanks, but I'll pass. The only Bing on my iPhone will be White Christmas.
Superb post ... really made me chuckle and I had to forward to everyone I know.