Apple becomes SNL punchline over iPhone network coverage



  • Reply 21 of 137
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    You're obviously not using an iPhone, or at least as it was intended to be used.

    I've been using one for the last 3.5 years (I was a beta tester for the original as well), and I have not had a single dropped call. Not a single dropped call.

    I think all these rumors of dropped calls were started by paid Verizon employees. I don't see ANY evidence for it.

    Your either 1 lying 2 never used an iphone in 3.5 years or 3 stay out in BFE where all of 6 people live so you don't have to worry about network congestion. I bet 95% of the people on this board who have an iphone experienced dropped calls it is just that common with AT&T service.
  • Reply 22 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    SNL is not telling the truth. They are fabricating lies which were paid for by Verizon and T-mobile. If we don't fight against the misinformation and lies, when will it end??

    Tell me you're kidding. Please.
  • Reply 23 of 137
    I haven't had any calls dropped, but the network is suspect at times. I work in San Fran and two weeks ago the whole city was shutdown with no signal. On the train out of SF the signal is bad until we get about 20 min outside of SF.

    The SNL skit is funny, the truth hurts.

    Hopefully Apple is taking note and tired of AT&T making their product look bad, and will also get on Verizon next year.
  • Reply 24 of 137
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Your either 1 lying 2 never used an iphone in 3.5 years or 3 stay out in BFE where all of 6 people live so you don't have to worry about network congestion. I bet 95% of the people on this board who have an iphone experienced dropped calls it is just that common with AT&T service.

    I spend a good chunk of my iPhone-using time while on business in Manhattan, and I use data and calls heavily there. No problems to report at all. It's what I love about Apple: ceaselessly reliable service!
  • Reply 25 of 137
    zepzep Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    I spend a good chunk of my iPhone-using time while on business in Manhattan, and I use data and calls heavily there. No problems to report at all. It's what I love about Apple: ceaselessly reliable service!

    which gen phone are you using?
  • Reply 26 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    You're obviously not using an iPhone, or at least as it was intended to be used.

    I've been using one for the last 3.5 years (I was a beta tester for the original as well), and I have not had a single dropped call. Not a single dropped call.

    I think all these rumors of dropped calls were started by paid Verizon employees. I don't see ANY evidence for it.

    ROTFLMAO!! I have been using iPhone since the first day it came out. The first one worked well. The last 2 models using 3 g consistently drop calls because of almost totally missing signal inside many bulidings thanks to the foolish use of 1900 Mhz. Just yesterday I was standing outside Frys in Southern Cal with 5 bars. Walked inside and dropped call almost immediately. Signal level was 0 bars. I find it VERY dificult to believe you have no problems. Unless you are staying in one place almost all the time within a few thousand feet of a cell tower.

    And by the way Iam a communications engineer with 23 years experience who has never worked for Verizon.
  • Reply 27 of 137
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    Hopefully Apple is taking note and tired of AT&T making their product look bad, and will also get on Verizon next year.

    Meh, AT&T is a ton better than Verizon. AT&T has the world's largest, fastest, most reliable network in the world. I don't know why anyone would want to change their service to one of the worst networks in the world: Verizon.


    which gen phone are you using?

    I've used all generations of the iPhone, with the 3gs being the best of all. PS: it's hard to be better than perfect, but somehow the 3gs manages to improve on the 3g version.
  • Reply 28 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    SNL is not telling the truth. They are fabricating lies which were paid for by Verizon and T-mobile. If we don't fight against the misinformation and lies, when will it end??

    ROTFLMAO!! You must be an ATT or Apple employee!!! LOL!!
  • Reply 29 of 137
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    I spend a good chunk of my iPhone-using time while on business in Manhattan, and I use data and calls heavily there. No problems to report at all. It's what I love about Apple: ceaselessly reliable service!

    i'm in midtown and the west side depending on the day and around 10am slacker/pandora start to get really slow and time out and that's when the dropped calls start. i've had dropped calls walking on 8th ave in the 30's
  • Reply 30 of 137
    davidtdavidt Posts: 112member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    I spend a good chunk of my iPhone-using time while on business in Manhattan, and I use data and calls heavily there. No problems to report at all. It's what I love about Apple: ceaselessly reliable service!

    don't be surprised if no one believes you, your other remarks are plain nonsense:

    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    SNL is not telling the truth. They are fabricating lies which were paid for by Verizon and T-mobile. If we don't fight against the misinformation and lies, when will it end??

  • Reply 31 of 137
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by johnwhite1000 View Post

    Walked inside and dropped call almost immediately. Signal level was 0 bars. I find it VERY dificult to believe you have no problems. Unless you are staying in one place almost all the time within a few thousand feet of a cell tower.

    I suppose you would expect to receive 5 bars if you put the phone in a lead box?

    I don't think anyone would be right in complaining that the iPhone does not receive signal in a Faraday cage.
  • Reply 32 of 137
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by JPDLVMH View Post

    Unfortunately, this very sad "joker" does not know that it's not the iPHONE that is the problem - it is the networks. In other countries, with proper infrastructure, there are no problems. It is a fact that people making halve-baked remarks like this, for cheap laughs, only prove their ignorance.

    so why is it that everyone else on AT&T with a non-iphone phone isn't complaining? my inlaws went to AT&T in June from VZW and have cheapo phones and they never complain. out of the family plan minutes, they use most of them and have never said anything about dropped calls

    in the iphone 3G there were documented issues with the 3G radio and the antenna and I bet it's the same with the 3GS
  • Reply 33 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    I suppose you would expect to receive 5 bars if you put the phone in a lead box?

    I don't think anyone would be right in complaining that the iPhone does not receive signal in a Faraday cage.

    Except for Chuck Norris... his iPhone gets 11 bars in a Faraday cage.

    But seriously, tell us how your iPhone has managed to NOT drop calls and such? Where do you make the majority of your calls? What time? Weather conditions? It'd help others if you have such a perfect track record.
  • Reply 34 of 137
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    in the iphone 3G there were documented issues with the 3G radio and the antenna and I bet it's the same with the 3GS

    That was a rumor started by a disgruntled AT&T employee, with no basis in facts or reality. It's been discredited long ago. People need to stop spreading this false rumor around.
  • Reply 35 of 137
    davidtdavidt Posts: 112member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Meh, AT&T is a ton better than Verizon. AT&T has the world's largest, fastest, most reliable network in the world. I don't know why anyone would want to change their service to one of the worst networks in the world: Verizon.

    I've used all generations of the iPhone, with the 3gs being the best of all. PS: it's hard to be better than perfect, but somehow the 3gs manages to improve on the 3g version.

    wow, you're on a roll here, your posts are getting better and better. top marks for absurdity!

    (how exactly did you work out that att has "the most reliable network in the world" ??? )
  • Reply 36 of 137
    Yet people with Verizon phones were talking away inside!! ROTFLMAO at all the attempts to sweep the serious problem under the rug.
  • Reply 37 of 137
    davidtdavidt Posts: 112member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    That was a rumor started by a disgruntled AT&T employee, with no basis in facts or reality. It's been discredited long ago. People need to stop spreading this false rumor around.

    i only see one person spreading false rumours around today, a certain "g3pro"

    g3pro certainly isn't disgruntled, i'd say he's high.
  • Reply 38 of 137
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    That was a rumor started by a disgruntled AT&T employee, with no basis in facts or reality. It's been discredited long ago. People need to stop spreading this false rumor around.

    there was a documented issue with the infineon chip in the 3G and a few areas including Chicago. it was fixed in 2.1 or 2.2, forgot which one

    there are also some technical blogs out there that say the way the iphone's antenna is designed results in worse reception than with other phones
  • Reply 39 of 137
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    so why is it that everyone else on AT&T with a non-iphone phone isn't complaining? my inlaws went to AT&T in June from VZW and have cheapo phones and they never complain. out of the family plan minutes, they use most of them and have never said anything about dropped calls

    in the iphone 3G there were documented issues with the 3G radio and the antenna and I bet it's the same with the 3GS

    Those phones are not using 3G so thjey should work much better.
  • Reply 40 of 137
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Maybe it is a 3G issue. I have used my 1st gen since it came out and I honestly cannot remember dropping a call or even not having a signal for that matter. AT&T has always been helpful and polite as far as the customer service is concerned as well.

    I understand that many users have a lot of issues with AT&T, I chalk it up to a hypochondriasis type disorder, someone else has issues with their service then suddenly they do to.

    Guess Ill find out when I upgrade this summer!
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