Apple becomes SNL punchline over iPhone network coverage



  • Reply 41 of 137
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by davidT View Post

    (how exactly did you work out that att has "the most reliable network in the world" ??? )

    I also used T-mobile, Verizon, and Sprint, and I could be GUARANTEED to have at least 1 dropped phone call every 15-30 minutes during prime hours with those companies, but I haven't had a single dropped call at any time on AT&T. Pretty straightforward metrics if you ask me.

    Plus, you never hear about people complaining about AT&T's network: people are always complaining about Tmo/Sprint/VZW.
  • Reply 42 of 137
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by johnwhite1000 View Post

    Those phones are not using 3G so thjey should work much better.

    so now the cheap free phones have better voice capability than a $300 iphone?
  • Reply 43 of 137
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    there was a documented issue with the infineon chip in the 3G and a few areas including Chicago. it was fixed in 2.1 or 2.2, forgot which one

    there are also some technical blogs out there that say the way the iphone's antenna is designed results in worse reception than with other phones

    I'm going to have to cry foul on this blatant misinformation. Those complaints were made about the stock infineon chips, not the custom ones made for the iPhone. The fixes in the firmware and OS were coincidental and had nothing to do with the hardware in the iPhone.
  • Reply 44 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    SNL is not telling the truth. They are fabricating lies which were paid for by Verizon and T-mobile. If we don't fight against the misinformation and lies, when will it end??

    I have a family plan with 4 iphones.

    2 are 2g and 2 are 3 g.

    ALL of us get dropped calls for the last 2 years and it is getting worse .

    we live on top of a hill 400 ft from a cell tower .

    4 LTE hopefully will improve it but I want verizon .
  • Reply 45 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    I also used T-mobile, Verizon, and Sprint, and I could be GUARANTEED to have at least 1 dropped phone call every 15-30 minutes during prime hours with those companies, but I haven't had a single dropped call at any time on AT&T. Pretty straightforward metrics if you ask me.

    Plus, you never hear about people complaining about AT&T's network: people are always complaining about Tmo/Sprint/VZW.

    ok, so that's 3 networks you have compared to att, now tell me about the more than 1500 networks worldwide that you compared att to.

    you did say "in the world" and since your other remarks are so credible, i have no reason to doubt that you've been methodical in comparing att to 1500 networks.

    it must have take you so much time.
  • Reply 46 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    You're obviously not using an iPhone, or at least as it was intended to be used.

    I've been using one for the last 3.5 years (I was a beta tester for the original as well), and I have not had a single dropped call. Not a single dropped call.

    I think all these rumors of dropped calls were started by paid Verizon employees. I don't see ANY evidence for it.

    I guess all the people that reported to consumer reports must be telling lies. Just because you have never had an issue does not mean others have not. Look around the forums. My failed call percentage is at least %75 on my iPhone. It is so bad I am afraid to make a call longer then 5 mins. I wish Verizon was paying me but they are not AT$T sucks, they know it, everyone knows it and once iPhone goes to another carrier, AT$T will suffer for it and I can not wait until the day that happens.
  • Reply 47 of 137
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Too little, too late, SNL. Besides, the days of SNL being funny are 15-20 years past.

    I disagree. I think most people find skit comedy to get less funny years or decades later but I think it?s the same hit-or-miss show it?s always been. On one hand you saw it was you were 15-20 years young and on the other hand you?re only recalling the funny stuff, while forgetting the bad skits from 2 decades ago.
  • Reply 48 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    SNL is not telling the truth. They are fabricating lies which were paid for by Verizon and T-mobile. If we don't fight against the misinformation and lies, when will it end??

    Fabricating lies????? You need to pull your head out of Steve Jobs a$$ and wake up. AT$T sucks, iPhone is stuck on that network for the time being so therefore the iPhone is sucking because of it. They are TELLING THE TRUTH!
  • Reply 49 of 137
    No. ATTs orignal network has much better reliability then the poorly designed 3g.
  • Reply 50 of 137
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    I also used T-mobile, Verizon, and Sprint, and I could be GUARANTEED to have at least 1 dropped phone call every 15-30 minutes during prime hours with those companies, but I haven't had a single dropped call at any time on AT&T. Pretty straightforward metrics if you ask me.

    Plus, you never hear about people complaining about AT&T's network: people are always complaining about Tmo/Sprint/VZW.

    before the iphone my wife had 3 phones on VZW. one had reception problems the entire 2 years she had it. the first and third always worked. there was even a thread on howard forums about how you had to take it to a VZW store for a firmware update.

    it's not only the network that can result in poor reception
  • Reply 51 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    That was a rumor started by a disgruntled AT&T employee, with no basis in facts or reality. It's been discredited long ago. People need to stop spreading this false rumor around.

    Instead of flapping your gums for AT$T provide proof!
  • Reply 52 of 137
    They are both lucky to know how to turn a smart phone on much less know how to use one. They both need to go back to prepaid service
  • Reply 53 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    I also used T-mobile, Verizon, and Sprint, and I could be GUARANTEED to have at least 1 dropped phone call every 15-30 minutes during prime hours with those companies, but I haven't had a single dropped call at any time on AT&T. Pretty straightforward metrics if you ask me.

    Plus, you never hear about people complaining about AT&T's network: people are always complaining about Tmo/Sprint/VZW.

    I guess you are blind. Just pick up a Consumer Reports, seems quite a few complaining there. AT$T, DEAD LAST! Did you read that, DEAD LAST! Its clowns like you that refuse to except that something you bought may possibly have issues.
  • Reply 54 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    You're obviously not using an iPhone, or at least as it was intended to be used.

    I've been using one for the last 3.5 years (I was a beta tester for the original as well), and I have not had a single dropped call. Not a single dropped call.

    I think all these rumors of dropped calls were started by paid Verizon employees. I don't see ANY evidence for it.

    Don't get me wrong, I hated cell phones until the iphone came out. I've bought all 3. I'm not sure where you live but there are huge problems in NYC. My record is trying a call 49 times in a row before getting through. I have a problem with over 50% of my calls. There are huge problems with ATT. That said, I had Verizon before and could not get a signal in my new apt in the middle of Manhattan.
  • Reply 55 of 137
    My iPhone dropped a high percentage of calls when it was on AT&T. I would recommend unlocking your iPhones and using them with other carriers. The one I'm on now never drops calls.
  • Reply 56 of 137
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    I spend a good chunk of my iPhone-using time while on business in Manhattan, and I use data and calls heavily there. No problems to report at all. It's what I love about Apple: ceaselessly reliable service!

    This right here leads me to believe you are embellishing the truth. I live in a suburb outside of Indianapolis...about 30 minutes. I rarely have a dropped call here with the 3G. I visited family in Manhattan and experienced the WORST cell phone service wherever we went in the city. Using the 3G network was near impossible. I dropped calls countless times. Sending/receiving text messages took upwards of 2-3 hours. I heard and read about the poor iPhone performance from a lot of people in NYC. It's interesting that you're the first person to have a positive experience in NYC. Interesting, yet fishy.

    And Apple isn't providing this so-called "ceaselessly reliable service". AT&T is. Apple provides the means to utilize the service.
  • Reply 57 of 137
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    when i worked in Queens my iphone performance was a lot better, it's manhattan. to be fair it's a lot harder to build a reliable cell network in Manhattan than almost anywhere on earth.

    VZW may top AT&T in voice performance, but it has been documented that AT&T has a much better and faster network than VZW in terms of data
  • Reply 58 of 137
    zepzep Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    when i worked in Queens my iphone performance was a lot better, it's manhattan. to be fair it's a lot harder to build a reliable cell network in Manhattan than almost anywhere on earth.

    VZW may top AT&T in voice performance, but it has been documented that AT&T has a much better and faster network than VZW in terms of data

    better is a relative term. is it better for it to be faster? yes. is it better for it to be faster but almost unusable due to packet loss? no.

    personally, i have a phone for a phone first, everything else 2nd. if the phone cant meet objective 1, then it doesnt matter if it can download stuff faster than another carrier could.
  • Reply 59 of 137
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Folks, it's the service, how many times do we need to hear this, before we stop blaming Apple!

    Now if we choose to blame Apple, because there are a ton of iPhones out there ? ok, I guess.

    But my Razor drops calls, more then Zach Galifianakis drops his pants in The Hangover, I don't hear or see a place to complain about that, and oh, it's on Verizon!

    And might I ask, is your iPhone dropping calls, or getting disconnected from the network, while your surfing the web, answering your emails, checking your stocks, bank balance, playing a game, taking or sending photo's, checking out the times at the local movie theater, making diner reservations - OR, while you are making a simple phone call?

  • Reply 60 of 137
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Folks, it's the service, how many times do we need to hear this, before we stop blaming Apple!

    Now if we choose to blame Apple, because there are a ton of iPhones out there ? ok, I guess.

    But my Razor drops calls, more then Zach Galifianakis drops his pants in The Hangover, I don't hear or see a place to complain about that, and oh, it's on Verizon!

    And might I ask, is your iPhone dropping calls, or getting disconnected from the network, while your surfing the web, answering your emails, checking your stocks, bank balance, playing a game, taking or sending photo's, checking out the times at the local movie theater, making diner reservations - OR, while you are making a simple phone call?


    the razr also had documented reception issues due to its design
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