Apple seen selling 1.4 million $600 "Kindle Killer" tablets in 2010



  • Reply 41 of 148
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    It will be priced higher at first and then the price will come down over time.

    iPod $399-499 --> $79-399

    iPhone $499-599 --> $99-299

    These are not phone contract arrangements.

    They will be $899 and slowly settle around $799. They won't be running iPhone OS 4 either.

    All iPhone OS Cocoa apps being multi-touch ready will be designed to work in standard OS X for Tablets--a streamlined version of OS X with multi-touch is what I suspect Apple Engineering is finalizing.
  • Reply 42 of 148
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Undo Redo View Post

    But will it make phone calls?

    What sort of question is that?
  • Reply 43 of 148
    crankycranky Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    The shrinkage in the installed size of OS/X is well documented. Instead of repeating the ramblings of an idiot spend a little time looking for the truth.

    As to what is included in OS/X Apple is certainly trying to trim out legacy crap. In many cases though the actual space saved is minimal as new APIs are introduced. The fact is a desktop OS, especially a UNIX based one, has to serve many more needs than an OS for a Phone. In effect iPhone OS condenses OS/X (to use your word) into a form suitable for a phone.


    thanks for being so nice about it.
  • Reply 44 of 148
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    Sorry, you're wrong. The iPhone runs the iPhone OS.

    If you look at all of Apple's documentation, whether it be end user or developer documentation, the operating system that runs on the iPhone is never referred to as OS X.

    It?s all OS X. iPhone OS, AppleTV OS and Mac OS. Adding a value of ?10? to a new version of the O and being pedantic about what Apple officially calls it means nothing. They all use a Darwin foundation and I think they all have the same four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer.

    It?s a reduced version of Mac OS X with unneeded stuff stripped out and new frameworks like Quicktime X built to accommodate needs, which was then added to added to Snow Leopard. For all intense and purposes it?s OS X or Apple OS or the same basic OS with frameworks, drivers, apps, and aUI altered to make it ideal for the device. Any Apple tablet will surely do the same thing and will be Table OS, their 4th distinct version within the OS X family.
  • Reply 45 of 148
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    Stop it with the use of "Kindle-killers!"

    There have been a few dozen "iPod-killers," and they don't have a good track record.

    We don't actually KNOW anything here, do we? Given the relatively low cost of the Kindle, even if the Apple thingie is wonderful, there are a lot of kindles already out there, a lot of people will still prefer them, etc., etc. IF there is even an iSlate and Steve isn't just planting false rumors on us again, it will cost more. Some people have a hatred of all things Apple. The market doesn't "kill", it wounds, degrades, bends the curve.

    What is most idiotic about "news-speak" are these little meaningless catchphrases. Don't think so? How come an ignorant Faux News guy can get people all frothing at the mouth about Obama's "czars," when there is no such position, just a smart-alecky name for people who have been named as presidential advisors in specific areas like drugs, etc.? Call them "czars" and the ignorant think they have dictatorial powers, when, in fact, they have less than cabinet officers.

    Orwell taught us that words matter.
  • Reply 46 of 148
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by melodyof1974 View Post

    I hope the price is more like $399 and not $599.

    This tablet will be $999 at the low end.
  • Reply 47 of 148
    Originally Posted by MacCad View Post

    Well maybe, but most people run programs on their Macs that rise above the level of Apps. I run ArchiCAD and VectorWorks on my MacBook Pro. On my other MacBook Pro I run AutoCAD and Revit in Boot Camp. Those aren't Apps.

    I thought one of the selling points for Macs was that they're easy to use. They are, and they do things that can't and shouldn't be done on the iPhone OS.

    I see the new tablet as an intermediate platform between the iPhone and the Mac. You will be able to do more on the tablet than the iPhone (bigger screen, more power and storage, etc.), but you will still want your laptop or desktop for heavier tasks. I look forward to it and will probably get one.

    It's not going to be just a big iPhone, but the suspicion is it will gain some design points from the simplicity of iPhone.

    Imagine a set of developer tools that made creating apps for OS X as incredibly easy as it is for iPhone. Imagine how those tools might harness the architecture of Grand Central, OpenCL, and Core Audio/Image/Video/Animation. Imagine then giving those developers access to sell their apps through the apps store (similar to iPhone apps) so that customers could go one place to get all things apple. Add to the purchase options a choice to download small enough apps or have it shipped/picked it up at a local apple store! Apple would clean house!

    Apple hit a jack pot when they came up with the App Store and I suspect we are going to see it become a much larger part of the Mac ecosystem in days to come. We will probably also see it separate itself on the Mac platform just as it already has on the iPhone OS.
  • Reply 48 of 148
    Biggest fear is that they price this too high, as $1K really puts this in the bucket of notebook alternative, whereas $500-750 fits within the extra computing device budget for (many) families; it's the device you take to cafe, on bus, use on couch, long drives, etc.

    Also, I am assuming that while all of the focus is on Kindle-killer (and books, mags), this is every bit the Media Tablet, a larger form-factor that is ideal for watching TV and Movie programming, which further suggests that this is the logical and necessary point to upgrade/re-design Apple TV to support iPhone and Tablet capabilities.

    In such a re-constituted landscape, compare the (more broadly defined) iPhone Platform to the Android Platform:

    Apple would be able to leverage one set of developers/developer tools, media relationships, marketplace/billing relationships, 100K+ strong app library and a retail presence to push lifestyle, communications, computing and entertainment solutions for the pocket (iPhone, iPod Touch), the bag (Tablet) and the home theater (Apple TV).

    How the Mac fits within the 'one platform, many devices' story will be very interesting to see, something that I blogged about in:

    Apple, the 'Boomer' Tablet and the Matrix

    Check it out, if interested.

  • Reply 49 of 148
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It?s all OS X. iPhone OS, AppleTV OS and Mac OS. Adding a value of ?10? to a new version of the O and being pedantic about what Apple officially calls it means nothing. They all use a Darwin foundation and I think they all have the same four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer.

    It?s a reduced version of Mac OS X with unneeded stuff stripped out and new frameworks like Quicktime X built to accommodate needs, which was then added to added to Snow Leopard. For all intense and purposes it?s OS X or Apple OS or the same basic OS with frameworks, drivers, apps, and aUI altered to make it ideal for the device. Any Apple tablet will surely do the same thing and will be Table OS, their 4th distinct version within the OS X family.

    OK, perhaps I shouldn't wade into debates about semantics or Apple branding...

    I realize that they are all based on the same core technologies and underlying foundations. I'm just pointing out how Apple themselves refer to the software.

    If you want to call it a scalable family of operating systems based on OS X, that's reasonable.
  • Reply 50 of 148
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I still fail to see what a tablet has got to do with a Kindle. They are different products. The whole point of e-ink is it's not a computer. They are not and never will be the same product category.

    If it?s also meant to be a book reader then it could cannibalize the much more limited electronic paper-based devices. IF the rumours about publishers getting on board are true and they can get some equal to or better than the mockup and supposed specs of the Notion Ink with Pixel Qi, then I think Kindle 1, 2, B&N Nook, Sony eReader, etc will find themselves on the fast road to being obsolete. That doesn?t mean that the Kindle 3 and Nook 2 can?t come back with a winer but they may be behind that that point.
  • Reply 51 of 148
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I still fail to see what a tablet has got to do with a Kindle. They are different products. The whole point of e-ink is it's not a computer. They are not and never will be the same product category.

    For most people, e-ink and incredibly limited functionality will not be worth the cost of a kindle when compared to an Apple tablet. You don't have to be in the same product category to takes sales away from another product. Of course some people will probably stick with e-ink devices much like some people stick with dedicated pmp's, but the vast majority probably wont.
  • Reply 52 of 148
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Prepare to see Kindles flood ebay a day after Apple's tablet release. If you ever wanted a Kindle for cheap, you're about to hit the jackpot.

    Don't count out Amazon just yet... Amazon could offer up a subscription service to their Kindle store and offer subsidized Kindles for $99...

    There is also no reason to believe that potential Kindle owners would be interested in buying an Apple iSlate at a higher price just because it can do other things besides being a book reader nor is there any evidence that potential eBooks for Apple's iSlate will be any cheaper than Kindle's eBooks...
  • Reply 53 of 148
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    If you want to call it a scalable family of operating systems based on OS X, that's reasonable.

    That is what I mean when i refer to ‘OS X’ with no other qualifier to indicate the HW platform type. I think that is a pretty common usage. ‘X’ just means ten yet we’re seeing Apple using ‘X’ at the end of apps to indicate when they do a rewrite to complete the Cocoa transtion. This makes it easy for marketing and I like it.

    Note a quick Google search does provide a couple of official PR releases referring to iPhone OS as "OS X iPhone”. I seem to recall that when it first came out they added the ‘X’ more. I think it was WWDC 2007 that I first noticed Apple putting ‘OS’ after the product type instead of ‘OS X’ before it. It certainly flows better. Perhaps Jobs mentions it during his 2007 MWSF keynote.
    PS: Jobs states, “iPhone runs OS ten” during the 2007 MWSF iPhone intro at exactly 35 minutes into the video. That is good enough for me to refer to all OS X-based platforms as simply OS X or OS 10, is speaking it.
  • Reply 54 of 148
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I still fail to see what a tablet has got to do with a Kindle. They are different products. The whole point of e-ink is it's not a computer. They are not and never will be the same product category.

    You are assuming that Apple will market this tablet as a computer. My guess is that they will not.

    They will probably market it is as a portable media companion. If they offer e-books, they will be squarely contending with Kindle.

    I believe the main reason why tablet computers have failed in the past is because those manufacturers were marketing them as computers. They set the same expectations for a device that was not capable of the task, hence product failure. Apple will set different expectations for this new device.
  • Reply 55 of 148
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Note a quick Google search does provide a couple of official PR releases referring to iPhone OS as "OS X iPhone”. I seem to recall that when it first came out they added the ‘X’ more. I think it was WWDC 2007 that I first noticed Apple putting ‘OS’ after the product type instead of ‘OS X’ before it. It certainly flows better. Perhaps Jobs mentions it during his 2007 MWSF keynote.
    PS: Jobs states, “iPhone runs OS ten” during the 2007 MWSF iPhone intro at exactly 35 minutes into the video. That is good enough for me to refer to all OS X-based platforms as simply OS X or OS 10, is speaking it.

    Maybe, maybe not. Current documentation (not 1-2 year old press releases) does not say OS X iPhone. Maybe the marketing folks circulated a new copy of the Style Guide.
  • Reply 56 of 148
    I personally think 1.4 ~ 2 million units in a year is a gross underestimate. If this is an iPod Touch on steroids (large-screen format for iApps, wi-fi, special rich-media support, more storage, faster processing, etc.) for $600... it'll sell a lot more than 2 million units in a year... try that number quarterly, if Apple can meet the demand.

    It's not just a Kindle killer. If it's remotely as good as it's envisioned (and I'm sure it will be), it redefines the entire "netbook" category as well...
  • Reply 57 of 148
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    Maybe, maybe not.

    Maybe, may not? ¿Que? I gave you links to Apple’s site using OS X in conjunction with the iPhone and when and when you can find Jobs quoting that it runs OS X. There should be no doubt in your mind that your statement…

    If you look at all of Apple's documentation, whether it be end user or developer documentation, the operating system that runs on the iPhone is never referred to as OS X.

    …. is incorrect.

    PS: X marks the spot…
  • Reply 58 of 148
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Frankly it is currently a favored word of the left when faced with common sense.

    Frankly, no. When in doubt, consult a dictionary.

    It was mentioned for amusement purposes only.
  • Reply 59 of 148
    ajitmdajitmd Posts: 365member
    All these rumors about the tablet plus other positive news of Apple started being published after the stock had tanked below 190 and some accumulation. Then all this pumping started with surgical precision, including the booking of auditorium for some news release. Big money now wants the J6Pack money in.

    Smells like some big money playing games for a quick options money.
  • Reply 60 of 148
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    With college books costing hundreds a pop these days, imagine an always connected tablet that can contain all your low price interactive electronic books, your class notes and hand outs, your schedules and lecture videos and recordings, your magazines, your tunes, TV shows, movies and games etc... Plus it knows who and where you and others are and can communicate and/or guide you to your next destination.

    Wow a lot of industries are going to change folks. Hold on to your hats.

    Time will tell.

    Lol, you wouldn't save even 15% on an electronic copy of a book, and with something like a digital copy you are not able to sell it back so that 300 dollar Organic Chemistry book will just sit and rot digitally..I'd rather buy the paper back and sell it back or just rent the book from a multitude of different online shops.

    Also, laptops do the exact thing, and are better at it than any tablet ever would be and you don't even have a keyboard (typing without looking is a big deal especially in a college course). Even if it has API for a keyboard/mouse that's more loose stuff to carry...might as well just have bought a Macbook for a few hundred more
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